Friday 23 March 2012

Friday is Party Time

Hi everybody, another week has jetted by, and it's time for the next Paint Party Friday, hosted as always by Eva and Kristin, and Darcy's Postcard Challenge, which this week takes us to Israel with Jason.

Cissie very much enjoyed her week in Holland with Thelma. She buys three bottles of gin and some more of those *herb* cigarettes as she calls them. After they arrive in England, a customs officer gets into the coach to ask if they have anything to declare. Cissie shows him the gin. He says *Sorry, Madam, you are only allowed 2 bottles. One bottle will have to be confiscated.* *That’s why I bought it*, she says. *Everyone knows that gin in hot water is the best thing if you are constipated!* The customs officer swallows, decides not to argue, and gives it back to her, saying, "Well, if it’s medicinal – that’s okay.* What a good job he doesn’t ask about cigarettes or tobacco.... Jason is delighted with his *herb* cigarettes, and spends some pleasant evenings with his mates, but can’t work out why he always feels so hung-over the next day.
During the past few weeks Cissie has been trying to keep up with her diet. She tells Jason that she now only eats one meal a day. *Great* say Jason, while thinking, *Bloody hell! Her one meal lasts from the time she gets up till she goes to bed!*
They still go out regularly for their double fish and chips nearly every day; Jason doesn’t mind swapping fish for chips, and as she only eats 2 cakes in the afternoon, that leaves four for him, as there are six in the pack. He did half-heartedly suggest that Cissie could make a pack last for 2 days, but after listening to her loud, insulted silence for 5 minutes, he told her that the cream in them was very good for the skin, and that was probably the reason why she had so few wrinkles. So she forgave him, while Jason was thinking that skin with so much fat under it couldn’t possibly wrinkle....
This week Jason is visiting an old school-friend who lives in Tel Aviv. Auntie Cissie tries to impress on him that he will really have to behave there, if he is not to provoke any international political incidents. She wants him to have his hair cut short, so he will be able to wear a kippa (skull-cap) if he visits any holy places. He refuses, promises to flatten his hair with gel if he needs to wear one, and dutifully packs the rather moth-eaten kippa from his deceased uncle.
Jason enjoys the flight to Israel, especially the Israeli orange-chocolate liqueur that they serve after the meal. After negotiating the passport control, his friend Uri meets him and they drive to Tel Aviv. Jason is very impressed with the town – beaches galore, bars and cafés everywhere, and beautiful girls wherever he looks. After 2 days of relaxing, swimming, eyeing the bathing beauties and the evenings in bars and discos, they decide to do some sightseeing.

First they fight their way into the train at the central station in Tel Aviv. Uri is not perturbed, he says it’s often much fuller. Jason squashes himself onto a seat where an over-dimensioned lady – who, incidentally, makes Cissie look like Twiggy! - and her shopping bags are taking up three quarters of the allotted space. Uri sits opposite him, squeezed in by a young girl-soldier, complete with machine gun and giant back-pack. The train is so well air-conditioned that Jason thinks he’s in a deep freeze. They get out at Nahariya, and take a taxi to Rosh Hanikra, the last place before the Lebanese border. They wait in the queue with a lot of ladies and children to get into the cable-car to take them down to the under-sea grottos. Jason finds it *Friggin’ cool*, but is very pleased when they get back to *safety* and a nice, cool Beer.

After watching the sunset over the sea,they spend the night at a little sea-side bed-and-breakfast place in Nahariya, which also has enough pubs and cafés to keep Jason happy in the evening.

The next morning they go swimming in Achsiv, a little beach, which they reach after going through a beautiful park with the ruins of some ancient houses. They swim in the ancient harbour, where Phoenician ships anchored thousands of years ago, and even Jason manages to take his eyes off the girls long enough to admire the scenery…..

The next day sees them back in another extremely overfilled train to Acre, where they visit the old crusader castle and have lunch at *Abu Christo’s*, a fish restaurant built into the old city walls.

Then, in the afternoon, they go on to Haifa, where they look round the town, and visit the beautiful Bahai Temple.

From there they hitch a lift to Megiddo, where they see excavations of the Tell (hill) which take you back thousands of years in history. Megiddo is the *Armageddon* of the Bible. They go down a long stone staircase carved in the iron-age, leading to an underwater spring. Jason is once again very happy to get back up to the light again, where he admires two very pretty archaeologists.

They spend another couple of days pubbing, clubbing and admiring the girls in Tel Aviv, and then take the bus to Jerusalem. Jason is most impressed by all the sights, and of course, having his photo taken in front of some of them. This week he writes 2 postcards, one to Cissie, and one to Thelma. The first photo has been taken in front of the the Wailing Wall, and the second one opposite the Knesset, in front of the Menorah - the symbol for the State of Israel.

And he really keeps his promise to Auntie Cissie, he doesn’t do anything worse than a bit of winking at the girls, and manages to behave. Miracles do sometimes happen; Israel has been known for them.

For PPf I have another WIP, more heads, painted with water colours, colour wash sprays and stickles. I liked those from last week better!

Well, I congratulate all who managed to stick with this post from start to finish! Have a good day, take care, and thanks for visiting!


  1. Lovely pictures and a good, funny read, too! Hugs, Sarah

  2. Your story made me laugh out loud quite a few times... you do write very very well and I love those profile heads as well... they look like fun...xx

  3. Wonderful photos and fantastic art. :) Love the postcards! :)

  4. What an educational post Valerie, thoroughly enjoyed it and how fabulous Jason looks in the postcards! Have a lovely Friday. xx

  5. I love reading your story Valerie, and Jason looks very dapper in the postcards lol.Beautiful silhouettes too! Have a fab weekend x

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. wow a terrific story and pictures for your postcard. Loving the different colours of the heads. Happy PPF and enjoy the weekend, Annette x

  8. Thanks for taking us along with such fabulous photos and art!

  9. Great pictures and the story is so funny! You've put a smile on my face!
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs xx

  10. Wow - sounds like Jason had quite a time - he certainly packed a lot in!!

    I'm woefully behind on my postcards....

