Thursday 23 June 2022

Thursday/Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Hope your week is going well! Today I am sharing an A4 painted fish made for Mia's challenge at AJJ. The background is cream, and the fish in real life a bit lighter, but I had to take the photos with my smartphone as I can't find my camera. It's always awful if you clear up because then you can't find anything! I think this fish is the partner the lover lady fish was looking for!

I will also be linking to Nicole's FFO and Gillena's Friday fun

Some funnies:

It's a boy!

And this week my dear and much loved water pen, which I bought back in 2004,  started to leak, and I had to get rid of it. I have done so much with this brush it's really hard to lose it.  I do have a few more ready to be used, this one was just my favourite. Silly, but true!.

A cloudy sunrise:

I  was awake very early and watched the sun rise through the clouds. Then I made myself a coffee and went back to bed and slept for another 3 hours!


Lots of people enjoying the hot weather:

And ducks enjoying  the water:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, Hope you are feeling okay in the heat, take care. I love your Lover Boy fish, too funny, you have a wonderful Sense of humour! Hugs from us all, Sarah

  2. Thanks Sarah, much appreciated! Not feeling good today, my temperature is on the up again.

  3. Hmmm-sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Sending you a hug from way over here! Get better!

  4. Hello Valerie, Love your fish, he's wonderful. Have a great day, Marie S.

  5. Sorry about the favourite pen. Lovely page and fun thinkies.

  6. hallo vaelerie,

    ein toller post heute,die wolken und die ente sind ganz besonders schön.

    1. Thanks Jeanette, good to see you in Blogland again!

  7. Hi Valerie, thank you for joining in for Friday Face Off. I love that fish face. LOL I hope you are feeling stronger. Have a very good weekend.

    1. ThAnks Nicole! I'll fish face to.Your blog tomorrow!

  8. Your fish is delightful and I love all the funnies! That fish is great! Happy weekend!

  9. Wonderful painting, love it. Have a great week. Anesha x

  10. Wonderful pics. Hilarious funnies. Great photos. I love the fact that you managed to eek out 3 more hours of sleep.

    1. Thanks so much. After sunrise sleep is extra good!

  11. AND I loved the blue fishy. Sandra.

  12. Lovely art.
    Great funnies.
    Super photographs... and a good idea to go back for three more hours sleep.

    Have a happy Friday and a good weekend.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, sleep is always good! Have a great weekend!

  13. Watching the sunrise is good. Going back for more sleep is even better. Have a nice weekend.

    best... mae at

  14. Love all the artwork and the shots. So beautiful.

  15. The blue fish is lovely. Sorry to hear about your water pen, I have favourite brushes too. Glad to hear I am not the only one who goes back to bed after making coffee. Hope you are doing well now, Valerie!


    1. Thanks Soma, it's nice to snuggle back into bed after a good coffee. Glad I'm not the only one with favourite pens and brushes!

  16. Great blue fish, sad about your water pen, it is hard to lose a favourite thing.

  17. Cute fish. Your funnies always make me laugh and I always enjoy your photos. Sorry your not feeling better. Take care.

    1. Thanks CJ, had a very high temperature again yesterday, its very wearing!

  18. Luv the peas humor 😀😀😀
    Happy you dropped by my blog Valerie, you should visit again because i just finish my post.

    Thanks for linking up.


  19. Beautiful photographs, great funnies but the fish....he's just amazing. Happy creative weekend. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, glad you like my fish! Have a great weekend!

  20. Good morning, Valerie: I had quite expected to read about your dinner at the swanky place you told us about when you were looking for something suitable to wear. I hope that your silence doesn't mean that it wasn't good. That handsome male fish should have no trouble finding a girlfriend. I guess when talking of fish we'd better not say they get hooked on each other. Your sunrise shots are pretty impressive. I am amazed that you can have a coffee and then go back to bed and sleep for three hours. The caffein would kick in for me and I would be awake again in no time. I don't know whether you have been watching the January 6 hearings, but it is both fascinating and deeply disturbing to see how one individual can pervert the system so thoroughly and have a whole cadre of sycophants gather round him to perpetuate one lie after another. If these people are not voted out of office I am at a loss to explain what that will say about the USA. We are going for a walk with Heather and Lily this morning. Lily just turned two and we haven't seen her for weeks. Hugs and kisses - David.

    1. I will tell about my dinner on my blog next week, it was wonderful. I had grilled salmon with a pesto glaze, and a HUGE salad, both were wonderful. And cheese cake with salted caramel ice, drizzled with caramel sauce. Yummy! I know what you mean about fish neeing hooked, not the best expression! I have been listening to the january 6th hearings, and sometimes it makes me want to vomit. Really unbeliebable. So glad you will be meeting Lily and Heather again. 2 years old! Where did the time go! Please take lots of photos!

  21. You have the best lips on your fish. He looks ready to find his mate and give her a big smack. He's got to be a fun colorful kissing fish. And sorry about your brush. I get how sad it is to lose something you've been through so much art with. It's how I feel about a few of my rubber stamps, and the thought of even purging them-smile. That is the cutest duck photo too. The duckling I should say. Have a great start to your weekend. It is warming up here also. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I am having fun with fish, and still have a few to share! It's hot and wet here, too!

  22. Valerie, I have you linked up. Thank you for joining in FFO. Can't believe I forgot the link. LOL

  23. I love your sweet fish. Nice to see people enjoying the sun. Gigi hawaii

    1. Thanks a lot. Have a great day, take care!

  24. That's a gorgeous fish Valerie loving those lips.. look great for kissing, not that I'm a fish kisser haa haa.. I near choked on my coffee at the mushroom hee hee so funny :)) Showed it to hubby who is in need of cheering up as he's tested positive for Covid today, he had a good giggle too. I hope you can find a spot on replacement for your favourite waterbrush, I always feel lost when my everyday tools break down.
    Wishing you a creative weekend Hugs Tracey x

  25. Thanks Tracey! Glad the little mushroom made you laugh. Hope your hubby is soon better. Have a great Weekend! Hugs!

  26. I do know what you mean about favourite tools- I have a special a of scissors and I hate mislaying them. Your fish really is a cutie! Love those funnies! I'm all for getng up and doing something ten going back to bed. Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Yes, favourite tools are hard to replace! I'm going to drink my coffee and go back to bed again today!

  27. A super post Valerie.
    Yvonne xx

  28. Lovely summer photography Valerie! I love the funnies! The duck made me smile. Your fish is gorgeous!! I love the big lips and the blue colours! Thank you for reminding me to try the watercolor pen that I bought years ago and forgot about! Sorry yours is toast now! I have a favourite watercolor brush and if something ever happened to it, I'd be lost!

    1. I have dozens of brushes, and several water pens, and always use the same few that are my specials!

  29. Wonderful photos and I love your beautiful blue fish Valerie!

  30. Sorry about your water pen. I have special pens and brushes too- so I can relate. I am glad you got to see that beautiful sunrise and then get a bit more sleep. Your fish is adorable too. :) ~Jess

    1. There are always some things we can't let go

  31. I kept getting the message that reCAPTCHA could not connect and to check my internet connection. I could refresh and the same message came back. I can get on other blogs, but yours is giving me fits because I am definitely on the internet.

    Your fish is truly adorable. So cute and such cute lips.

    LOVED the sunrises and the funnies. My fav was the cat purring for the aliens. Sorry to read about your favorite water brush. I only have one, so I can relate, at least in a small way.

    1. I know that message, I get it often. I have been having fun with these fish! The aliens and the vibrating cat are really funny!


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