Monday 28 March 2022

T sTands for Tuesday on Monday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all had a pleasant weekend. After a stressful week, including a trip to the hospital in an ambulance with flashing blue lights - see my weekend post - I had a quiet weekend and hope that things remain so this week. Today we will be celebrating Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies who join us. I didnt get round to visiting everybody, sorry, it was just all too much. Today I have an Easter piece I made a few weeks ago, which is also my ticket for the T party, as my bunny is sitting in a pretty cup. My cups are usually filled with coffee but at the moment I'm learning to drink Fennel tea!  I am also linking to my spring challenge at AJJ:


Some photos from the garden:

The flowers on the dining table:

Some funnies:

The text says 'oil and flour were sold out so I had to take what was available!'

Have a great start in the week, take care.
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. What a sweet bunny in the tea cup. With all those pretty flowers in bloom I can see why your are inspired by spring and by Easter too. Winter has returned here. No snow but it is sooooo cold right now. Tomorrow is going to be quite cold too so I think there will be some art for me. No complains about the art but the cold is a bit too cold. I hope you also have a quieter week, and a happy early T day too. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, hope it soon warms up for you!

  2. I do like your Easter art.
    I spent time with the grandchildren over the weekend and they were saying it will soon be time to get the Easter chicks and bunnies out of the cupboard, they are quite a few years old and have been part of the Easter décor for sometime :)

    Your photographs were lovely, Spring is here.

    Sending lots of get well wishes, hope the week ahead will be a restful and recuperative one for you.

    All the best Jan

  3. Hi Valerie, so sorry I missed your post going to the hospital will check that out.
    I love your Easter painting-so sweet. Your area has allot of blooms-no trees are blooming here as of yet, I do have daffodils though-I planted a bag of them last fall-very pretty.
    great funnies. Happy T and healing prayers coming your way
    Hugs Kathy

  4. Wonderful Easter art, Valerie. All your bright colors are making me want to color some Easter eggs. like your painting, they are always a happy sight. You are having quite the medical adventure. I hope you are feeling well again soon.

    1. Thanks Annie, I need bright colours just now!

  5. Beautiful spring art and flowers. That oil and flour one has me laughing haha.

  6. The bunny looks so soft and cuddly.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  7. What a cute bunny in the cup! Great funnies. The community bus at the aged care place my Mum was at had people surfing and windsurfing and riding bikes on their bus topped by the seniors heads, always gave me a smile!

    1. A bit of humour in our everday lives is always good!

  8. Nice painting of the cute bunny in the tea cup. Laughing at the van driver. Cute lamb and mama in the last picture. Enjoy your new week.

  9. Liebe Valerie
    O jee jetzt habe ich es nach gelesen was passiert ist, da hast du viel aufregung gehabt. Gut dass sie wissen was es ist und jetzt dir geholfen wird. Das eingesperrt sein für dich kann ich gut nachvollziehen.
    Deine Kunstwerke ob die Frau oder der Hase in der Tasse sind so süss, hübsch und kreativ gestaltet.
    Ich wünsche dir gute Besserung!!!!!
    Liebe Umarmung Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, es geht mir jetzt etwas beser und ich darf wieder raus!

  10. I LOVE the lamb! It is soooo cute!!!
    Great page, Valerie. The bunny in the cup is perfect.
    Never tried fennel tea, my friend, but definitely I will try it.

  11. Hello Valerie: The bunny in the cup looks quite at home. Actually when the very young rabbits first appear here they are so tiny they would probably fit into an average coffee mug. Think I'll just pour coffee into mine. I have cooked with fennel, but fennel tea sounds quite horrid! I think I will pass on that. I can see what you have been shopping for in the supermarket. Better build up your energy level is all I can say! I have been told on reliable authority (a Balconia bird reported it to a robin here, who passed it along to a crow, who advised me) that you have been seen there repeatedly, looking for bargains, and even willing to pay full price if the right merchandise is available. I hope that the weekend was tranquil, that your heart behaved, and the fellow patients in the clinic were kind and helpful. There is no need to inquire if the food was good as that seems to be a constant, with copious supplies always on hand. Last night we had a vegetarian pasta dish we enjoy, with artichokes, fire-roasted tomatoes, lots of olives and feta cheese. We actually had it two nights in a row, having made a large batch. This afternoon I will be doing a live presentation. Imagine that standing in front of real people again! This will be only the second time since COVID dominated world affairs and social conduct. Stay well, stay calm, stay beautiful, drink fennel tea (argh!). Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Yes, I prefer coffee in my cup, too, but the bunny does look cute! Fennel tea is not bad, but coffee is definitely better! Tat Balconia bad was surely making the story up! I discovered a new species at the weekend, you will be abe to see it soon. Watch this space! Enjoy your live presentation, I'm sure you will be really good. Have a great day, take care, hugs!

  12. Awwww, sweet bunny. I'd be happy to find another cup for my coffee if it meant having a bunny in one :)

    Happy T Day!

  13. I adore the sweet bunny in the tea cup!

    Your photos are lovely, Valerie.

    Happy Monday!

    1. Thanks so much Veronica, have a great week!

  14. GREAT to hear that you had an uneventful weekend! No one needs excitement like ambulance rides. Keep getting better.

    best… mae at

  15. i am happy that your weekend was good and safe! I love your bunny art;)

  16. lovely little bunny in cup...your drawing is so colorfull ^^

    I do love the flowers too.

    have a nice day Valerie ^^

    1. Thanks so much, have a great week, stay safe!

  17. There is medication you can take for atrial fibrillation. My friend had it, took meds, and lived to 85, which is not bad. Take care and God bless.

  18. You keep quiet and mellow this week! I love the beautiful blooms you shared and the happy art. I'm glad to read in the comments that you are feeling better and on meds. That's terrific.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, I still need to learn to rush about less, not easy!

