Saturday 4 December 2021

Behind closed doors

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy! 

Today I have a collage of doors to show for my challenge at AJJ.  The quote is from the Gospel of Mark, but it is also found in Luke.  I love to be able to knock at a door which is  new to me and see what is behind it. Which of these doors would you like to go through, which ones not? Behind one of the doors I have hidden a  surprise.  I will send a little prize to the person who picks the right door. If more people guess right, I will pick one name out of my famous hat! The solution will be posted here next Saturday:

This lady was painted after a lesson with the lovely Christa Forrest. This piece was going  quite well, and then I made a couple of mistakes, got frustrated and just scribbled the rest- a bad hair day!

And some photos from the Christmas Market in Düsseldorf. This time there is a fence built around it, and anyone who wants to go in has to prove that he/she is completely vaccinated or recovered from Covid 19.

Have a great weekend, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Beautiful post, great this...Have a lovely weekend xxx

  2. I will go for the star door!
    Lovely post vj...beautifully done face.
    Loved all the clicks... Christmas mood is on!

  3. I pick the star door too! Enjoyed the Christmas market photos.

    1. The star seems to be a magnet! Hugs, have a great weekend!

  4. Interesting doors. I would love to visit a Christmas market. So much to see in the market. Enjoy your weekend.

    1. The Christmas markets are fun, lots to see, eat and drink! Hugs!

  5. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling well and as fit as possible. It's a cold, grey day here, probably the same at your place. I love your doors, and I choose the door in the middle picture! Love the bad hair day face, too! Have a great day, hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, same weather here, sort of go-back-to-bed weather! Have a great day, hugs!

  6. Hmm which door? I think the star door is my favorite, but I will pick the top left door. I like the whole door collage though. And I like the lady with the bad hair day, although I thought she just had frizzy hair. The lips are what jumped at me. you aced those. Nice lip work (but that sounds strange). And I am very curious about Christmas Markets and one day I hope to visit one. I love the photo with the 3 lanterns and the tower in the background. WE are sunny but very cold this morning. Yesterday we had to start to the woodstove. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, your door has been noted! Nice lip work is a compliment I've not had before! Christmas markets are always fun, at least when there's no Corona! It's cold and damp here today, so I hurried back from my walk. I think I will have an early night are read in bed, luxury! Hugs!

  7. My pick for the door with the prize, Valerie, is the centre one on the top row. If I don't win I want you to know that I will fly into a tantrum the likes of which you have never seen. You don't want to see a grown man lie on the floor kicking and screaming and foaming at the mouth, so don't say you haven't been warned! I expect the prize will be exquisite. The two little birds you once sent me still adorn my bookshelves by the way. When people visit they are impressed with my Jael Tups originals. THE Jael Tups they ask? The ornithological, boffo wunderkind of Balconia-by-the Rhine? The very one, I reply smugly. She is a personal friend of mine and we are in communication several times a week. That may all change, however, if someone else is given my prize! As for the girl with the frizzy hair, I love her. I thought the hairstyle was intentional. Combined with those lips she looks sensational, and I could have flights of imagination I wouldn't confess to! I notice that Erika too was drawn to the lips. Now that's validation! The weekend is upon us. Enjoy, enjoy and tell those fingers to behave. Hugs and kisses. David

    1. I am tempted to make sure somebody else wins cause I would so lo love to see you rolling on the floor and screaming and having a BIG tantrum. What fun, Miriam could film it and it would be a hot hit on the internet! And I'm glad you like my bad hair day girl and are having flights of imagination to satisfy your desires! My fingers are bad just now, but that's life. I just had a struggle trying to change the sheets, it hurt horribly pulling the fitted sheet over the corners of the mattress, which is very heavy. Anyway, with lots of swearing I got it done. I think I'm now on Santa's very naughty lisT! Have a geat weekend David, try to be good! Hugs!

    2. It is sheet-changing day here too. I will be sure to supervise Miriam so she does it properly! And tonight she has said she will make pizza for dinner (she makes the best) and there is a bottle of Australian Shiraz on the counter, so we are all set!

