Friday 4 March 2022

Friday Post

Hi Everybody!

Happy Friday! I have ben having a lot of health issues this week, and after the tests on Tuesday they have diagnosed some heart problems for which I need to take yet more medication, but this explains the complete exhaustion I have had the past couple of weeks. I have to really take things easy in the next few days. On a happier note, we had a cold but very sunny day, the spring flowers are blossoming, some trees, too, and others are starting to get their leaves. Spring is such a beautiful season. Today I have a rather minimalist piece to share, an A3 painting using spring colours. I am linking to my spring challenge at AJJ and to PPF:

And this version has some digital additions. What do you like best - the minimalist original or this one?

One of the patients had his birthday yesterday, so we decorated the dining room and made a surprise for him:

The garden in th glass bowl is growing very fast:

Some spring pics:

Sunrise from the window:

Sunrise across the fields:

Speing blossoms:

And some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Gorgeous post Valerie-I enjoyed everything. and for your journal page I love the second version with the butterflies added. sending healing prayers hugs Kathy

  2. I like the original piece. Welcome spring!

  3. So sorry to hear about the heart issue. Hopefully medication can control it. And nice minimalist piece. The colors are perfect, and my choice is the second one. But then I am not a very good minimalist. Nice spring photos. I hope you are having some wonderful spring weather. Take care. Hugs-Erika

    1. Minimalism is not my fave either, this was just a trial!

  4. Wow this is gorgeous, love the colours and brilliant design. Sorry to read about the health issues, please take care and sending hugs♥

  5. So sorry for your health problems. Do take things easy and go slow. Very pretty painting with the spring colours, flowers and butterflies. Beautiful sunrise and flowers. I hope the war planes will drop birds instead of bombs.

    1. It would be wonderful of the planes dropped doves or flowers.

  6. I am sorry to hear of further complications with your big heart, Valerie. As for asking which of the minimalist creations I prefer, with or without embellishment, it's a little like going into the ice cream store where they have an arsenal of flavours, and they smile sweetly and ask your choice. Even after a period of deliberation and inquiring of Miriam what she might have, I feel like saying, "I'll have one of each!" The situation in Ukraine becomes ever more terrible and the images of people fleeing is heartbreaking and distressing. Now there is a real threat of radiation spreading from the nuclear power plant that has been under attack. Doesn't Putin realize that his own people will suffer equally from it? I suppose the answer is that he cares little, or not at all, for his own people. Can no one stop this madman? Are there no people of conscience to mount a coup? In the meantime, the rest of the world is allowing Russian bombs to fall on Ukraine without any challenge, slowly reducing their cities to rubble and causing an unprecedented exodus of innocent people. At heart, Valerie, we are still barbarians. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Thanks David, I will have to change my life style a bit, more rest and less running about! Hmmm, I've cream is always hard to choose! The situation in the Ukraine gets more threatening from day to day, I can't imagine how awful it must be for the people there. Yes, too many barbarians, madmen and look-the-other-way men are ruining our planet. Big hugs!

  7. I love the minimalist look best. Reminds me how Mondrian might interpret spring in colors and grids. Thanks for another great entry you have given us for your theme at AJJ.

    Sorry to read about your heart problems, dear. I hope they get the right medication to keep you safe and well. Please listen to the doctor and take it easy for awhile.

    1. Thanks E! It was very hard for me NOT o add more to the painting! I now have the meds I need to keep the heart beating regularly, and hope it will soon get beter. I hope to be back home in 2 weeks, that would be great!

  8. You went to beautiful and fun places.

  9. That glass bowl garden is fabulous. I love how it looks, both the blooms and the container. And I'm in the minimalist camp on the art. I agree with Elizabeth -- very Mondrian but happier, light colors. And your celebration for your fellow resident look so friendly and heart-filled.

    I'm so sorry to hear that more medical issues have cropped up. Yes, now is the time to take it easy, mind the doc orders and adjust to the new meds, which I hope will help normalize things soon. Please take care.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I'm being good and taking my meds and following the doc's orders, which is not easy for me! Have a great weekend, take care!

