Monday 15 May 2023

T sTands for never enough Time

Hi Everybody!

Have a great, new week,  hopefully with good weather, nice people , and time to smell the flowers.

Today I have another hybrid collage for  Aimeslee's flowers challenge at AJJ:

Some purple flowers:

This evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link up,  so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here.

First some photos from my kitchen central, showing the important things - coffee machine, mugs and paints:

Heike getting ready to tuck in at the pizzerie Roma:

As always,  our drinks were wheat beer without alcohol. Heike had a Pizza Verano, and I had a Pizza Bolognese, delicious! Sorry for the shaky piceture again:

And we went for coffee a few times during the week:

Some funnies / thinkies:

A beautiful mural:

Have a great day, take care,
And thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Tus flores son maravillosas !
    Me encanta el color morado.
    También el paseo por la ciudad .

  2. This post definitely started with a purple theme :)
    Lovely purple art and flowers.

    Your pizzas look good.

    Wishing a happy week ahead.

    All the best Jan

  3. Beautiful purples Valerie gorgeous piece, I love it, and loved all the photos and having your pizzas as well, what a fun time you two have..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  4. Lovely art and purples. Good funnies. The tea was delicious those pizzas look amazing

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Love the luscious purples in your journal page, so beautiful. Sounds like you had a good weekend, hope you got plenty of rest, too. Have a good week and try to take things easy! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, this week should be a lot easier than the last one!

  6. Your photo of Charles has made me howl with laughter. Truly, it did. Despite being shaky, that pizza looks so yummy. Deliciously cheesy and full of melty ooey gooey goodness. Purple is my favourite colour. I love it, especially with splashes of lime green. In case you hadn't noticed, I appear to be back. Jeannie of the Marmalade Gypsy fame gave me a very useful tip on my latest blog. And it seems to have worked. Hope you have had a restful weekend and are feeling better this week. I have slept a lot, but only time will tell how much good it's done me. Hugs. Deb xx

    1. Hi Deb, Glad you had a good laugh, always something good! Glad you are back on your blog, that was bad time where it was gone. Hope you are feeling a bit better! Hugs!

  7. I do love purple and your collage elements on your page are arranged perfectly! Such pretty flowers and your coffee area is cool. But I LOVE your wall of art! And the pizzas are making me drool, XOX

    1. Thanks so much Aimeslee. Thos Pizzas were absolutely drool worthy, so yummy! Have a great week! Hugs!

  8. I could get lost in all those gorgeous purple flowers as it's my favorite color! What a gorgeous collage along with all those great photos to pour through. I'm just cracking up over the kitty trying to squeeze into heaven! Hilarious :)

    1. Thanks Carol! My kitty sometimes looked like that when she tried to squeeze through doors! Glad you enjoyed the purple!

  9. Thanks for this intimate look at your apartment, Valerie. I can see that you have one of those high tech coffee machines where you just push a button to select the kind of coffee you want. I am a Luddite I suppose. I have a simple drip coffee maker, $29.95, but it works well and since I mostly drink my coffee black, and Miriam adds only a little milk, it works fine for us. But if we crave a cappuccino we have no choice but to go to a coffee shop. Your pizzas look enormous! And excellent too. I notice that Heike is about to attack hers with a knife and fork. Here we generally pick it up by the slice, but I guess the delivery method is unimportant as long as it find its way to the mouth! I hope you were able to accomplish that even with shaky hands.

    1. Everything in my apartment is very low key, old and shabby, but I NEED a good coffee machine, yessssssssssss! The Pizzas there ARE enormous, I can never eat it all, and bring the rest home with me! The knife and fork were only for show for the photo! BIG hugsxxxxx

  10. Wie schön dein Journalseite, in ila Farbenmix gehalten gefällt mir !
    Auch die lila Blumenfotos sind so hübsch. Nah da habt ihr Pizza und Kaffe genossen.Tolle witzige Spruchbilder.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Wochenstart!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke liebe Elke. Ja, wir haben alles genossen, war schön! Dir eine gute Woche, Hugs!

  11. I was unable to go any further since my iPad locked up, so it looks as though I ended abruptly without sending you my usual hugs and kisses, which I hereby do! David

    1. OMG, and I thought you didn't love me any more! Now I can smile again! xxxxx

  12. Your art rivals the beautiful, purple blooms. Pizza, my favorite food enjoyed with a friend, even better. Have a great week.

