Monday 20 May 2024

Monday / Tuesday Post - A wonderful dream

Hi Everybody!

Today is a bank holiday here so I will be able to sleep a little longer - I hope!

I have another piece for Erika's and my challenge - poetry - at AJJ. Today I have a piece about strawberries  - very fitting just now as it's strawberry season here, and yesterday afternoon I went with Heike to visit her brother and his wife, and we feasted off asparagus, potatoes, ham and then chocolate pudding, whipped cream and masses of strawberries - yummy! I wrote  a quick verse to accompany it:

On Monday evening Elizabeth starts celebrating her TsfT drink party, so we need to show a drink to join in- I think this picture will be known to many readers:

Unexected visitors:

We had a lot of foggy mornings here:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Oh my, you made my mouth water! Sounds like a totally scrumptious meal and great company. Love your artistic memory of it! And always the funnies make me lol. Seeing that bear made me remember a video I saw the other day taken by someone who lives just a few towns away on a bayou, they filmed an alligator (probably 6 feet long) climbing their wrought iron back fence that was at least 5 feet high and he made it over! Oh lord, they can climb, a very scary thought! Enjoy your Sunday and happy week ahead, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee! I'm glad we don't have bears or alligators 🐊🐊 here, I only need to panic about wasps and some other insects. I know Erika has bears in her garden. We get deer, foxes and wild boars here, but nothing more. Have a great week, hugs!

  2. Love the strawberries and your drink picture! -Christine

  3. Hi Val, this is lovely! Great idea for a poem and drawing, strawberries and cream are always such a delight. I need to buy some strawberries, my mouth is watering! Have a wonderful day, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, enjoy your day off! Hugs to all.

  4. What is it that makes strawberries and cream so delicious? Yum. Your page is beautiful and I like you poem. This is a fun page Valerie. And I had to laugh at that bear photo. I've heard bears on my deck before. I once came home one night and a bear was sitting in a lawn year eating from my bird feeder. That's when I moved my feeders out into the lawn because bears make such a mess. Have a great new week, and happy early T day too. hugs-Erika

    1. I just know they are delicious! No bears here, and I am happy about it.. Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  5. Good morning, Valerie: It is not quite strawberry season here, but soon! Oh, the mere thought of those delicious berries makes me salivate. Last year they were exceptionally tasty. I don’t even bother with strawberries the rest of the year. The imported ones often taste woody and they never really seem to be fully ripe. Not surprising really when you think that the poor things were ripped off their stems in California, and stuffed in boxes to be shipped all the way here. That is quite the feast you had with Heike’s brother and his wife. If you were well-behaved maybe you can wheedle a return visit. But hospitality is reciprocal, isn’t it, so please let us know your menu for their visit to you! Today is a national holiday here and the neighbours were celebrating with fireworks already last night. They seem to get fewer each year though, thank goodness. Fireworks, that is, not neighbours. Hope you are feeling well and that you and the Exalted Heikeness can get out again together. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Here the strawberry season is full in swing, and like you, I will enjoy them now and not be tempted by the unripe ones! That was already my second visif, but I can't imagine them visiting my lowly abode! But I could make them a strawberry cake, that would be nice. Here is a bank holiday today because of the feast of pentecost. Today I am having a rest, tomorrow I will be out and about again!.E not your day, hugs, xxxxxxx

  6. Those strawberries look delicious - a great painting! Still giggling over the spoon in the coffee too LOL Have a great week ahead.

    1. Yes, Blogs make us aware of things we didn't need before! Enjoy your week, hugs!

  7. Your painting is so fresh looking you could almost pick the strawberries from it. Cute poem, too. Your Spring feast sounds delicious especially the strawberries. Love the funny with the bear on the porch rail. Enjoy you extra day off.

