Saturday 14 February 2015

Birds and Beasts

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Here in Rhineland Carnival is still in full swing, and the main celebrations and parades will be on Monday.
I will not be going along, I do not like being in the middle
of big crowds!

For Art Journal Journey, Birds beasts and humans I have made another A4 journal page. The background has been painted with water colours and some sprays. The animals and trees were made with stencils using soot black DI and outlined in white. The quote is from Nelson Mandela.

Today started off with a clear sky:

The sunrise was beautiful again:

The usual visitors came to my balcony:

I enjoyed the blue sky over the fields and the Rhine:

The gulls and ducks were having fun:

All in all, a great day!

Have a wonderful day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Love your Africa page - I was expecting you to post in the morning! Great photos, too, have a nice evening! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Yes, I was expecting to post in the morning too, but I pressed the wrong button!

  2. Such beautiful colour on your jounal Valerie and echoed more softly by your photos too.
    Have a lovely day too.
    Fliss xx

  3. A wonderful,African page with fabulous background colours. Send over some of your sunshine please, we've had a couple of dark rainy days! Have a lovely Sunday. Xx

  4. Love your African page, you can feel the heat from the colours as well as some cool. The quote you used was super.
    Yvonne xx

  5. What a beautiful art journal page!!!
    So Rosenmontag is coming up - I'm not much of a Karneval fan myself. I envy you for the Amseln - I think the Amsel is the bird I miss the most here.

  6. An awesome journal page that truly honors Nelson Mandela. Beautiful word. Beautiful work. Great photography as always Valerie. I am with you. Not much for large crowds. I that respect the wife tells me I would be a good monk. - Jim

  7. Beautiful Africa page with great colours, I love the way you created the stunning background. Great photos too.
    Hugs, Mar

  8. Love your African pages Valerie. They look so colourful. When I was at college I was lucky enough enough to sew with real African print material. Love your pictures too. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. Fabulous Africa photos with an iconic quote :o))

  10. Beautiful page and photos today!

  11. Wow - was für ein genialer Hintergrund und eine herrliche Szene darüber... wunderschön!
    Ja ich würde mich auch drücken vor solchen Karnevalansammlunge..versteh ich Dich gut!
    Wunderschön sind die Deine Fotos heute wieder.. der blaue Himmel über den Feldern sieht wie ein Gemälde aus!

    Einen schönen Sonntag Valerie!

  12. Tweet, tweet my lovely--thank you for the very beautiful photographs that bring nature into the craft room. Couldn't resist saving one the photographs for a project.

    Such a beautiful page you made. I love the giraffes and the wonderful tree shapes made even better with the white outlines. If only the quote could come true.

    Love Chrissie

  13. You always put together the most amazing scenes in your artwork! Gorgeous Valerie! hugs :)

  14. Wow, du machst so schöne Fotos. Die Sonnenuntergänge sind traumhaft eingefangen und deine Afrika-Seite ist ganz großes Kino! Echt super-schön!

    LG, Sylvia

  15. This is a beautiful tribute to Mandala, who was a true hero and leader for the world. I love the ethereal feel you achieved on the watercolored background. Blessings!

  16. Your photo spread is stunning and that journal page is breathtaking Valerie! xo

  17. Oh Valerie!! I really love this one!! The colors are fantastic and I love the stencils and effects you used. A great quote from Nelson too. Nice photos too... we are expecting a HUGE snow storm later today and tomorrow. It will be our first big snow of the season if it happens. Almost looking forward to it... it's always so pretty after a big snow...before it gets all mucked up.

  18. Beautiful journal page and quote too. ~Diane

  19. Lovely and colourful creativity and photos. Thank you for sharing!

  20. Deine Journalpage strahlt so viel Wärme aus!
    ...und die schönen Bilder verschenken bereits einen Hauch von Frühling.
    Ich habe den Sonnentag heute auch sehr genossen, aber die Luft war doch noch recht kalt.
    LG Ulrike

    1. Es war knackig kalt hier auch, aber die Sonne tut so gut!

  21. I really love those silhouettes on your super gorgeous background. I love your imaginative and colourful landscape.
    hugs & smiles,

  22. Hi Valerie, I just love this page you created and the cobalt blue is stunning. The sunrise is gorgeous and I always love seeing your bird photos.
    Have a wonderful Sunday.
    Hugs, CM

  23. Another beautiful journal page. I especially like the way you outlined the stencil in white. More photos to please the eye for a great morning.


  24. Your artwork today is stunning, with the intense colours and dark stencilling.
    It's beautiful the way you have outlined in white.

  25. Love your colourful artwork, Valerie!

  26. Wow! Gorgeous work, Valerie! My favorite colors blended so beautifully! Hugs to you!

  27. Lovely powerful image on Valentine's Day. Mr. Mandela sure loved his Africa. xox

  28. Beautiful Valerie - this piece really evokes thoughts of Africa - I can feel the heat!
    Sandy xx


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