Saturday 7 February 2015

Saturday this and that....

Hi Everybody!
Hope you are all having a great weekend.

I am a bit late with my blog today, as I had a hectic time yesterday with visits to the doctor and the hospital, and was just completely exhausted after it all.

For Art Journal Journey, 'Birds Beasts and Animals',  I have another rather chaotic collage with a bit of everything to share. The background was an A3 brushwipe page with added colour. I had visitors last weekend, and needed to clear the table, so everything I found on it landed here on this journal page. I added some stenciling using stencils from Dina Wakley, CWS and home made, as well as some doodling. This was fun to make!
If you click the link on the sidebar it will take you directly to the AJJ Pinterest Gallery

The weather is cold and clear today, and we had a great dawn and sunrise:

The early morning sun shone onto my tulips in their vase and made these wonderful shadows:

And my shadow went down to the Rhine this morning:

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for coming by! And please don't leave things on the floor where you might be tempted to fall over them, too!


  1. Hi Val, just saw that you had posted! Love your jazzy collage and the wonderful photos. Take care of yourself and give yourself time to heal! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Fabelhaft ist die Seite geworden Valerie... die rockt!
    Die Fotos sind herrlich heute wieder!
    Ich hoffe Du machst Dir einen schönen Abend und alles wird bald wieder gut werden!!!


  3. Oh, stress dich nicht so sehr, liebe Valerie!
    Mit der bunten Collage aber hast du dich selbst wieder aufgemuntert, denke ich.
    Schönen Sonntag von Ulrike

  4. oohh was für eine tolle seite,die rockt echt,wie susi sagt.
    traumhafte bilder hast du wider gemacht.meine güte hast du lange beine *gg*
    hier ist es auch sehr glatt und ich traue mich nicht rad zu fahren,aber spazieren gehen ist auch schön,nicht wahr???hoffe dir geht es wieder besser,und pass auf dich auf.
    ich verspreche auch auf zu passen.
    bussi jenny

  5. Your art page is great, particularly like the butterfly lady. The photography is breathtaking, thank you for sharing.

  6. Love the shadows of the tulips, once you start seeing shadows you see them lots of places.
    That's an interesting way to make a collage and a great result, I can't imagine how you managed to get all these images on there, lots of fussy cutting perhaps? I've gone back to look at it three times and it would make a super conversation piece if it was hanging on your wall.

    1. I am always fascinated by shadows.

    2. Yes, they are shadows of a real thing but can look quite different, maybe because they are 2-dimensional versions and often distorted in an attractive way.

  7. So much to look at in your collage Valerie, I love it. Beautiful photos of sunrise and shadows! Hope your hand is feeling better. Xx

  8. This is a really fun piece Valerie, you can tell that you had fun making it. I hope you're feeling better now xx

  9. Amazing Valerie love all the elements you've added - thanks for sharing your wonderful photos again today

  10. Lovely collage, beautiful sunrise. Glad you got the medical appointments done.

  11. Love your awesome, pile it on collage. So many things to look at. Super photos and shadows today.
    take things easy and get well soon.
    Yvonne xx

  12. lovely page so colorful. interesting and so full of neat images. sorry to hear about your hospital visits. and I like the last shadow photo, great shot

  13. A really beautiful display, love your colours as well as the beautiful image...

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  14. I love your page...lots of fun animals and colors. Those tulip shadows are pretty cool too.

  15. Hope your visits to the docs and the hospital have been useful and you are feeling a little better now.

    Amazing page today with so much brightness and things to admire. You have such a wonderful imagination.

    Terrific photographs as well. I love the shadow on the wall ones they are very unusual.

    Have a good day

    Love Chrissie

  16. It sure is crazy but so fun! Hope your feeling better soon.;)

  17. Looks like you had a lot of fun making this art work, so many wonderful details! Love it! hugs :)

  18. I like the quote you used for this one and especially like the dress the flower pot lady is wearing! I do hope your hand/ribs are not broken! I usually don't need anything under foot to trip, LOL.

    1. My hand and ribs are just bruised but the collarbone is broken!

  19. Sehr schöne Seite...wünsche gute Gesundheit und einen erholsamen Restsonntag - vielen Dank auch für Deinen "Besuch" und Kommentar, viele Grüße Ariane

  20. A fabulous page with so much to look at. Your shadow photos are very good too ((hugs)) :o))

  21. Hi Valerie, great shadows and sky pics. Love your collage and all the interesting details.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Hugs, CM

  22. Awesome collage, love how you gather so many interesting pictures into it! Hope you are feeling a bit better by now, do be careful! ~Diane

  23. Wild and fun! xox

  24. So hoping that they found nothing serious at the hospital and that you just need more time to heal .. Love the journal pages ♥

  25. I love that you used "everything you found on the table" in your collage. It is so lovely to have memories like that tied into your art.
    Your photography is always enjoyable, but I these shadow photos are absolutely delightful.
    I hope you have nothing too serious going on with your health.
    Blessing hugs,

  26. Valerie, so glad you visited my side of the world- thank you!
    This page is so much fun- I love collage and looks like you do too!
    Your shadow play is wonderful, you really captured some some great shots!
    and lastly, I do hope you are okay and that there is nothing too serious- be well and know I am keeping you in my thoughts and prayers- xoxo

  27. What!?! Your collar bone is broken?! Even bruised ribs can be quite painful!
    It does look like you had fun with this collage. So much to look at and I was really surprised to see Venus!
    It is going to take a while to heal but I suspect t you know that. I am so n sorry Valerie.
    Sandy xx

  28. Oh no I do hope you are OK.. You page looks fabulous. It does look like you had a ton of fun with this one. And your photos are just beautiful.



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