Monday 11 March 2024

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and ArT Journal Journey

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Mine was quite good, but then I managed to miss a step and fell down the stairs, and now I have a flourishing collection of colourful bruises and very painful ribs. But this, too, shall pass! This evening we will start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday, so I have a few drink photos to show.

Here I was enjoying coffee and cake in the kitchen:

And here rasin bread with jam and cappuccino:

Spring blooms are wonderful to see:

This is my window ledge:

And some pics taken in the corridor:

 I have a bunny tag for Pinky's challenge at Tag Tuesday. The image was from the Graphics Fairy:

And for Chris' 'on all fours' challenge at AJJ I have another variation on my Africa piece. The ladies are home carved stamps:

Have a great week, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning, have a wonderful week! The window 🪟 cleaner is coming today, so I need to tidy up! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  2. Falling down the stairs is definitely not recommended therapy, Valerie! I hope that your bruises will go away soon and that your ribs will cease to be painful. The clinic looks quite lovely, with a friendly atmosphere, so if you must be away from home, it’s doubtless a good place to be. With all the cakes and bread and jam you will need to walk long and often, otherwise you will have entered a gazelle and will leave a hippopotamus! The blooms of spring look lovely. We had a little snow here yesterday, but nothing to speak of really, and it’s a mere interruption in the springlike conditions that have characterized March. Stay well if you can. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. There's definitely too much food here, such temptatation! And three good meals each day, snacks and cake in the kitchen, a wonderful caffee automat. Today is cold and rainy, not really weather for walking, let's hope tomorrow will be better for us both! Hugs xxxxxxxx

  3. OUCH! I'm so sorry about your fall but it happens to the best of us. Speedy healing wishes as spring blooms begin to awaken. Love the bunny tag and African piece, Do take good care of yourself and heal quickly.

  4. Oh no! I hope you've recovered from your tumble. I haven't had breakfast yet so raisin toast and jam followed by coffee cake sounds so good! The Spring blooms are lovely especially the pussywillows. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. I love toast and jam, don't have it at ome as jam is barred from my kitchen! Hugs!

  5. So sorry to hear you took a spill. I hope you aren't too colorful, and that you feel better from that quickly. Your breakfast looks good. And they have such lovely and cheerful blooms too. Of course I am still jealous everything is greening up outside , but that has to make you smile to see the blooms and spring. That is a cute bunny tag. Eating roses might mean a thorn in the mouth-ouch. And your Africa page is fantastic. I love those home made stamps. I hope you have a great T day and week ahead Valerie. Sending healing vibes your way too. hugs-Erika

    1. It's wonderful to see spring waking up! Have a great week, Erika, take care, hugs!

  6. Lovely page and tag. Your tea and snack look yummy! Glad you are ok. -Christine

  7. I like your Africa piece. Way cool! You seem to have such a pleasant environment. Sorry to hear about your bruised ribs. Take care, Valerie!

  8. I'm so sorry you took a tumble and now all battered and bruised and you are very lucky that is all you got Miss your sweet bunny in the roses and gorgeous africam scene...take care and be VERY careful..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy. I was indeed lucky, it could have been much worse, and yes, I am being very careful! hugs

  9. You poor thing, falling down the stairs is not good at all. Hope the bruisers are not too painful but on the bright side you will have some lovely colours to look forward to! Loving the photos and art work. We had a lovely day Saturday and it looked like spring was on it's way and then yesterday it poured it down all day but guess that's typical of this time of the year. Take care and have a good week. Hugs Angela xxx

    1. Thanks Angela. We had rain all day here, too. Have a great week! Hugs!

  10. LOve the bunny tag and your hand carved ladies.The clinic looks a lovely atmosphere and not clinical looking if you know what I mean lol.Falling down stairs is not recommended and lucky you weren't seriously hurt-hope the bruises fade soon and the ribs are less painful soon.Take care.
    Carol x

    1. The clinic here is like being at home. Take care, hugs!

  11. Oh Valerie, I'm so sorry you had a fall, and down the stairs in top of it. I'm glad that you're "only" bruised and not something worse - still, it sounds painful. I hope you will recover quickly from that. Your African piece is gorgeous, I love those carved stamps of the ladies. Spring blossoms are always a welcome sight, aren't they? Have a good week, my friend. Hugs - Carola

    1. The spring blossoms are my hope and comfort just now. Happy T Day!

  12. So sorry about the stairs. I like raisin bread, although I like mine toasted.

  13. Falling down stairs is terrifying, and I’m glad to hear you weren’t badly hurt and are recovering from the bruises. All the vases of flowers look very cheery, though I would suffer if there were pussy willows in my breathing space! Such a great sign of spring, the first to bloom and the first to give allergies.

    best, mae at

    1. I'm lucky that I don't have allergies!. It was indeed scary falling down the stairs!

  14. So sorry to read about your fall. I can relate. I hope you mend quickly because it could have been a lot worse than it was.

