Monday 17 June 2024

Monday / Tuesday post - what makes me happy # 9

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. I was extremely tired after not sleeping well all week,so yesterday I  had a good sleep and carried it over into Sunday, and slept half of the day again.  And it did me good!

Today I am showing one of my heads - yes, I have a lot! And i will be linking to Matilde's challenge at  AJJ 

For this one I used a hand-painted background and head, which I popped ito my Serif craft-artist programme, where I added the man in black - I think he was from TH -, and the eyes, cut from a magazine and colour-changed. The text was also cut from magazines, and the little head on top of my head was made several years back. And how the white flower got onto her nose remains a mystery, I have no idea, but now it's there for keeps! Sometimes I like making things just for fun!

And I have some thinkies and funnies:

I am linking to Elizabeth's TsfT.

Have a great, new week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Glad you got some good rest. Lovely art and thanks for the thinkies. -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.con

  2. Hi Val, good morning! The weekend went by too quickly and it's Monday again!. I love your new page, great colours and a.little bit creepy and sinister, I hope you will make more like this! I hope you have a good week with less appointments and more rest! I have a big job on Wednesday, so that's good! Take care, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Ah yes, work days creep by and the weekend flies, that's the way it is! Glad you like my page. Enjoy your week! 🤗 Hugs 🤗

  3. Sleep is so restorative and not being able to sleep good is no fun! Glad you are feeling refreshed. Love the orange and browns in your collage. Good week ahead, hope we don't drown, supposed to get a foot of rain this week yikes, xoxo

    1. Not being able to sleep 💤💤 is really not good. Hope you don't get too much rain, it's wet here, too. Stay safe and dry! Hugs.

  4. My weekend was actually very good. I led a walk for a group of children and their parents on Saturday morning and then conducted a private tour at SpruceHaven in the afternoon for two couples, and yesterday Miriam and I went back to SpruceHaven with targets in mind and had great success. So, yes, a fine weekend. The weather was great too. Not too hot, but the entire rest of the week is predicted to exceed thirty degrees each day. Terrible weather. I remember when thirty degrees was exceptional, now it’s a routine part of summer, with days on end of unbearable heat and humidity. But don’t worry folks, our elected politicians have everything under control. Some of them even give a passing acknowledgement of global warming. That’s a spectacular kingfisher to start my day, Valerie. Nothing quite so colourful here, I’m afraid. Maybe your lady went to San Francisco one day and a flower from her hair fell down to her nose. It’s sad that we can’t mobilize the protest movement of the Vietnam War (the American War If you are Vietnamese) to address climate change today. Apathy is going to be the death of us - literally. Enjoy the week ahead. Hugs and kisses - David

  5. Hi David, glad you had a fun weekend and were able to get out and about. It's raining here today, but it is supposed to heat up soon, not my fave. Last year we had several days with temperatures over 40° and temps in the thirties were quite regular. And most of us have no air conditioning....Apathy is wide spread these days and many people just don't care about anything. Sad but true! Hugs, Valerie xxxxxxx

  6. As always, I enjoy your art and diving into it to see all the details. The thinkies are always so much fun too - can't stop chuckling about farting just once LOL I haven't slept well in 6 months so I'm glad you were able to catch up on some missing zzzz's. Lack of sleep interferes with everything. Have a great week ahead!

    1. Thanks Carol, glad you enjoyed my post, and yes, that funny 🤣 is really good. Must try it out on the tram one day - that would be fun! Lack of sleep is never good, sorry to hear you are not sleeping well either. Have a good, new week, take care, hugs,!

  7. It always makes me smile popping over to your blog. Wishing you a very happy and creative week. Hugs Angela xxx

  8. It's interesting to read about your process.

  9. I am in need of a long respite, myself. My legs aren't what they used to be. Interesting art piece, Valerie.

    1. We used to be able to do so much, but at our age we need to rest more and do less! Look after yourself!

  10. Great quotes! And love love your head.

    1. Thanks Hena, I have lots of heads! Have a great week!

  11. Hi Val, another great piece today, I love it, it's an exciting colour combo, and very nicely composed, great! Have a nice evening, I'm having an early night! Hugs, Martha!