    1. Thanks, I don't know what was better, strawberries or asparagus! Have a great week, hugs!

  8. haha this curious bear is the best:D

    1. Yes, he is funny, but I wouldn't want him here! Hugs!

  9. Love your poem, apt for the painting of that wonderful dessert. That bear on the deck looks so scary.

    1. Scary indeed.! Fancy seeing a bear when you want to make your breakfast! Hugs! Have a great week!

  10. I wonder where your strawberries were grown… they look delicious, but it seems a little early for them to be ripe so far to the north. My google search, however, says you should have them growing locally now — so I’m sure they were wonderful. No matter how good they were in the field, they never quite travel perfectly. Your whole dinner sounds marvelous: friends and food and all.
    best, mae

    1. Rhineland is mild and now is strawberry and asparagus time, Yessssssss!

  11. Moses and the snails.. lol.

  12. What great memes. That first meme makes my head spin. Is there a story behind it?Loved that you had a lovely meal and fellowship, the verse and the piece. Hugs

    1. That was normal behaviour for the tough guys working up in the air! Yes, it a nice change being with people as I don't have any family any more! Hugs!

  13. Love your strawberries and cream painting and your sweet poem.

    Pleased to say we don't get bears on the deck rail!
    Squirrels like to visit though!

    Have a good week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. I have 2 🧸 teddy bears, but that's it! Hugs!

  14. Happy Strawberries and Cream Day!

    1. At last I managed something on the right day!

  15. I love your art and this whole post really

  16. Thanks Claudia, have a great day!

  17. Once again, some funny funnies!! My youngest daughter, lives near Seattle, and often has a bear sleeping in her wood shed! U'll stick with a simple hedgehog!

  18. Wow!!! Strawberry delight. I want some. Sorry you are on so many meds. I have to find a rheumatologist. I have been caring for myself for 20 years. But since last fall I have been failing. Soooo. Life is life and we live it each day as it comes. Take care my friend. Hugs.

    1. The older we get the more important it is to have good doctors. We can't change our life but can try to alter the circumstances a bit. Yes, take good care of yourself!

  19. I was actually able to publish a post with embedded comments, so am giving this a try.

    Asparagus and fresh strawberries. What more could you ask for!! And it was great to read you got out and had a good time with friends, too. Of course, the poem you created to go with the strawberries was awesome and just made for yours and Erika's theme.

    That man drinking his coffee on the scaffolding is rather scary. Glad it's him and not me. Laughed at the spoon in the coffee and the snails heading to Noah's ark. Thanks for sharing these different ways of looking at coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. Oh yes, these are some of my fave foods. And as we live here with lots of farms, we get most things fresh from the fields. Glad you managed to link. I think being up on that scaffolding would take away my appetite for coffee ☕☕☕!

  20. It sounds like you are having a wonderful long weekend (or had one! I'm catching up.) Your time with Heike's family sounds terrific and I loved your strawberry paintings.

    1. Thanks, Jeanie! I was just inspired to paint strawberries!

  21. Heike's brother and his wife certainly treated you to some yummy stuff. I love asparagus, but like in the Netherlands, I assume yours are white. Strawberries and cream! Yum! (and perhaps some scones).
    Your funnies made me giggle.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Yes, we have the white asparagus, with potatoes and melted butter, soooo good. Perhaps I will bake some scones, I could try them in my air fryer.... yummy thought! Hugs!

  22. Hello Valerie! Sounds like a lovely visit and how fun to eat a bunch of fresh strawberries. I may have to get some today and some whipped cream. Your painting is wonderful and makes me want strawberries even more. Love all the fun pictures here. I am very worried about that man on those metal beams - so scary - and the bear! The taco one totally made me laugh. Fun visit and I hope to catch up on more of your posts soon so I can see what you have been up to. Hugz

    1. Hi Nancy, grrrrreat to see you again, I have missed you! there's nothing better than fresh strawberries, I will get some more tomorrow. Don't leave us again for such a long time! Hugs, Valerie

  23. That is a great illustration for the strawberries which reminded me that on Tuesday after the chiropractor i wanted to cal for some special home made ice cream and `I thought the perfect accompaniment would be strawberries. The only difference was I didn't have a yellow bowl for mine. Love the little poe you made up. Fab result today for your poetry challenge at AJJ.
    Love the thinkies - the bear one made me think of Erika.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Fresh strawberries at this time of year are wonderful. Yesterday I treated myself to strawberries, kiwis, oranges and blueberries, yummy! I had 6 of those pretty yellow bowls many, many years ago, now I just have one - that's life! Hugs!


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