Wednesday 3 May 2023

Midweek post

Hi Everybody! 

Just a quick post today, time has moved more quickly than I can!

I have a hybrid page today, put together in my digital programme using a hand painted background, one of my photos, and a quote from Albert Einstein. I am linking to Aimeslee's flowers challenge at AJJ:

Some photos taken today:

I went for a walk along the path next to the stream after I had visited Heike. It was peaceful, green and with lots of flowers:

The path on the way back is very narrow:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Einstein was so wise. Lovely page and everything looks do green!

    1. He was indeed, Christine. Let's hope people start reacting!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Love your beautiful journal page today. Einstein was so clever!Have a lovely day, enjoy the sunshine 🌞! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Have a great day. Hows are your bees doing? Hugs!

  3. Albert Einstein was right when he uttered those words and many renowned biologists and climate scientists have repeated them since, but do we listen? Of course not. We still proceed down the merry path of developing new and more efficient ways to kill off the very pollinators that ensure our food supply. Homo sapiens is anything but sapiens. But you have created a delightful journal page regardless. I bet wild-haired Albert would have given it his seal of approval. I have actually seen bees here quite recently and they are already doing their job. They are very welcome in our garden and we hope that they will bring their friends. I have no doubt that you and Heike will be hobnobbing and coffee slurping today, so have a great time together. Last night we had homemade pizza for dinner and it was delicious. We made three, one each and there is one left for either you or Heike. First one here gets it! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yes, it woud be good if people would start to react. But they still spread their poisons, melt the poles, and do theit best to kill everything on land and in the water. Not very sapiens indeed! I saw the first bees on my balcony, too, and that inspired me to the picture. I want that Pizza! Okay, I'll give Heike half of it. Thanks! Have a great day, hugs! xxxxx

  4. A wonderful and true quote by Einstein along with some beautiful photos, TFS!

  5. That bee photo is great. I have one similar to it that i am planning on using soon also. Great minds' do think alike, right? I am waiting for my first box of bees to arrive. They say tomorrow but according to the tracking they are still down south in Georgia.Hmmm. And I still can't get over how green everything is in your photos. Once we get some sun I bet they will all pop open. I hope you have a great mid-week and I hope you feeling well. hugs-Erika

    1. Yes, great minds indeed. I have a lot of nice bee photos, they never seem to mind posing ! Hope your bees arrive soon, it must be exciting. I wish you and your bees the best of luck. I'm sure they will enjoy the honey you have for them. Here it really is green, I love it. Tomorrow I have my appointment at the oral surgeon, so hope it goes well! Look after yourself, hugs.

  6. I am quite a fan of Albert Einstein quotes. The way he gives the message really hits home. Wonderful photos too. Thanks.

  7. It looks beyond spring in your world, Valerie, and into summer. So much green and beauty. Our grass is growing and my yard is out of control but it is too wet to mow it. I may end up with no-mow May by default!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, this is such a lovely time to be outside. No-mow, more books!

  8. Oh my, Valerie! Your digital art with your hand painted background is absolutely beautiful, and so meaningful, too. Albert Einstein's quote is perfect here and very true!! Mother Nature is so smart! She shows up in all of your gorgeous photos. I love the skies, the clouds, the flowers, the water, the trees, the grass, the narrow path . . .everything! All of them are just wonderful. Here's hoping you have a wonderful May! Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks so much, Sharon. I love combining 'real' and digital! Hugs!

  9. Hi Valerie, hope all is well with you. Love your Einstein page, it's a great idea, lovely colours, too. Hugs, Martha

  10. How strange to see your picture today. I stood at the door with DH and he commented on a bee that we saw and his words echoed the words on your hybrid page. it is delightful and so full of sunshine. Really brightened my day. Thanks.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. What a coincidence! Bees are so important for the world. 🤗 Hugs! Have a wonderful day 💟

  11. Interesting quote by Einstein, but is it true today? Plants now can be grown artificially without pollination by bees.

    1. I hope I never need to eat artificial food in a hopeless world.

  12. Grand piece. Grand photos. Gotta love Einstein.

  13. Love the page as always. Your pictures are very calming and thoughtful.

    Hugs and Blessings

  14. Your photographs are lovely ... everything is so wonderfully green.
    Happy Wednesday.

    All the best Jan

  15. Beautiful photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  16. Einstein was a man ahead of his time. Even back then, he understood the importance of pollinators. This is a great entry for Aimelee's theme at AJJ.

    Sorry I'm so late visiting. Still taking care of two homes, four cats, four sandboxes, and four food bowls, as well as four demanding cats, two of which don't like sharing me.

    I LOVE your photos from today. I agree it is SO green there. I hope your surgery goes well today.

    1. Thanks E! I can imagine that your 2 boys are not keen on sharing you! I was up early because I couldn't sleep for thinking of the surgery today! Take care of yourself as well as the cats! Hugs!

  17. Wonderful page and message, Valerie, so true! I see you saw some dandelions and I see a few more flowering "weeds" that we have in our yard as well. I think they are every bit as pretty as a cultivated garden, they make me happy to watch their changes. XOX

    1. Thanks so much, Aimeslee. I love all flowers, weeds or whatever. And the bees and xother insects need them so much! Hugs!

  18. Hi, Valerie! Einstein's quote really resonated with me. He is absolutely right, and bees are under distress all over the world today. It's very concerning to me. I always enjoy your Moody skies and the lovely area you live in. You seem to be a week or two ahead of us in the spring season. I love cheerful dandelions. When I was a girl, I thought I would use them in my wedding bouquet, but, of course I didn't! I hope you are enjoying a great day!

    1. Yes, Einstein knew what he was saying, and so many people just don't care. I love dandelions! Hugs!

  19. Such a beautiful piece and so true! Time really is flying isn't it. Take care and have a very happy week - will you be watching the coronation on Saturday? Sue xx

    1. You bet! I'm going to a friend and we'll spend the day watching!

  20. I love your bee art, very fitting. Your photos are also so beautiful.

  21. I love everything in this post - your art, the gorgeous photos and Einstein's quote.

    Hugs and blessings, Valerie

  22. Love the page, it's a great reminder of why we must look after our planet! Loved seeing your walk we have a similar narrow path that was a bit muddy this morning! Take care, hugs, Chrisx

  23. We really should protect them more as your words are so true. Lovely page, Valerie! Such lovely pictures too. Hugz


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