Wednesday 7 September 2022

Midweek Post

Hi Everybody!

Today I am sharing a piece inspired by Eulalia Mehija's lessson in the Art Soul Gathering. I used an A3 brush-wipe page with lots of blues as my background. The red love bird in the middle is flying to the rainbow, and the other birds are already flying high. Sorry about the bad pics, I'm blaming my fingers! I am linking to Neet's fur or feathers challenge at AJJ:

I took these pics along the Rhine this morning. The river is still very low, and we have wide 'beaches'. 'They' keep promising rain, but it's not arrived yet!

The stream is more like a puddle!

Some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Lovely art and memes. Awful about the Rhine I remember you showing photos of it flooding in the spring long ago

    1. Thanks Christine, We got some rain in the night, let's hope more will come! Hugs!

  2. Just love the hippo. Retirement is getting closer.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  3. Hi Val, good morning! We had rain here in the night, a lot of it, hope you got some at your place, too. Apart from that, everything is fine. Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah, we had rain in the night, too! Hugs!

  4. Your journal entry is beautiful. I remember that lesson and I like how you interpreted it. I will also be singing that song all day. It's a perfect entry for Neet's theme at AJJ.

    The Rhine looks awful. Same with the Grand Canyon. I hope we both get rain soon.

    Love the new laptop for pets and of course, that is both my cats when they are trying to find the right spot to sleep. Love the hippo, too.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I didn't like the lesson at first, but then it grew on me! Latel I have been sleeping like the cats, it was just too hot to sleep!!

  5. oh! Your bird is lovely! You get to see mine at the end of the week. Someone on Ida’s Facebook page has turned hers into a T-shirt!! I think it is a design that lends itself very well to a multitude of uses, don't you? I'm struggling to keep up because although the tutorials are all about an hour long they take a lot longer to complete don't they? I think I will be completing about 6 if I am lucky. I I've just finished Tam’s piece. Have a lovely day and keep creating art! Hugs, Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. The bird was fun. I have only finished 2 pieces, one I put on Facebook and this one. I'm just choosing what I can do. I am feel very slow just now! But the main thing is that we're enjoying it. A T shirt is a great idea. Have a great day have fun, hugs!

  6. Lovely page. Wow, drought in your area, too. I hope you get some much needed rain soon

    1. Thanks CJ. We went more than 4 months with no rain and on top of that it was very hot. Yesterday we got the first rain in the night, that was great!

  7. Extreme drought or terrible floods seem to be the choices of weather in a lot of places right now, and it’s terrifying. My area is pretty lucky — nothing extreme at the moment. The global future is looming in all the disasters. Good luck with your weather.

    best… mae at

    1. Thanks Mae, the global weather situation looks really bad. We had a little rain in the night and we are hoping for more..

  8. I love that bright red patterned bird. The water is so low :(

  9. Good morning Your Exquisite Valerieness: Those pictures of the Rhine, that mighty European river of history and legend, are sobering indeed. As Mae points out catastrophic situations such as this are being repeated all over the world, and still we seem to lack the will to really tackle the climate issue head on and do what we need to do. Sadly, nature will do it for us, with consequences too dire to contemplate. On a lighter note your piece with the bird is quite delightful. It's amazing that one is able to see the heart (in an odd place I must say) beating right through its plumage. Amazing! I live and learn! Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David. We are really in danger with our world, and nobody does anything that reqally helps. My bird is, of course, a special one, and shows its heart through the feathers, which is unusual and not yet studied by the experts! Have a great day, BIG hugs!

  10. I love your painting-the colors are so lovely and vibrant! The photos are beautiful as well, made me want to dip my toes in the water :)

    1. Thanks, it's fun dipping your toes on a nice day!

  11. I always enjoy your bird art. Very nice! I saw photos of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in Dusseldorf yesterday and immediately thought of you!

    1. Thanks a lot. Harry and Meghan really seemed to enjoy being in the middle of all those people. I just watched it on TV!

  12. I don't know if it is me or not but when I clicked your link I kept going back to AJJ. However, I soon found you and your beautiful red bird with its beating heart on her way to the rainbow's end. I think she must be a very special bird as the others are flocking above her - maybe clearing the way for her to reach her goal in life.
    I wish the rain would come for you, not just a downpour (like we had this morning) but some nice steady rain that would help fill up your beautiful river. Hard to believe it is the same one that I walked along so many times over the past years.
    Take care of yourself and I do hope it rains for you.
    Hugs and thanks for joining in with my theme again
    Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, sorry about the link, I will look into it later. I like your thoughts about the red bird, really lovely. You are a great story teller! Yes, the Rhine is rather empty just now, I hope it will get back to 'normal' again. Last year we had floods, now it's drought. We had some rain in the night, but we need a lot more. Have a great day, hugs!

  13. Ha ha ha, love that hippo, too cute, and love your bright happy colourful bird flying over the rainbow, gorgeous..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy. I love that hippo, such a cutie! Hugs!

  14. Beautiful art and photos, hugs, Martha

  15. I've been reading about how bad the droughts are in some places. It seems terrible! I wish we could send some of our rain your way. We had tons of rain over the long weekend, complete with flooding and some of the Labor Day events being canceled.

    I love the blues in your painting.

    1. Last year we had floods, this year it's drought. Stay safe!

  16. The water is low, hope you get some good rain soon.

    All the best Jan

    1. We've had some rain ☔🌧️☔ but need more!


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