  10. Hi Val, good afternoon. We're still in te mddle of chaos, but hopefully it will be finished next week. Love you art, and thanks for nthe lovely pressy you sent to S, she is over the moon with it! Have agreat day, stay safe, hugs, Sarah
    And do what the doctors tell you!

    1. Thanks Sara. Glad S liked her book and pencils. Have a good weekend, and hope all is soon really finished, hugs!

  11. Sorry to hear you are still not well, but now with proper diagnoses hopefully you will be much better and have more energy in no time. Love your minimalist art- the first without embellishment is my fave. Spring is definitely arriving in your parts- beautiful! What a sweet gesture to celebrate a patient's birthday- I'm sure it was much appreciated. Happy PPF and have a good weekend!

    1. Thanks Linda. Minimalist art is not my thing and it was so hard to leave so much emty space! Hugs!

  12. I love that plant in the glass bowl. So pretty! Take care and God bless.

    1. Thansk Glenda, have a great wekend and stay safe!

  13. Both your art pieces are lovely ~ and your photography is divine and what fun 'hippie' saying ~ Happy Weekend to you ~ Xo

    Wishing you love and peace in your days,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thans Carol. Sometimes I wish we still had the carefree hippie days! We so need peace. Hugs!

  14. Aww. Fabulous garden in the glass bowl
    Lovely art too.
    Thanks for dropping by my blog

    Much 💛 love

    1. Thanks Gillena, have a great weekend, big hugs!

  15. Wishing you all the best with your heart. Sending you positive energy. Loving your artwork and nature photos. Have a lovely weekend and I pray everything will be okay with your health. Much love and positivity.

    1. Thanks Maria, much appreciated! And thanks for the good vibes!

  16. I'm sorry about the heart problems but glad there's medication for it. I like that spring colors piece.

  17. As always, great memes.
    Beautiful spring flowers.
    Love the spring piece. You could turn it into an oval and have a fun Easter egg.
    I'm sorry you are having to deal with health issues. Good on you for persevering and for making your co patients birthday brighter. Hugs.

    1. Thanks Sandra. The celebration in these dark times did us all good!

  18. I like both versions of your page. Beautiful photographs. Your area is so far ahead of Spring than mine. Rest well and take care.

  19. I like both versions but if I had to choose one it would be the second. Lovely spring photos. Wouldn't it be nice if all war planes used birds instead of bombs?
    Take care, hope you get your health problems sorted.

    1. Thanks Lin, happy PPF, have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Valerie you must take it easy but I'm sure they will sort out something to help you. The gorgeous view is enough to make any body happy, looks lovely. Your art work is lovely and that gorgeous face just finishes the design perfectly. Take care and have a lovely weekend. Hogs, Angela xXx

    1. Thanks Angela, I'm taking it easy! It's a beautiful place here. Happy Weekend!

  21. I am sorry to read about your health problems, you must listen to your health care team, and your body and rest whenever required :)
    I send lots of healing wishes.

    I always enjoy seeing your art but I do prefer the second one here ...

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

    1. I prefer the second one, too, I'm not so minimalist!

  22. Lovely post Valerie, sorry to hear about your heart diagnosis, hopefully medication can help you.

  23. Lovely post. Sorry about the heart condition. Glad you can deal with it with meds. Although one more pill. Have a good day.

  24. Well I know I am late calling in, sorry to read about your heart problems, but on the plus side now new medication will be able to help you feel a lot better soon.
    Stay safe.
    Yvonne xx

  25. to answer your question. I love the digitally altered piece. It really needed the butterflies and flowes. It seemed unfinished withou them :)

  26. That picture you show us of the plane dropping bombs turning into birds sends a very strong message. Thanks for finding and sharing it.
    Love your minimalist painting for today. Do I have sprinkles on my ice cream cone or not? For today I think I will take mine plain but not so sure which of your pages I prefer.
    Take care, Hugs, Neet xx


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