Saturday 18 March 2023

Saturday Post - birds, berries and cake

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend already - enjoy! I'm planning on having a lazy day, only doing things I like, such as reading / hearing books, painting and perhaps a couple of walks, and I hope you will all find good things to enjoy, too. I am sharing a hybrid journal page, mostly put together from my bird photos. They were digitally cut out and placed on a background which is the window to my balcony, I just changed the angles and colours a bit. And the background behind the background is a photo of one of the walkways here. I love making things like this, but don't always have the patience. I am linking to my anything goes challenge at AJJ:

Heike and I went shopping on Friday afternoon and took a half hour time-out at Café Schuster to strengthen ourselves. Cocoa for Heike, cappuccino for me, and delicious cake with lots of berries on it, yummy!

My cake - above - had cream cheese in it, and Heike had cream with hers:

My challenge at Tag Tuesday is also about birds, here I have a tag with an owl (stamp from LaBlanche). I embossed it with 2 colours of embossing powders, and used a gold pen for the leaves:

And while we're on the subject of birds....
I often make these little birds from paper scraps, they make nice little presents and book marks, and are quick and easy to make:

So, that's all for today!

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Cute art today! The dessert looks so good

  2. I love all the birds today. That's a cool journal page, and I'm glad you found the patience to make that mosaic/collage. I don't always have patience for things like that too. And using the embossing powders only on the owl tag is interesting and definitely unique. And your shopping snack looks so yummy. The hubby brought home ice cream for our dinner tonight, which was a fun FRiday night no cooking meal. Maybe not very nutritious though-smile. Enjoy your relaxing weekend. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Ice cream for dinner sounds wonderful, your hubby did the right thing! Have a great Saurday, hugs!

  3. Nice and fun looking birds.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

  4. All your art works on display today are lovely. Loved your cute bookmark birds too vj.

  5. Das ist eine schöne digitales Kunstwerk und das Tag ist toll geworden, die Technik ist klasse auch deine gebastelten Vögel!
    Auszeit braucht man dazwsichen was gibt es schöneres im Cafe zu sitzen und so wünsche ich dir ein schönes, geruhsames Wochenende!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Wir geniessen immer unsere kleine Auszeiten, und Kaffee Schuster hat wunderbare Kuchen! Dir einen schönen und hoffentliches erholsamen Wochenende!

  6. such pretty creations! glad you got some shopping in, too, especially with cake! have a lovely weekend, xo

  7. Very fine photos 😊 Have a nice weekend 😊

  8. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well, ad that you have sunshine like we do, so good to feel the sun! Love yor beautiful art this morning, ou have been busy. Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Good morning, Sarah! The sun is shining here, too - so nice to feel the sun instead of cold winds! Have a great day, take care, hugs to all!

  9. I must tell you first, Valerie, that the two little birds you sent to me long ago have occupied their niche on my bookshelf since you sent them to me several years ago. Lily always loves to see them when she comes over to visit. I think my office with its hundreds of books and bird memorabilia of every kind is a bit of a magic place for her. She carries things upstairs to show her mom, but strangely, never carries them back down again. This is a bird-filled post so it obviously receives my seal of approval. A Glitter Owl is a new species for me, but Balconia-by-the-Rhine has a long history in such discoveries, so I should not be surprised. And there you are again, out on the town with Heike, living the good life, and quaffing and munching - decadent, sinful stuff too. I think that a boost was given to your dining gene while you were in the clinic, with special attention being paid to the sausage allele, which has now become rampant it seems. But - life is short - especially when you get to our age, so carry on I say! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, glad you still have your little birds! I am sure your office is a fascinating place for a curious little girl. We haven't seen a photo of her in a long time!I think the clinic really did give me a new appetite! And today we went out for dinner again....more about that on Monday! We try to enjoy our time every day! Hugs, Valerie xxxx

  10. Love ALL of the craft images you share. You are very much the artist in all you do. I agree with david. Life is short and to not live that life and share it would be a shame. You are special in that area.

    Love, Hugs and Blessings

    1. Yesssss, we need to enjoy life every day, as long as we can. Glad you liked the St Patrick's day card, too! Hugs!

  11. Deine Vogelcollage gefällt mir sehr, liebe Valerie, und der Spruch dazu auch! Und deine gebastelten Vögelchen sehen so süß aus!
    Alles Liebe und ein angenehmes Wochenende - Traude 😘

    1. Danke, liebe Traude. Der Spruch gefällt mir auch sehr gut. Dir auch ein schönes Wochenende!

  12. Use the talents is one of my favorite quotes. The cakes look so pretty. The fruit almost looks like jewels. the bird bookmarks are adorable. They look so cute together in their flock. Enjoy your day.

    1. Thanks CJ. I think you would have enjoyed that cake, too! Enjoy your weekend!

  13. The little birds are great... I like them a lot :-)) And what I also like is drinking coffee and cake, preferably the one you had with berries and quark cream underneath... delicious.
    Happy weekend... Yes!!! ... I only did what I wanted today... a round in the sunshine and sewing - almost done - comes next in the blog.
    Many greetings to you from Viola

    1. Hi Viola, glad you like the little birds! The cake was really a dream. Tomorrow will be my lazy day this week! Lookin forward to seeing what you made! Hugs!

  14. Fabulous piece with your photos Valerie, in love with your paper folded birds, they are awesome and the owl with that fabulous embossing, well, I love him too..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  15. Very beautiful pieces of art! Enjoy your weekend :) Hugs!

  16. Only doing things you like sounds like the perfect way to spend _every_ day ;) That cake looks like quite a treat!

  17. You have such a fun new banner! I really love those little birds, too -- and the berry cake looks to die for!

    1. Thanks Jeanie, that cake was worth every inch it added to my waist!

  18. Not sure you will see this. I didn't realize I was SO far behind. I adore that bird journal page. If only I had that kind of patience. And your little bird bookmarks are adorable. WOW on that owl. Just a fun, fun way to showcase the details.

    Yum on the berries, but even better on the cheesecake. My favorite. I hope you had a great weekend, dear.

    1. Yes, I have seen it, thanks for coming by! Sometimes I have patience, but not always! That cake was the best I've had in a looong time! Hugs!

  19. Lovely artwork Valerie. I love your tag and your bird theme this fortnight was great! Oh your cake looks delicious, a real treat. Those little bird bookmarks are so cute, I want to make one now!!

  20. I'm loving all of the birds here Valerie. The owl tag is beautiful and I love that you get such a variety of birds on your balcony. I love the bookmark birds - I may have to try to make some for saving recipe pages in my cookbooks , hugs, Chrisx

  21. It must have taken ages to build up that bird page but it is wel worth it. What a lovely and somewhat different page for your journal art.
    Love the little bird bookmarks, I am wondering if they are easy to make (ie just a circle folded and head attached) or is there some fancy folding involved here
    Love the look of that cake you two had give me something with berries and I am there straight away.
    Take care
    Hugs, Neet xxc


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