Monday 4 March 2024

T sTands for Tired

 Hi Everybody!
For Chris'  'On all fours' challenge at Art Journal Journey I have a new piece to share, once again a hybrid piece using a photo and some quirky animals:

This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday 
drink and link party, so here a warm welcome to all who visit here. My drink is coffee:

And my breakfast  at the weekend - a raisin bun, jam and cappuccino - there were lots of raisin in the bun, not just this one!

Some signs of spring taken here in the gardens and park:

This was by the kerb at the weekend, I wonder if someone has given it a new home?

I love this one:

Beautifully made:

And David Zinn is always nice to see:

Have a great, new week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I do like your hybrid piece.

    Good to see that Spring is bringing some lovely flowers to your nearby parks/garden.
    I always enjoy David Zinn.

    Wishing you a good new week, and hoping your energy levels increase.

    All the best Jan

  2. Lovely hybrid piecee! Enjoyed the thinkies and spring photos -Christine

  3. That kitty in the boat better be careful he doesn't tip the boat as he shows off his fish-smile. And boy, is it spring outside in your part of Germany. Not here. Well it is, but we have a LOT of mud. It's messy. But I love seeing all the spring blooms. They are so pretty. I hope you get some rest and relaxation. And have a great start to the new week and T day too. hugs-Erika

    1. I love spring, found daisies and dandelions today!

  4. Good grief. I'm going nuts. today is Sunday in my world and you are already talking about T Tuesday. That kitty in the boat has me laughing, That's a pretty small fish. However, it is perfect for Chris's theme at AJJ.

    Lovely coffee choices, Valerie. I'm wishing you a freaking awesome day, too. The mug with the password had me laughing. Thanks for sharing your breakfast, your art, and your coffee choices with us for T this week, dear friend.

    1. The time dogs are sometimes confusing.! I can think up good passwords, but then I forget which is for what! Hugs!

  5. T definitely stands for Terribly Tired! It's no joke. What an absolutely gorgeous textile cat! Hang in there, Spring is nearly here Hugs, Deb

    1. I love that cat, it is a fantastic piece! Stay strong, hugs!

  6. Good morning, Valerie: It will already be good afternoon for you, of course, and doubtless you have had breakfast and lunch. Your raisin bun above with jam looks tasty and appealing. If I recall from your past stays at the clinic the food there was always good, and plentiful, and available twenty-four hours per day. Here’s what I made for Lady Miriam and me for lunch yesterday. Break up a can of tuna in a bowl, add a chopped boiled egg, chopped red onion, chopped red pepper, mayonnaise, zucchini relish, salt and pepper. Cut an English muffin in half and add a generous amount of the above to each half, and top with grated cheddar cheese. Place under the broiler until the cheese has melted. Now it is quite delicious, I can tell you. Good to the last bite and since I was the creator of this divine snack to me went the pleasure of scraping out the bowl, proof that small things in life bring great joy. I hope that you are doing well in this upscale sanatorium to which you have once again entrusted yourself, but equally I hope that your stay there will be short-lived and you will return to your apartment soon. Does Heike come to visit? Are you still able to get out for lunch? Does the sun still shine on the Rhine. Is the cappuccino hot? Hugs and kisses - David

    1. The food here is fine, plenty of it, and filled cabinets, fridges, etc in the kitchen, cake every day, the beds get made, it's a good service. Your tuna and cheese speciality sounds wonderful, yummy, And yes, licking out the bowl is always fun. Heike has bronchitis and is in bed! We can go out for lunch or whatever whenever we want. And yes to all the other questions! Big hugs, Valerie xxxxxxxx

  7. I haven't had breakfast yet, so your raisin bun and jams sounds divine. Sadly, nothing that good at my house. It's so nice to see some flowers budding. Like Erika said, that won't be happening here very soon. That fainting couch looks awesome. I hope it did find a new home. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. I love raisin buns, my fave breakfast here!