  11. Lol ~ fun post ~ lovely story, great photos and love your painting ~ very colorful and yet a mystery to it ~thanks, wishing you a great weekend ~ namaste, carol ^_^

  12. Oh my! I just love the continuing saga of Chrissie and Jason. you are a fantastic story teller. I was laughing and hooting in parts of it.
    Loved the postcards and your painting.
    Yvonne x

  13. What are the "herbs" Jason is smoking? Rosemary, oregano? tee hee. Quite a story. Read most of it and then checked out your postcards and silhoutte faces. Loved them, but then I always like what you have here on your cyber blog. Have a great weekend and Happy PPF! fish and chips, eh. Hmmmm, sounds good.:)

  14. Loved Jason's adventures and he looks so cool on the postcards - it must have taken you ages to write it, great fun.
    xxx Hazel.

  15. A great story and superb photographs! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading about Jason's holiday in Israel.

    Janet xx

  16. Wow Jason had a fab trip and mangaed to stay out of trouble !! What a great read as always. A xx

  17. You're a great storyteller. I love seeing all of the photos of Israel.

  18. LOL, took me a while to read your long story! Must have taken you quite a while to create :)

  19. Don't jmp for joy to soon, he isn't home yet... ;)
    Great chapter in the story of Jason and Aunt Cissie! Love them both, but Aunt Cissie is by far my favorite! ♥

  20. OH MY GOD---your story made me crack up! You are quite the writer! Love it, Val!
    And, your paint party faces are sooo cool. i wanna try that!

  21. Love, love, love your story and art-work! Hugs, Barb

  22. I get the feeling Jason might have "borowed" some vacation photos from you. He clearly had a great time. Good job he didn't try to take any of Aunt Cissie's herb cigarettes with him.

  23. Terrific photos and postcards. It's always fun to hear about Cissie!

  24. Well before today I had not visited Israel but now, I have been transported there all because of you!!!
    Fabulous post.
    P.S. Thanks for visiting Valerie and commenting on my cupcake.

  25. love your travel stories and your wip is just my style!

  26. Had to make a cup of tea to read with your story...good tale!!

  27. wow I am jealous of all the research you have done, what a fabulous tour you gave us, great photos. Love the ones of Jason lol

  28. Valerie, the weeks go by so quickly but I do look forward to Friday to read Jason's postcards about his travels. Have a fun, creative weekend. (Ever considered writing a book?)


  29. what a great post and i love the postcards as well,

  30. Beautiful everything! Those faces look like fun to make. Happy PPF

  31. Beautiful everything! Those faces look like fun to make. Happy PPF

  32. Love reading your stories. So much fun! And lovely photos, too.

  33. Wonderful photos and I have to say I really like what you are doing with the heads, there is something very dramatic about it, especially in the close up makes me wonder what the conversation might be about.
    Happy PPF! Robin Panzer Art Studio 33

  34. How fun...amazing pix and fun story! Happy PPF

  35. Wow I love the spatters and sprays on your heads, great idea! And the post cards are adorable! I love the photos and the story too! Happy PPF! Deb

  36. Some adventure! Loved seeing the pix of Israel and your bright heads paintings. Have a great weekend.

  37. Your post has me smiling. Your post cards are great and I love what your doing with your Heads..


  38. WOW Valerie! Thanks for the great trip, beautiful photographs and the history lesson. All fabulous. Haven't made it to Israel yet - when I was just about to step foot on their soil, the 67 war broke out and a friend of mind was killed by a land mine. Decided to take a rain check and have never made it back, much to my regret! Enjoyed the journey. Thanks. hugs, Donna

  39. Great story and intriguing painting! Happy PPF !

  40. That was a brilliant story and I adore you coloured heads cool
    Chris x

  41. You're an exceptional writer :) I had to laugh about his HERB cigarettes..hee-heee :)

  42. Hi Valerie. Jason's herb ciggies made me giggle. Fabulous photos. TFS.
    Have a lovely weekend.
    Regards Florence x

  43. You have the best posts EVER!


  44. That was a super read! Loved looking at the photos and the postcards are super fun. Love your painted heads too. x

  45. Great post, Valerie! Wonderful postcards, I really like how you've put Jason on the photo images.


  46. Excellent work, WOW so inventive! Thank you so much for your kind comments Valerie, hugs Gay xxx

  47. An over dimentioned lady - that's priceless! I so look forward to your story every week. This week was a gut buster.

  48. I don't know which I enjoyed more--the delightful postcards or the impressive story with stunning photos.

  49. What a fun story and some really nice art as a bonus and of course the fabulous photos!! Hope you are having a great weekend!

  50. Thanks Valerie, I so look forward to reading of the antics of Cissie and Jason, you never fail to entertain. Lovely pics and a super postcard. Caz

  51. I am guessing you really enjoy visiting Israel? Lol Loads of gorgeous pics and interesting info :D AND Jason managed to behave for once....but will it last lol :D XXX

  52. Wonderful tour and great pictures.
    Jen x

  53. Goodness me Valerie these little travelogues get better and better. Jason looks fabulous in these postcards. The heads look fabulous in these stunning colours.


  54. Loving your story Val, you are so creative. The painting is beautiful and so it the cute postcard.

  55. These profile heads are absolutely so freaking cool!


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