    3. Very nice! Pizza and Wine,yummy!

  8. What a great collection of interesting doors. The Christmas Market looks so festive and fun.

  9. I'll choose the blue door. I don't think the woman is having a bad hair day. She has a glorious head of goddess curls. The Christmas market looks like fun. Do people get all bent out of shape having to prove they are vaccinated in order to attend? They would here 😿

    1. PROBLEM - there are 2 blue doors! Ah yes, I must admit how happy I would be with a head of hair like that instead of my thin strands! People have to take their vaccination certificate and show it, or use the smart-phone app where the vaccinations are officially guaranteed! Have a fun weekend, keep warm!

    2. All I saw was the TARDIS Blue Door 😺, Bottom left. The arched, blue door with the sun or fan detail on the top.

  10. Christmas markets look like wonderful fun. Some German cities have cancelled them because of the uptick in covid cases, and now the new omicron variant is threatening all plans and expectations, isn't it? The door theme is really fun.

    best... mae at

    1. They are fun, but this times people have to show their vaccination credentials to buy anything, not so free and easy like in the old days. I hope things will soon get better. Stay safe, Mae!

  11. Sorry this is a generic message, but it's all I could pull together. Late Thursday as I headed to the basement, I caught my sleeve on the railing and lost my balance. I fell down 13 of the 14 steps to the basement floor. I laid there for what seemed like hours, but in reality was probably little more than 20-30 minutes. When I was able to get up, I realized I had hurt my back enough that all I could do was lie on it. I have trouble sitting or standing. I hope you understand.

    If I normally visit you every day, I hope/plan to feel better by Monday. Thanks for your support and understanding. PLEASE, NO SYMPATHY. It was my own stupidity.

    I love the doors with stars on them. Not wanting to enter the contest, though.

    LOVE the carousel and the horses. Back to bed after I add my calendar to AJJ. Thanks for asking me to.

    1. So sorry, Elizabeth, that could have been even worse. Please take care of yourself, rest and recuperate. I wish I could help you! Hugs!

  12. I want to go through the door with bars because I want to help the lonely, frightened person inside.

    1. You are kind. It's in the Castle ruins and used to lead to the dungeons!

    2. Oh my. No wonder it looks so bleak.

  13. I love your collage of doors Valerie, I'll guess it's the blue door bottom left.
    Your wild hair lady is fabulous too!
    Great photos of the Christmas market at Dusseldorf. I wish people here would take more cautious measures like that, then I would feel safer to go out.
    Have a lovely rest of the weekend.

  14. Thanks Alison. They're really doing a Covid crackdown here and that's good! Stay Safe! Hugs!

  15. Everything looks so festive:)
    I love this blue lady. Her hair reminds me of bee balm, which I call bad hair day flowers:)
    Oh the door contest is fun.
    Top center is my choice. I don't want to be behind the steel bars on the right:)

    1. Thanks Sandra! I have noted your choice! No, I don't !like steel bars, either! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

  16. Our Christmas craft show is going on today. Didn't go figure not many will be wearing mask.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

  17. Great photos 😊 have a nice day 😊

  18. A fascinating post, I love your doors, art and market. V xx

  19. I'm loving the variety of the doors and can't pick just one, so I'll watch the others go through the doors :)

    I'm happy they found a way to hold the Christmas Market safely.

  20. Wow Valerie this is a wonderful post and I love your new banner too.

  21. I love this page with lots of doors for your AJJ theme. I will choose the cell door as I feel it's where we've all been for two years. Your bad hair lady is great- my hair has been a lot better since I had my hair cut. The market looks great - I'm hoping to get into town again before the Christmas market finishes, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris, I Like your choice of door, too funny! I'm trying to avoid going anywhere Just now. Stay safe!

  22. Nice to see photographs of the Christmas Market.
    I did some shopping recently and the shop stores and windows look so Christmassy.

    Hope you've had a restful weekend, have a good new week.

    All the best Jan

  23. The star door (top, center) is my favorite but oh, they're all wonderful! How fun!


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