Monday 17 April 2023

T sTands for This, That and The Neighbour's Cat

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed a good weekend. My weekend was restful, I did a lot of reading, some painting, went for a sunny walk and had some good food. I even made a Sunday dinner for Heike and me! And I slept well, which was great!!

For Elizabeth's  Re-use and recycle challenge at AJJ I have a piece made from leftover cardboard. The cow is part of a serviette, the clover leaves were from New year and the bunny and chicks from Easter. The gold paint was already on the cardboard, I added the white.  For the green and blue I used Canson soft pastels:

 Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday Link party begins this evening, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. On Sunday afternoon my neighbour gave me this beautiful cake. It is a traditional cake baked for the Orthodox Easter Celebration, and it tastes very good!

This is the coffee I had on Saurday when I went for my walk by the Rhine:

This is the view from my bedroom window:

I walked along the path by the castle ruins:

I love the anchor, and have taken many, many photos of it:

The boat was waiting for passengers for a trip to Düsseldorf. Many people take bikes with them and then cycle back:

Ths little path links the Churrch Close with Market Street, our main street:

Some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great start in the new week, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Pleased you had a good weekend.
    Lovely photographs you've shared and I enjoyed the thinkies/funnies :)

    Have a good new week

    All the best Jan

  2. What beautiful views from your window! That cake looks tasty- but I really want that coffee! Yum! Looks like a magical walk passed the castle. :) That cow is too cute! Hope you have a fabulous week. ~Jess

    1. Thanks Jess, I'm just drinking my second mug of coffee right now! Have a lovely week!

  3. The cow made me smile.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  4. I love your recycled page very much-too cute had me smiling too.
    Love your coffee mug-cool shape, and awesome views from your window. a great way to start the day. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend-Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy, gladd you like the moo-cow! I'm sure you have great views, too. Hugs!

  5. You have a beautiful view from your bedroom window! What a lovely cake from your neighbor and a grand walk. I love the art, too. It sounds like a terrific weekend all around!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. The cake tastes good! Have a great week, hugs!

  6. Glad you are keeping well. Lovely art and thinkies. Spring looks so nice there.

    1. Thanks, today it's grey and cold again! Hugs!

  7. Such a nice collage on the corrugated card! Yummy sweets and nice photos. I sketched a turret once from one of your castle photos, years ago. It remains one of my favorites.

    1. Thanks Aimeslee. Glad you were able to sketch from one of my pics. We have several castles within walking distance here, always fun to see!

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well! Love the beautiful cow piece, so sweet and pretty! Today I need to do some housework, yuck! Have a lovely day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Have fun with the housework, I need to do some dusting today. Hugs to all!

  9. Vielen dank, liebe Elke! Ja, hier sind alle Nachbarn nett und freundlich, und das ist gut! Hier ist es kalt und grau heute, besseres Wetter wäre schön. Dir auch eine schöne Woche, pass gut auf dich auf! Alles Liebe dir!

  10. I think you should share with us, Valerie, the dinner you made for you and Heike. It was probably a fine affair and we didn't even get to see it. Yesterday we went out for sushi for lunch and were so full we barely had room for dinner so we skipped it. Your cow is very appealing, perhaps it's the one that jumped over the moon. Today I have to go to the eye surgeon to have my right eye tweaked for the second time after my cataract operation. I hope that they can fix it up this time. Impaired vision is not a good thing for a bird watcher. One eye is razor sharp though so it's not all gloomy. The weather has been quite unbelievable for April. Two days ago it reached 29 degrees and flowers are blooming everywhere. I hope they are hardy because snow flurries are in the forecast for a couple of days from now. Take good care, eat well, hug Heike, drink coffee, quaff ale, walk briskly, feed birds, make art, take your medicine and be on your best behaviour (well, try anyway). Hugs and kisses - David

    1. I hope the eye surgeon can help your eye, you need power in both for your bird watching. I can see better with my right eye. Here the weather is still very changeable, one day warm and the next one cold ,
      and frosty every night.. I have had lots of ☕coffee ☕today, Heike had a hug, I did my shopping and now it's time to put my feet up! Hugs to you and Miriam!xxxxxx

  11. What a wonderful creation with that corrugated panel and fun little cow! All those 4-leaf clovers are cute too! The yummy looking cake and coffee paired with all those photos of a nice stroll look like the perfect way to spend a day! I love the chuckles too, especially the rare Scottish hummingbird LOL Have a great week ahead!

    1. Thanks so much Carol, glad you liked it. And yes, a nice walk and then coffee and cake is a great way to enjoy the day! Hugs!

