Saturday 3 September 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a great weekend and to all in the States a happy Labor Day weekend. Here I am looking forward to a lazy weekend with some painting,  drinking coffee and talking to friends.

Today I am sharing another piece for Neet's fur or feathers challenge at AJJ. This is an A3 collage with lots of stenciling and a piece of tissue paper from Jane Davenport, with an image which I painted over.. The strange creature on the right was a magazine cut out of a highly magnified bug, which definitely has furry legs. And on the left is a dream catcher with 3 feathers. Sorry the photos aren't so good, it's difficult when I have the shakes! And I am trying to accept my shaky fingers and the sometimes poor results.

And I have some funnies and thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I see only beauty and perfection. Good humor too! You are a treasure my friend.

    Hugs and Blessings,

  2. Even your shaky hands can't stop the beauty of this entry to shine through. Such a beautiful woman, too. Great minds think alike on the dream catcher. Mine is in the works. Thanks for another great entry for Art Journal Journey using Neet's theme.

    Thought provoking thinkies and a couple of great funnies. Enjoy your weekend, dear,

    1. Thanks E! Dreamcatchers are predestinated for this theme! Have a great day, take care!

  3. I like your page. Thank you for the thinkies.

  4. Hi Val, good morning! I slept in today, and the kids brought me tea in bed, so sweet! Love your beautiful lady and the great thinkies. I will give you a ring this evening! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, looking forward to a natter this evening! Hugs!

  5. Great post 😊 Have a nice weekend 😊

  6. So, Valerie, what's wrong with Canadians, huh? We don't merit good wishes for Labour Day weekend along with those Americans? And we even know to spell "labour" right! I am hurting deep inside, overcome with hurt, resentment, irritation, aggravation, chagrin. I shall probably go into a funk. I cannot even begin to imagine how you can rectify your insensitivity. In the meantime, let me tell you that your art piece is stunning. A real "labour" of love. If this is shaky art, bring on more I say. The woman is beautiful. And to include the furry sections of the bug is a real master stroke. You do think of everything - all the components that will go together to make an interesting and appealing composition. Finished to perfection I say. I see that you are planning to chat with Sarah this evening. Please give her my very best and thank her on behalf of all your blogging friends who care about you for her kind gift of a fan. Not to "belabour" the point but I shall now crawl under a blanket and invoke all my powers of positive thought and see if I can summon forgiveness for you. Sending hugs and kisses will help. David

    1. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa David. I beg you on my knees for forgiveness for forgetting your labour day. Well, I would get down on my knees if they didn't hurt! I'm sending you tons of hugs and kisses to make up for it! I hope you didn't eat your blanket in your frustration! I will indeed give Sarah your best - whatever that might be! I feel totally broken that I forgot your special day! Be merciful and have pity on this poor old lady! Have a great day David, BIG hugs!

  7. That insect with the hairy legs is a great idea for Neet's challenge. Very clever my friend. And your weekend sounds lovely. My husband is sadly working this long weekend because he is taking next week off. I'm a little mad at him because he shouldn't kill himself to finish a project right before what will be a busy vacation, but I certainly understand his sense of responsibility. So my weekend will be relaxing too, which I am OK with for certain. I hope you get lots of friend chatting, art time, relaxing and maybe even a book read. Enjoy my friend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I always save things in the hope that they will be useful one day, and so this strange bug found a home! I can understand you being mad at your husband, a rest over the weekend would be good. And you are going to have a busy vacation? Make the best of your weekend with lots of painting in your lovely art space! I have been painting a face and a bird together, it's not finished yet, but I think I like it! BIG hugs, Valerie

  8. I know all about shaky hands, you have my empathy. Great artwork again. I am doing Ida Lang's Art Soul Gathering now. Have a good weekend. Deb

    1. Thanks Deb, we're old shakers! I am doing Ida Lang's retreat, too, I hope to start on it tomorrow. Enjoy yor weekend, hugs!

  9. Beautiful art Valerie, and thanks for the funnies :D
    Hope you have a good weekend,

    1. Thanks Alison, you have a great weekend, too. Hugs!

  10. It's hard to take decent photographs where your body doesn't cooperate *sigh* but I'm thinking these look fine, so you're coping well. I like this art piece. That mouth! and those eyes are expressive, aren't they. The composition is magic you made :)

    1. Thanks so much, have a great weekend 😊😊😊

  11. I always love your paintings Valerie, and i love the strong blue you have used here. Her hair contrasts beautifully with it and the whole page is so full of life and energy. I am so sorry about the shaky hands when taking a photo, I should imagine it is the medication that has something to do with it.
    have a lovely restful weekend.
    Hgus, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! The shakes come from the polyneuropathy, but the medication makes it worse! I've been painting this afternoon and there's a bird in it! Have a great weekend , hugs!

  12. Yes, we do make our own magic. I love this piece of art and all of your memes too. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Right, we make our own magic, and that's good! Have a wonderful weekend!

  13. LOL, maybe some time I will turn on my Faust and will flow.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  14. Lovely post, most delightful colours used on your art, big hugs x

  15. This art is super magical, Valerie. I love the layers, stenciling, and altering. Your talent shines through no matter what. Love the funnies/thinkees. Such true words about friends. I need to download a doberman bark! Hope you have a fab weekend too - coffee and friends are always special. Hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy, Glad you like it. And a doberman bark - perhaps instead of the door bell - would be fantastic! Have a great Labor Day! Hugs!

  16. Notice the 8 spiderlegs in the puzzle?

  17. Haha, yes, I'm "still awake" :-DD
    I like your piece for Neet's fur or feathers challenge very much and I can see everything well in the photos. The sayings you have collected are partly very wise and partly very funny - I had to laugh a lot about the little dog's search for Doberman barking ;-DDD!
    All the best in September

  18. This is really lovely! Your imagination and use of colour more than make up for shaky fingers. Great funnies too. Take care and have a fun week, Sue xx

  19. Gosh, she is beautiful Valerie, love the colours and textures..fabulous..

    luv CHRISSYxx

  20. Lovely art, such wonderful colours.

    Hope you have had an enjoyable weekend.

    All the best Jan

  21. Loving your beautiful art as always and the funnies too.
    Have a great week ahead, dear friend.

  22. Oh my! This is a truly beautiful page for Neet's AJJ theme Valerie! Loving the funnies! Hugs, Chrisx


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