Saturday 20 August 2022

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

Here's hoping we all have a great weekend, and that the temperatures are bearable - not too hot and not too cold! Today I am sharing one of my faces again, I love making these girls with big hair:

These are the pages made in Melnie Rivers' challenge last week, which was about trees and roots and growth and the wisdom that comes with age. We started off by texturing all of the pages, and added the various themes on the following days:

The tree of life and wisdom:

The last is an elderly lady, connecting her wisdom and spreading her roots:

And this is my Great Grandmother Rachel who escaped from the pogroms in Russia in the 19th century and went to London to give her children a better chance of life. She, too, was rooted in her faith that she  would reach her goal:

Some views from mybalcony:

My lovely blue flowers all burnt by the heat:

Trees are already turning colour:

And some thinkies / funnies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie, I love your ladies, and really liked your challenge pages that sounded like a great theme and a good challenge. good to meet your great grandmother. My great great grandparents came to America-my Mom's side from Germany and my Dad's side from England-good to remember each or our heritages and the sacrifices made.
    wow I see fall is arriving in your area. I have the allergies already but we have been fortunate to get rain here about every 10 days or so.
    enjoy your weekend hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. I think the generations of our 'greats' and 'great-greats' were really strong, they endured such hardship to try to make a better future for their children and children's children, and set us all a wonderful example of strength and determination. I'm happy to say it rained in te night, the air smells fresh this morning, and it's cooler. Have a great weekend, Kathy!

  2. Your lady is beautiful - I love that orange color.

    1. Thanks Debbie, have a great weekend, nice to meet you!

  3. I love your big haired lady Valerie. Her eyes are fascinating. And it looks like you had a fantastic class. You created some wonderful pages from it. And you had some funny memes too. I hope you have some perfect weather this weekend. We're heating up again. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It reained in the night, the air felt so good when I got up and opened the window! It should be a bit cooler today, which is good. Sorry you are heating up again, stay cool! Hugs!

  4. Lovely art. Interesting about your great grandma. My flowers are burned too.

    1. Thanks Christine. I think there are a lot of burnt flowers and fields everywhere this summer!

  5. I love your lady with "big hair" as you put it. The butterfly really makes her soulful to me. Your photos (especially the one of your great grandma) were all so beautiful!

    1. Thanks Michele. I always paint ladies with big, bold hair, perhaps as a contrast to my thin and straggly locks! Nice to meet you, have a great weekend!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. It rained here, so nice to have some fresh air. Love the art today, so beautiful, and good to see your great grandmother, she was such a strong person. Have a good weekend, take it easy! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, we got rain, too, so lovely! First time in many weeks! Have a lovely weekend, take care, and BIG hugs to you all!

  7. It is slightly cooler now after a light shower, Nice lady painting. I don't know my grandparents and have no photos of them. Thanks to the wise decision of your great grandma for a better future. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Glad you got some rain, too! Yes, my great great grandma was wise and strong! Have a great weekend!

  8. Not only does she have big hair, Valerie, she has a butterfly choker, and that is certainly a statement of fashion of the right kind. Count me among her fans! Can you imagine if someone really had hair like that what it would be like to take care of it? It is not something I will ever worry about in my advanced state of follicle deprivation. A good friend of mine, a retired professor of biology, has hair like Albert Einstein and he looks the part. I envy his plush pelage. The fact that your ancestors had to escape pogroms makes me cringe. Anti-semitism is on the ascendancy again. We never quite seem to get over scapegoating and hating do we? Yesterday the news was filled with commemoration of the Dieppe invasion. The world has been constantly at war ever since so we didn't learn much from that! Your tree of life and wisdom is spectacular, worthy of putting on the wall in a good frame. I am very pleased to learn that you had some rain and that the temperatures have moderated somewhat. Relief! Take good care. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David! I wish I had hair like that instead of my thin and dreary locks! perhaps I could try a wig!? Albert Einstein had lovely hair, too. My mother also had lovely curls, but I don't seem to have inherited the good hair genes. It's really pleasant here today, the temperatures have dropped inside and out, and I'm enjoying it. Next week he temps will go up again, but I'm enjoying today's cool breeze! Yes, the world is in a sorry state between natural catastrophes and wars here and there. I have the feeling that some can't wait to use their great stockpiles of weapons. Anti semitism is on the march here too, those who fought against corona vaccines are often right wing and anti everything else! Anyway, we have to do our best to live in this sad world. Have a great weekend, BIG hugs to you and Miriam!

  9. Glad your temperatures are now bearable. We are now quite chilly, what a contrast to last week. I love your Big Hair Face!
    I was reading this morning that our trees are being tricked into an early Autumn by climate change. What have we done?

    1. Thanks Deb, it's great to have some cool breezes again! Next week it will get hot again, but I'm enjoying it as long as it lasts! Yes, the trees are reacting like it is autumn, the streets are full of leaves. Sad. Mankind has a lot to answer for, let's hope people will wake up before it gets still worse. Have a great weekend, Deb!

  10. Wonderful post with lots of beautiful and creative art works ~ great photos too ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  11. Loving the big hair, I can see why it was fun to create! It's been sunny but much cooler here too, glad to hear your enjoying the cooler temperatures too 😊. So sad to see the seasons all confused! Happy wishes! Hugs Jo x

  12. Thank you for the lovely shares. Gone wireless. Heh. Hope your weekend is wondrous. Hugs,

  13. I like your post today. Your great grandmother was an amazing lady. I love big hair, too. Wish I had more hair on my head.

    1. That. I have a friend with big curly hair and she would prefer it straight! My great grandma was really a strong lady!

  14. Gorgeous pieces as always Valerie. We had rain for a day which was wonderful, there is hope that the garden will live lol. Have a great weekend, Sue xx

    1. Glad you got some rain. It rained here last night!

  15. Lovely post! I love your painting. I always get some wisdom from the things you collect for the post end. And a good laugh-which we all need. (Told my hubby about the Rhine drying up-I still can't get over that. The weather is scary everywhere.)

    1. Thanks Debra. Today it's hot and sunny again, hope it cools down before I go out!

  16. i adore your big haired lady, Valerie. I also like the rooted lady. These are really great drawings. I only wish I had a long neck like the lady with the big hair.

    Loved the wireless joke and the thinkies were really fabulous.

    I hope you are having a cool down day. We are down to the mid 90s F (35ish C) here, so I hope you fare better than me. At least I can sit in front of my AC and I don't have to wear clothes because the cats don't seem top mind.

    1. Thnaks E. Wireless is always good! It's hot again today, but inside it's bearable with my fan. And minimal clothing is good! Hugs to you all!

  17. Beautiful big haired lady. I enjoyed the funnies.

  18. I gone wireless...ha ha ha.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  19. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  20. A wonderful painting - so energizing!

  21. What a great family story! Autumn will be here soon. I'm seeing signs, too.

    1. Yes, I'm sure we are all noticing the side effects of the climate change!

  22. Fabulous projects Valerie..I love your paintings of heads, so clever and talented, love the butterfly too..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  23. the butterfly lady made me smile. I saw a monarch butterfly in the milkweeds the other day. Your Grandma Rachel is beautiful. The perfect match to age and wisdom. Your parched area looks a lot like here. Hopefully, you'll have some cooler temps. and rain coming your way. We're supposed to get some rain Monday into Tuesday. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ. Monarch's are so beautiful! This week we're set to get hot weather again, but I'm hopeful that September will be better. Have a great week

  24. I am glad you like making these girls because I love them. Your GGma is so pretty. You always create such lovely art. I hope you are feeling well.

    1. Thanks Nicole, have a great week and take care! Stay safe, Valerie


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