Monday 19 January 2015

Inspired by....

Hi Everybody!

The weekend has flown by here.
After my busy day yesterday I slept well and was able to go for a long walk this morning. It's getting colder again, but it did stay dry, and the water in the Rhine is slowly going down again.

For Art Journal Journey I made another Painting inspired by Rosina Wachtmeister. I couldn't resist having another play with those cats. The background was a brush-wipe page, which was stamped and then spritzed with some specks of white and gold and sprinkled with fairy dust. I added more colour with pan pastels. The cats were drawn with my stencils onto gessoed paper and coloured with felt pens and pan pastels. The flowers and sun were collaged. I have now packed the cat stencils into my stencil drawer, but I am sure they will be taken out again at a later date!

The woodpecker visited again this morning, hungry as always.

I met these woolly jumpers on my walk today:

It was very cold and windy at the lake, so I din't stop there long.

At Schloss Kalkum I enjoyed the winter flowering tree:

This bird was busy looking for worms:

The sky was very dramatic, with lots of black clouds. The sun kept struggling to make an appearance:

I love this view from the tow-path, with the old canon on the wall, the little houses behind the wall, and the basilica in the background.

The castle ruins made a strong silhouette:

The evening sky was beautiful with delicate ice-cream colours.

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Nice work on the cats, glad the river is receding. Lovely photos today Valerie!

  2. Valerie, your painting is awesome. Love the vibrant colors you've used.
    Your photos are wonderful as always!

    Have a great week!
    Gaby xox

  3. So glad to see the cats again, they are such fun! We need these gay colours just now! Lovely photos of you walk, too. Have a good start in the week, hugs, Sarah

  4. Great to see those happy cats on a Monday morning! We've had our first taste of winter overnight, unfortunately it's not beautiful white powdery snow but hard icy slush! Xx

  5. Wundervoll nochmal Deine Rosina Wachtmeister Katzen zu treffen hier...oh ja ..pack Deine Schablone bald wieder aus Valerie!
    Eine ganz besonders schöne Arbeit und ich mag dass Du die Prima Flowers dazu kombiniert hast! Sieht so frisch aus und die Fotos heute lassen auf baldigen Frühling hoffen mit diesen Knospen...
    dass diese Schafe soo langes Haar haben? die sehen toll aus...
    Danke heute hast Du uns wieder mit tollen Fotos verwöhnt!
    Bussi und hab nen schönen Tag !

  6. Love the silhouette photographs-well I love all the photographs really :)

    Great artwork again and it would brighten any day to see that hung on a wall.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie

  7. The cats are really nice looking and seems to be very clever, too.
    Have a wonderful week,
    hugs xx

  8. Fabulous cats Valerie. You have such a great talent. Love the pictures as always. Have a Good Day. Hugs Rita xxx

  9. Guten Morgen für die fröhlichen Katzen! Bunt tut einfach gut.
    Eine gute Woche für dich von Ulrike

  10. Ich mag deine Rosina-Katzen sehr! Auch deine Modigliani-Interpretationen gefallen mir sehr gut.
    Du hast mich inspiriert...vielleicht werde ich auch noch mal Rosina-Katzen malen.
    Liebe Grüße - Kathy

  11. I'm not surprised you like making these cat pictures, they look terrific and they also look as if they would be great fun to make. I like the orange flowers and the pretty sun too.
    Great photos of the birds and buildings and sky, love your walks in your beautiful area.

    1. They are fun, but I have put them away for the time being, sometimes we need to try something new!

  12. YAY, more cats, I just love your cats! You're right, that sky is dramatic, wow!! Great photos! Have a wonderful day Valerie! hugs :)

  13. Lovely colorful cats! Those woolies look nice and warm!

  14. Your walks must be a real inspiration to you, as your artwork is always so beautiful. I am not familiar with Rosina's work, but I love your whimsical cubist cats. Blessings!

  15. More cats! I love them ! I hope you are doing well, Shirleyxx

  16. Love all that orange in your cat pages. Such cute kitties. Nice photos. Especially like the sheep and their wooly coats. They needed them it looks like. xox

  17. Hi Valerie, The background you designed is really gorgeous and highlights the cats so well.
    Can't believe you have buds blooming already. WOW Great walking pics!

  18. Yay. More cute kitties. I love that background and those flowers are sweet. hugs, Teresa

  19. Oh dear friend I am in Heaven when I am on your blog. Thank you thank you so much for sharing your beautiful art and pictures. I adore your cats and the photos are such a blessing in my life.
    susan s

  20. Brilliant cats and fabulous colours - I love them.
    xxx Hazel.

  21. So happy to see the cats again ♥♥ You know how much I love them ♥ Beautiful photos again. Love the "woolly friends"

  22. Oooh I love these cats in their bold bright colours. I know the sheep have a woolly jacket on, but I always think they'll have such cold feet lol xx

  23. hach,ist das ein schönes katzenpaar,du hast tolle farben gewählt,und sie sind so veriebt,einfach nur schön.
    deine himmelsbilder sind großartig,am besten gefälklt mir der mit grau zugezogene himmel,das ist so schön mytsreious.
    hab eine schöne neue woche,sweetie.


  24. I think your cat pages are becoming my favourites. Awesome colours. loved the photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  25. Oh I do love those cats!!! ((hugs)) :o)

  26. I so want to start making cats soon. I have a wonderful blondish orange tabby who is a year old. I just got to let myself play. Its hard for me to just play, Im in process I feel of like my own art therapy. To create is to let yourself be and forget everything else.

  27. Your cats are delightful and your use of color is absolutely glorious! I also love that cloud picture.
    Sandy xx

  28. Oh my how I love the cats you are creating! These are so whimsical and joyful to look at! What a great series Valerie! Xo

  29. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your projects here. So bright and colorful.


  30. Ich liebe diese Katzen ..... soooooooooooo schön.


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