Friday 7 April 2023


Hi Everybody!

It's Friday, the weekend is nearly here!

I lost a tooth yesterday, it fell out in the middle of the night, and I woke up when I felt something in my mouth! I went to the dentist today, and he said that I have to go to an oral surgeon - because of the blood thinners I have to take - to have the roots dug out. Anyway, as it's Easter I have a reprieve, but next week I will have to make an appointment and get it done, sigh! 

For Elizabeth's recycle challenge at AJJ I have an A4 journal spread made with scraps of paper, lace, washi tape, book paper and 2 old photos, which have been put together to make a rather grungy collage.  And  I wanted to add some sewing, but my machine is still broken. The 2 girls were sisters of my husband's grandmother, and the 2 children on the right side are Erika and her brother. I am also linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's Friday art fun:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Sunrise this morning:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by! 


  1. Beautiful art work Valerie, great way to show case the photos. I hope your tooth fixing goes ok and is not too painful.

    1. Thanks so much, no pains, it's just sore! Hugs!

  2. I am loving all the texture on your journaling today. Those pages are great and definitely interesting to look at. And perfect for Elizabeth's AJJ challenge. And oh no about your tooth. Hopefully it doesn't hurt. Have a great end of the week and start to the weekend.hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, you have agreat weekend, too!

  3. I'm with Erika. I hope your tooth doesn't hurt or they might have gotten you in sooner. LOVE those sunrise shots and nice thinkies today, too.

    I am in LOVE with your spread for Bleubeard's and my theme. I kept looking over and over and over at the different things you created for the background. There are so many layers and lovely bits, too. This is amazing and a perfect entry for our theme at AJJ, dear.

    1. Glad you like this, I thought you would! My gums are just sore, but no pains, so that's something. Hugs!

  4. Lovely page and sunrise. So sorry about the tooth glad you didnt swallow it.

    1. Thanks so much, it's good that I didn't swallow it!

  5. Hopefully with less work. I will be able to be more creative.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    1. I hope you will enjoy having more free time!

  6. Love your journal spread and the grudge look. Ack. Ack. Ack about the tooth. Have a Happy Easter in spite of it. Hugs

  7. Beautiful artwork, Valerie.
    Love the sunrise shots.

    Happy Easter!

  8. Hope everything goes well when you go for the removing of the tooth root.

    1. Thanks Nancy, I hope I get an appointment quickly!

  9. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well! No sun here today, it's grey and overcast. I love the bits and bobs you used, and it gives a great overall effect. Hugs from us all, Sarah.

    1. Thanks Sarah, same weather here today - the sun is hiding again! Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  10. ...enjoy many beautiful sunrises. Yake care and have a wonderful weekend.

  11. I think there is a while new mission here for the Tooth Fairy! Waking up with a loose tooth floating around in your mouth must have been quite a shock! The thought of having the roots "dug out" seems more than a little intimidating. I am not wild about even going to the dentist for a routine cleaning, so digging at my roots is more than I ever want to contemplate. Your art journal spread is very creative and when you add young people from the past the appeal is enhanced. Little did they know they would be appearing well into the future in ways yet undreamed of. Today is a statutory holiday here. It's still called Good Friday, but I bet there are very few who celebrate its religious origins. For most, it's a day off, lilies, chocolate and ham. Enjoy the weekend whatever you do, Valerie, and if you see Heike be sure to say hello from me. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. You can sa that again. I'm glad I didn't choke on the tooth! I'm not looking forward to having the roots removed, I hope I get to sleep for the OP! I think those kids in the past lived through hard times, I know Erika and her family had to flee to Uruguay. Good Friday here is also a holiday, and a lot of things are forbidden today. But the ice parlour was open and we spent a happy time there, occupied with waffles, ice and coffee etc! I will greet Heike from you, I've told her all about you! Hugs!

  12. It's a wonder you didn't choke on that tooth floating around your mouth! How awful that must have been! I love that you used old family photos on these journal pages. It's a wonderful way to keep your ancestors with you in your daily life. Beautiful sunsets too, may you have many more of those!

    1. Thanks Carol! Yes, I was lucky, it could really have caused damage! I love using family pics in my work, as you say, it keeps the ancestors with us. Happy Easter! Hugs.