    I love the bunny, but the African scene with your homemade stamps is beautiful. A great entry for Chris's theme at AJJ.

    Cake and coffee. Raisin bread and cappuccino. What wonderful snacks. It must be heaven there as far as food and environment is concerned. Loved the tulips in your room and the pussy willows in the hall. Such a great place to heal. Thanks for sharing your art and drinks with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. Yes, we have wonderful food! Enjoy your coffee! Happy T day, hugs, Valerie

  15. Another fab tag, I so love those victorian images of bunnies. xx

  16. Oh no, horrible to hear that you fell and are sore everywhere. I don't live in fear of much, but falling is one thing I'm a bit terrified of. Such nice pieces for AJJ and TT. And delicious eats and drinks. I'm happy the blooming is happening for you, that's always a happy sight. Take good care and wear rubber soles! Hugs, xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, falling is very scary! Yes, I wear very sensible shoes, but I still missed that step! You take care of yourself, too, dear! Hugs!

  17. Gorgeous rabbit tag. Happy Tuesday.


    1. Thanks Gillena, happy Tuesday to you, too. Hugs!

  18. The clinic looks like a lovely place to be if you have to be at a clinic -- except for the stairs! Oh, my heart broke a bit when I heard about your tumble down. That has to hurt big time -- and even though it's "just" bruising, we all know that bruises hurt and can be very painful. I hope they're taking good care of you and that you feel better from that soon. It's like adding insult to injury, isn't it -- after being there for tests and all that. But it's a lovely spot and I'm so glad you have a good view of nature and some wonderful light in there.

    1. It is a lovely place to be, and it's not their fault that I do n't look where I'm going! I was at the hospital today, 2 ribs are cracked so I need to be careful. I am sometimes sooooo stupid!

  19. Such a cheerful post but so sorry to hear that you missed a step and took a fall. Hope you are feeling better soon. I always enjoy your art work!!

    1. Thanks Judee. I am now a fallen woman! Hugs!

  20. Oh, beautiful magnolias, I'm really looking forward to them, because they haven't started blooming yet. All the best!

    1. Thanks, I love magnolias . Have a great week!

  21. Wonderful art, and lovely to see the spring blooms inside and out.
    Hope your bruises heal quickly.
    Alison xx

  22. So sorry to read about your fall, hope the bruises heal quickly.
    It's lovely to see the Spring blossom in your photographs.

    Sending lots of good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  23. you always have the most delightful treats to eat! but i am sorry you fell. a wonderful bunny tag! take good care and please do stay upright! xo

  24. Your bunny tag and artwork are nicely done. So sorry you fell down the stairs. Happy t day, hugs Sharon-foxy stamping

  25. A blessing in disguise - falling down the stairs really doesn't sound good, it's good that everything is still whole and together... I wish you a good recovery from this.
    Your beautiful coffee drinking photos are wonderful - I think I'll come over - at four in the afternoon. Hug Viola

    1. Thanks so much, Viola, hugs to you and your family!

  26. I'm so sorry that you're back in the clinic Valerie, but maybe it's nice to be looked after for a little while. I love your On All Fours piece, and your bunny is so cute! Take care, no more falling down, and have a peaceful week, Sue xx

  27. Sounds like you had quite a tumble. Poor you. But as you say, it will pass. I can see you are still in the clinic. I hope your health is slowly improving.
    I love the brown cows in your header.
    Your bunny is cute. Will he. or will he not eat the roses?
    I love the spring blooms. Yes, Spring is coming!

    1. Thanks Lisca, the cows are on a meadow at the end of our road, and other animals, too. I buy my eggs there. My fave is the pig!

  28. Your African piece is terrific. Gorgeous colours and the lady stamps you used are magnificent, you are better at carving than I am. In fact I am in awe!
    Love the bunny tag and the photos are wonderful.
    Sorry to hear about the fall, at lreast you were somewhere to be checked over this time but do be careful, I'd hage you to end up like me.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! I can't carve any more, my fingers don't work, but I used to love carving and have hundreds of stamps I made. But I'm thankful that I can still do a lot. Hope you are keeping well, dear!

  29. Gute Besserung liebe Valerie, das langt doch wenn du die Untersuchungen machen musst und jetzt noch der Treppensturz dazu.. da hast du Glück gehabt nichts gebrochen hast.
    Schön dein Posting und schön dein Zimmer!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

  30. Oh Valerie, I know how a fall can make you ache so I hope by now you are feeling a little bit better! Your coffees and snacks look like good comfort food! I love seeing Spring blossoms - the Magnolia trees seem to have more flowers this year. I love your cute tag and your journal page for my AJJ is truly brilliant! Take care, hugs, Chrisx


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