Sunday 22 November 2015

Monday Mix

Hi Everybody!

The weekend has gone by in a flash. 
Have a good start in the new week!

For Art Journal Journey, inspired by autumn colours, I made an A3 mixed media page. The central image is from Alfons Mucha, I love his colourful and vibrant work. The background was painted with yellow and orange, and the surrounding leaves and flowers were stenciled and then edged with gold. The quote was collaged. It proved really true this year, until last week it was like spring, but the mild temperatures have now been blown away by icy winds. 

For our private challenge, 99 faces, I made a hybrid page. The background is a photo taken from my balcony and an old family document. The moon is also one of my photos. The eye and head-profile are my drawings. The eye is looking straight ahead, but I wanted to do it like the old Egyptian sculptures, where the eyes, even when seen from the side, are shown from the front view. The little cherub is a freebie from Freubel's Freebies.

The pictures are from my Saturday walk. The sky was full of clouds, which often looked threatening, but it stayed dry.

The first of the Christmas decorations have gone up here, and one of the shops had a special Christmas booth in front on Saturday:

The Christmas market is already in full swing, with tempting aromas coming from the grilled sausages, potato cakes, Glühwein (mulled, spiced wine) and other tasty things on sale.

Plenty of 'Lebkuchen' (Gingerbread) and burnt almonds, too.

A roundabout for the kids:

And lots of gifts to buy:

Our market is very small here, but there is plenty of 
opportunity to spend money anyway!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Autumn is my favorite time of year but I never thought of it the way your sentiment describes it Valerie. Totally LOVE that thought... for me... it's so true. In fact fall leaves are even prettier than spring flowers to me!!! Your creation is lovely - both of them are so neat to see. Just wanted to touch base and let you know... I haven't forgotten you. I am watching!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as always - loving what I see. Just a few challenges on my end.... so I am way behind! Back to normal soon hopefully!!! Thinking of you. Hugs. j.

  2. Love your journal pages, both are wonderful in different ways. Great photos too, I can almost smell the sausages. Have a good start in the new week, hugs, Sarah

  3. One of these days I might make it to a Christmas market in Germany. They looks so festive and wonderfully quaint compared to the big stores and all the commercialism. I love it. And both of your pieces are great today too. I love the autumn face, and I know what you are saying. The warm fall is really really nice! Hope your weeks starts off an on a great foot.

  4. Ooh, I like these!
    Christmas is just around the corner.
    Okay, mid-twenties:)

  5. Enjoyed your market photos, gets me in the Christmas spirit, but it is so cold here too all of a sudden. Lovely pages and quotes!

  6. Hi Valerie. Loved the early market scenes of Christmas items. Your last three journal and face pages have all been fantastic. For some reason I couldn't access comments so I'm late letting you know I did see them and was so impressed. Today, I went shopping for our US Thanksgiving which is on Thursday. We traditionally have a turkey so I wanted to purchase one before they were all sold out. Have a wonderful, creative week and stay warm. It is icy cold here, but no snow on the ground.

  7. oooohh wow,was für eine wunderwunderschöne seite,gefällt mir mega gut,auch deine gesichtseite ist richtig klasse,wirkt mit den blättern die da rein fallen seh mystisch,das mag ich sehr und ich liebe engel.
    du erinnerst mich daran das ich noch zum weihnachtsmarkt wollte,deine bilder sind wieder toll.
    eine schöne neue woche,hier hat es gestern geschneit.

    hugs jenny

  8. I'm in LOVE. That every flower entry is beyond gorgeous, with the real leaves. You are my hero. I want to make art like you when I grow up.

    I read somewhere years ago about the perspective of the Egyptians who didn't know how to show a side view. I like how you represented the face in that way.

    Great photos of the Christmas items being sold in the market. I think I'm about ready to switch from Autumn's darker colors and start my Christmas entries. Of course, I have to get past Thanksgiving (the US's holiday) first.

    Have a super week, dear, as I know you will!

  9. Two wonderful makes Valerie, it always amazes me how you can come up with something new for your challenges every day.....

