Monday 6 May 2024

T stands for Tired as usual!

Hi Everbody!

It's time for a new week, weekends don't last for ever! Today I have a new piece for Pinky's 'birds' challenge at Tag Tuesday. You still have a whole week to start birding and to enter your tags for our lovely Pinky!

And I have stayed by the theme of birds for my new piece for our poetry challenge at AJJ. I have used a verse from Maya Angelou. The piece is 8x8", and has been stamped and painted. I also used some glitter paste and metallic foil. The script was added digitally:

Some thinkies, funnies and David Zinn's art:

Is the Pope a Catolick?

And some pics from David Zinn, always so beautiful:

And as Elizabeth's TsfT starts this evening, I have some drink related pieces:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The weekend whizzed by, and we actually had some sunshine!

    I do like your tag and the bird and poem for the poetry challenge.
    Fabulous David Zinn art.

    Hope the new week will be a good one for you.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. I hope you have a good week, too, with lots of sunshine and yummy food! Hugs!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! I love your beautiful post today, and once again you chose birds! Both bird pieces are gorgeous, and both so different, but I love them both. And you have some great funnies, too. Have a lovely day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I always love birds. Do you remember when the crow was living on my balcony, he was a sweetie. Have a good week, best wishes to all, hugs!

  3. Great tag. Hope all is going well for you. x

    1. Thanks a lot, but I don't know who you are!

  4. Your tag looks very lovely, Valerie. I think it should be adopted by a seaside resort in the UK as part of their advertising for the coming summer. It would bring in tourists by the thousand, and if you negotiate the right deal you will receive royalties and become a rich lady. Think of all the ways the design could be used - book marks, place mats, coasters, beer mats and so on. From Balconia to Bournemouth with ❤️. I am sorry to hear that you are continuing to feel tired, unless of course it is brought about by merrymaking and festivity, and doing many enjoyable things. Thanks for reminding me of the poem by Maya Angelou. Caged birds do sing, but not from joy, of that I am sure. There is still a tradition in Cuba to keep birds in cages and it always made me sad to see them, having lost their freedom, and indeed any further contact with their kind. A new week begins - enjoy! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I thought you would like my birdy tag! It was actually inspired by old memories. Way back in time, On the railway they always had posters advertising nice places to travel to, and they were a bit like my tag. I think nowadays the yobs tear everthing off the walls. Caged birds always make me sad. My great Auntie Fanny always had budgerigars at home, but they were allowed to fly in her house and mostly only went into their cage to sleep. Still sad, birds should be free. People, too. Today I had to go to the acoustic expert to have my hearing aids controlled. Very exciting....Now I need a bit of feet up time, and then I will go and visit Heike, who is definitely doing better! Have a great day, hugs! xxxxxxx

  5. Another wonderful tag with the pretty bird and great poem for thought. Thanks for sharing all the fun pics too. Have a great week ahead,

    1. Thanks Carol, I wish you a good week, take care and have fun creating! Hugs

  6. Love the bird tag and journal page,great pavement art especially the grass eyebrows lol.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks, aren't those grass eyebrows wonderful? I really laughed when I saw that pic! Look after yourself, hugs!

  7. Lovely tag and page, fun thinkies-Christine

  8. Weekends need to be longer. Your Summer birds are so fun especially the cheeky seagull. 37 days until Camp Ofunquit to see if the cheeky seagulls are stealing food from beach goers hands. Happy T Day

    1. They certainly do. The gulls here at the Rhine are very naughty and steal from unwary tourists.

  9. I love that poem! I wish I had the talent to write poetry. Haikus are the best I can do.

  10. I do like your bird tags -- so pretty! And all the images -- funny and otherwise -- made me smile! Happy new week!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, have a ovely week, take care! Hugs!

  11. Pięknie wyszła ci praca z ptakiem. Lubię ptaki ale koty jeszcze bardziej:)) Miłego tygodnia

    1. Thanks so much Lucyna, have a wonderful week. Hugs!

  12. Aw, Maya is one of my faves and you used those powerful words so well. Your birdie tag is nautically fab as well. Hope you have a good restful week and get some energy back, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, Maya was a great lady, and a brave one, too! I have some different tablets, perhaps they are making me so tired! Enjoy your day! Hugs!