  12. Fun challenge and the cow is very cute. It's grey and drizzling here so I enjoyed your sunny walk along the Rhine. After that walk, a slab of the Easter cake would taste so good. Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ, I will beam you a piece of cake 🎂 through the ether!

  13. You have a lovely view and lovely places to walk. That cake looks delicious!

  14. Fabulous recycling and love all the texture and fun cow-the cake looks delicious and love all the pics of views from your window and walk
    Carol x

    1. Thanks Carol, I had fun with this one! Have a great week, hugs!

  15. You live in such a beautiful environment. Love that view from your window.

    1. The view from my window is the best part of my apartment!

  16. What a lovely view from your bedroom...wonderful post vj

  17. What a fabulous happy piece, I love your smiling cow! The cake looks wonderful too - the older I get the more I enjoy cake lol. Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I love happy cows too! And I know what you mean about cake! Hugs!

  18. Hi Valerie, just finished my Latte and noticed you'd been over to mine so popped over to thank you. No matter when ever I call in to see you I am full of smiles. Loving the new recycled piece, so much fun today. I would like to pop over for some of that gorgeous cake but it's probably just a bit too far so I will have to imagine it instead Lol! Have a great week. Hugs, Angela xxx

    1. Glad you like the smiles! You would be welcome to some cake, but it really is a bit far! Hugs!

  19. What a fabulous and fun piece of art Valerie, so cute, I love it.and I also thought the Scottish hummingbird was hilarious and loved the purple ducks..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks so much Chrissy, glad you like the Scottish humming bird! Hugs!

  20. Yes, cats are interesting friends to have around. This was a jolly post that I enjoyed very much! Thank you. Thanks for the T

  21. Your art is beautiful, I love the gold! That Easter cake looks delicious.
    Love the view from your window. And how neat that you live near castle ruins. I bet that is a great place to walk.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. We haved lots of castles here, even 4 within walking distance.

  22. Your views are so green. We are greening up fast too, but not as green as your views are. And I do love your cow. What a fun page, and that is a wonderful recycling piece. I like how you used the corrugated cardboard. And that is a yummy looking Easter cake. I bet you enjoyed some with a cup of coffee. I hope you have a lovely T day and week ahead. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks erika, sometimes we need a bit of fun. I know I have used that cow many times in different things and still have napkins galore!!

  23. I love your page so much, Valerie, it is so sweet, innocent is the word that comes to mind. The cake looks delicious, too, and your coffee anyway. I would love to take my bike on the boat and then cycle back along the river, it sounds like a lovely outing. The Rhein looks pretty full if I am not mistaken. And you have such a beautiful view out of your bedroom window.

    1. The Rhine is full but not dangerously so this time! I have done the boat / bike tour many times, with a break in the Altstadt before cycling home! Hugs!

  24. Thanks for letting me know that i posted the wrong address Valerie. Much aprpeciated.

  25. Love your funnies & shared them with my hubby. We laughed out loud about the taking in of the birthday suit! I can relate! I love that you can walk along the Rhine and by a castle! Wow! How incredibly wonderful that you can do that. I enjoyed seeing your artwork on cardboard. Happy T day.

    1. Thanks, that was really a funny one, I wish I could get mine taken in!

  26. Views from your window are beautiful and it is lovely to see such nature views. I like your creativity. Leftover cardboard and papers are together in a beautiful artwork! Coffee and cake look delicious too...
    Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Amila, lots of waste materials are good for making art! Hugs!

  27. What a fabulous mixed media entry for AJJ. Great use of the cardboard and the wonderful napkins. This was an amazing entry you have given us using Bleubeard's and my theme.

    What a charming cake your friend baked for you. And it's great you had a chance to walk along the Rhine. I always love seeing photos from your little town and enjoy seeing where you get your coffee. Thanks for these and your drink you shared with us for T this Tuesday.

    LOVED the funnies. The hummingbird was hilarious and the birthday suit was, too. So glad you and Heike were able to enjoy a good lunch together.

    1. Thanks E! You will have to keep a lookout to see if you see that humming bird in your garden! Hugs!

  28. Cute memes. Great photos. Darling piece. Luscious looking cake.

  29. Oh Valerie, I adore your cow. What a fabulous beast that is and what a lovely face it has. Again you have that lovely gold background that just shouts 'texture'. I love the clover leaves and the little rabbit holding those gorgeous chicks. I am sure that cow is called Ermentrude, I love her.
    Wow, that cake looks ever so tasty, I could just eat a nice sponge cake but I made us a strawberry jelly with lots of strawberries in (frozen I am afraid).
    Love the view from your window - what a lovely scene to look out onto.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, I love the name Ermentrude, I have lots of cows at my place so now they will all be called Ermentrude! Strawberry jelly, yummy, wish I had some just now! Hugs!


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