  8. Love your art and great photos-loved the man and the bird. Take care of yourself hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, the man and the curious bird is really funny! Hugs!

  9. Great hybrid page and love the quiky cats and your Spring pics.Hope you are feeling better.
    carol x

  10. Lovely page and photos Valerie.sorry you are tired. -Christine

  11. I enjoyed this post a lot. Your environment is very beautiful. Love that pic of the baby and cat.

  12. I'm glad it is spring and you can get out an walk if you choose. I'm sure your meds contribute to the exhaustion so please take care, savor the sunshine when you can and rest when you must.

  13. are seeing blossoms come and I'm seeing leaves starting to fall off my tree, the seasons are amazing and I love the cats and the crazy one in the boat, so much fun..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  14. Oh my! that pigeon had me in stitches. The breakfast looks interesting but I think you should have something more substantial, we had porridge with a variety of fruit for ours this morning. Maybe when you're feeling more like your self. Hugs Angela xXx

  15. Glorious raisin buns! David’s tuna melt also sounds great. I’m getting hungry and it’s 2 hours until dinner!
    Though the food may be good, I hope you soon recover enough to get outof the clinic and back home again.
    best, mae at

    1. I love raisin buns, too. And tuna melt. And....And.... Hugs!

  16. Your hybrid piece is funny and it made me laugh, Valerie. So did the little kid and the cat, they're both laughing it looks like. Isn't David Zinn just marvelous? I love all his creations in the streets. Those signs of spring are lovely, it seems spring at the Rhine is always a bit earlier than in many parts of Germany. Maybe you being tired is already Frühjahrsmüdigkeit? I hope you will feel much better soon. Take good care of yourself, happy T day - Carola

  17. A very nice post, Valerie. Funny things, art things and flower things. That photo after leopard chase is what we call a money tree or money plant. Nice to see it. Hope all is well with you.

  18. Beautiful art Valerie and I love the baby and kitten photo. Lovely to see signs of spring over there. Hope you are well.

    1. Thanks , spring is such a wonderful time! Hugs!

  19. Love your hybrid piece, Valerie!
    Wonderful to see the signs of spring in your photos, especially the vibrant blooms.

    Hugs and blessings

  20. Hi Valerie. Sorry you are feeling tired, I hope you feel better soon.
    I love all your photos, and your hybrid art.
    Thanks for your comment on my blog yesterday. I did appreciate it. Unfortunately I managed to tap delete instead of publish! 🙄

  21. I love those two kitties down by the river! A fantastic fun page for my AJJ theme- thanks Valerie. That password mug..........yes! It's great to see signs of Spring isn't it? We have been lucky enough to get some sun lately but the ground is still very wet. I love that peeping pigeon! Hope all is progressing well hugs, Chrisx

  22. What a fun page, those cats are adorable! Your breakfast looks good and I loving all those beautifully mades, the cat is amazing 😊. Take care and Happy T Day ❤️. Hugs, Jo x

  23. Oh I love your quirky hybrid piece - such fun, but I'm wondering who has caught who! The password mug is so true, I have to go through this nearly every day 'cos I can never remember my passwords. The fabric cat and the pavement art are amazing, so people are SO talented.
    Take care and have a very happy week, Sue x

    1. Good Question! I know things from my childhood but passwords? No chance.....

  24. oh I love the made cat, sooo lovely and the baby with the kitten and of course the peeking pigeon...(maybe that should be peeking duck!) and of course the password mug, so true! Happy T day!((Lyn))

  25. Hi, Valerie. Great hybrid piece. Also, I loved the photos, so many favorites , that I can’t remember them all. The mug with the password instructions is a hoot! Happy T day!

  26. I haven't seen honesty for a long time. So lovely in dried flower arrangements. Such gorgeous springtime photos, makes me want to go out and walk in the countryside.
    Love the journal page for AJJ - those two have attitude!
    Glad you included David Zinn!
    Hugs, Neet xx


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