Friday 16 March 2012

Friday's Parties

Hi everybody, it's Friday, and that means double party time for me - Eva and Kristin are hosting Paint Party Friday as always, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge is entering its 11th week.

This week Auntie Cissie is off to Holland:

In the four weeks since Jason returned from Canada, they have been eating together nearly every day. Cissie was not delighted with the strange Canadian haircut, and makes a mental note to supervise future visits to the hairdresser. She was also VERY concerned, when she received a letter from her friend SANDI in Canada, who wrote* I've been so drowned in work just lately, I haven't had the chance to tell you that I met Jason during his sojourn in Victoria!

Well I didn't really "meet" him more like I witnessed him being here. It isn't everyday that our visitors so take to wearing the Canadian red & white and maple leaf.

He was also clearly taken with visiting all of our pubs and spirit serving establishments. Then "resting up" between by hanging about the statue of Queen Victoria on the lawn of the parliament building. I am sure many other visitors got charming pictures of this!

It's too bad that he didn't appear to have properly rested up before trying to board the ferry over to Washington state. I did think the Customs Agents were a bit rough dragging him back down the ramp! That would have been a nice additional excursion.*
They eat most days at the Chip shop. Cissie needs Jason to be there, as she is still trying to lose weight. She still orders a double portion for each of them, but gives Jason a few of her chips in return for half of his fish, as the doctor told her to eat plenty of fish. I wonder if he meant it to be deep-fried in batter? She has also reduced the afternoon cream cakes from 3 to 2. Most days, anyway! She shows Jason that she has taken off half a stone. He is not really convinced, as he notices her leaning on the bathroom sink while standing on the scales….
This week she is getting ready for her trip to Holland with Thelma. Jason manages to talk her out of buying yellow wooden clogs for the journey, so she wears her orange crocs instead….
Poor Jason has to drive both of the heavyweight ladies to the Victoria Coach Station and heave them and their luggage into the coach before thankfully waving goodbye and heading for the nearest pub.
After checking into the hotel in Amsterdam, they go shopping, take a boat trip through the *grachten* - canals, and enjoy the scenery.

Cissie is astonished that the town is not plastered with tulips, but the lady at the reception of the hotel recommends them to take a trip to the Keukenhof near Amsterdam, and there they see a sea of tulips as far as the eye can see.

Auntie Cissie and Thelma go to lots of cafés, and are amused that there are carpets on most tables instead of table cloths.

Then they wander down a side street, and see a *Coffee Shop* sign. Cissie insists on going on for a coffee. The proprietor is very friendly, and surprised to see the two robust, elderly ladies in his shop. Cissie buys some tobacco for Jason, and decides to smoke one herself, which results in her getting very giggly….she has not realised that the coffee shops sell marijuana. No wonder she felt strange.

The next day she visits The Kröller-Müller Museum in Otterlo, where she is meeting up with her friend Valerie from Düsseldorf, with whom she went to school many years ago. They have a nice day together looking at the Van Gogh paintings and walking in the sculpture garden, although Valerie is a little annoyed that Cissie tells her that she looks very fat!

Cissie was also very indignant about this sculpture, and was horrified that a woman with such a figure should have a statue made of herself:

(Photos from Google)

Here is the postcard that Cissie sends Jason: the photo was taken in her new, Dutch T-shirt:

For PPF I have a WIP to show, but I don't yet know where it will be progressing to! I have used water-colours and Ranger colourwash sprays, and flicked a bit of gold ink onto it.

That's all for now! Have a good day, take care and thanks for visiting!


  1. Auntie Cissie is a riot as always, and I have laughed myself silly over her t-shirt! Love the purple heads, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. HA HA! Good post, Valerie. Loved it, actually. Your story line is progressing nicely. Look forward to seeing your painting finished. hugs, Donna

  3. what a fun postcard again, love the tee shirt..

