Friday 2 January 2015

A cat, birds and more

Hi Everybody!
Hope you all had a good start in the new year.

Today started very misty and freezing cold, but the sun struggled through and gave us some blue skies later in the day, and it was great walking weather.

For Art Journal Journey I have another page for our theme 'Inspired by the masters II', and this time I was inspired by the contemporary Austrian artist Rosina Wachtmeister. She paints pictures which are always happy - smiling, stylised cats painted against bright and beautiful backgrounds, sunny landscapes - pictures which are full of life and whimsy.

I used a brush wipe / try out sheet in A3 for my background. I added some colour with my lovely, new pan-pastels.  I drew the cat freehand and blocked it in with white gesso. Then I painted it with acrylics, oil pastels and felt pens.  The sun was cut from self-adhesive yellow paper, and I dusted some pan pastels in red and yellow round it. A few flowers and birds, some washi tape, and a quote - that was it.

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted, as always, by Eva and Kristin.

Morning mist

The sun beginning to push through

Frozen leaves and grass

Hungry herons:

and a sweet little robin

Blue skies

and a beautiful, winter sunset.

Have a great day you all!
Take care, and thanks for coming by!


  1. Wonderful creation here fabulous design and gorgeous colour tones. LOVE the
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  2. Dein Bild ist so klasse - ich mag Rosina Wachtmeister. Hier war auch ein sonniger Tag gestern - im Augenblick ist es etwas stürmisch - mal schauen wie der Tag wird.
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  3. Lovely winter photos today. I like the cheery piece inspired by that artist, thanks for the brief introduction too.

  4. Love your cat painting! And the photos are fabulous. It's always cool to see through the eyes of your camera. Happy PPF!

  5. I adore that cat! Love the photos. Happy PPF

  6. I LOVE this funny, fat cat, really wonderful! Great photos too! Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

  7. What a fantastic piece of artwork Valerie. I haven't heard of this artist so will be going to find her on Google for sure.

    How lovely to see a whole day in photographs and to meet even more of your bird friends as well. Terrific.

    Blustery here and I am off out at 8.15am

    Have a wonderful day

    Love Chrissie x

  8. Joyful and interesting interpretation from The Master. Love this.
    Hugs xx

  9. Fantastic artwork Valerie and adore your quirky cat!
    Lovely pics too especially the gorgeous frosty leaves and little robin.
    Happy New Year!
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  10. I just love those cats, :) cats and birds, a dangerous combination! Lovely photos valerie, a happy new year to you.

  11. die katze sieht freundlich ausmrosina wachtmeister mag ich auch sehr gern,ich habe von ihr katzenbettwäsche.
    schön sind die bilder heute,beson

    ders die wasser bilder.

    GLG Jeannette
    hab einen schönen tag.

    1. Bettwäsche klingt gut, ich hab ein paar Geschirrtücher!

  12. Was für eine tolle Seite Valerie! Gefällt mir sehr, sher gut!
    Ich hatte Rosina Wachtmeister auf meiner Ideenliste im November, aber irgendwie hab ich sie dann wieder aus den Augen verloren,wie so oft, weil ich mir zuviel vornehme!(wozu ich mir To DO Listen schreiben weiss ich eigentlich gar nicht?!

    Die Fotos sind sooo schön!
    Hab einen tollen Freitag Valerie!
    Happy PPF - Happy AJJ!

  13. Great pics Valerie and I LOVE your painting. I recognise the style but didn't know the name of the artist. It was an incredibly mild 12 degrees here yesterday but I believe the cold snap is coming! Have a great day. Xx

  14. Valerie, absolutely love your cat. Fab photos as always. Happy 2015! Jean.x

  15. I absolutely LOVE your cat!!!!! And once again fantastic pictures...

  16. Rosina Wachtmeister erinnert mich an meine Jugend :-) damals (vor ca 25 Jahren) war sie glaube ich besonders beliebt. Deine Wachtmeister-katze gefällt mir sehr!
    Ich werde bei euch mal reinschauen in Art Journal Journey!
    Ein gutes neues Jahr dir!
    LG Ilona

  17. Great job with your cat Valerie, I love the highlighting you did with the white! Those images of the frozen leaf and grass are amazing, wow...excellent shots! until next time, hugs :)

  18. Gorgeous painting, I love your cat. I used to have a minature tea pot with this artists work on it. (not sure where it went, I think it was broken). You've done such a great job of working in the same style. Your photographs are beautiful, I love the misty ones and the frost on the leaves. Have a great day, Shirleyxx

  19. You certainly captured the "colorful, life, and whimsey" style inspired by this artist! Great photos today--the heron and frosty leaves are beautiful!

  20. I'm not familiar with this artist but looking at your fabulous kitty I need to check her out. I love your piece.

  21. What a fabulous piece you created Valerie!
    I adore every detail...your cat is really wonderful.
    We took some photos of frosty leaves yesterday too :-)
    lovely atmospheric photos as always...TFS

  22. Hi Valerie, I love your cat pAINTING. I AM UNFAMILIAR WITH a3 WIPE OFF? YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS ARE WONDERFUL. I WILL BE CHECKING ON YOUR INSPIRATION MASTER, AND YOUR JOURNAL CHALLENGE SITE. OOPs, I didn't realize I had mistakenly gone to CAPS! I am not shouting at you. :>)

    1. Those caps! It happens to me all the time! My brush wipe sheet is just a page I use to wipe the colour off my brushes and try out colour mixtures! I mostly use them as BGs when the page is full!

