Monday 6 June 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday!

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was good! Now have a great, new week. Monday here is a holiday, so it's a long weekend. As a pensioner I always have weekend every day, but I'm still happy when weekends and holidays come round!

Today I have a royal fish in silver and gold in honour of Queen Elizabeth's 70th Jubilee, a great achievment!  And I am linking to Mia's fish challenge at AJJ. I scratched the gold when I was putting on the 'diamonds', but I have repaired it now. The text is part of an old song which we used to sing at school. It was originally written more thn 4 hundred years back for Charles ll, and is still sung from time to time. The melody is often played by the Coldstream Guards during the parades. I altered his to her etc in my version:

Here's a health unto her Majesty,
With a fal la la la la la la,
Confusion to her enemies,
With a fal lal la la la la la la.
And he that will not drink her health,
I wish him neither wit nor wealth,
Nor but a rope to hang himself.
With a fal lal la la la la la la la la,
With a fal lal la la la la la.

Today is also Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang who visit here.
Here I had a cappuccino in the bakery department of a supermarket while waiting for my neighbour:

And here we went to the TonHalle again for a meal and an alcohol free white beer:

We both ordered the same, a mixed salad with mushrooms, fried turkey breast and sweet chilli sauce - yummy!

Some thinkies:

Sorry, not much text or photos today, I have been very shaky again over the weekend and it's hard to type. Actually, its hard to do everything, and I am rather exhausted.

Have a great day, take care ,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I love your quirky fish. It makes me smile.

    1. Thanks Annie, glad you like it, have a great week!

  2. I love your textured coloured and gorgeous fish Valerie, is a holiday here too today for the Queens birthday but everyday is a holiday for me now, but I still say, Ya, Friday, my day off..a hard habit to break..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks Chrisswy. Isn't it strange, although we are retired, we still appreciate all the special days!

  3. Lovely fish, the food lloks good and the thinkies. So sorry you have not been well

  4. Fish looks like it done in fabrics. It pretty cool that Liz been throne for 70 years.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Yes, it's cool indeed. The fish ws just painted and stenciled. Have a great week!

  5. I love your super ADORABLE fish!

    Yumm! The food looks delish!

    Have a great week ahead, Valerie!

  6. A very royal and regal looking fish, its a fantastic journal page Valerie.
    Have a restful week and get your strength back.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne, I am taking things very slowly this week! Hugs, Valerie

  7. Ein süsses Kunstwerk ist dein Fisch geworden. Das leckere Essen hat euch gemundet, toll!
    Gutes erholen wünsche ich dir!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Dir eine gute Woche, bleib gesund! Alles Liebe!

  8. I can see that your vast artistic talent encompasses unusual fish, Valerie, in addition to the wondrous birds you have presented to us from time to time. Balconia-by-the-Rhine is nothing if not a hotbed of diversity! Your lunch looks delicious - and healthy too. Last evening we had homemade pizzas for dinner and they were delicious. We have discovered that we can make them on nan bread instead of going to the trouble of making dough and it works very well. Instead of non alcoholic beer we had a glass of a lovely Malbec. It is called La Linda, which means "the pretty one" in Spanish and I told Miriam it was named after her, to which she rolled her eyes! My presentation at the Huron Fringe Birding Festival was very well received and I had a very enjoyable time there. A few old friends were even part of the audience. It was not recorded so I am glad that you enjoyed the one I sent you. I hope your weekend was restful and that you are raring to go again. Hugs and kisses - David

    1. Thanks David, as you say, Balconia-by-the-Rhine is a hotbed of diversity for strange feathered creatures, fish and one tough old bird who lives in an apartment! I'm so glad you were well received at the weekend, I'm sure a good time was had by all! Your Miriam is your pretty one indeed, and a clever one as well, glad you enjoyed your dinner and wine. If you have another talk that is recorded, please let me in on it! Have a great week, BIG hugs, Valerie

    2. I am sure there are several that have been recorded in the past, but I never gave it a thought at the time. They are generally only available for a month, but I will make sure I check in future if I do Zoom presentations again, or in fact live presentations which may also be recorded for members of the organization not present.

    3. Thanks, David, that woud be great!

  9. Another beautiful fish, you'll soon need a pond Valerie. Loving the thinkies and the song words are perfect. The salad looks really tasty too. Have agreat week, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, I'll put them in a pond and then some crafty cat might eat them all up! Our neighbours have a ittle pond, and some kitties and the big blue heron love to feed there!

  10. I'm praying that you will feel much better. I loved your fish-very well done! And the first thinkie was something I'm going to write down and use. Thank you for that.

    1. Thanks Debra, I appreciate your prayers very much. And yes, that thinkie is worth remembering. Have a great week, hugs, Valerie

  11. I do like your royal fish very much. She is a beauty, and I bet she is very rare also. I love how this month you're now painting fish. This one is perfect to celebrate not only the jubilee but also MIa's challenge. And your salad looks delicious. Maybe we'll have salad tonight here for dinner; yours has inspired me. I hope you have a great T day week ahead Valerie. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I'm having fun painting fishy things just now, I don't think I've ever tried fish before! A nice, juicy salad is always gut! Happy T day!