    The Christmas market photos look so festive!

  10. A wonderful page with the beautiful artwork in the centre. The faces pages you make never fail to amaze me the ideas are so amazing. I love the colour on this it all looks so peaceful.

    I can recall the smells of a German Christmas market as I went to one almost 30 years ago. I wanted to try everything and even went into a traditional tavern and had the most delicious hot chocolate drink ever. A lot of our cities have 'pretend' German Christmas markets but they will never be the same as the real thing. Thank you for sharing that with us

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie xx

  11. Absolutely beautiful creation, the colours are stunning.xx { aNNie}

  12. bei euch ist schon Weihnachtsmarkt???... ich glaube, bei uns geht es erst nächstes WE los. und wenn ich das richtig sehe, ist das eins der schönen karuselle von petz - er hat seine werkstadt gleich ein paar Kilometer von hier. ich schwärme ja für diese dinger!

    1. Ich weiss nicht von wem es ist, ich schaue nach wenn ich wieder vorbeigehe.

  13. Wonderful art piece Valerie. This is such an icky time of year between the beauty of autumn and winter, but you still manage to find wondrous things to photograph and share. Love it. hugs :)

  14. Wow Valerie! Beide Seiten sind wunderschön! Gut gemacht!!! Und nein... jetzt hab ich den DUft von gebrannten Mandeln und Lebkuchen in der Nase! Nur gut dass ich grad satt bin!
    Was für ein entzückender Weihnachtsmart!
    Sei lieb gegrüßt von
    der späten Susi ( heute noch nicht im Blogmodus angekommen....)

  15. I like your artwork, especially the digital collage of your drawing, photographs, and family writings. I would love to visit the little market in you walk. Blessings, my friend!

  16. Your cloud pictures are always spectacular, the first, especially, is a masterpiece
    Have you ever thought of having an exhibition of your photographs?
    Your blue portrait is magnificent, so much is in it. The blue cherub centres it, that's very clever indeed.

  17. Hi Valerie...Your AJJ Mucha piece is gorgeous... we had a weekend of sudden icy cold weather too but its due to get warmer here again and hopefully feel more autumn like.
    The leaves you've added are lovely.

    The Christmas market looks fabulous - mmmm yummy gingerbread and mulled wine sounds nice and warming :)
    We put up our Christmas tree yesterday so feeling a bit more festive now. Today was my birthday and had a little too much wine with lunch as after that, Dave ordered another Christmas tree for me to decorate with a Steampunk theme. I was enthusiastic at first, but now I've sobered up I'm having second thoughts about the mammoth task ahead ha ha.

    Love your photo of the sky and silhouetted trees - what a fabulous sky! Brilliant photo!
    hope your day going well....Gill xx

    1. Happy belated birthday Sweetie! I am looking forward to seeing your steampunk tree!

  18. Gorgeous art. I love the first page with its orange glow and great quote.

  19. Really gorgeous pages Valerie and I love the Autumnal glow of the first one. I could also do with some of that Gluwein as it's been freezing here and the office heating wouldn't work first thing!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  20. Both pages are really super nice today! The colors are great. Your photos of the river and the market are really extra nice. I haven't been to a Christmas Market yet this year. But I will :)

  21. Seeing the market photos, shows me Christmas is looming up fast, they are wonderful photos today Valerie.
    Love the fantastic pages, especially the blue hybrid one.
    Yvonne xx

  22. Your art today is fabulous - great colours on both! Love the Christmas Market pics - at least with a small market you are less likely to see the same thing on different stalls! Chrisx

  23. Absolutely gorgeous- i am a Mucha fan so this really caught my eye!
    Oh how I wish we had such festivities here or even anywhere near us! Your country embraces this season in such a beautiful way, while I do believe here sadly it is so much more commercial "(
    Thank you for sharing these delightful photos I shall live vicariously through them! hugs xo

  24. I just can't keep up with you - you buxom beauty. As always I loved your pictures. I would dearly love to be able to go to the Christmas Market - maybe one day.
    sandy xx


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