Monday 15 August 2022

T sTands for Too HoT!

Hi Everybody!

It's still sweltering here, and sitting at home by 34° inside is no fun. I keep taking cold showers to keep me going! Today I have another tag for my spots and stripes challenge at Tag Tuesday, and you still have a week to join in!

And this journal spread is meant for Chris's 'when we were young' challenge at AJJ. I disovered them in an old book from my childhood. They are very tatty, but brought back some fun memories:

And this evening we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday challenge, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit here. This is one of my strange paintings made some time back - sorry, the writing is hard to read!

Now I cannot understand this game:

Sorry, not much chit-chat today, I am just totally exhausted and everything is difficult just now. I feel like I've hit rockbottom, so now the only way is UP!

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love the art and my sister and I played with paper dolls all the time. I am worried you are sitting in your house at 34° Do you not have an AC? Yes, cool showers and lots of water, which you already know.

    1. We don't have Ac here, very few houses do, mosty just shops and perhaps offices. Have a great day!

  2. Oh Valerie, hope you feel better soon. Lovely tag and page. I do remember those dressup days.

    1. Thanks Christine. It's a tad cooler today, which is great! I think we all played with those dress up dolls!

  3. so sorry it is hot there-do you have anywhere you can get into air conditioning for a break? that would be rough. Great art, my sister and I played with paper dolls when we were kids.

    1. The shops have AC, but I cn't just go snd loiter there. I tried the library, but it's not got AC either! Hugs!

  4. It has been awhile since I visited. I still love the artwork and humor. The heat has broken here but will be back all too soon.

    1. Hi Jim, nice to see you! Have a great week, hugs!

  5. We are cooling off here today with thunderstorms. Rain, much needed, but no sign yet. We had awful wildfires here over the weekend, so shut indoors. One fire literally on the end of my tiny village. Smoke was awful. Thank goodness for my art table, and yours!

    1. It seems to be the same all over Europe. No rain, everything is burnt brown, and the trees are losing their leaves already! Sorry you had to stay home over the weekend! My art table is a good refuge, too. Hugs!

  6. That is hot and the kind of heat that drains you. I hope it cools off for you soon Valerie. You do do have some great art today though. I used to love paper dolls so what a fun page for Chris’ challenge. And I do like your abstract pieces a lot too. Your post was like visiting a museum. I hope it cools off and you’ll probably lay feel. Enter once you do t have to deal with the heat also. Up is a good direction to go. Hugs Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! It's a tad cooler today, but every degree helps. Glad you like the abstract piece, I had fun with that huge doodle! Have fun with your friends, stay safe. Hugs!

  7. Thirty-four degrees in the house, especially day after day, is extremely hard to deal with, and you are wise to take cool showers frequently. The sobering thought is that this is the pattern of summers to come due to human stupidity in thinking we can modify the world to suit our own selfish purposes, without consequence. Now I have really cheered you up! I can say without fear of contradiction, Valerie, that I did not at any time during my childhood play with paper dolls, but perhaps I missed a lot. I played with a few real dolls later on, and that was fun, but that's a topic for another time! Your art is delightful as always, especially the abstract piece. The paper must be soggy from sweat after you finish! Try to stay cool as best you can. September is not so far off and surely that will bring more endurable conditions. Personally, I'd be quite happy to skip summer altogether. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Hi David, I'm afraid you're right and this is probably just the beginning of the climate crise. I can't understand why you didn't play with paper dolls?! It was always fun. And I'm sure you did well with the real dolls, too! Glad you like my strange art, I love just doodling and seeing what happens! I always rest my arm on an old towel if it's sweaty wetter. I just realised, we have hope - Christmas is in just 4 months! Now aint that nice! Hve a great day, BIG hugs!

  8. Your tag is adorable. Bleubeard gives it two paws up. It is very well done, too.

    I am SO sorry to read about your heat. Here is a review of a fan you might like, although it is very expensive at 238 Euros.
    Might be worth the price, if you can afford it, though. I can't live without my AC, and I truly feel for you and your incredible heat.

