Monday 23 February 2015

Monday this and that

Hi Everybody!

It's  another chilly and windy evening here, but we did see the sun for an hour or two today, so that was wonderful.

For Art Journal Journey, Birds, beasts and humans, and for Moo Mania and More, circles, I have made another journal page. The images used are from Gecko Galz and Dina Wakley, over a hand-painted background. I liked this background, so have scanned it and can thus use it again as a print out for future work. I have started doing this with some of my BGs, as it does save a lot of time and paint, especially when trying to produce on a daily basis. I used a white pen for highlighting again.
I am also linking to Simon Monday Challenge, no rules.

I wasn't keen on going out today, as it was very cold and windy, but Karina came and collected me, and we had a nice walk along the Rhine and through our little town. The 'Konditorei' (cake shop and bakery) was open, so we got some wonderful cake to take home and enjoy with our coffee and tea.

This is the little yard behind the florist's; I love
the old houses

I snapped the Protestant Church reflected in the windows of one of the shops:

And the sun shone for us the whole time we were out!

Hope you have all had a great weekend!
Take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely page filled with movement! The sun belies the cold of your walk, lovely photos.

  2. Was für eine wundervolle, gelungene Seite wieder.. diese Elfen sind so hübsch und der HG ist echt ein Sahneschnittchen!

    Gut dass Karina die Idee hatte, war doch toll und schöne Bilder gibt's auch wieder und die Sonne hat sich auch gefreut dass Du draußen warst, sonst hätte sie ja nicht geschienen!
    Einen tollen Wochenstart Valerie!
    AJJ + MMM danken heute im Duett!

  3. Wonderful journal page, with striking images of those gorgeous nymphs! Nice photos, too. Have a good start in the week, hugs, Sarah

  4. Terrific page and the silhouettes are amazing against the background colours. Made me want to dance.

    Beautiful photographs and how clean the bulidings look in the sunshine. Pleased you had a nice walk with a friend.

    Enjoy today

    Love Chrissie xx

  5. A beautiful piece, full of life and movement!

  6. Die tanzenden Elfen passen perfekt zu diesem Hintergrund!
    Puh, hier schneit's wie verrückt - LG Ulrike

  7. Deine zarten Frühlingswesen gefallen mir sehr, liebe Valerie! Der Hintergrund ist fein und feenhaft, sehr magisch. Auch Deine Bildergeschichte von Eurem Spaziergang ist herrlich. Ich mag den kleinen Hof auch sehr, und auch die Spiegelung in der Scheibe.
    Wünsche Dir eine zauberhafte Woche und schicke viele liebe Grüße zu Dir!

    Deine Erika

  8. Der Hintergrund und die tanzenden Elfen strahlen unglaublich viel Dynamik aus.
    Hier ist es grau und Regen und Schnee wechseln sich ab - ohne meine Hunde würde ich bei dem Wetter keinen Fuß vor die Tür setzen :-)

    1. Hier ist es eiskalt, windig und es regnet non-stop - ich bleibe heute fest Zuhause!

  9. Photography is tops love the views and love your wonderful Gorgeous creation and delightful colours love your added beauties.xx aNNie ♥

    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  10. A really lovely page Valerie and what a good idea to copy your backgrounds. You have such a picturesque town to wander around, the pics are great. Xx

  11. Terrific painting, Valerie, with so much movement and life. It's such a good idea to print your backgrounds and you can also change the colours, so you can now have your cake and eat it.
    I always love your architectural photos, I especially like the first photo of the little yard.

  12. wunderschöne Fotos... ich liebe Silhouetten Motive auch sehr! und hintergründe scanne ich auch, aber eigentlich meistens, um einen eigenen Fundus für digitales arbeiten zu haben. dieser hier ist sehr schön!

  13. Der Hintergrund ist wirklich wunderschön, ein tolle Seite hast du gestaltet. Hier war es gestern auch ziemlich kühl, aber in der Sonne war es trotzdem angenehm (entsprechend dick angezogen). Heute schneit es schon wieder :(

  14. Beautiful dancer Valerie!
    Thanks for sharing your photos of your trek out- lovely! xo

  15. Beautiful art, I love the background and the beautiful images. The walk looked lovely but cold. It's minus 20 here this morning, it's been an extremely cold winter and we have 5 feet of snow piled up beside our driveway. I'm looking forward to Spring very much, but I think we have a long wait. Take care, Shirleyxx

  16. Wonderful artwork today Valerie! I love the silhouetted fairies on that fabulous background! Great photos today! See you tomorrow, hugs :)

  17. Fun page and beautiful photos from your walk! Cake is always a good motivator!

  18. Nice to have friends to walk with. Love your sprites, that's how I think of them anyway, playing in nature. xox

  19. oohh vlarie,deine seite ist so wunderschön,ich mag die figuren die so grazös spielen,einfach klasse.
    deine bilder sind auch wider schön,und bestimmt hat der kuchen zum cafe geschmeckt,ich bin im moment auf einen kuchen trip und esse nur kuchen,hihi,meine figur lässt es sich ansehen.
    schönen tag dir.


  20. Beautiful page ♥♥♥♥♥ Love that you had a friend to walk with and the photos are amazing. Like a travel advertisement for your village :)

  21. Love those darling mystical dancers. The background reminds me of a waterfall.
    What a lovely walk; so many pretty things to see.

  22. Stunning painting with fantastic dancer silhouettes and great idea to scan the background. Great photos too. Hugs, Mar

  23. I just love the imagery on this piece of work. Dance movements just speak to me, I am not a great dancer but only today I definitely danced like no body was watching me ;) lol

  24. Awesome painting you can see the movement in those dancers. Super photos especially the one with the reflections in the window.
    Yvonne xx

  25. First love your page and pictures looks like a lovely town

  26. This is really a striking piece! It is filled with such a wonderful sense of movement! The background has such rich color and texture and I think it's brilliant of you to scan it so you can use it over and over again. I love the blending of the greens and blues and the black shapes and silhouettes really pop against it. You did an amazing job and I'm so glad you shared this with us for this week's Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge!

  27. Einfach wunderschön!!! Wunderbare frische Farben und diese dunklen und feinen Silhouetten als Kontrast dazu. Pure Leichtigkeit!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette

  28. LOVE your art with those beautiful, beautiful silhouettes Valerie! despite the cold you managed to share really lovely pics-love the old buildings too:)

  29. Lightly lilting and so uplifting your delicate fairy silhouettes are dear Valerie = Beautiful piece!
    Just the word "Konditorei" makes my mouth water...lucky you to enjoy sweet times with your lovely friend in the magical place you call home ♥

  30. Beautiful background paper and looks lovely with those images too! Glad you had a fun day. ~Diane

  31. Hi Valerie, I just love your creation with the silhouette figures. So fairy charming!!!
    What a wonderful walk with a nice friend. So glad you had a bit of sun while you girls were out about town.
    Have a nice day.
    Hugs, CM


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