  12. Your royal fish is fabulous! Beautifully done indeed. And I love your dining out. It looks delightful!

  13. I had to laugh at the meme regarding a sign. So cute. Love your golden fish. But, that song's lyrics - oh my! Gigi Hawaii

    1. Things were different back in the 17th cenfury!

  14. Beautiful fish, love the use of the gold. What a lovely way to spend the weekend. Have a great week.. Hugs Anesha

  15. I REALLY like the fish. Well done on the coloring. Your salad looks fantastic. Have a lovley day.

  16. Your fish is so much fun. I think it is a new breed, too. It's wonderful for Mia's theme at AJJ.

    I will join you in a coffee or a cappuccino, but not the beer. Your meal certainly looks wonderful and it's always fun to have a meal with good friends.

    SO glad you showed me the sign. I needed that (grin).

    1. Thanks E. That sign is what we all need. Happy T Day!

  17. That's a fabulous Jubilee fish Valerie!
    Happy new week.

  18. Your fish is quite quirky, I love it! I wonder what the Queen would think about it. The salad you had looks very tasty. I had no idea that Krombacher makes Weißbier, they came a long way. They didn't make it when I was still living in Germany. I grew up not too far away from Kreuztal where the brewery is located. I hope you are feeling better soon, shaky is certainly not a good condition.

    1. The alcohol free beer tastes good and is very refeshing. Happy T day!

  19. I do like your Jubilee fish.
    The salad looks very tasty.

    Hoping the shakiness goes and you feel better soon.
    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  20. Oh Valerie! Do take care not to tire yourself too much! Your fish is definitely a really royal character! Brilliant inspiration and such a good page for Mia's AJJ theme! Coffee in the bakery department sounds good! We used to do that but now go to a nearer supermarket with no cafe - so we walk a little way down the road to a cafe. Your salads look delicious but I will pass on beer thanks! Hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. At the bakery department I get a huge cappuccino and it coss much less that in a cafe, so that's good for me! Glad you liked my royal fish. Have a great week! Hugs!

  21. Looks like a wonderful day out. Also, I love the fish eye! So much fun.

  22. Sorry you are feeling shaky again -- I hope you can get some rest and be feeling better soon.

    best... mae at

    1. The shakiness comes and goes, right now I hope it goes PDQ! Happy T Day!

  23. What fun fish art!! And thanks for sharing that special English song. And that salad- I want one NOW-it looks SO good! Glad you enjoyed being out, but please rest up now and take care. Happy T day!

    1. The salads there are very good, their dressing is just wonderful! Happy T Day!

  24. Love the signs, and the fish. Happy T Day.

  25. Beauitful fish just love this and gorgeous colours x

  26. Ooh, that food looks so good. Wrong time of the day for me to be eating that (breakfast is on the horizon) but it still makes me want to eat something like that.
    Love your Majestic Fish. What a lovely idea to make a Jubilee fish for this weekend. The celebrations have been dominating the TV over here and it has been wonderful to see her, at 96, venturing forth on the balcony. Who could not love a fish with lips like the one you have in your journal? Definitely a female fish.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps I have never heard the song before so this was something new to me.

    1. Thanks Neet! We had a teacher at primary school who was a romantic royalist, and taught us lots of songs back then. The salad at Ton Halle is really good. We had all the Jubilee presentations here on TV, too, so I saw quite a lot. She's a great old girl, that's for sure, and has done her job well!

  27. ooh I love your fish Valerie, and I like those supermarket cafes too, so handy! Happy T Day Elle/EOTC xx

    1. Thanks Elle, I love thos places, too. I sometimes go in there just for a coffee! Happy T Day!

  28. Hoping you feel better soon, Valerie! Your post is outstanding and so glad you were able to finish it up. The fish is amazing (love the gold, gems, eyes, and elegance), the song makes me smile, and I love your about town pictures (always wish I could join you). The list of what to look for in other people is spot on. Many hugz and happy T-day!

    1. Thanks Nancy, We really need to choose other people carefully! Glad you lke my royal fish! Wouldn't it be nice if we could walk through the town together? Hugs, Valerie

  29. I'm sorry you are feeling so exhausted. I hope you pick up soon again. My hubby is feeling a bit better and is getting over his Covid but he is permanently exhausted and spends most of his days in/on the bed.
    Your royal fish is magnificent! Very elegant, and should I say it...royal!
    I love your list in what to look for in people. I am fortunate to have friends like that.
    Your coffee and white beer look inviting.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca! I can imagine how exhausted your husband must be after his treatment and then Covid. I think my medication makes me tired, and when I have a shaky day its just exhausting. But it's good to get out for a meal occasionally! Hugs!

  30. Great photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  31. Wow, that's one stunning fish! It's so regal and detailed with the silver and gold, making it perfect for the jubilee 😁. So glad you had a wonderful time with your friend, I'd happily join you for a beer! Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo, definitely a Jubilee fish! I'm sure you would enjoy the beers here, there's alwas a huge assortment! Hugs!

  32. Your art is wonderful! I'd love to share a beer with you too.

    1. Thanks. Perhaps one day we can drink a beer together, who knows?

  33. Valerie i'm sorry to hear you are feeling poorly.... i hope you feel better soon... Lovely to eat out with one's hubby isn't it? ! Those salads look YUMMY!! Your Jubilee Fish is just Fabulous!! Take care of yourself!! Happy T day! Hugs! deb


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