Thursday 4 August 2022

Children, chickens and holes

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another piece for Chris's challenge at AJJ, when we were young. Today I took the theme literally, and used photos from me and my husband when we were young! I have my teddy, he has his toy dog. Sorry, not much bla bla today, I'm extremely shaky today and typing is hard:

I'm also linking to Nicole's Friday Face off!

And I have a sunshine tag for Michele's challenge at Tag Tuesday, rather late but better than never!
And some funnies:

 Have a great day, stay safe,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love how you use your family photos. You were such a beautiful child, Valerie.

    1. Thanks jeanie, I think all kids look beautiful at that age!

  2. Hi Val , good morning. Lovely journal page with you and Peter, so pretty. I hope you are managing in this extreme heat. Love and hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah. Those were the days. It's still very hot here, especially in my flat! Hugs to all!

  3. haha this chicken looks so fabulous:D

  4. You were a beautiful young child,Valerie, which is of course why you are still beautiful despite ill health later in life. Those damn shaky hands must be very difficult to deal with, making simple things difficult, fastening a button, lifting a cup to your mouth, maybe even brushing your teeth. It is quite remarkable that you are able to produce art and I hope this is therapeutic rather than being the cause of added frustration. I am getting to the point where I envy those whose kids still live right down the street or in the same neighbourhood. At the very time in life when we need a little extra help, and maybe some emotional comfort too, our children live far away, sometimes half way around the world. Take good care of yourself. We are all cheering for you. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, Beautiful these days is relative! I sometimes wonder who the old woman in the mirror is! Yes shaky hands are annoying, whatever I do, but I have to manage as it is. But it's a great excuse for not doing too much housework! I's hard when families live far apart, and I'm the last (wo)man standing in my family, the others of my generation are all gone. I went for a walk this morning and visited a freind for an hour, the rest of the day has been dedicated to being lazy - reading, hearing music and snoozing! BIG hugs, Valerie

  5. I love this literal take on Chris' challenge Valerie. You and your husband were both sweet children. I like this take on the challenge, and it is fun to see you as a little toddler. And I hope the shaky hands clear up soon. I agree with David that it is amazing you can make such great art pieces, but then we both know how good art is for the soul. Take care. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, glad you like it! Art is a great help, and painting is much easier for me than writing or typing. It's very hot again here, and it loos like storms are on their was. Look after yourself, and say hell to your bees from me! Hugs!

    2. That should have been say HELLO to the bees from me!

  6. Elizabeth asked me to pass on this info: Bleubeard and Elizabeth are still unable to access her computer but want you to know they are not avoiding you and will visit once they are back online.

    1. Thanks Erika, kind of you to relay the message! Hugs!

  7. Hope you feel better soon. Lovely page and tag, thanks for the memes.

  8. Oh dear, Valerie. I am so sorry you are shaky. It does not sound good for you to be doing anything much. I do hope this better weather (?) will help to restore your health a little. I hope you don't feel pressurised to provide artwork for your blog - you are more important and need to concentrate on getting well.
    Saying that, I love the tag, it is so bright and sunny.
    What beautiful youngsters you two were. I bet you made a stunning couple when you were older. The page is lovely and I do like how you have married the two images into the one page.
    Take care, thinking of you
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps the funnis - great, especially the hen

    1. Thanks Neet. It does me good to make some art, takes my mind off other things. I hope the weather will cool off a bit, this enormous heat doesn't help. Yes, I liked the hen, too! Hugs!

  9. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Oh Valerie, so sorry to read of your shaky hands! I'm so grateful that you took the time to link to my AJJ theme. I love how you used these photos of you and your husband as youngsters. Beautiful tag too! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. I love this theme, it has so many possibilities. Have a great week, hugs!

  12. The chicken meme made me laugh out loud. I love, love, love the piece with you and your husband as children.

    1. Glad you liked it. A friend of mine really grew up with her future husband!

  13. Thanks Sandra, now I know who anonymous is!

  14. What a great project Valerie, I love your art work with you and your husband,fantastic, and a gorgeous sunshine tag..take care..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  15. Lovely art which I'm sure you find therapeutic ... sending my good wishes, hoping your hands improve soon for you.

    All the best Jan

    PS great memes/ funnies

  16. Bardzo pomysłowo wykorzystałaś fotografie z dzieciństwa twoje i twojego męża. Dużo zdrowia życzę🙂

  17. I like the 2 art pieces especially the first one when you and your husband were young. Have a wonderful day and weekend.

  18. Hi Valerie, thank you for stopping by this morning and your encouragement as I try to return to blogging. Deb

    1. You're welcome Deb, hope to see you again soon.

  19. love your creations, such cute little faces. Those little sayings crack me up!!! Hope you are well and having a great week. Hugs Anesha x

  20. ...there are more ass hole than pot holes these days.

  21. Ohhh that is so cleaver using baby photos o you and your husband. Love the yellow tag too. Hope you are feeling better now. Thanks you for joining Friday Face Off.

  22. This is a very sweet page, Valerie. I'm with David, it's amazing how you still do all this beautiful art even though you're shaky, and I imagine that it helps you - creating art can be so fullfilling and satisfying. I wish you were feeling better. I'm sending you good vibes and hugs - Carola

    1. Thanks Carola. Painting is easier than writing, and I take breaks in between. It just does me good and lets me relax! Have a great weekend!

  23. Hi Valerie, Loving the photos but pleased don't over do it. Hope you are resting now. Enjoyed reading the funnies too. Have a lovely weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. I m resting a lot, I 'work' for half an hour, then take a break and so on. Art keeps me going!

  24. Beautiful art Valerie, I love the photos, so sweet.
    Great funnies too.
    Take care, and have a good weekend,

  25. Take care and I hope you're feeling better soon 😊. Your page is gorgeous, I love how you used the photos of you and your husband when you were young! Happy Friday and weekend! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. I love using photos in my art! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  26. I love the photos of you and your husband Valerie, and the picture of the chicken made my LOL. Take care and have a great weekend, Sue xx

  27. Watch for assholes lol...that really got me laughing lol! Your art is lovely Valerie! ♥♥

  28. Oh Valerie, I want to just chase the shakiness out of your body, as I am sure you want to do every day. I want you to know how much I love both your page and your tag. The photos of you and your hubby when you were young are absolutely precious. And I especially like that you had your teddy bear and he had his toy dog. So cute! And your tag is amazing - it really does let the sunshine in. Loved reading the "funnies" at the end of your post, too. Gave me some good laughs this morning. Thanks!! HUGS!

    1. Thanks so much Sharon. I am lucky to have some beautiful, old family photos. The shakiness comes and goes, some days I feel alomost normal, whatever that is! Stay safe and well, hugs!


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