Sunday 11 January 2015

Fallen Angel

Hi Everybody!

Hope you are enjoying the weekend.  
It was another wet and stormy day here, but at least it wasn't cold. This morning we even saw the sun for a few minutes before it decided to shine somewhere else. I was out and about and very busy all day, so am looking forward to a good sleep tonight!

For Art Journal Journey, Inspired by the Masters, I have been inspired by Banksy, and have used a stencil ( from his 'fallen angel'. The wall is a photo which I have digitally altered, and here I cut part of the wall away to reveal the other side, as I have called my journal page 'Both sides of the wall'. Some can flaunt expensive evening dresses while visiting exhibitions, others are down and out. Not everybody lives on the sunny side of life. The background pictures were collaged, the stencil image was worked with various shades of distress ink. I have once again worked on an A3 page.

This was the glimpse of the sun over airport city this morning:

After that it was cloudy and grey all day.

The Rhine is still very full

I didn't walk along the shore this morning!

And my fave corner was deserted

And last but not least, some photos from Lilly, who always looks good, even late in the evening and early in the morning....

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi valerie,

    Deine seite gefällt mir sehr,es ist sehr interrwsant anzu schauen.
    toll sind auch die wasserbilder und die knuffigen katzen,wirklich sehr süss.
    ich habe auch eine seite mit engeln gemacht.
    schönen sonntag dir.


  2. Beautiful inspired work. Glad you got a bit of sunshine. Lilly is beautiful!

  3. Love your fallen angel, there are big divides in the world, and it is good to call our attention to them. Great photos, too, love seeing Lilly again! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Love that you were inspired by Banksy the page has a deep message hidden in it's beauty.

    The weather looks the same as we had and it is about the same again today.Even the ducks look fed up. I am staying in and keeping warm. I would like to be Lilly curled up on a fleece please.

    Have a great day

    Love Chrissie x

  5. Deine Arbeit heute ist großartig, aussagekräftig, zeitkritisch, philosophisch und künstlerisch in einem Aufwasch! Herrliche Aufnahmen und diese blaue Katze (sie hat was von einer Kartäuserkatze?) ist ein schönes Fotomodel..ja die braucht keine Schminke und Retusche..alles Naturschönheit!
    Einen schönen Sonntag liebe Val!

    AJJ dankt mit ♥

  6. Love the Banksy stencil, didn't know you could get them, my daughter got a Banksy calendar this year. Super photos, the river is running very high and alily is looking lovely! Xx

  7. Absolutely gorgeous artwork Valerie. Great pics to a I have to say the cat looks a tad grumpy lol
    Hope your day is good, sunshine here today although still windy.
    Fliss xx

  8. Love, love Banksy!Loovveee your creation and your cat!Cute girl!

  9. Oh my gosh, your little LIlly is just cute as pie! What a wonderful world when you have a loyal pet by your side!! Wonderful artwork and pictures today, but I'm distracted by your gorgeous kitty! lol. hugs until next time :)

  10. LOVE this gorgeous creation and spectacular image and goodies added...Lilly is a beauty.xx
    {The Journey is the Start – my personal blog}

  11. Very thought provoking piece! Lilly is such a cutie! Hope you stay warm today!

  12. Du hast das Banksy-Motiv total passend platziert - ganz tolles Bild mit gutem Titel.
    Den gefallenen Engel hab ich als Stempel...
    Schönen Sonntag noch von Ulrike

  13. Was für eine mega geile Seite!!!! Dietrifft genau meinen Geshcmack - hervorragend kombiniert!!!
    Hier war es auch stürmisch und regnerisch aber heute vormittag konnten meine Freundin und ich mit den 4 Hunden bei Sturm aber Sonne 2 Stunden durch die Felder laufen. Jetzt wechseln sich Sonne und Schnee-Regen-Schauer ab und ich habe es mir vorm Ofen gemütlich gemacht ;o)
    Ich wünsche dir noch einen schönen Rest-Sonntag.
    Liebe Grüße, Dagmar

  14. Great artwork Valerie, love the idea of 'both sides of the wall'.
    Gorgeous pics and Lilly looks so cute.
    Avril xx

  15. Love the Journal page and the stencil is very interesting. Lilly is such a sweet kitty and looks so at home and peaceful . Our weather here is cold and grey too. May be getting some ice today but really hoping it passes us by.

  16. A beautiful piece with a powerful message. Sometimes the people in the evening dresses are as broken and hurting as the ones who are more obviously down and out.

    Tell Lily I think she is magnificent. :)


    1. Teresa, you are so right! I will give Lilly your compliment!

  17. Hi Valerie, I tried to leave a message it disappeared on me, hopefully this isn't a duplicate... I agree that this artwork has a powerful message. Your photos are fabulous, sweet kitty ! My fur boy is sitting on the desk, waiting for pets between key strokes :) Cheers, Shirley xx

  18. That grey cat looks exactly like my Tink who is a 20 pounder and so loving. Your art journal pages are always so interesting. How do you stay so inspired all the time Valerie! You do so many things from walking to cooking, from sewing to creating art journal pages. Not to mention your wonderful photographs!
    You are off to a good start for 2015. I am going through a BIG lazy phase. All I want to do is read.
    Sandy xx

    1. Reading is always good, I spent a lot of today reading, too!

  19. Thanks for the photos of Lilly, you know I like to see "the neighbour's cat". Cats are beautiful in every photo and they know it. What a great pose in the last photo.
    And I always like to see the benches looking out to sea too, especially in the rain.
    I think you have some art so I'm going back to examine it more closely....................
    ................yes, very thought-provoking and splendidly done, the idea of the cutaway and the brick wall between.

  20. Beautiful collage. Love your broken wall revealing the other side. We've been very cold of late and walks are taken with care due to icy pavements. x

  21. Wonderful Banksy inspired piece! Great elements. Beautiful photos too. Lily is indeed a gorgeous feline...

  22. An awesome powerful page, love how you created this one. More bad weather here as well.
    Yvonne xx

  23. I love how that face comes peeking out behind the wall. Your cat is adorable, especially sitting on top of that stuffed animal ;-)

  24. An incredibly powerful page. I especially like the symbolism of the fallen wall.
    Lily knows she looks good, you can tell it with that glint she has in her eye lol. Remember the kittens I told you about. Well know there is only the one. The beautiful grey kitten is no longer here, don't know if someone adopted her permanently. The little mottled kitten still likes to pay us a visit, in fact today she was making the strangest of noises, I don't think she was happy that I was inside and she was outside! Her home is literally beside us and I know that her owners were home (this might sound strange but they are only a few doors away yet they have never spoken to us. We have stopped saying hello!)
    The winds are howling once again.
    Keep Cosy Wishes

  25. Banksy ist Klasse und Du hast eine Superkombination geschaffen, gefällt mir sehr gut. Toll auch wieder die Fotos, hier ist es ganz wechselnd mal sonnig, dann wieder stürmisch und trüb wie im April.
    Ich wünsche Dir einen guten Wochenstart,
    lG Anja

  26. Wow Such a cool page Valerie!! Love the brick wall-
    Sorry I have not been by- have been terribly ill- but I want you to know I look at each post when I can! Your art is always so inspiring hugs xo

  27. Very moving piece, thought provoking too. Sweet pictures of Lily, she looks quite content. Big hugs, ~Diane


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