Thursday 29 January 2015

Art Journal Journey and More....

Hi Everybody!

My post is rather later in the day than usual, as I was feeling really bad
last night, and just needed to get to bed asap. I had a long and deep 
sleep and woke up feeling oodles better today, for which
I am most thankful.

My project today is for Art Journal Journey, Inspired by the masters. The challenge ends on Saturday, so hope some more of you will be inspired by then!
Although on Sunday there will be a new challenge!)
I am also linking to Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and to Moo Mania and More, masculine.

I used an A3 brush wipe sheet for the background - I always have a lot of those floating around my kitchen! I drew the portrait of Armand Roulin from Van Gogh onto paper, painted it with water colours and pastel chalks, and glued it to the background.  I added some shading and text round the head. Van Gogh painted many portraits of the family Roulin while he was in Arles, and I will probably be trying to do some others sooner or later. The quote, 'Paintings have a life of their own that derives from the painter's soul' is from Vincent Van Gogh.

The sky was very cloudy early this morning, with just a few patches where the light showed through.

I love seeing the twinkling lights of airport city in the distance.

The crow, hawk and a magpie had a another slanging match this morning - this time the hawk won.

Later on he was back in another tree, looked right, left and then swooped off - I think he spotted his lunch!

Have a great day you all, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, I was wondering why your blog didn't pop up this morning, look after yourself! Love your
    Val-Gogh painting, and the photos are wonderful, as always! Have a good day, and get plenty of rest! Hugs, Sarah

  2. hello from a rather snowy Scotland. I have enjoyed my pop round to your blog today :) T x

  3. Glad to hear you are feeling better! Hugs!

  4. Glad u are feeling better. Wonderful inspired art for PPF and lovely skies and bird photos!

  5. I'm so glad that you are better Valerie. A good sleep can do wonders :D
    I think your painting is fabulous :o))

  6. Glad you are better. No fun to feel unwell and sleep is the best thing. wonderful portrait. Love the hawk. xox

  7. Valerie, very nice to hear you are feeling much better! Love your painted portrait and that wonderful background. Great photos and love the hawk and friends! Enjoy!

  8. So glad you are feeling better!!!! I love your Van Gogh!. ♥ Van Gogh is one of the first MASTERS I ever became intrigued with. In my radical youth I once spent an entire night with a friend painting "Starry Night " on my bedroom ceiling.I loved it but mt landlord was not as appreciative .He deducted $200 from my deposit refund when I moved out...didn't bother me until I found out he didn't repaint it but rented the apartment as is and told the new renters they had to leave it on the ceiling :(

    1. This story really made me laugh, that landlord was a nasty man, but he did appreciate your art!

  9. Love your Van Gogh and the buzzard is quite a sight, we get a lot of them just out the back of our garden as we back onto woodland - I love to hear them calling when they are circling high above :-)


  10. A great painting Valerie, all your portraits have been fabulous. Glad that your feeling better after your long sleep, hopefully it was just a 24 hour bug. Take good care. Xx

  11. Fabulous portrait and I love the background. Glad you are feeling better. It's amazing what a good sleep can do.
    Blessing hugs,

  12. Amazing painting Valerie with a dream like quality.

    Love the photographs and especially the ones of the hawk with his eagle eye just waiting for any passersby.

    Hope you sleep well tonight

    Love Chrissie

  13. Your Van Gogh inspired portrait is amazing, fabulous artwork, and it looks good against the yellow background.
    You have such amazing views from your balcony, the airport, the birds and the skyscapes, a good place to recover in.

  14. Valerie this is excellent! It really attracts and holds the eye, it glows with energy and has certainly captivated me! Great work my friend! I'm happy to hear you are feeling better, keep warm and well,

  15. Marvelous painting for your art journal, Valerie.

  16. Hi Valerie, glad you are feeling better. Sometime we just need a good rest. Your creation is beautiful and those eyes look so real in bright blue. They seem to match the gorgeous sky you share too.
    Lovely birds.
    Have a great day and keep well!!

  17. Gorgeous artwork Valerie and such lovely photos too especially those dark sky ones.
    Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well and hope you feel much better tomorrow.
    Fliss xx

  18. Happy to hear you are feeling better and that it was just an end of the day blah feeling...
    it is good to listen to our bodies and there is no substitute for rest.
    What you have created here is hauntingly beautiful...
    those blue eyes and the quote extra nice against your special background too!
    Caw Caw oxo

  19. Fabulous portrait, the eyes are mesmerizing. Love today's photos as well.
    Yvonne xx

  20. Sorry to read that you haven't been feeling well.
    Those eyes are extraordinary. I hope I catch the others you will be creating as I have always been fascinated by his art.
    Take good care.

