Thursday 23 March 2023

Thursday Post

Hi Everybody!

This is a sort of 'it just happened' piece. I filled one of my needle-point bottles with gold paint and dribbled some on this piece of  craft paper to try it out. Then I added the threads and the TH boy. It reminded me of a long and winding road, so I added the line underneath It's a song from the time of the 1st World War, and was written by a singer who had lost his son in the fighting:

Keep right on to the end of the road,
Keep right on to the end,
Tho' the way be long, let your heart be strong,
Keep right on round the bend.
Tho' you're tired and weary still journey on,
Till you come to your happy abode,
Where all the love you've been dreaming of
Will be there at the end of the road.
(Harry Lauder)

I am linking to my anything goes challenge at AJJ

Rain's theme is complementary colours and here are some of my tags which fit this colour scheme:

And some funnies / thinkies:

I am also linking toNicole's FFO and Gillena's Friday art  fun.

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I like the starry night tag.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe

  2. I just love it when a page comes together without a lot of planning. Sometimes those are the best. I very much like this page, and the gold really elevates it. And it's nice to see these tags again. Have a great Thursday. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I love it when a page seems to make itself! Have a wonderful day, hugs!

  3. Enjoyed the memes and pieces, especially the first one. Thanks for including the explanation behind the writing. The dog meme is funny:)

    1. Thanks Sandra. Ms dog and cate both trained me very well! Hugs!

  4. Love your creative art works

  5. Lovely page and tag. Good thinkies

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Ich hoffe dass du besser geschlafen hast. Love the new journal page and the tags are great, gorgeous colours. Have a lovely day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, I slept well, and much better than the day before! Hugs!

  7. That's a wonderful page, great textures and a lovely quote from the song.
    I love your colourful tags too.

  8. I remember that old Harry Lauder song, Valerie. What a fine voice he had and I bet he could project to the end of a concert hall in clear, precise tones so that not a person in the audience missed a single note. I suppose in one way or another we all have to "keep right on to the end." You certainly have renewed vigour these days, out on the town with Heike almost every day, new art creations, blogging almost daily, mopping floors, eating sausage, eating more sausage, cakes, coffee, beer. Keep it up. It becomes you!
    Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Ach ja! You will never let me forget wet-mopping, will you?! Harry Lauder had a great voice, not like the little puppets today who need a truck full of gadgets to give them a voice. Keeping going to the end was always expected at school and university and at work, today for many people it's only important to have fun. Nothing against having fun, but I think lots of people have forgotten to keep on going! Hugs! xxxx

  9. I'm not familiar with that song but love the way you used it.

  10. These are so cool and creative. :)

  11. Very funny on the dogs training their humans. What a hoot. LOVE the gold. It worked excellently.

    1. Thanks Ivy. My dog und cat had me housetrained in a few days!

  12. I love how your great vintage card was inspired by a song, and a heartbreaking one at that! It turned out beautifully, and I love all the graphics you shared today - especially the 12 steps for self care! This post is a great read, and thanks too for visiting my blog and leaving such kind thoughts :) Hope to see you again soon!

    1. Thanks Carol, have a great weekend and see you soon!

  13. Nicely done. I like. And I love the frog :-))
    Many greetings to you.

  14. Love your header. Hope today is another day of improvement. Hugs

    1. Thanks Sandra. The sun is shining, so that's good! Hugs, Valerie

  15. Love your cards. Sometimes I feel like the green frog.

  16. Lub luv luv your art today. I downloaded 2 of your Thinkies.
    Thanks for linking to art for fun Friday


  17. Your experimental page is lovely. Perfect sentiment to go with it. My favorite tag is Vincent and Kermit is oh, so right

  18. I absolutely love your abstract piece. It just fell in place perfectly. Your second piece is stunning as well. I really like the self care too. Thank you for joining FFO and have a very lovely day.

  19. Somehow, those memes brought tears to my eyes. Love that WWI poem, too.

  20. I stopped by early this morning (Thurs), from your link at AJJ. It led to your T Tuesday post. I didn't have time to look or investigate or even let you know, since I was trying to get ready for a play date. What a loving song and message. I think you did a fabulous job with it, though. The little boy and the dog went so well with the words to the song. Another great entry for your theme at AJJ.

    Great complimentary colors and wonderful thinkies. Hope your day is going great, dear.

    I got a Failed to Publish, so will try later.

    1. Sorry, that happens when you try to link different things to different challenges and you're still half asleep....Hugs!

  21. Wonderful creations. Loved your mixed media piece. Have a great weekend. Anesha x

  22. This post really spoke to me, Valerie! Last weekend Terry and I watched the remake of "All quiet on the Western Front" which was a tough, powerful, and moving movie. So the poem and your TH Boy piece impacted me. I especially love the blues and oranges in your complementary pieces. I have a soft spot in my heart for Van Gogh. I can so related to Kermit! Your quotes were powerful too, and I laughed at the funny with the dogs ~ so true! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks Louise. I would like to see that film, too. Glad you could relate to the song on my page. Van Gogh. Is one of my faves, and I have painted 'knock offs' of lots of his paintings. Have a wonderful weekend, take care, hugs!

  23. Fabulous imagination through dribbling paint Valerie, and I love the bright happy tags, gorgeous.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Ok think that was the quickest page ever! Happy colours are always my favourites. Have a great weekend! Hugs!

  24. What a lovely (if a little bit sad) piece. I cannot imagine what it must have been like for parents not to have their children come home. I love your tags, and I'm very grateful to Kermit for cheering me up again! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  25. Hi Valerie, you always come up with such great ideas for your art work and the results are perfect too. Love the dog funny but then you probably guessed I would. I'm sure this is how dogs see things. My dog puppy at the moment thinks the sofa is in his way and the best thing to do is to jump on it and over the back, this will have to stop! Have a lovely weekend. Hugs Angela xXx

    1. Hmmm, dogs and cats have their own ideas. Mine had me housetrained very quickly!

  26. I love your creations. I love it when things just happen. Good cheer!

  27. Its been a while since I last called in Valerie and I have enjoyed my catch up, seeing your art and photos..
    Hope all is going well with you Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Hope you are doing well, hugss!

  28. Your "just happened" art is delightful. I was but a child when WWII was doing it's damage so I don't think I felt the pain that those who lost loved ones felt ... I feel for them all the same. Love the Van Gogh tag because I love Van Gogh art, but I have to say your other tags are delightful as well. Your Funnies and Thinkies are always right on. I am with Kermit ... an extra day would sure come in handy at times. Love the Dog ... I know if they talk to each other, they would have plenty to say, Ha! The final one is so true ... Trauma does become a part of you ... never to leave, though it can be forgotten for a time, that doesn't mean it isn't still there. Wonderful, as usual, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Thanks Andrea. War destroys so many lives, hopes and dreams, I hate to think of what's happening in Ukraine just now. My dog took over the most comfortable
      armchair and was joined there by Kitty. I didn't have a chance! Have a great week! Hugs!


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