Wednesday 15 December 2021

Who's behind the door

Hi Everybody!

Today I have another door to share. And somebody is looking out of the window:

The lady is another painting inspired by Effy Wild. I  added lots of scribbles and some stenciling;

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. I'm still trying to wind up my T day visitors and you have already posted TWO new blog posts. I can't keep up with you, dear. That's a great way to show a door. I like how the lady is peeking through it. Really a lovely addition to your month hosting AJJ.

    I guess you probably haven't heard about all the people who have died from tornadoes in the south east part of the states. Early this morning, there were 64 dead, and more were expected to be found buried under rubble. Although it's a cute meme, it hits a bit too close to home today, I fear. LOVE the one with the cat being proud.

  2. Lovely art and beautiful thoughtful memes.

  3. A friend of mind do serious of painting of doors. It makes you wonder.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  4. Hi Val, good morning! Another wonderful piece for your theme. Hope our fingers are feeling better. Have to go to a work meeting today, what a waste of time! Stay safe, hugs from us all, Sarah

  5. Effy Wild lives up to her name as she teaches you to create these wild women! And there is one right on the door inviting you in. It's a great way that you have used the door theme this week. Maybe inside it would be a safe haven from Omicron which seems to be going crazy all over the world. Restrictions are once again being reintroduced here and cautions are being issued about the upcoming holiday festivities. I think we are all getting really weary of this virus bolding us hostage. I have finally given up on my plan to visit Australia again. Who could have imagined when COVID first emerged that its impact would be felt for so long? It's good to be an outdoors person at a time like this when getting out into the woods and meadows offers emotional comfort and removes one from intermixing with others. Too bad you couldn't join us on our walks, Valerie. I could show you a Screech Owl. Now all you have are screeching politicians. I am pleased to hear that your fingers are a little better. Little is better than not at all. Don't let Omicron sneak up on you. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. Hi David! I wonder if there is a safe place anywhere these days? I avoid traveling on public transport even though everybody has to be masked, and only go walking where I know I won't meet too many people. Here they have tightened the restrictions a lot, which is good, but there are still the crazies and hooligans and nationalists who protest that they are losing their freedom and that Coved doesn't exist etc. None of us likes the restrictive measures, but we need to get through this pandemic.. I'm trying to see it as a time where I can paint a lot, read lots of books etc. My fingers still look very bad,, but they are definitely getting better, ad thanks God for that! It will take a few weeks til it's over, but there's light at the end of the tunnel. Have a great day, David, stay safe, hugs to you and Miriam!

  6. That is one fabulous lady behind that door Valerie. She is quite sophisticated in that turban (or it looks like a turban) that she is wearing. I like how you have her peering out of the door panel. As though she is deciding whether to let them into her life and heart. It's a beauty. Sometimes it is hard to give your body a break though, as the meme suggests. We just want to live. Hope your fingers are doing better today. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! I don't know if it's a turban or her hair or whatever, you can choose your own interpretation....Sometimes it's a hard decision whether or not to let people into your lives. Yes, we just want to live, and not hurt! My fingers are really getting better day by day, but the side effects of the medication are unpleasant. Well, you can't have everything! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  7. Very nice door and lady art piece. Have a lovely day.

  8. I like your door. Very creative and very pretty.

  9. Nice page. I like your lady paintings.

  10. Love the painting! And the cat funny is totally correct!

    1. Thanks Debra. My cat used to lead me proudly to where she'd scratched off the wallpaper or my books!

  11. Poignant piece. Is she waiting for someone who will never show up? Is she trying to get up the courage to let the world in? I hope you're feeling better today

    1. Thanks CJ. She does look sad. I think I projected some of my feelings into her!

  12. Another great lady. Love the last meme.
    Hoping today is a good day for you.

  13. this lady in art looks very interesting a liitle bit of sad and mistic

  14. Your lady is beautiful Valerie, and I love how she made it into your door page.

  15. Wow, your lady is stunning and I love your door page - perfect! I was so pleased to see you hosting AJJ this month and I'm so sorry that I haven't joined your fab challenge yet, life is hectic at the moment but I've just completed a couple of pages for your challenge so will be joining you later this week - yay 😁. Take care and wishing you well! Hugs Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. December is a hectic month. Looking forward to seeing your Pages! Hugs!

  16. Gorgeous art today, I love how colorful that lady is! Great memes, love the cat one, our cat used to do the same thing.
    Take care, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy, I think all cats have the same hobbies!

  17. I thought I was mistaken seeing another post from you but no, you have painted another door and this time one of your delightful portraits has joined with your challenge and the combination is superb.
    With all the news on Covid and the latest variant I wonder if she is looking to see who is coming to her door before deciding whether to let them in or not? Love both the door and the lady.
    Hugs, neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, that lady ist wise to look who's coming, I do the same! Hope you are keeping Well! Hugs!

  18. Lovely art, both the door and lady.
    I enjoyed your meme choices.

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  19. GREAT door and great lady - love them together!!!

    Forgiveness - the lack of it overshadows our world.

    Many hugz

    1. Thanks Nancy. We need to forgive and move on!


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