Saturday 10 March 2012

Looking for signs of spring

Yesterday I went for a walk down to the Rhine, and was busy looking for signs of spring, but didn't find many! Next week it is supposed to be getting warmer, so I hope that will make a difference. Here are some of the photos I took along the way:

Here the ducks all looked very agitated, swimming around on the little stream next to our house. Perhaps they were having spring feelings?

Then I walked along the Rhine, past the castle ruins.

When the sun came out the Rhine looked really blue and sparkly, but when it clouded over the water turned grey again.

The next two pictures are of two of my fave corners in the Church Close:

After I had had a cappuccino and a croissant in *Café Schuster* for breakfast, I started back home. I like this picture of the Castle taken against the light.

Thie is the window to what was probably the dungeons in the castle, wouldn't like to live down there!

Then I walked along the shore. This is the spot where the *Kittelbach*, the little stream where the ducks were, flows into the Rhine.

I wonder whose big feet are standing in the water?

Here the ferry across to the other Rhine side is just setting off:

And here you can see the buds on a tree starting to get fat - looks like spring will soon be here!

I very much enjoyed my walk, and after I had had a rest and a coffee at home, I moved my living room round, cleaned, hoovered etc, and it looks a lot better. Tomorrow I will have a go at my bedroom!

Have a great day you all, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Lovely photos Val, I loved being there - nice memories! Hugs, Sarah

  2. HEY...... I thought YOU were supposed to be taking it easy? Moving furniture??? tut tut!

    Your walk sounds lovely.... I think the ducks were probably trying to keep warm!!!!


  3. Hi Valerie. Fabulous photos. I was there walking with you for a moment! TFS.
    Have a lovely day.
    Florence xx

  4. Oh, I enjoyed our walk very much, Valerie. Next time, let's take the ferry to the other side - looks like a cool boat. Hopefully spring is just around the corner - the buds look encouraging don't they. Nice to be getting your place all spring cleaned. Enjoy all your hard work. hugs, Donna

  5. Great walk you had! Don't wear yourself out with all of that cleaning :0) I'm sure it feels great to be back home rearranging your own stuff :0)

  6. Fabulous photos Valerie - I really enjoyed your walk.
    xxx Hazel.

  7. Beautiful photo from your walk. Are you sure you should be furniture moving so soon.
    Take care, Yvonne x

  8. I miss visiting every day but at least at the week-ends I can feast on all your shares. Yesterday's pictures are terrific as your photo's always are. The back lit castle is wonderfully evocative. Have a glorious week-end I'm headed for the garden! XOXO Zoe

  9. Beautiful photos and a beautiful walk. Love the sound of your breakfast too...:)
    Hugs xx
    p.s. not liking the sound of the "h"

  10. Love your photographs Valerie, you really live in a beautiful place. Moving furniture, just what the doctor ordered NOT! lol x

  11. Lovely pics Valerie, I thoroughly enjoyed your walk! We've had quite a mild winter, all the crocuses are out and the daffodils won't be long. Have a lovely Saturday (but don't overdo it!) xx

  12. thankyou for sharig your walk, I feel like I was right there with you, it was the castle open to tourists or do people still live in it.(sorry if I missed something in the photos , maybe its in ruins, my eyes are so poor), but it just seems magical to live in such a place with so much history, to have a morning like what you described people would pay thousands to have.

  13. Valerie I did a blog post about you this morning, I hope you don't mind, I borrowed one of the photos abovce of the castle for it.I should have asked first but I wanted the post to surprise you.My husband has told me when I showed him the castlke that it is ruins, I'm not seeing well today, pardon my stupidity!Thankyou so much for sharing this morning again. Forgive me for not asking about the photo first.

  14. lovely photos Valerie, this is what we tourists travel so far to see! Pretty ducks.

  15. What a beautiful walk, Valerie!!! How gorgeous!!!

  16. Beautiful photos. Looks a lovely walk. x

  17. What a lovley walk I feel I have joined you. I loved the pics it reminded me of my time in Celle the scholss and cobbold streets so pretty. Please Val don't overdose on housework I hear it is bad for you LOL. Hugs Sandra X

  18. Beautiful Photos and so nice to have a tour of your neck of the woods! Hope you find those signs of spring soon x

  19. Love the photos- and they look extra cool with that little touch up, blurry edge thing happening. cool!
    I,too, am looking for spring. :0)

  20. Delightful walk thanks for the fun and interesting sights.

    Came via your friend...

  21. Amazing photos! I'm visiting from laurie's! ♥♥♥

  22. Wow, great photos! The castle is spectacular, wish I could see it in person!!! Thanks for the photo tour!Hugs, Deb

  23. I agree with Missy K! ;)
    But it sounds wonderful - your walk and your pictures of it are absolutely gorgeous. What a dream of a place to live. xoxo

  24. Hi Valerie, I hope you don't mind me tagging along on your walk.
    Laurie mentioned it and I thought why not I have time. It was a beautiful walk...but needed that coffee though!
    Love your photographs and the castle is fantastic, especially in the photo with the light behind.
    It's my first visit to you from Melbourne, but the flight was easy so I'll pop by again ;D
    Have a great weekend.

  25. Wonderful photos, Valerie. I enjoy visiting Germany via your photos. Spring is on the way, tulips and daffodils are breaking through the soil here.


  26. Hi Val. I read Laurie's blog about you today. She is such a sweetie. I am so blessed to have her as a very good friend and a dear neighbour. Lucky you that you are having spring - we are still in Winter, although officially next week it will be Spring. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Chris

  27. Oh Val thank you for taking me on your lovely walk. The photos are gorgeous. What a truly tranquil place. take care, gerri

  28. What a wonderful way to start the day off! Boy I wish I could go on such a beautiful walk with you, but in a way, I just did! Loved these pictures! Have a great Sunday!

  29. beautiful photos Valerie thanks for taking us on this beautiful tour i really enjoyed it.


  30. I just got here from Lauries blog...she said she went for a walk with you!

    Your pictures are fabulous...and definitely make me want to travel!!
    i am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy Sunday!

  31. Valerie
    Thank you for sharing those photographs.

  32. Gorgeous photos Valerie, thank you for sharing.

  33. Thank you for such beautiful photos! How awesome it would be to live so near a castle! *sigh* I loved those photos! :-)


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