    I don't remember playing with paper dolls as a child. I was a tomboy and climbed trees with the boys, rather than playing with dolls. I think I got a doll that was pre-Barbie when I was a child, but I never played with it. My grandmother enjoyed crocheting clothes for it and I think she enjoyed it more than I did! Still, your page is great for Chris's theme at AJJ.

    Like you, I don't get the concept of that game. What a sad way to waste good coffee. Loved the doodled coffee art, though. Thanks for sharing your art, your coffee game, and your funnies with us for T this Tuesday, dear. Sleep in. I'll link you.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. I will look into that fan. I have a fan here, but it just doesn't cut it! I always played with paper dolls, but had no real dolls and didn't like them at all. And we had a cat we used to dress up, not every cat likes that. I think Bleubeard was biased with my tag because there are cats on it. Thanks for linking, I want to go to bed early and just sleep....

    2. Here are some more fans that are a bit more reasonable. They are all sold on amazon, but I don't know if you can get them in Europe.

      I saw an ad for a similar one on TV, which is what had me looking in the first place. These are all more affordable, too.

    3. Thanks E, so kind of you to look it up. I will look at it later!

  9. I remember playing with paper dolls with paper clothes back in the 1950s. Fun! Your memes are hilarious, especially the police dog. Gigi hawaii

    1. Thanks, glad you remember the dolls from back when!

  10. Thank you for the laughs this morning. Regine

  11. I love your tag and page Valerie! I remember those paper dressing up dolls very well. They were so much fun.

    1. Thanks Alison, they were a part of our childhood. Have a great week!

  12. Fabulous projects Valerie, love the bright happy colours and fun designs..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  13. Oh, I clicked enter before I had finished..if you get a cloth, pop it in the fridge or freezer [is better] and slowly wrap it around the back of your neck you cool down very fast and it is so refreshing..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrissy, that's a great tip, I will try it!

  14. Oh I know what you mean about the heat, it's just as bad at night too here! I love your frog, such a happy, colourful piece. I certainly remember the paper dolls, I think they were on the back of the Bunty comic that I got every week lol. Such great funnies too, I can pi*s people off without even trying, so if I really put my mind to it..... Take care and try and keep cool, Sue xx

    1. We got the paper dolls from a comic or magazine, too. Ha, we both seem to be good at the same things!! Have a great week, hugs!

  15. So sorry you are not feeling well and are hot, Valerie. We lost power a bit today and it was sweltering - luckily, it came back on quickly.

    Great art. Love the tag with the kitties - hope that is not a snake. If it is a snake, I change my comment to love the kitties - lol. Super fun journal page with the paper doll clothes. I loved playing with them when I was a child. Great coffee page too.

    The funnies are especially funny. Not drinking that coffee after that game for sure! Lol

    Hugz - healing and cooling ones

    1. Thanks so much Nancy. It's a frog, not a snake! I don't like snakes at all! I don't think anyone would want that coffee! Have a great day, happy T , hugs!

  16. The heat really gets to me too! I have a cheap hand held fan that is the most efficient- I can also pop it into a stand and have it by the computer. I love the tag and hope to join in soon! I used to love those dress up dolls and this is so lovely for my theme at AJJ. I'm so pleased they turned up! The coffee page is great but can't say the same for what looks like a silly game. Hugs Chrisx

    1. Thnaks Chris. I wouldnt want my coffee served that way either. Have a great week, happy T Day, hugs!

  17. 34 C in the house sounds horrible! I really hope that the heat breaks very very soon and you don't have to feel so exhausted. It's hot here as well and we also don't have AC, but our mornings, evenings and mornings are cool, so I know relief is just a couple hours away. I keep everything shut and have the curtains drawn. Thankfully we have ceiling fans in some of the rooms and otherwise regular mobile fans have to do the work. I do love summer, but not when it is that hot and uncomfortable. Wishing you the best, Valerie!

    1. Thanks Carola! The nights here have all been very hot, too, it should change at the weekend so we will be back to our normal weather. I hope they are right with the forecast! Happy T Day!

