Friday 23 September 2022

Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another tag to share for Pinky's challenge  at Tag Tuesday. There is still plenty of time to enter the challenge with the theme of  books and bookpages - hope to see YOU there!

For my tag an old dictionary page was used. The central image is Leonardo's beautiful Leda, one of my all time favourites!

This is a hybrid piece with a hand painted page in the background, a gauze heart in the middle, a photo of my balcony blackbird, and a cat which I coloured in. This is not something I like doing. The cat image was given to me by a friend who said he was so looking forward to seeing it done. So I did it, and it took such a long time! My fingers wouldn't be able to manage it these days! But I like this combination of things here:

I am linking to Neet's fur or feathers challenge at AJJ,  Nicole's FFO and to Gilena's Friday art fun. 

A beautiful sunrise:

Some thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely hybrid page and spectacular sunrise. Thanks for the thinkies.

    1. Thanks Christine, have a wonderful 😊❤️ day!

  2. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling well! Love your beautiful art, both pieces are gorgeous and very special. Have a great day 😊❤️, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks 🙏 Sarah. Hope you are all fit and we'll. Hugs to all, especially little S!

  3. Love the tag and the cat page, what a fabulous image. Hope you are, feeling better, hugs Wendy.

  4. The Leda tag is beautiful and the eyes on the cat page are so mesmerizing. Enjoy your day

  5. Books and book pages - now there's a cause for celebration, or otherwise if you live in fascist states where they think that censorship and banning books is a great idea. After all, if I don't like it, no one else should be allowed to read it. How could it possibly be helpful or intellectually stimulating to have countervailing opinions? Maybe next they will burn the books to seal their fate. And if anyone brings a banned title from another jurisdiction, sue the hell out of them. Gotta tell those teachers what to teach, those librarians what they should have on their shelves. In the process let's sanitize history so that anything that might really illustrate our past, especially the misdeeds, is removed. Ah yes, progress. If they look carefully they can probably find films of other jurisdictions, enlightened ones like Nazi Germany having public book burning events to fire up patriotic sentiment. There's an example to follow. After all some of the governors are starting to emulate the little corporal with the moustache, or the buffoon in Italy. In the meantime the cat is stunning! Thanks for taking so much time with it, Valerie. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Yes, the world is in a sorry state. The war on books in the States is awful, and it's happening in the land of the free, or what's left of it. I mean, if you don't like a book, don't read it. But that's no cause to ban or even burn books. I cannot understand how these wanna be 'Christians' from the southern states are taking over everything and imposing their rules on everybody! Okay, if they want to believe in abstruce things, they should do it, but they have no right to pour out their hate and ignorance on other people. Thanks, glad you liked the cat. Hope you are enjoying your Friday! BIG hugs, Valerie

  6. ...I love your collages. I hope that you will enjoy many beautiful sunsets.

    1. Sunrise and sunset are my fave times every day!

  7. What gorgeous sunrises, and I love the one with the boat in the moonlight.
    Love your tag, Leda is a favourite of mine too, was always using her but lately don't seem to do much stamping where I can include images like that. I love how you have placed her on that background and put the script and the flowers framing her. A truly beautiful tag.
    I love the cat you have done for the theme at AJJ. I can well imagine it would make your fingers hurt to colour in nowadays but it is beautiful and you should be proud of what you achieved then. The background is gorgeous and perfect for the cat and the bird. The colours are so rich and the heart is the perfect foil for the cat.
    Have a wonderful weekend Valerie, take care
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks a lot Neet! Sunrise is always my special time each day, with coffee on the balcony most times and coffee in bed today! Leda is really beautiful, I never grow tired of using her face. The cat was a monster to colour in, but afterwards I was glad that I finished it. You have a great weekend, too. I m planning on a restful one, I have been too busy lately! Hugs, Valerie

  8. Beautiful. Regine

  9. Hi there, A beautiful tag you have made and I really like your cat picture too, the look on that black birds face does make me smile as I have a few in my garden that perch on my tree waiting for food, gardening or both ha ha. Your friends cat is very striking too. Lovely sunrise pictures too. I do love Autumn and all its colours, each tree is a wonder, each leaf brushed with colour. Have a great weekend. Michelle x

    1. Thanks so much Michelle! Yes, blackbirds are cheeky. This one was very cheeky and always hungry! Autumn is for me the loveliest season of all, and I love seeing the colourfel leaves, and then to watch them fluttering down - balm for the soul! Enjoy your weekend, hugs!

  10. The heart tag is really special. I have a particular fondness for the shape of the hearts. Your sunrise photographs are just spectacular. I hear what you're saying about our hands just won't do things these days, although my reasoning is different to yours. My tremors I would stops me from working. Have a lovely weekend, Deb.