  4. I love reading about Aunt Cissy and her t-shirt is brilliant.
    xxx Hazel.

  5. What a fun way to start the day! Aunt Cissie is a joy to read about..:)
    Loving the WIP too.
    Have a great weekend Valerie.
    Hugs xx

  6. another week, another country, another laugh and fun artwork. I enjoyed the photos, too.

  7. Another wonderful story.. And that post card has me smiling.. And I love your art work. Very artsy my friend..

    Hugs, Linda

  8. Aunt Cissie just has the best time on her trips. Love her T shirt. A xx

  9. Smashing artwork Valerie and your postcards are so fun. Happy PPF and have a great weekend, Annette x

  10. your two characters are a delight. t-shirt a hoot. love Cissie's audacity. Her diet strategy is so real!! fun postcard

  11. wow Valerie I love your painting, colours are fabulous. As for Aunt Cissie's cheesy t-shirt - hilarious! xx

  12. I so look forward to this post every Friday and the continuing saga of Jason and Cissie. I love her latest Tee shirt.
    Wonderful paintings as well, they are realy striking.
    Yvonne x

  13. What is she going to do to keep him in line? Their adventures are such fun! Love purple profiles. Looking forward to seeing where they go!

  14. Wow I absolutely love the silhouetted faces, so beautiful and gorgeous colours, just so stunning
    Lindsay xx

  15. Great post Valerie. Love Cissies' adventures. Fabulous painting just as it is. Have a lovely weekend.
    Regards Florence xx

  16. Your painting is amazing! And that is quite the story! LOL!

  17. Fun post ~ fun post card ~ love the purple silhouettes ~ thanks, namaste, Carol ~ Happy Weekend ^_^

  18. enjoy your postcard stories! And your WIP looks great just as is! Very romantic!

  19. LOVE aunt cissies tshirt and postcard
    Your work in progres is beautiful - LOVE the blue and purple washed together...and of course, the gold splatters are awesome!
    happy friday- xo

  20. your Cissie and Jason story gets better every week! So funny!

  21. Your Aunt Cissie story has got my morning off to a delightful start. I love fish and chips as much as she does but I have to forego eating fried foods, as good as they taste. Your WIP at the end of the post is intriguing and I can't wait to see where you go with it. It could stand alone as a finished piece, I think.

  22. Beautiful story, made me remember my own trip to Amsterdam for a few years ago. Your very interesting works, we see the end. Saludos

  23. in your last painting, there is so much feeling in those two blue quiet faces, amazing!

  24. Just brilliant! I love the healthy resentment Jason feels for his Aunty Cissie. A few chips for half his fish - she will explode! Lovely Tshirt.

    Janet xx

  25. Too funny Valerie ,I didn't know they sold THAT in a coffee shop. LOl
    Great artsy work.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    P.s love the flower photos
    hugs Lynn

  26. What a lovely card. It's great. Aunt Cissie is a hoot and fun to follow around!

  27. Still chuckling, love the postcard plus t shirt. The thought of Aunt Cissie under the influence is quite scary. Intriguing work with the faces.
    Jen x

  28. Your postcards make me want to hop on a plane to somewhere, anywhere!! 'Love the colors in the WIP.

  29. Fantastic story! Sounds like a fab trip to take. Great postcard!:)

  30. Aunt Cissie's my kind of gal! Enjoying your cards and your story...

  31. Nice beginning to your WIP.
    Really like the cool colors in their silhouette profiles.
    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  32. Cissie is certainly a very special the story and the card.

  33. i enjoyed reading about Aunt Cissie. What a hoot! Love your paintings too.

  34. Your Aunt Cissie is loads of fun. Love your silhouette figures.Great weekend to you.

  35. Super fun read as always! Love the WIP and can't wait to see it finished. Happy PPF!

  36. Valerie, I've waited all day to return home and check out your blog and Aunt Cissie's latest story and her postcard to Jason. Hilarious, I must say. Hope you enjoyed your visit even if she thought you had put on a few pounds. Haven't we all.