  13. Hi Valerie, Awesome art and memes, Hoping you can catch up on rest-hugs

  14. It's been a busy weekend for us - out every day and although I would love a rest we have to go out for the next three too! I love your tag and the caged bird poem is illustrated beautifully! Thanks for more Zinn to make me smile, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Have a great week, don't overdo things! Hugs, Valerie

  15. I'm behind as I had a busy Sunday and lots of yard work today since we actually had sun and warm weather. I love the ocean theme on your bird tag, and I love the crow on your AJJ page. That's a great poem also. I hope you had a nice start to the new week and got some rest too. :) hugs-Erika

    1. You always work so hard, and your garden looks lovely for it! Hope the bees thrive, too. My neighbour has a garden nearby, and she spends a lot of time there, it's her favourite place. Have a great day, hugs!

  16. FABulous bird tag Valerie. love it and all your pics and chalk drawing, it's awful when you tired a lot, I run out of steam by 3pm..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. You get so many wonderful things done every day, I always love your work. And you have great ideas! Have a great day, Valerie

  17. Great bird art Vj. Lovely colorful post

  18. I also like anything by Maya Angelou. We have a library named for her and she was here to dedicate it when it opened. That's a charming bird tag, too.

    LOVED the dog funny with the drinks and the others were great, too, especially the coffee and wine. More art = more joy! Yes. Those David Zinn characters are wonderful. Thanks for sharing your poem at AJJ using your theme and for joining us for T this Tuesday, too, dear. Feel better soon, please.

    Got a failed to publish, so not sure when you will get this comment.

    1. Thanks E, your comment arrived! Glad you like the art and funnies. Maya Angelou writes so beautifully indeed. Have a good week.

  19. Wonderful post. I love your art. All the photos are fabulous. Have a wonderful day today.

  20. Lovely tags, and great memes. I love David Zinn. And that fantasy mug is amazing. It all made me smile, so Thanks
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca. I got real mugs this week, a lovely present, and I will show them next TsfT. Hugs, Valerie

  21. I'm not surprised you get so many visitors this is another brilliant post. David is a fantastic artist and your tag is full of detail, love it. And thank you for all the smiles too. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, glad you like my post. Thanks! I am having an early night, I am tired 😴💤 Goodnight, hugs!

  22. Oh I love your tag Valerie, so many fabulous elements. There's some brilliant funnies there, but the pavement art always wins for me. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I love the art from David Zinn, too. Enjoy your week! Hugs!

  23. Love your header! And that tree is amazing, isn't it?
    Hope your day is filled with all kinds of energy.

  24. Love all the funnies!!! Happy T day! ((Lyn))

  25. You amaze me with your art. Love both pieces are beautiful. Love the thinkies and funnies as well Zinn's art.

    Hugs and Blessings

  26. Love your journal page - what a fantastic raven. I don't like to think of caged birds, it reminds me of China when we were asked to buy a bird and free it from its little cage - I found out that they just capture them again and cage them over and over. What a life!
    The tag is lovely and very seaside-y.
    Great funnies etc and the David Zinn ones are, as always, fantastic. I love that little beaver one - such a cheeky face.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps I wonder where that tree is, it's fabulous

    1. Thanks , Neet. The raven is an ancient stamp from LaBlanche, I t is so awful to see birds in cages. Nobody and no bird or animal should have to live in a cage. I have no idea about the tree, but I would love to have one in the garden! Look after yourself, Neet! Hugs!

  27. Your tag just transported me to the sea Valerie, just where I would love to be!! I enjoyed my cruise down your page. The street art is something else!!!

    1. Thanks, you and me both. I must visit the sea soon! Hugs!

  28. both your bird creations are lovely! here's wishing you energy and well-being. xo

  29. I love, love, love, LOVE that tree. OMG!!!!

  30. I love everything here! Blessed bishop cat was refreshing lol


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