Monday 2 February 2015

More Birds, beasts and humans

Hi Everybody!

Hope you have enjoyed your weekend. Have a good start in the new week!

For Art Journal Journey I have made another A3 journal page. For the background I sprinkled brushos onto a damp page and then sprayed with more water to get the colours moving. I used stencils from Dina Wakley with black acrylic paint for the faces. The  elephant was also made with a stencil, but I don't know the manufacturer. The steampunk birds with human faces are from Paper Artsy. I stamped them onto tissue paper with archival black and embossed with extra fine EP. The quote is from DH Lawrence, and was hand-written.

We had another grey day here with rain and sleet showers. Not many people were about today, but lots of seagulls, who enjoyed my leftover bread.

The ducks didn't seem to mind the weather either!

Have a great day you all, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by.


  1. The colors in your art journal are wonderful - I love the richness of them. The Dina Wakley stencils look good, I love the bird on it! Beautiful writing - I admire everyone who has beautiful handwriting; my own is awful!

  2. Lovely page encompassing the theme perfectly with that quote. The birds made me think spring is not far off today. In reality we are in the dead of winter over here.

  3. Good Morning Valerie. What fabulous pages, so very colourful too. Love your winter scene pictures, you have captured the birds and the wintery day. Some beautiful sunshine here in the last few days, but icy cold outdoors. Hugs Rita xxx

  4. Wonderful page, I thought yesterday's one was the tops, but this tops it again! Great colours and style! Have a nice day, hugs, Sarah

  5. Wow all those seagulls and ducks...gorgeous. Beautiful creation once again with gorgeous stamp/image and colour combo...xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  6. Guten Morgen, liebe Valerie! Deine Vögel und Gesichter sind superschön geworden. Ich mag die Gesichter, weil sie wie kleine Monde über allem zu schweben scheinen. Eine tolle Arbeit.
    Eine schöne Woche wünsche ich Dir!

  7. The birds certainly take centre stage today even the ones on your artwork. Love the bright colours and the way you let them run down the page to blend together.

    Have a great day


  8. This made me smile Valerie, that gorgeous elephant has a look of surprise, must be the bird that's just landed on it's back! Enjoy your Monday. Xx

  9. Eine schöne, fröhliche Seite wieder - viel Farbe in dieser trüben Jahreszeit! Ich glaub, ich muss auch mal wieder sprühen...
    LG Ulrike

  10. Eine traumhaft schöne Arbeit Valerie und herrliche Fotos!
    Schöne neue Woche für Dich!


  11. A fabulous page, beautiful colours and I love the elephant and bird.
    xxx Hazel.

  12. Beautiful!
    Love the little faces.

  13. This is my favorite of the two pages you've done for the month's AJJ thus far. I love the rich color combination you used, as well as your fabulous lettering in this surreal page. Blessings!

  14. Absolutely beautiful! I like how you did the printing this time!

  15. wow schöne stencils hast du,und deine seite hat herrliche farben,deine bilder sind auch wieder klasse,ich war auch nicht untätig und hab aus eine rot weiß gestreifetn wäschebeutel eine bluse genäht,dann habe ich noch die rot weiß karierte tischdecke da dran genäht,hhi.und nun ist es ein kleid.
    angefangen hat alles damit das mein schatz in dem katolog genau ausah als wäre es aus einer tischdecke gemacht,schwupps war die idee geboren up zu cyclen,ich kann nur sagen sieht prima aus und passt toll zu mir,hahaha.kein mensch würde merken woraus es gemacht ist,nun warte ich noch auf meinen plotter damit ich bügelbildchen drauf machen kann,ich freu mich schon seeehr.
    hab einen schönen sonntag,liebes.

    knuddel jenny

  16. Wow Valerie, that filigree elephant is just stunning! Love the stark black on the fiery background! Just wonderful photos too!! hugs :)

  17. Another great colorful page to please us!!! Love the elephant stencil and the steampunk bird :)
    All of the birds in the photos look so happy and content with their cold wetness,..... BURRRRRR!

  18. love your take on the challenge, the color and the stencils they all work together, and love the birds.

  19. Gorgeous Valerie, I love your elephant, and aren't the Brusho's fab! It's looking a bit chilly over there at the moment ! xx

  20. I love that quote, very inspiring to say the least. The vivid colours and flow of the quote draw you in. Its great cheers T x

  21. What an imaginative colourful page.
    It looks like not much h*******k will be done this month again!
    You are really rocking at AJJ.
    Funny how the ducks and seagulls don't mind the wet weather, you would think they would want to come in and sit by the fire.

  22. Loving the bright colours and your elephant. x

  23. Love the fabulous journal page, the colours have brightened a dull winter day.The elephant looks super.
    Yvonne xx

  24. Was für eine tolle Seite - die Farben sind einfach nur schön.

  25. Hi Valerie, this journal page is really special. Love the bright colors bringing warmth on the cold winter day. We went from 80 to the 30's and it's so cold now. What happened to our weather?? LOL
    Have a great week.

  26. Another beautifully bright and cheery page. That quote is very good :o))

  27. Super toll die Gesichtsstencils hab ich auch und noch nie benutzt, Du hast mich richtig inspiriert damit, die Seite ist prima kombiniert und eingefärbt. Die Fotos sind auch wieder Spitze.
    LG Anja

  28. What a fun collage sheet you have made, love the bird on her head and your signature quotes too. Looks very cold there indeed. ~Diane

  29. that background is absolutely gorgeous !

  30. I love all the bright glorious color here...very well done. Your photos are lovely too

  31. Wonderful artwork as always Valerie - fabulous photo's but yes it does look very cold

  32. Another amazing page - this is a favourite for me - such vivid colours and something so moving in the faces.
    Alison xx

  33. Auch eine sehr sehr schöne Seite! Die Farben sind super! :-)

  34. What a beautiful, vibrant and fanciful journal page!

  35. Deine Stencilvögel passen supergut zu den Möwen, finde ich. Wie die wohl mit Krönchen aussehen würden??
    Tolle Seite, hatte wieder viel Spaß!


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