  18. Loving your art this week! The paper dolls are my favorite and brought back so many memories. Great funnies!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Glad you know the paper dolls. We didn't have the toys kids have today, but I think these simpler things were much better! Happy T Day!

  19. Keep up with the cool showers Valerie and drink plenty of water. We don't have AC either but then rarely do we need it but I do have a fan as the upstairs has been a bit warm and stuffy this month (it is never warm downstairs lol). Cats are enjoying it though and are flopped out on the floor upstairs. Love your tag this week, will try to make something for the challenge. And that police dog cartoon was funny lol Happy T Day! Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle, the cool showers are really good, and I have a botttle of water by each of the places where I sit in the course of the day, as I'm not always good at drinking enough. Catss are always happy when it's hot. Have a great week, take care, hugs, Valerie

    2. Yes they can't get enough of it. The art room faces east so they are waiting at 6am for me to open the door so they can go in and get sunbathing lol

    3. My cat always picked the best places. Cats rule!

  20. Valerie i know about heat! Thank goodness for my air condition.. i don't know how i'd survive without it. I just hope i can keep paying the bill as it keeps going up and up and up.. It doubled from June to July ... i hate to see what August brings.. They are predicting rain for us all next week... !! We are burnt brown also. Hang in there!! Hugs! deb

    1. Hi Deb, I can imagine how hot it is where you live. The prices for oil and gas are going up enormously here, too, because of the war in the Ukraine. I'm trying to save some extra money each month to be ready for the big bills. Let's hope we all get some rain soon, that would be good. Look after yourself and keep cool! Hugs!

  21. That does sound hot! My son dampens a cloth or puts one in the freezer for a while and puts it on his neck and face and inside his wrists. He suffers more from the heat than I do.

    I remember paper dolls but didn't play with them much. My mother talked about making clothes for her paper dolls :)

    Happy T Tuesday!

    1. A cloth in the freezer to cool down sounds great, must try it. I think these days the kids have more exciting toys! Happy T Day!

  22. Sorry to hear your not well, I do hope that you're feeling better soon! Your doll pages are fabulous and I love the tag with those cute cats 😊. The funnies made me smile too! Take care and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

  23. I love your tag and journal page. I remember playing paper dolls as a young girl. I do hope you can get cooled off. It sounds miserable. It is hot here, but thankfully we have central air conditioning. Happy T Day.

  24. Oh lovely, I can remember these cut-out dresses from my childhood too!
    All the best from a place near Vienna / Austria (Ich nehme an, wir können auch in deutscher Sprache miteinander kommunizieren?)
    Traude Rostrose (joining T Stands For Tuesday 🍷🥤🍻🥂🍹🥛)

    1. Hi Traude, schön dich kennenzulernen! Ich wohne in der Nähe von Düsseldorf. Happy T Day!

  25. Yes Valerie, the only way is up! I hope the weather cools down soon for you.
    Oh paper dolls! Yes, I used to play with those too. My sister and I had about one hundred by the time we got too old to play with them. We still have them (I think she has them in her attic). There are several from abroad as my grandmother would bring them back from her travels. Of course in England we would get whole books from the USA about film stars and their cut out wardrobe. We had Dorothy Levine and Lucille Ball, just to mention a few. Great fun!
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Yes, it was fun. I have a cut out book with Frida Kahlo. Hugs!

  26. A fabulous set of Spots & Stripes Tags Valerie, I love them all.x

  27. Up until and including Sunday last I was a limp wet rag. I just did not fair well at all in the heat.
    Love your funnies and I bet I end up trying the teapot game although I don't see the point of it, just wonder if it is doable?
    Great spots and stripes and the tea cup page but I was taken back several years (lots) to when I had those dressing up dolls. Yes I loved them, I am sure I had lots of them and have been tempted to draw an outfit for some of Dyan's figures and clip them on. Children today would not see the fun in them but they were hours of playing time.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  28. Your tag is absolutely gorgeous and so colourful Valerie. I love your jokes, very funny. I am so sorry to hear you have hit bottom. I will keep you in my prayers and hope you begin to turn a corner very soon. xxxx


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