Sunday 21 May 2023

T sTands for Flowers and more

Hi Everybody! 

Here's wishing us all a good, new week!

Today I am sharing another face painted on A3 paper with acrylics. I like this cool look:

And I digitally altered it so that I can join Aimeslee's flowers challenge at AJJ:

This evening we will also start celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. I have some HUGE cups of coffee for you today. I played with AI, told them what I wanted, and these were the results. It was fun, yes, but somehow I don't feel comfortable with this type of creating, and I probably won't use it again:

And back to reality - Heike with a real drink, the non-alcoholic wheat beer that we always drink:

I love the little rolls they serve with garlic butter before the meal begins:

Ooooops! I forgot to take pics of the main course, I was evidently too greedy! But I did take a photo of the wonderful Tartufo ice we had as dessert:


Some photos from here:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Take care, have a great day,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lots of fun here. That's one big cuppa coffee! And they serve things so beautifully there! Happy week!

  2. Lovely photographs.
    Wishing you a good new week.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks so much Jan, you have a good week, too!

  3. Hi Valerie, you have the beer and I'll have one of those big cups of coffee, scrummy. The rolls and icecream look good too. River cruising is my favourite way to travel just not had chance to do it for a while. Loving the Snoopy funny he's so sweet. Hope the new week brings lots of smiles for you. Hugs, Angela xXx

  4. I've always like basset hounds.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  5. Ooh. Ooh. I know I say it everytime you complete a new face lady but this is my fave:)

  6. Yet another delightful post, Valerie.
    I enjoyed all the funnies.

    Hugs and blessings

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well and are feeling good. The weekend went by too quickly, now it's time to get back to work. Your face is fabulous, love it very much. Have a good week, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. I'm still very tired, I don't know how to change it!

  8. I'm so glad you added the beautiful flower in her hair, Valerie, thanks for linking up at AJJ. You two have the most delicious looking food, I can almost smell the yeast-y rolls! Good week to you! xoxo

    1. Thanks Aimeslee, we like going out to eat. Yesterday another friend came and then we were three! Hugs!

  9. Awesome art and photos, nice to enjoy a meal with your friend-and great funnies. Happy new week and Happy T hugs Kathy

  10. Wundervolles Gesicht und die Farben liebe ich und auch mit den Blumenverzierungen , grossartig ausgedacht von dir. Schön dass du mit deinen Freundinnen essen warst!
    Tolle Fotos von der Fähre und anderes!
    Schöne Woche wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke! Ja, es war schön zusammen zu essen. Unsere Fähre is wirklich sehr schön!

  11. Your icy girl is so wonderful, and your computer alterations are wonderful. I had a funny thought when reading your words: I thought we should all purely love Putin and maybe it would stop the evil. The funny about inviting people over to stare at phones is sadly kind of true.... The bee facts are fabulous - wow. Love your dessert too. Fun stuff. Hugz

    1. Perhaps it would help, but I think he is so evil he can't change!

  12. Fabulous face painting and love how you digitally changed it. Great Nature pics and sadly how true is the phone thing-love all the Bee facts
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol. Phones are sometimes just too much. Have a great day, hugs!

  13. I also love this latest face, and I like how you added the flowers and other bits for AJJ. Both ways she looks fantastic. And I'm with you with the AI creating-although I haven't tried it so I shouldn't judge. It seems a bit like cheating to me, because you don't really create it with your own ideas, do you? You and Heiki definitely have fun eating. I can't say I blame you. It looks yummy. I know when I visited my friend we did the same thing. It was fun. Have a great start to the new week, and happy T day too. And I love that bee meme. Isn't it great how they have so many jobs, but I wonder what triggers them to know it is time to change jobs? hugs-Erika

    1. I didn't like the feeling I had with AI, and won't try it again! It's somehow scary. Bees are really little miracle workers, and I hope all goes well with your bees. Hugs!

  14. Lovely art and delicious tea. I liked the bee meme

  15. The blue art is truly beautiful. I like the drawing very much. Heike looks happy with her beer. Maybe, David and I should try some. Don't know if it is sold in Hawaii stores, though.

    1. This is the only beer I like, and I can't drink alcohol, so this is ideal and very refreshing. Stay as well as possible!

  16. Portret jest niezwykły i piękny. Uwielbiam piwo bezalkoholowe i kawę Miłego tygodnia😊

    1. Thanks Lucyna!. Glad you like the same drinks. Have a great week!

  17. Interesting facts about bees Valerie.
    I love your page, and how you altered the original.

    1. Thanks Alison, have a great week, hope you are well!

  18. Oooh I love your face, she certainly looks very cool, and it's so clever of you to alter her too. The funny about the mobile phone make me LOL - this describes my family perfectly! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. When i travel by tram, everybody sits and stares at heir mobiles!

  19. Hello, Valerie: For some strange reason this post just showed up in my reading list, even though it was posted yesterday. Just another example of Blogger playing silly bugger I guess. Actually, I don't even think of you as posting twice on the weekend, or am I getting confused. Your lady this time around is really gorgeous. I am ready to leave house and home and fly to Germany! There's Heike again with a beer in her hand. I am quite convinced the glass is attached to her fingers and is just filled up when she goes to the restaurant. Last night I made arroz con pollo, and there was enough left for tonight, so it was déjà mangé! I hope tour weekend was great. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, glad you like my lady, but I have to remind you that she is would need to warm her up! The post should have gone live on Monday morning early, but for somed reason it was published early....Your dinner sounds good, too, that's something I love. Pity we live so far away from each other! Have a great day, take care, hugs xxxxxx

  20. Lovely art, especially that blue background.
    The rolls and dessert look delicious!
    Loved the funnies! The one about doing nothing all day rings true for me.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate! Time goes by too quickly, we never get enough done!