  19. The bunny in the teacup is so cute. Beautiful flowers. The close ups remind me of Georgia O'Keefe flowers. Love the funnies. I think I need to go the grocery store more often 😸

  20. Your little bunny sitting in the teacup is adorable and a fabulous painting Valerie, take care and stay safe..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  21. Dear Valerie, I am so sorry to hear about your hospital visit. Do hope that they can get you the help you need. Sending healing thoughts and prayers. Anesha x

  22. Aww what a fabulous, colourful piece, I love your cute bunny! Those flowers look lovely too. Hope you are feeling better now, take care, Sue xx

  23. I love your Easter piece. So happy and sweet.
    So is tea going to be the order of the day now?
    Great funnies and flowers.
    Take special care of yourself.
    Hugs, scoxoxox


  24. What a fab page! I'm sorry you have had to give up coffee- I know what it must mean to you! Love the funnies...and the photos of course! Take care, hugs, Chrisx

    1. I can have coffee in the morning, but afterwards decaf or tea!

  25. Your posts always make me smile. Loving the card and the photographs and well the funnies are hilarious. Have a great week. Hugs Angela xXx

  26. Oh, my goodness! The guy on the toilet in the van is too funny! You take it easy! I went back and read your weekend post. I hope it gets better. Our 18 year old is going through something like this right now. She is away at college and was taken to immediate care, and they set her up for blood tests and ekg, and over Spring break she was on a heart monitor. We are waiting right now for results. So scary. Sending hugs.. Happy T Day.

    1. Thanks Sharon, glad you liked the funnies. Happy T Day! So sorry to hear about your granddaughter, she is too young for such probelems. I hope she is soon well again!

  27. Glad you had a peaceful weekend, dear. Love your bunny in the cup. It is adorable. Thanks for another inspiring entry for your theme at AJJ and a great Easter inspired bunny in a tea cup for T this Tuesday.

    It looks like spring has definitely arrived in your world, dear. Still love the magnolia blossoms and that lamb, too. Hope you have a super T Tuesday, dear.

    1. Glad you liked the bunny, must try a kitty in the cup!

  28. Hello Valerie. I am sorry about the horrible week and glad you had a much better weekend! Hope you are doing much better now.

    The bunny is soooo cute and I love all your gorgeous flower pictures and funnies. Happy T-day and Hugz

  29. Oh Valerie, I hope you are feeling much better now! The bunny is so adorable in the teacup and reminds me of spring and Easter time 😀. Thanks for sharing the funnies, they made me smile and it was so lovely to see the spring blossom and images! Take care and Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! The meds are working and I feel much better! Happy T day!

  30. Oh my, sorry you are still having some serious health issues. praying for healing and good health my friend. Just get lots of rest.
    Your bunny in the teacup is so charming! And your photos of the spring blooms - always so wonderful to see. take care, and happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda, the meds are working now, so thats good! Hope spring soon arrives at your place!

  31. Oh gosh, I had no idea! I only read your weekend post now. I'm so sorry to hear this. It must have been really scary. And now having to give up your beloved cappuccinos.... I must say that I drink fennel tea (I enjoy the mildly anisseedy taste) and it's not bad really (nothing compares with coffee though).
    Your Easter bunny is real cute, but even cuter is what somebody found left on the supermarket shelf!
    The photos of the flowers always perk me up. I am so ready for spring. It has rained non-stop for a month here! Dark and grey days indeed.
    I hope your condition gets better soon,
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca, the meds are starting to work, it Just needs a bit of fine tuning. Hope the rain soon stops. Hugs!

  32. Hi Valerie, I hope you will be able to go home soon. Glad you were able to relax this past weekend. Your art is wonderful and so full of spring. Great funnies too. Have a lovely day.

    1. Thanks Nicole. I hope I can go home next week.

  33. Your Easter bunny page is gorgeous Valerie, and I love the Spring lamb with its mum.
    I love a fennel tea, hope you get used to it soon.

    1. Thanks Alison, Fennel tea is better than many others teas! Hugs!

  34. Gosh Valerie, you had quite the excitement, and not reallyin a good way. I'm glad that the last days have been much quieter - who needs a ride in an ambulance??? It must feel very limiting not to be able to move around like usual. I hope this changes for the better again. The garden is beautiful, that is at least something. Beautiful Easter art, the bunny is very cute.

    1. Excitement Like that is not my thing! Have a great week.

  35. Hope you are well, Valerie ~ Lovely little rabbit in the cup ~ beautiful artwork ~ and wonderful photography ~ love the lamb and handsome man in store cart is too funny ~ lol ~ Xo

    Wishing you laughter and love in all your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  36. Your spring painting is lovely! Sorry to hear that you were in the hospital. I will go back and have a look at the post. Feel better soon!
    The spring flowers are looking gorgeous. I think my favorite is the magnolias. We had one in our yard growing up and I always loved when they bloomed.
    Love the funny of the van!
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Thanks Kate. Magnolias are beautiful, pity they only bloom for such a Shorts time!

  37. I'm glad you had a better weekend and hope you are feeling a bit better by now and the tablets are helping your condition. I love that journal pager you created with the rabbit in the teacup.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks, I am very thankful that the meds are helping!

  38. Such a delightful painting today Valerie. I do like your little bunny sitting there looking so content. He must be a baby to fit in there.
    Well, it is good to know that you are feeling better and that maybe some new medication is helping. Hope they get to the bottom of things now and you return to full health.
    Hugs, Heet xx

  39. I just read about what happened last week. I am so sorry to hear that Valerie. The bunny looks very adorable sitting in his little cup. Sending you lots of good wishes. Feel better soon.



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