    2. Thanks, Valerie. have a good week.

  23. Yes, pictures of exquisite winter! Light and color !! I love your cat!

  24. Really wonderful Valerie! Wishing you good health and fortune for the New Year!
    Sandy xx

  25. I love seeing your art and your world. Both are beautiful!

  26. The cat is awesome! What a great and fun style!

  27. Hi Valerie, your art is always amazing and this is no exception. Love the pics and the frosted leaf is my favorite. The robin gives us hope that spring will come eventually.
    Happy New Year my friend.

  28. Marvelous cat, Valerie! I wish I had 1/2 your imagination. It's fun to use leftover scraps and brush wipe papers. Great job.

  29. omgosh! I love your cat!! What a great piece of art ! well done Valerie!! xo

  30. Fantastic Painting Valerie-love tat background! Your wintry photos are lovely too. Stay warm, and happy PPF!

  31. Your cat is simply superb! ((hugs))

  32. Happy new year Valerie. I've never heard of this artist but I'm intrigued to see her work as i do love whimsy. Your cat is wonderful & great background colours!

  33. LOVE,LOVE, LOVE your journal page♥♥♥♥♥ Beautiful assortment of photos again today also. Love the ones with the frost and the one with the mist :) Have a great day and now I'm off to check out the artist.

  34. Your journal page is wonderful - I love the cat's face (and the white lines on the black body are great)!
    Wishing you many more blue skies in 2015!

  35. Beautiful! The cat is really wonderful along with the verse you included.


  36. A lovely colourful page and great photos too. Thankyou for visiting.

  37. Valerie this piece is an absolute favourite, I love everything about this wonderful creative cat, a number one! As for the wintery photos I love them, Winter is a favourite season for me and I delight in the beautiful Winter light!

  38. What a wonderful piece. I love that cute fat cat. And I adore your photography.

  39. I really like the rich, contrasting colours in your background and how you wrapped the quote around the creatively designed kitty.
    Blessings of peace and friendship to you in 2015.

  40. Love this, that cat makes me smile! Beautiful photos of the frozen leaves and the morning mist too. Big hugs, ~Diane

  41. Fantastic page Valerie, love the cat and the quote. Will be off to do a bit of a search to find out more about this artist.
    Yvonne xx

  42. Oh what a darling cat! You make it all seem so easy. And as always I so enjoy the pictures of your world around you! Beautiful!

    BTW, I am out visiting today and have seen a couple posts linking up to PPF. I was wondering why until I just now realized it was FRIDAY! The holidays have messed up my days somehow! Well, I am glad I finally got it before I went any further, lol! Have a great day and hopefully a good laugh on me. Hugs!

    1. Thanks! I can so relate to getting the days mixed up, I kept thinking it must be Sunday all week as everything was closed....I am sure this has happened to a lot this week!

    2. Yes to late for me to post on PPF, but I am slowly getting caught up visiting and have a new workshop to start so it's probably best I missed it this week.

  43. Terrific cat with the flowers and the flowery washi tape, all just my kind of thing.
    What a great theme this was and is again.
    Love the robin, of course, and the wonderful photo of the benches looking on to the lovely river and sky.

  44. Happy New Year Valerie and Best Wishes for 2015
    I adore this creation and your amazing cat. Gorgeous background and the vibrant colours superb

    Hugs Annie x

  45. Oh! I do love this!! It's sooo joyous and fun!! Great photos as always. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year!

  46. I love this master so full of whimsy and your artwork is fabulous!! Love it!! A wonderful message too and great photography as always! A very good way to document you life in walks!

    Hugs Giggles

  47. This cat is super cute, lovely!
    Happy New Year!!!!!!

  48. Einfach wunderbar! So farbenfroh und fröhlich ... und dieser schelmische Blick der Katze ... herrlich!
    Wunderbare Winter-Fotos!
    LG, Annette

  49. Oh, that cat is so cute, love the textures you've used and the colors are so joyful!! Happy New Year, Valerie!

  50. Soooo toll dein Katzenbild, so fröhlich und positiv! Ich liebe es! - Ulrike

  51. What a fabulous kitty. I am not even really a cat person, but this one I would welcome in. Hard to be a cat person with 5 dogs. LOL

  52. Happy New Year! Your cats are wonderful and your photos awesome.

  53. Love your color choices on your cat piece! Wonderful photos, as usual - and so fun to see how different your robins look from ours in Missouri! Happy PPF!

  54. such creativity on your page. Love your cat :)

  55. You have me addicted to your cat art. I adore your colors you use. I also love your photography.

  56. Wow an awesome piece of art

    Wonderful photos, as always, keep them coming

    x Hilda

  57. Wonderful painting, love the pastel look. The Heron and Robin look so different than mine. They are so precious. Love the pics too. Blessings, Janet PPF

  58. I absolutely love everything about this piece! The kitty is delightful and the background is beautiful.


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