Tuesday 14 June 2022

New challenge at Tag Tuesday - use a die cut

Hi Everybody!

Today we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time its my turn to host. My chosen theme is 'use a diecut', but apart from that any theme on your tag is good. As always, you have 2 weeks to link your tag to our page, and I hope to see YOU there! I made a Christmas tag - actually I made several -using my deer and Christmas tree dies.  The stars were bought, and I used scraps of a paper lace doily for the 'snow'. The silver background was part of a gift box:

And a snowy photo to match!

Have a great day, take care, 
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Brrr. We've finally had a nice summery day and that snow photo made me cringe. Smile. Not really, I like this new tag challenge. And I might even be able to get to my die cut machine-soon. Hope all is well. Hugs-Erika

    1. Here it's nice weather, too. The deer and Christmas trees were the first dies that fell out of the box! Too funny, as I am not a snow lover! Hve a great day!

  2. Hmmm just not ready for Christmas. But the tag and photo are very pretty.

    1. Thanks Nicole, I prefer sumer to winter, too!

  3. Lovely tag, I enjoy a snowy scene.

  4. Loving the challenge theme and your gorgeous tag too. I saw your question about the Masterboards. I usually make them from A3 paper or card as that gives you plenty to work with. Have a great week. Hugs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela. A3 is always a good size to work with, I do all of my paintings in A3 or larger. Enjoy your week, hugs!

  5. It would be lovely for Christmas card. But I'm not ready for cold. I just want summer heat.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  6. Looks like a lovely Christmas card. Have a great day.

  7. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you slept well. I overslept, the kids all went off late to school, but I sent a mail to their school to say what happened! Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Oh dear, it's horrible when that happens. I'm so glad I can get up whenever I want, thats so good. Hugs!

  8. Hey you! What the hell is this, showing us snow in the middle of June and talking of Christmas! For that you should be punished very severely. No coffee for at least a week and no non-acoholic beer when you go out schmoozing with your friends and eating fish and chips. I have a feeling that the punishment should be even harsher than this, but nothing else springs to mind at present. The transgression is not quite bad enough for finger-nail pulling or anything quite so severe. I along with Erika hereby forbid you, however, from even hinting at snow until November at the earliest. If you cross that line again we will disown you, disavow you, boycott your blog, foam at the mouth, shriek wildly, swear mightily and in other ways still to be devised show our discontent. In the meantime hugs and kisses as always - David

  9. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa! I thought you folks in Canada loved the snow and cold weather! Okay, so I won't do it again, or perhaps just one more time!? If you foam at the mouth, ask Miriam to take a photo, that would be fun! But I do not want to be deprived of my coffee or my special non-alcohlic beer, so I will (try to) be good. Just got back from my walk, and met my friend for some coffee and cake at her place, so that was nice. I suggest you open your window and swear, shriek and cuss loudly, that will be something for the neighbours! Have a great day, BIG hugs, Valerie

  10. I'm glad to finished with winter, enjoying the spring/summer right now and only looking at your snowy scenes which are lovely.

    1. Thanks Judee, I'm enjoying Summer, too! Have a great week!

  11. Oooo snow! Quite the contrast with our current heat wave :)

  12. The tag is lovely! I'm glad for snow being a memory right now-but it is very pretty!

  13. Hi Valerie, Love your art as always. Hope you are feeling better! Hugs, Sandy

  14. That tag is beautiful and that snow looks so cooling.

  15. What a beautiful scene you have created on this tag Valerie, it's really cooled me down today as temperatures are set to rise high here. This tag would make a grand Christmas card, it will be here before we know it. Beautiful and inspiring..
    Wishing you a safe & creative week ahead Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey, I'm enjoying it too, it's very hot here!

  16. Snow in June. Lol. You recycle art to create something new. Love it. Gigi hawaii

  17. Super Tags Valerie, I am earlier this time around in entering mine for your challenge,lol.xx

  18. Luv the Christmas mood
    Have a good Tuesday



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