Wednesday 7 March 2012

Home is where your Big Shot is....

Hi you all, got back home this morning after an uneventful journey. My neighbours were pleased to see me - and I was happy to see them again, too! My next door neighbour had a pot plant to care for while I was away, and he brought it back, covered in lovely flowers and at least twice as big as it was before - what do I do wrong?? I think I'll have to ask how he looked after it!

I have been happily re-united with my big shot, my paper cutter, my cropodile, piles of lovely stash and my wonderful coffee maker. Now all I need is a good fairy to pop along, do the washing, and tidy everything back into the closets here!

I am off to get some shopping after I have drunk my coffee, I will have to cook for myself again! But perhaps I will bring a grilled chicken from the take-away today as a back home celebration.

I will miss the nice people I met in the clinic, and will definitely stay in touch with some who really became friends in the time we spent together.

Take care of yourselves, and thanks for dropping by!


  1. What a delight it must be to be back in your own home. Happy readjusting time!

  2. Glad you are back home, take it easy the first few days till you get back to normal!!

  3. Me again, I forgot to say it's from me!! Hugs, Sarah

  4. Welcome home Valerie!! Yes, take it easy the first few days, hope the chicken's good! xx

  5. Hi Valerie! Glad you are home safe and sound. It must feel great to be home. There is no place like home, (clicking my heels) tee hee. Take care of yourself and welcome back.

  6. So happy you are home safe and sound with your treasures. You will be truly ready to delve into that pile of 'stuff' and create! Can't wait to see. You should have snaffeled the cook from the clinic and brought her home with you ... chicken sounds great to me. I'll be right over. hugs, Donna

  7. Hmm, the cook there was a nice young man....never thought to bring him back with me!

  8. Welcome home!!! Settle in slowly and order out often :0) Can't wait to see all of lovely new creations :0)

  9. There's no place like home, there's no place like home :)Have fun getting reaquainted with your stash :)
    Hugs Von x♥x

  10. Glad to hear you're home again Valerie as I'm sure you'll feel tons better now you're back with your craft stuff.
    Looking forward to seeing your new creations.
    Hugs, Fliss xx

  11. As much as you miss them I am sure you are glad to be back home (with the Big Shot lol)

  12. Oooh am sure you are pleased to be home after all this time. Hope you have benefited from all the treatments.

    Take care of yourself and have fun at home. Annette x

  13. Hi Valerie! So, you're growing pot? Is that legal there? haha! :0)
    So glad you are home and surrounded by all your lovely crafting supplies. Big Hug!

  14. Welcome home, Valerie! Just in time for spring!

  15. Welcome home Valerie, so glad you are back. Enjoy your trip to the store.

  16. So glad to read your are safely home.
    Hope the treatments you had were of help. Take thing slowly and enjoy being home again.
    Yvonne x

  17. Love your little "Big Shot" sentiment! I am sure you are happy to be home and I do believe a grilled chicken is in order! Have a great evening!

  18. it must be lovely to be home and reunited with all your crafty bits and pieces. look forward to seeing your creations once you get the chance to play again. x

  19. Hi Val
    great to hear you are back home. Isn't it crazy the stuff we miss, like your Big Shot.
    Take it easy for a few days to settle back in.
    Can't wait to see what you are up to next.
    hugs, Lesley

  20. Hi Valerie! I'm with you! I love my Big Shot too! Keep seeing and hearing about the latest and greatest how many models of electric die cutting machines are out, but I'm just VERY happy with my Big Shot! I FINALLY got the "Umbrella Man" die!!! Hooray! I KNOW I'll get plenty of use for him, for all kinds of seasons, moods, projects and designs!.. Take care, and looking forward to seeing what you'll be making/scrapping/painting next! ~tina

  21. Must be lovely to be home and hope that the treatments you received will put a spring in your step. I bet your stash missed you too. It was amazing watching your journey and to see how creative you where considering having all those treatments and limited stash.

  22. Welcome home! This was good news to hear! :)


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