    1. I have planned several van Gogh paintings for February.

  21. Stunning Valerie, yet another master piece, you are really rocking it with those portraits! Good you are feeling better again, a good night's sleep can do wonders!

  22. This is such a super gorgeous image. You have made the most exquisite journal page and love the photos
    ..xx{The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  23. Glad to know you woke up feeling much better. Fascinating portrait-the eyes are mesmerizing and really draw you in. Although the hawks are interesting to watch , as soon as I spot one in my yard I chase it away because I have cleaned up too many feathers and do NOT like it one bit-even though I know that's life.

  24. Hope you are feeling much better. I love this painting. I have missed your photos.

  25. I'm glad you're feeling better. Your painting is wonderful. I love the vibrant colors. Well done. The second photo of the tree with the blue and white sky is stunning. It really caught my eye.
    Happy PPF!

  26. The painting is fantastic, and omg, the photos! I love them!

  27. Ein tolles Bildnis und schöne Fotos, Valerie

  28. Stunning artwork! I love him so much....the colour and composition are fab! Glad you're feeling better. Sounds a bit like a flu thing I had with a fever though. Hugs Giggles

  29. Very bright and cheerful piece. Glad your feeling better today.
    ~ karen

  30. I'm glad you're feeling better Valerie, I love your portrait, the colours are fabulous.
    xxx Hazel.

  31. Glad to hear that you're feeling better.

    I love the combination of yellow and blue, it's so powerful!

  32. Glad you woke up feeling better. This is a lovely portrait - there is a very haunting quality about the eyes.

  33. Valerie, I love the portrait and hope to see more of that sort of art on your blog. It is really beautiful.

  34. Your painting is cool! I like that blue, his mystery eyes...well done!
    Your post inspires me to post about Finnish artists next week. Have a relaxing weekend!

    1. I hope you will do this, I would love to see what you make!

  35. I really like this picture, exquisite creativity! Delicious blue in painting and in the pictures!

  36. Great art, lovely colours and awesome photos!
    Nature in all it's beauty :)

  37. Glad you are feelinmg better Valerie and thanks for your friendly comment - love the portrait and your wonderful photographs - have a nice weekend, best wishes Ariane

  38. Nice hawk, beautiful photos!

  39. I love Frida and Van Gogh, my favorites. Your portrait is wonderful as are your daily walk photos. I hope you are feeling better now Valerie. Take care of yourself. Thanks.

  40. Beautiful portrait, it really has a soul to it. Loved seeing the hawk and beautiful sky photos.


  41. Wonderful portrait! Schönes Wochenende!
    Liebe Grüsse

  42. Oh it's not fun to be feeling unwell. I hope you fully recover soon.
    Your painting is absolutely stunning... I love his eyes and the colours just pop!
    Happy PPF to you :)

    1. Oops forgot to say I love seeing your photos and these today are stunning x

  43. Wow! Love it! Very expressive, and the yellow background makes it even more special. Wonderful quote too!

  44. Excellent face. I love that bright blue you used on the hat. You really captured so much expression and emotion in your work.

  45. Excellent face. I love that bright blue you used on the hat. You really captured so much expression and emotion in your work.

  46. Goodness gracious Valerie - you are so talented! Absolutely wonderful journal page. I think I have asked you before but you really need to read DEAR THEO. Translations of Vincent ' s letters to his brother Theo. You can feel all the emotions coming from his letters just as you can from his paintings.
    A very busy time for me right now - we move towards the last of March. Although I can not do any creative stuff right now, I sure can peek in on you!
    Sandy xx

  47. What intensive blue in the eyes he has! Beautiful winter photos!

  48. Stunning painting, just gorgeous! Lovely photos too! ~Diane

  49. Great painting. Glad you are feeling better.

  50. You are incredibly, incredibly good! Top stuff!!

  51. Very bright blue post today. The face is spectacular. Love the birds (my very faves). Blessings, Janet PPF

  52. Great inspiration and beautiful photography! Happy PPF!

  53. Your painting is simply stunning. I wish I could draw half as well as you. I am truly impressed.

    I always love your photos in and around where you live, too. It makes me feel like I have been there.

  54. Toller Charakterkopf und das leuchtende Blau auf dem strahlenden Gelb sieht richtig klasse aus. Deine Vogelfotos sind auch wieder schön. Wünsche dir Gute Besserung.
    Alles Liebe


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