  37. LOL - LOVE Cissie's shirt - she is an absolute classic! So much fun! :-)

  38. Oh WOW, that Cissie always has me laughing- too funny about the cigs! And your WIP already has all my favorite colors so I can't wait to see where it goes- because I know it will be wonderful!
    Hugs, Stephanie

  39. No television for me tonight--I decided to visit my blogging buddies instead. Your story was better than anything I could ever watch on the television! Love your art too!

  40. I hope Aunt Cissie doesn't get caught by customs bringing in those cigarettes she bought for Jason. Actually, I take that back, I'd love to see Aunt Cissie make mincemeat out of a customs inspector.

  41. You know I do love Cissie and Jason, I'm pretty sure they are related to family members of mine LOL I usually have little stories in my own head for certain pieces but rarely brave enough to share. It is always a pleasure to come your way :)

    I think the story about the customs officers would have me ROTFL

  42. and I like your lace along the border of your blog page!
    I also like the purple and gold WIP as you called it and the funny postcard! HPPF

  43. Okay, I LOVED that trip to Amsterdam! What a fun piece and story! AND your ink pieces are so much fun: It is so magical and etherial looking. Really wonderful work, xoxo

  44. Fun postcard and the painting looks very interestingly mysterious! Happy PPF ! <3

  45. What a wonderful post!

    I loved Aunt Cissies eat cheese badges!

    Have a great weekend


  46. Great to hear about Aunt Cissie :)
    Gorgeous purple heads, Valerie!

  47. I 'heart' Aunt Cissi! she's just the best! Love her diet plans! M

  48. Aunt Cissie keeps me in stitches laughing so much! Can't wit to see the finished painting cause I LOVE what you have so far! :0)

  49. I just love your Annt Cissie stories! Love the postcard and painting too, have a wonderful weekend!

  50. Amazing travels and fun! Love the postcards and the purple!

  51. fabulous story about Cissie, well done her on losing half a stone lol i might have to try that trick of leaning on something when i get weighed. I hope she had fun in the 'coffee shop' hahaha

  52. Another fun postcard!

    Loving the purple faces so far!

  53. Love this post... so much going on here!!!
    Great photos, postcards, and artwork :]
    Happy Saturday, Valerie. ((hugs))

  54. Great postcard and loving the story!

  55. They are both beautiful! Aunr Ciccie is having a lot of fun!
    I've never been in Holland, but will visit soon! :)

  56. Can you hear me chuckling away here at Aunt Cissie's escapades!!!!!
    As for PPF - this is quite haunting.

  57. You and aunty Cissie at school together !!!! What a riot, love the tshirt !!!!!you have such a wicked sense of humor and I love it !


  58. i believe i need a tshirt exactly like that! it is always such fun to visit here!! love your WIP, happy PPF!

  59. Every family should have an Aunt Cissy lol I love her story and her sense of fashion! Your silhouettes are beautiful, I can't wait to see where you go with this x

  60. Aunt Cissie really knows how to have a good time...cream cakes, fish & chips, and those "funny cigarettes" priceless...would love to travel about with her...aloha.

  61. Can't wait to hear more :) I'd love to visit all these beautiful places, too :)

  62. Ah! I wonder will Aunt Cissie get through customs? As usual another very amusing tale. I love Aunt Cissie and Jason. Lovely pics, reminds me of my visit as does the cafe. Caz

  63. Oh dear, I got sick by just reading waht she eats per day... :)
    Love the new shirt! Never seen those around but bet they are a hit under tourists!!! :) ♥

  64. I so enjoy reading your story each week. Love the way you displayed the tulips.

  65. LOL Aunt Cissie is SO UNAWARE! I am still chuckling over her t-shirt. Yikes! She must have drawn a few looks at least, if not a few proposals! ha!

    I can realte to Aunt C's dieting mentality. Today I am telling myself that fruitcake has FRUIT in it! heehee

  66. Oh I do love Aunt Cissie :D She certainly gets her priorities right...:D Love her t-shirt lol XXX


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