    1. Thanks Deb, I ove hearts, too. The view of the sunrise every day is the best thing about my flat! You have a good way of accepting the shakes! I like it! I hope ou are keeping as well as possible. Getting old isn't easy, is it!? Hugs!

  11. That cat is beautiful and intricate. Both pieces are well done. I like your sunrise, which I don't see here where I live.

    1. Thanks so much! Sunrise is the best time of the day for me!

  12. Your tag is gorgeous! and the photographs amazing. Beautiful words too. Have a great weekend. Sending hugs, Angela xXx

  13. Valerie, over the years I have seen your art evolve into what it is today. It has just power and depth. The Raven and the Cat is that piece for me. Exquisite. Thank you for sharing with FFO.

  14. Wow! Gorgeous tags and faces.
    Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday.


  15. These are fabulous projects Valerie, I love how you've coloured your cat - I'm afraid I wouldn't have the patience! What a beautiful sunrise this is too. Take care and have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue, I neary went crazy colourig that cat, and I certainly won't do another one! I love my sunrises!

  16. I enjoyed your post immensely. Thanks for reminding me about what beauty is all about. Your tags are so cool. You’ve got me itching to do something with dictionary pages.

    1. Thanks so much! Playing with papers and scraps is always fun. Have a great weekend 😀😊😊

  17. Such a beautiful tag Valerie, just gorgeous and I love the heart with the bird and cat..I could not colour like that now either, my eyes won't let me..

    luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, you need steady fingers and good eyes and a lot of patience for colouring! Have a great weekend 😀☺️☺️😄

  18. Your first piece is especially lovely. Have a grand weekend. Hugs

  19. That's a beautiful tag, and I love your other piece as well, very much. Have a wonderful weekend.

  20. Oh Valerie, that cat is fantastic! It must have taken forever, but what a splendid result. And I love that the blackbird is sitting on its head. Well done! Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thanksy so much, Carola. It did take ages, but I will never do it again! Hugs!

  21. Your tag looks beautiful.
    Those sunrises are beautiful too.

    All the best Jan

  22. I have very few stamps compared to most stampers, but Leda is one of them I DO have. One of the first I ever received as a gift. I adore that she is on a book page. My fingers got sore just looking at the detail of that cat. It is fantastic. I would have taken five months to color that one. It is simply out of this world. Thank you for sharing this with us at AJJ, because it is out of this world.

    Great thinkies, too. So are your impressive sunrise shots!

    1. Thanks so much, Elizabeth. Leda is lovely, my fave stamp. Glad you like my cat which took so long! Hugs!

  23. Another wonderful Hanh quote, Valerie! Your Leda piece is compelling and serene, and the cat is beautiful. I would have a hard time coloring the cat because I'm so ADHD and the spaces are tiny. I've been sleeping through our sunrises lately, so I really enjoyed sharing yours. All the best to you!

    1. Thanks Louise! The cat was really hard to colour! Sunrise s my fave time of day, but sometimes I go back to bed afterwards!

  24. Both pieces of art are beautiful Valerie!

  25. Not sure how I missed this page. I need to make a tag for Pinky's challenge, so I am very glad I found this one to remind me. I love your Leda image on the tag. Very pretty my friend. And that cat is really cool. I love the colors and the designs. I hope you are having a great weekend. I spent most of yesterday cleaning, so it wasn't very exciting. Hugs-Erika

    1. Cleaning is never exciting, but sometimes necessary!. Have a great start to the new week! Hugs!

  26. Your Leda Tag is gorgeous and you cat is to die for ... words can't describe how much I love the cat. Your world seems to be on fire ... what beautiful sun rise pictures. Are you sure you don't live by me ... I think I have seen those sunrises here :) Here's hoping that that Peace Dove is flying to the Ukraine and yes, I spotted that barn owl in flight over the river ... awesome! I think most of us were old by the time we learned to accept ourselves ... I hope the younger generations learn that lesson earlier in life. Be well, Valerie ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  27. Beautiful tag! Loving the images that you used and how you layered them together 😊. The sunrises are so amazing with those rich colours, such a lovely way to start the day! Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  28. OMG, these are both just precious! I love them, great tags! : )

  29. the leda tag is so gorgeous! i love the cat too, and i would also be exhausted from coloring it! love your thinkies today xo

    1. Thanks Michele, I will NEVER colour something like that again!

  30. As always some fabulous creations and photos on your blog. Love the Tag you have created for Pinkys challenge, reminded me that I have that stamp somewhere, now I shall have to look for it,lol. x

    1. Thanks Sandie, I have 3 Leda stamps, and was happy to find one....Have a great week!


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