Wednesday 26 June 2024

Flowers, birds and more

Hi Everybody!

I should have made this post last night, but I was so tired that I fell asleep in my chair and then crawled into bed! This morning I had to go to the dentist early, but it was nice to  be out before it got so blisteringly hot as it is now.

Today I have a tag for Pinky's challenge at Tag Tuesday. Thanks to Pinky and Sandra who are doing all of the work there just now. Pinky's challenge is flowers. I have 2 tags, one with flowers and birds:

And the other with a butterfly, flower-fairy and flowers:

I found a jar full of these flowers so was able to put them to good use here!

And I have more flowers! I made an A3 flower painting inspired by  Rachel Parker Varner:

And some David Zinns and a few funnies:

David has created fabulous illusions here:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. good morning here it is very very early in the morning-and it is storming like crazy outdoors. beautiful post enjoyed all the art and photos-hugs Kathy

    1. Good morning Kathy, stay safe if it's storming. Here it's hot and sunny here! Hugs! And all the best for Larry!

  2. Birds, butterflies and flowers are a great combination to start my day, Valerie. I don’t think I’ll be seeing much of any of them today though. We have a funeral to go to and Miriam’s sister, Jan, arrived last night from British Columbia to attend it, so our day will be taken up with blah, blah, blah! Tomorrow I will be co-leading a walk for an offshoot of the Mennonite Central Committee who work with the homeless, drug addicts and others to whom life has not been especially kind. It’s the third year we have done this, and I have to say that the therapeutic value of it seems real. I haven’t seen my co-leader, the lovely Shannon, for months so it will be good to be back in touch with her too. I will go and get my second coffee and enjoy it quietly before the ladies get up and the chatter begins! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Sorry, I know funerals are not events we like, I avoid them wherever possible. I much admire people who work with those on the shadowy side of life, and all who help are doing a great work. We have enormous numbers of homeless here, mostly on drugs, and we can only be thankful that we are able to manage our lives better. Enjoy seeing Shannon, and the secnd cup of coffee will taste good, too. I need to be at the dentist's soon. You would enjoy it. They have a team of ladies, no men! And you would love them all! One is lovelier than the other! Have a great day, hugs xxxxxxx

  3. Both beautiful tags and love the fabulous flower painting.Hope all went well at the dentists.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol ,the dentist's are lovely ladies but I m glad to back home again. Have a great day!

  4. This hot weather has had the same impact on me - I can almost stay awake. First of all, I love love love all those blue and white dishes in the new blog banner! They remind me of my grandmother's old dishes which I always treasured. Your tags are both beautiful with amazing details of birds, flowers and butterflies. David's sidewalk art it just amazing, especially the last one you shared. Take care and stay cool!

    1. Thanks Carol, I love the old blue pieces, too, and still.use them everyday! They are old fashioned, but at my age I will.not be changing them. David's art is fabuloux, he is very clever! Hugs!

  5. Your 3D creations are gorgeous. You had me with the bluebirds. Stay cool and enjoy your day

    1. Thanks CJ, I love this little birds, too, and enjoy seeing them on my balcony!

    2. Thanks CJ, I love this little birds, too, and enjoy seeing them on my balcony!

  6. Love the art today, especially the butterfly piece. Well done, Valerie.

  7. Loving your new art work but David is such a distraction he is such a brilliant artist he just manages to produce something wonderful every time. Thank you for the lovely comment over at mine too. Happy creative week, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, your art is always beautiful ❤️.

  8. I love the texture and 3 dimensional nature!

  9. Your tags are amazing, Valerie. You put a lot of lovely flowers on them. Just beautiful. Thanks also for the lovely flowers you drew for Matilde's theme at AJJ. They are awesome.

  10. Both tags are beautiful and your flower painting is lovely.

    David Zinn is amazing, how does he do it? I don't know!

    Wishing you a happy Thursday and Friday ... here in the UK it has been HOT!
    I'm hoping for cooler weather soon.

    All the best Jan

  11. I really like your flower painting. A lot!
    Sorry you are so hot, it can be wicked. We begin to melt in the UK at much lower temperatures than on continental Europe. At least it's a little cooler here on the coast but I can't regulate my body temperature any longer so have to be very careful
    I love your current header photo, some very pretty things indeed.
    Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb! Today I was at the doctor's and I loved it - super cooling in ever room and water dispensers, too. That did me good, as it was 36° outside, not something I like. And ma flat is very hot, too. But we will surely soon have rain and cold again....and then we can complain about that! Those old things in my header are lovely indeed. I still have most of them.
      Look after yourself, keep as cool as possible, hugs!

  12. I love your tags. I haven't had the opportunity to make any art since Sunday, but I hope to change that very soon. Flowers should be fun for tags, but I'm not sure anything I'll make will be as nice as yours. And your flower painting too. I went to the dentist today too. I hope your appointment went as well as mine. And I hope you could stay awake better too. hugs-Erika

    1. I was inspired by the jar full of silk flowers that I found, they must have been there for many years. The dentist appointment went off well, today I have an appointment at an orthopaedic specialist in Düsseldorf, so will go for a coffee in the park afterwards. Have a great day! Hugs!

  13. gorgeous tags, perfect for Pinky's challenge! the flowers paintings are beautiful. please stay cool! xo

    1. Thanks Michele, hope you are well and fit! Hugs!

  14. Your tags are fabulous and I love how you have showered them with flowers. Lovely combination. Your painting of the flowers though steal it for me, I love the vibrancy of the colours and the way the flowers are placed in their vase.
    Thanks for the DZ's - some absolute beauties there.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Glad you like the painting, I had fun making it. How are you feeling today? I hope a little bit better, your poor thumb! Hugs!

  15. Third time of posting, keeps disappearing! I love your vase of flowers painting so much! Also you have some very pretty pieces on your header.
    I am shivering here today!!! Hugs, Deb

    1. Sorry, I found 2 of your comments. Sorry you are shivering! Sending hugs!

  16. I love your flower painting! It looks great.

  17. Oh my gosh. Your pieces are beautiful, but that first one and that wondrous blue just takes my breath away.

    1. Thanks so much, Sandra. Blue is always my fave!

  18. Your flowers are all very lovely and colorful. Cheerful for a sunny day.
    best, mae

  19. Beautiful tags and painting! Love the blue birdies with their pearl eyes, the fairy and flowers you found, and the painting's floral centers are so cool.
    Really unfortunate you have no a/c. Right now I'd love highs in the 80's and nights in the 60's. Right now we are also fighting flying insects of all kinds at nightfall, the mosquitos are out of control, West Nile virus is circulating and the moths are ridiculous, thank goodness THEY don't bite. lol Ugh, dreaming of October and November! XOX

    1. Oh dear, too many insects are not good! I would love AC, too! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  20. Beautiful art this time, as always but I'm especially wild about your beautiful floral painting! Have a great weekend!

  21. What a gorgeous post Valerie. I love both your flower tags. They are just bursting with colour and texture! Your painted flowers are absolutely stunning! Don't be over doing it!!


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