  21. Your blue lady is one of my favorites. I love her expression, her lips, and her neck. Adding the flowers made her even more special. Thanks for sharing it with us at AJJ using Aimeslee's theme.

    I couldn't get AI to work for me. Must have been the program I used. I like those big cups of coffee. I am sure AI has a place, especially for the disabled, but not sure about it in art.

    Heike looks like she is enjoying her beer and roll. They look delicious. Now I'm hungry.

    Loved the bee meme and the phone joke which isn't all that funny. More true than funny.

    Thanks for sharing your art and your drinks, as well as your funnies and photos from your town with us for T this Tuesday, dear Valerie.

    1. I will not use AI again, it's somehow scary. People here are always staring at their phones, they seem to have no other life, and that's sad. Happy T day, hugs!

  22. Haha, ich hoffe, der Kaffee des Dates war heiß und landete in seinem Schoß 😁! Deine türkisblaue Lady ist wunderschön.Mir geht's auch oft so, dass ich vergesse, den Hauptgang zu fotografieren... Kann sein, dass es Gier ist, manchmal sehen die Vor- und Nachspeisen aber auch einfach fotogener aus... Lustig die Experimente mit der KI... aber ich finde die Möglichkeiten, die man damit hat, ebenfalls ein bisschen verstörend...
    Alles Liebe und happy T-Day🌱🌿🌱, Traude

    1. Oh ja, ich hoffe es auch, liebe Traude, obwohl guter Kaffee soll man nicht verschwenden.... Bei mir ist es bestimmt Gier, ich habe immer Hunger wenn ich dort sitze und die schöne Dufte einatmen.... Dir eine gute Woche!

  23. I forgot to say happy T-day! Happy T-day!!! Hugz

  24. HiValerie , love the huge colourful coffee cups and a beautiful painting, love it with all the flowers on it too.
    Beautiful photos of the boats and your food, we love garlic Mayo , it’s usually homemade here and very strong, Happy T Day. Jan S

  25. What a lovely post with beautiful pictures! I really like this face painting. Very attractive. Lovely scenery as well!
    Happy T-day too...

  26. The Blue Girl looks very wise. Your AI pics are fun. Those coffee cups look large enough to bathe in! 🤣The tartufo ice looks almost too pretty to eat. Fun to see the ferries on the Rhine. My favorite is the first one with the green ladders and flags. Very colorful and happy. Gorgeous sky photos, too. Happy T Day

    1. Thanks CJ. I could try filling the bathtub 🛁 with coffee ☕! I love our ferry, too, so pretty. Happy T Day!

  27. Such a beautiful painting and I love how you transformed it with the pretty flowers and stamped additions too 😊. So nice to enjoy a meal out with your friend too, I've never heard of the dessert that you had but it looks so yummy. Happy wishes! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. It was my first time enjoying Tartufo, and it was a dream! Hugs!

  28. Interesting what AI gave you... but agree with you about using it... What a lovely face and what you did with it on the computer is lovely too... Your dessert looks yummy although i have never heard of it.. Always love your photos and funnies... the bee one was especially interesting... Happy T day! Hugs! deb

    1. Thanks Deb, have a great week, take care! Hugs, Valerie

  29. Your blue face is beautiful.
    And the AI art looks ok to me. Quite a fun result really, although it is not your art in the sense that you didn't create it, but you facilitated the computer to do it. (I think)
    The photos of the river are splendid. I always love to watch the barges. Rotterdam (where i come from) was often the end of the trip for the barges until they had another cargo and they would moor five or six next to each other, and to get off the barge one had to jump from one barge to the next until the quay. there were also special schools for barge children.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Glad you like 'my' blue face! I won't be playing with AI again, but I still have some of the pics I made. Yes, it'sy so fascinating and peaceful to watch the river and the boats and barges. Here there are special schools for the barge children, too. Have a great week, Lisca, happy T Day! Hugs!

  30. First of, I really like your blue lady, she's a beauty. Ah that beer - you can't go wrong with Erdinger, with or without alcohol. You and Heike always have these fun outings together. The tartufo looks delicious and rolls with garlic butter - yum! That Peanuts cartoon I have as a tile - they sell those here at our Charles Schulz Museum. I have never tried AI and I'm very sceptical...

    1. You're right to be sceptical about AI. It's scary that they can interpret my ideas into a picture, and these things c ould also be used for wrong things. Hard to say, but it was scary. Heike and I go out twice a week for a meal instead of cooking at home, and it's all more fun in company. Sometimes we are joined by another friend, too. The Tartufo was a dream! Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  31. I love the digital changes to your blue lady. Interesting AI pics. Heike looks happy with her drink and the food you did take pics of does look good! Great river pics and funnies! Happy T Day, Chrisx

    1. Food always looks good, too good! Happy T Day, hugs!

  32. I like her pretty choker and the touches of green. Those rolls look delicious. What a lovely view! Happy T Tuesday

  33. OMGosh Valerie! This face is so very impressive. I studied it for a long time. I have always loved your art. Heike looks so happy. I love her glasses. LOL Wonderful photos and funnies. I do hope you are feeling better.

    1. Thanks Nicole. Welike going out for a meal together! Hugs!

  34. ooh I love your blue lady, she does look super cool. Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx


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