  13. Valerie, this is stunning. These colors completely pull me into the art. I am so sorry you lost a tooth in the night. Good thing you didn't swallow it. I am seeing the dentist next month and have to have a tooth pulled, due to an improper root canal by a different dentist. I hope they put you out to dig out the root. I will be sending you lots of love and healing energy. Thank you so much for joining FFO.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I hope I get put out, too! Have a great Easter weekend, hugs!

  14. Those faces are so young, but so somber. Lighten up, man! Anyway, those animal pics made me chuckle.

    1. I think those kids had nothing to laugh about back then!

  15. brrr this tooth accident felt terrible for me...

  16. So sorry about your needing dental work ~ glad you didn't swallow the tooth!
    Gorgeous collage work on your journal pages and awesome photos too !

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol, I'm happy I didn't choke on the tooth! Have a great Easter weekend, hugs!

  17. Hi Valerie! Your art journal spread is so beautiful. I love, LOVE all of the textures here! And the 2 old photos you added are amazing!! The little, raised flowers sprinkled throughout are fabulous, too. And oh my gosh, Valerie, I cannot believe that your tooth fell out in your sleep. (You are lucky that you didn't swallow/choke on it!!!) And I am so sorry that you have to go through a dental procedure now. That totally stinks! And I just have to mention that I absolutely love your funnies/thinkies! All are wonderful. And your sunrise photos are absolutely gorgeous! Take care of YOU! Happy Easter!! Hugs, Sharon

    1. Thanks Sharon! I was really lucky I didn't choke on the tooth! Happy Easter to you and your lovely family! Hugss!

  18. Beuatiful pages , wonderful pictures.

    1. Thanks Rika, happy Easter, have a great weekend!

  19. Well that had to be a shock, losing a tooth in your sleep. Getting the roots dug out isn't as bad as it sounds. You will be at very least numbed and the roots should be easy to reach since there is already an opening there. Good luck with all of it, Valerie. I am not a dentist fan. I used to be petrified when I went to a dentist, then I gave birth to my children and realized the pain of the dentist is really minimal, Ha! Your art work is awesome and creative. Love the kids pictures ... gives it a happy feeling. And my favorite Thinkies and Funnies is the cat plucking the ladie's nylon ... I LOL when I saw it because it is so true to life but probably not funny to the lady :) Be well dear Valerie ... you seem to go through some rough times. Enjoy your Easter and then worry about your tooth ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks, I hope you are right about the roots! Life has not been easy lately, it can only get better! Hugs!

  20. So sorry to read about your tooth Valerie what a stinker of a time you are having :(
    I;m amazed how you soldier on sharing your artwork with us when I barely have time to get online. Love love love your vintage theme and beautiful family photo's, thank you for sharing with us, the texture and lace are lovely additions.
    The cat laddering the nylons made me smile but the *Go Easy on Yourself* really gives me food for thought.
    Take care of yourself lovely Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. My cat used to do similar things with nylons! Hugs!

  21. I'm sorry about your tooth and hope the oral surgeon appointment goes without complication.

    I love the hats/flowers on these little girls. More hats!

  22. Thanks, I hope it goes well, too. It looks like the girls were dressed up for Confirmation.

  23. I'm so glad you didn't swallow it in your sleep but yikes. I'm on blood thinners, too and it brings all sorts of complications with things like that. Good luck with the oral surgeon.

  24. Sorry to read about your tooth - hope all goes well! I love all those gorgeous textures on your journal spread. It's great when you use family members in your art. Hugs, Chrisx

  25. Such pretty texture and vinatge goodness on your page. Hope that tooth is all healed up by now! XOX

  26. Oops! Two naughty pets there. I can well imagine how annoyed the lady would be to find her stockings snagged like that.
    I love how you have added texture to your pages in so many different ways. The starkness of the background adds to the gentleness in the photos of the children. Both beautiful samples.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  27. I loved this collage, Valerie. The old photos are compelling, and the colors and tones are a perfect foil for them. And I adore the subtle giraffe and squirrel, two animals I really enjoy. I hope that your oral surgery goes well, and I'm so glad that you didn't swallow or choke in your sleep. That's a recurring nightmare of mine. I'll never forget one of my teeth crumbling when I was getting out of my car to workout at my health club at 5:00 am one morning. I was shocked and all I could think of was what would have happened if it had crumbled while I was asleep. Beautiful sunrise and great thingies ~ I for one don't miss nylons ~ lol! Have a great week!


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