    1. Thanks CAJ! Pizza, pasta , pizza, fave foods!

  13. I love all the purple! I'd gladly join you in that pizza. It looks especially tasty :)

    1. It was really tasty, and it woud really have been enough for two!

  14. I just love those shades of purple and lavender. Very pretty. Those pizzas look great. Enjoy the early summer.

  15. Love the purple 💜 enjoyed the post vj

    1. Thanks Ashok, I even have a purple walking stick!

  16. Wow Valerie your collage is beautiful! Those colours are gorgeous. Fabulous photos and such good funnies too! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  17. I love your home! You are very organized and it's pretty as well. Love the art you did too. And oh those flowers!!!

    1. Flowers 🌺🌺🌺 are always good. Organization is hard for me, but I'm trying to improve!

  18. Wow such gorgeous purples-loved your art and photos.
    Yum those pizzas look so delicious, happy you were able to get out for coffee with your friend. great funnies too
    Happy T and new week hugs Kathy

  19. Love your purple art and photos and the King Charles photo, that gave me a laugh!! Your pizza's look amazing and the photo of the bird with the coffee made me smile. I like your coffee station in your kitchen too, all the important things to hand!! Great funnies.

    1. Thanks Sue, I liked the photo of King Charles, too!

  20. Oh wow. I love your amazing hybrid journal page. Purple is beautiful and so is that spread. It makes a great addition to Aimeslee's theme at AJJ. Your spread compliments the beautiful purple flowers you found on your walk.

    Do you have a cow fetish? I sort of guessed when I saw your kitchen.

    I'm so hungry right now and Heike's pizza is making me SO much hungrier. I really like those glasses your beers come in. Thanks for sharing your beer, pizza, and coffees with us for T this week.

    LOVE the cat humor and the mural. That cat condo box would be of more interest to my cats than the condo itself. Have a fantastic and amazing week ahead. Don't overdo it. Just take it one day at a time, dear friend.

    1. Thanks E! Yes, I do have a cow fetish, I share my place with many cows. One is quite large, and my Kitty used to hiss at it, too funny! I am trying to take things easy! Tomorrow my Home-Help man will come and clean and tidy again!

  21. Oh my, those purple flowers - aren't they beautiful! That's a very beautiful collage. I love how your kitchen looks - The picture right over your coffee maker looks like a paper napkin I have saved for some art I might one day do with it (or not). It reminds me of Tuscany or one of those little villages in Provence. Great funnies today - I especially liked the April Fool's Day one! Happy T day and a good week, Valerie

    1. Thanks Carola. That picture was made with a paper napkin!
      Yes, some seem to be all year fools!

  22. Hi Valerie, love those funnies especially King Charles and the Mother Fathers Day one , very funny. Gorgeous collage and flowers Happy T Day. Jan S

  23. Purple flowers in both your art, real life and your photos are just gorgeous aren't they? I love how you used the tag as a hybrid. It works great and creates such a nice bit of texture. And I love seeing your art wall. And the cow clock. It's always fun to see what people choose to display because it says a lot about them. Plus it is fun to see all the displayed items too. Your kitchen looks so bright and cheery too. And you are having lots of fun with Heike lately too. I love it. I hope you're having a great T day. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, my kitchen is my fun room! I'm glad I met Heike, and we both like eating out and drinking coffee. And her place is just 5 minutes from here, so it's great for us both!! Hugs!

  24. I love how you shared your kitchen, which is just wonderful. And how your paints are stored. And the clock and so many fun things! A little peek into how my blog friends live is always such fun. And thanks for the funnies, too!

  25. What beautiful shades of purple, mauve and lavender. Gorgeous flowers!
    Oh yes, now that's a pizza and a half!
    Thank you for a glimpse in your kitchen. You like moo-moos? Mmm yes, that is an impressive coffee machine.
    Happy T-Day,

  26. Beautiful art and flowers Valerie. I love that your paints are in the kitchen, it looks so inviting and ready to be used. Cats eh, always more excited about the box than the contents lol. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle, I like having everything in view! Cats love boxes, that's true!

  27. I don't have a favourite colour. Saying that my favourite jeans are a purple plummy colour, my most used bag is the same and I do have purple gloves that i wear such a lot. When I saw your latest piece I thought "Ooh, what gorgeous colours" so I guess I have a bit of a thing for purple afterall.
    I love everything there is about your hybrid piece, the different shades and hues, the shapes, the whole composition. It really captured me.
    Just like the funny about the King, that is magnificent. I've seen several jokes but this one tickled me no end.
    A great blog post from start to end.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  28. What a beautiful page Valerie- this post is a real flowery treat! The pizzas look good, I think I should have chosen one yesterday of the disappointing pasta! Great funnies- love the cats being offered the box! Hugs, Chrisx


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