    1. Thanks, Martha! Glad you like it. Hope all is well with you and the kids! Hugs!

  12. Your last image/saying reminds me of what my aunt used to say: “If you want to be a liar, you better have a good memory.” I hope your insomnia will disappear and you’ll soon feel more like yourself.
    best, mae at

    1. Yes, that's true, too! The truth is always better!

  13. Your art is always so interesting, Valerie, and I really like the colors in this one. I hope your Schlaflosigkeit will disappear very soon - I don't like when I can't sleep and just turn from one side to the other and back. What a colorful kingfisher! Our aren't even close to that - but still beautiful. I hope you have a good week. Hugs - Carola

    1. Thanks Carola! Sleeplessness is no fun. I need to try to get back into a new sleep pattern! Have a great week, take care!

  14. Sorry I haven't been around this weekend. I was in so much pain, the only thing I did was use the toilet and sleep. It kept the pain at a minimum when I slept. Lovely entry for Matilde's theme at AJJ.

    1. Sorry your pains are so bad. I hope you have a good doctor! Feel well soon!

    2. Somehow I missed you joined us for T this week, dear Valerie. No doctor, just a vet. You know who is important in my home.

    3. Oh dear! If you don't look after ourself who will look after your kitties?

  15. Glad you were able to get some good rest. Cool heads, especially the eyes. Take care.

  16. Great thinkies, love Snoopy glad you got some sleep too-hugs Kathy

  17. I know I commented yesterday on your post, and I just stopped by to say Happy T day. Hmmm. I wondered what happened to my comment. Anyhow, I love your latest art with all those fun faces. I remember you making similar faces before, and it's great to see them all together. And fun memes too. I like the art quote. I hope you had a super Monday and have a great T day too. hugs-Erika

    1. The Blogger gremlins probably gobbled up your comment! I love making funny faces on old bookpaper, it's great fun. Happy T day to you, too! Hugs!

  18. I love your ‘thinkies’. (And funnies too) especially the Singer songwriter and the Leonard Cohen quote.
    Happy T-Day,

  19. It's a mysterious face but I really love it! Hope you're fully rested now! Hoping to get back for a catch up soon, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Nice to see you around again, hope you enjoyed your time in France!

  20. I'm so glad you got a good rest! You do oranges and yellows and hot colors better than anyone I know. I want to jump into every piece!

  21. I'm loving all the heads in your journal page. Great main colour too, so warm and inviting. I had to smile at the head on top of your head which you made a while ago - it reminded me of a tin I once made with my lovely friend Liz Welch who is no longer with us. She had made a huge clock with heads in place of the numerals for an exhibition and we sat one weekend at hers and made these tins and tiny heads, each with different expressions, to decorate the tins.
    Thanks for a lovely page and a lovely memory it evoked.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps love the funnies/thinkies and obviouslu the Zinnies.

    1. Thanks Neet! I sometimes feel like that - one part of my head wants this, and the other part something else! I didn't know Liz Welch but glad this brought some memories back! Hugs

  22. So pleased you were able to get a good rest, it really helps.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, I need to keep more regular hours!

  23. Yes, I think that daisy was perfectly placed! love the funnies, all soooo true. I had a melt down last week so didn't post (but saved my pictures and added them to this weeks) sleep is a gret healer, I did a lot of that last week... Happy very late T for Tuesday ((Lyn))

    1. Sorry to hear it Lyn, I think we all try to do too much and then, pow!!! We just get knocked out of the ring! Hugs 🤗

  24. I love your idea of this collage! Beautiful page!

  25. Fabulous page, gorgeous colours, love it. Great use of the heads, very clever. Great funnies/ thinkies. Hugs Wendy K


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