Wednesday 20 March 2024

Thursday/Friday post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for Chris' 'On all fours' challenge at AJJ. I have a piece put together using one of my photos and  2 hand painted backgrounds:

More spring photos:

I love dandelion and other humble, wild flowers:

I have been doing some practice with pencils:

And I painted a picture of my great auntie Fanny as she was back in the 1980s before she died:

Anotesr pencil sketch of a friend of mine:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Another picture from David Zinn:

And another painting:

I will be linking on Friday to  Nicole's FFO and Gillena's AFFF:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, beautiful work, as always. You have evidently been saving up all of those lovely art works! Auntie Fanny is my fave! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I just haven't posted much! ugs to all!

  2. Fantastic drawings. The horses card is great. Thinkies / funnies made me laugh. Great sense of humor.

    Hugs and Blessings

    1. There are a lot of horses living here, so I have lots of photos! Hugs!

  3. Love the photos and drawings. Hugs Anesha x

  4. I love horses:) and your faces. Beautifully drawn. The nerves meme was good too. Hehe.

  5. Niezwykłe są.twoje obrazy, jestem nimi zachwycona. Życzę dobrego tygodnia:)

  6. Is that beautiful building your clinic? If so, it looks like quite a lovely place to be. I loved today's art, especially Aunt Fanny.

    1. Not that one, but another Victorian building!

  7. Gorgeous art and photos. Thanks for the thinkies. I really shouldn't pluck dandelions.

    1. Right you are, the bees need those dandelions!

  8. Great journal page and love all the faces-simple dandelions but the first much needed food for Bees.
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol- I used to have a running battle with my nextdoor neighbour because I didn't remove my dandelions!

  9. Your art is amazing as always Valerie!
    I love dandelions too.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison, keep looking after those dandelions!

  10. Super portraits! Coloured pencils are a whole new ball game. Ida Andersen Lang does some amazing work with them. I just got made student of the month on one of her courses and got a signed print of one of her works! I love wildflowers too, only wish my neighbours did. Hugs, Deb

    1. Ida's work is great, but not really my style- Congrats on being student of the month!

  11. Lovely art and I enjoyed your Spring photographs.
    Happy end of the week wishes.

    All the best Jan

  12. Lovely paintings and drawings Valerie, great thinkies, second one made me laugh out loud!!

  13. Fantastic portraits and photos Valerie. I've enjoyed my visit today.
    Hope you are keeping well.
    Yvonne xx

  14. I too am a great admirer of dandelions, Valerie. They are tough, thrive in even the most degraded landscapes and always wear a bright smile - and they are greatly favoured by, and are important to, bees and other pollinators. I’m not sure what there is to hate about that, but in the unfathomable ways of humans, we do, and wage constant war on these poor plants. In addition to their other virtues, their leaves make a fine addition to a green salad, and their roots may be used to make wine. I can barely think of a human who is so versatile and useful, but perhaps one of your long-necked beauties would rise to the challenge. I bet they would at very least be sympathetic to the plight of this much-abused plant. I expect that shortly you will be mounting a campaign in Germany, nay throughout all Europe, to ❤️ the dandelion. Heike will no doubt join in and provide vocal support and take the bullhorn from time to time to exhort the masses. I shall be watching for it on the nightly news. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I just wrote a long comment and it disappeared again, WTF! I love dandelions and daisies, we used to make ourselves crowns of them when we were kids, so pretty! But most people still want their manicured and 'weed' free lawns....There is a bio shop near here and they sell dandelion wine and salads at exorbitant prices! Have a great day, take care, hugs! xxxxxxxx

  15. I really like your long necked, beautiful girls. The color is fabulous! The horse photos are my faves. The funnies are great especially the one about nerves. LOL Have a very nice day today.

    1. Thanks Nicole. I love horses, and always watch them on the meadow!

  16. Not much time for me today, have a great rest of the week! xoxo

  17. Beautiful journal pages and memes I got rid of my political post most of my readers are liberal or very far left liberal so need to aggravate them haha
    enjoy your day hugs Kathy

  18. OMG that debit card thinkie is sooooo funny😀
    Enjoy your art and photos.
    Have a nice Friday.


  19. Good morning Valerie. Those horses look so peaceful out in the field. This is perfect for Chris’ AJJ challenge. I’m sitting at the Athens airport waiting to fly home to winter. The weather was so lovely here. But my 2 friends and I loved tour Trump meme. It’s so true. Have a wonderful day. And enjoy the. Ratify spring blooms you shared. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, hope you are now safely back home!

  20. ...Valerie, you have some lovely ladies this week, but the one about fascism and fascist Trump hit home. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

    1. Thanks Tom. I hope the world will not go in that direction again, but it's very scary!

  21. Very nice artwork. Thanks for sharing Aunt Fanny.

  22. Thanks Mae, I hope to go home in 10 days! Then I will write about Aunt Fanny!

  23. Your shaky hands have calmed down enough to draw these stunning portraits. Lovely. That "Strip down" joke puzzled me initially, but when it sank in, I laughed aloud. LOL.

    1. Thanks.I needed to think about that joke, and then it hit me!

  24. I love your background and the horses Valerie and your pencil drawings and colouring are fabulous..have a great weekend. mine has just started..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  25. I love your aunt Fanny she reminds me of Cher, I think it's the eyes. Looks like Spring is on it's way at yours too though apparently we're in for some bad weather this weekend. Some very meaningful thoughts too. Have a great weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

  26. Fantastic artwork as always, Valerie.
    Aunt Fanny's portrait is particularly captivating.
    The horses and spring photos are beautiful captures.
    Love your funnies, especially the nerve meme.

    Hugs and blessings

    1. Thanks, I think many of us are suffering from nerves!

  27. beautiful art and photos. your face drawing are especially beautiful. xo

  28. Love the spring art with the bunnies. SO cute! I adore horses and loved seeing your photos and artwork. Thanks for the funnies! Hope you have a lovely week. :)

  29. I love it when you use your own photos and backgrounds- this is a lovely page. We used to have horses opposite our house when I was little which makes your page even more significant for m AJJ theme, Your faces as always are wonderful. I hope you are feeling much better, hugs, Chrisx


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