Tuesday 18 June 2024

Midweek Post - A bit of this and a bit of that

Hi Everybody!

Today I have a hotch-potch of different things to show you. My smart phone has recently been doing its own thing and keeps putting collages together for me

And some angry looking faces which I painted after reading a scary book, long, long ago:

I love this one - it's the view from my balcony:

This afternoon it rained really heavily for almost 2 hours:

Coffee is always good:

And a neighbour has a cow in the garden....

Some thinkies and funnies:

David Zinn again:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. I love your collage of goodies and your scary are just scary...like the book Shrike, don't read it...its awful.ánd then your funnies, they had me in fits..have a great week..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. I read Shrike and it is rather horrible! Have a great day 💓💓

  2. Hi Val, good evening! Love your great projects as always! Scary is really scary, I think you like to scare yourself! I wish you a good night 🌙, sleep well! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Yes I like Scary. I remember how we sneaked into the cinema to watch Dracula when we were under age, and how scared we both were. And we still loved it! Hugs!

  3. What a enjoyable post. My phone makes collages for me too, but yours is so happy and cheery! And I love that sun painting too. It is beautiful. Now that scary one...it's actually a great painting but it is scary! I hope all is well and you're having a nice week. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I love watching the sun 🌞 and am happy that my place is so sunny. And I love scary!

  4. I'll definitely be sharing some of these on FB 🤣 I thank you, and my FB friends thank you.

    1. Yes, keep sharing, let's make the world happier!

  5. Love your creations in your collage. Great words as well. Hope you have a wonderful week. Anesha x

  6. While your scary faces show panache, originality and creative flair, Valerie, I prefer those long-necked beauties, with their come hither glances and seductive lips. Call me shallow if you will, but that’s the way it is. I am old but not dead and their charms are still irresistible. The collages produced by your phone are very appealing. Who knew what a phone could do? I feel quite smug when I can create a text message and send it successfully! Tomorrow I will get hearing aids. I have been resisting for so long, but my dear friend, Lisa, cajoled and chivvied so much I succumbed. She is convinced that loss of hearing leads to increased likelihood of cognitive impairment, and she contemplates that possibility with dread. If she were my own daughter I could not be happier. The other day, quite spontaneously, she dropped by with strawberries fresh from the field where she had picked them. And recently a computer gremlin raised its head and she smashed it down in no time at all. To day I will be having lunch with Josh (I have spoken of him before) and we will be going to a Greek restaurant where I think I will have chicken souvlaki and a salad. Sounds perfect for an obscenely hot summer’s day. Next week we will attend the funeral of one of my brothers-in-law who died recently, and Miriam’s sister, Jan, is coming in from Victoria, BC and will stay with us. Funerals have a way of bringing families together. Just part of the social calendar in some ways. Take good care, stay well, hug Heike, drink beer, create new luscious ladies. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I will try to paint some new long-necked girls next week, I feel obliged to keep such a nice man as you on the happy side! Sorry about the deaths in the family, I suppose sooner or later we all have to go. Hopefully later,! Let's enjoy life as long as we can, eat, drink (coffee) and be merry. Enjoy your lunch with Josh, give him a kiss from me! Hugs, Valerie xxxxxxx

  7. There is so much to see and enjoy in today's post. I love it all, but I'd suggest you stop watching scary movies. It's amazing how they changed your perspective when you painted after watching one! I wonder now too if that spider took his own plunge in the shower the other day? LOL Keep smiling and enjoy that coffee. Those rainbows are telling you it's going to be a great week ahead!

  8. You're right, scary movies and books make me feel bad and scared. And I'm reading another one just now and can't put it down. Stupid, I know. But painting scary faces helps, I think I 've banished the feelings into the picture. Silly but that's how it is! Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  9. Those angry faces, whilst scary to look at they are a lovely exploration of colour, of shades and hues of one main colour. Love them.
    I wish my phone would produce collages like yours has, they are adorable and so pretty in colour.
    Love the thinkies/funnies
    Hugs, Neet xx m

    1. Thanks, Neet. I love playing with colours. My phone has a fantastic camera and photo workshop, but apart from that, it's useless! You can't have everthing!

  10. I love your collages! And gorgeous double rainbow. That last cartoon made me laugh.

    1. Thanks so much. We always have nice skies and rainbows here. Pickles is alwaysy funny! Hugs!

  11. Those collages are lovely.

    Don't you just love 'Pickles' always makes me laugh.

    All the best Jan

  12. Lots of goodies today. Love the view from your balcony.
    Hugs, Sandra sandracox.blogspot.com

    1. Thanks Sandra, the view from the balcony is the best part of my apartment!

  13. The view from your balcony? WOW! DOuble wow! Fabulous colors. And the rainbows are wonderful too. The painted cow is terrific and I love all your thinkies and funnies today.

  14. A fantastic post today. Great view from the balcony. That must have been some scary book you read. Always love the thinkies and funnies. Leaves me smiling.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

  15. Fun art, even the scary faces. I will continue to resist AI when and where I can, as I feel like it's like going off a cliff into the unknown. I'm too old to get excited by that, haha. Just wait until your phone tells you none of your photos are worth a collage, hope that day never comes. Good rest of week to you, the tropical storm system has been very manageable and we are fine. xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, I am not a friend of AI either, it could be very dangerous. Glad the storms were not too bad, here we have had copious amounts of rain! Hugs!

  16. Hi Val, hope your day is going well. Love what you have made again, your art is always lovely, and you always add lots of really good funnies and thinkies! Have a nice evening, hugs, Martha!

    1. Hi Martha, thanks so much. Hope you are enjoying your holiday! Hugs!

  17. Good to see all your art work… I hope it means you are feeling better.
    Have a good rest-of-the-week!


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