Thursday 23 December 2021

Doors will be opened / Thursday - Friday post

Hi Everybody!

I took a day off yesterday, I was just exhausted, so I had a fun day painting, watching TV, reading and eating the rest of the apple crumble I made for my birthday.

Today I have a hybrid piece for my doors challenge at AJJ:

And for Paint Party Friday I'm sharing the piece I made recently when I was frustrated and bad tempered:

And some funnies/thinkies:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. It's so good to have a day off :)
    Pleased you enjoyed your apple crumble, sounds delicious.

    Lovely art and thanks for the funnies/thinkies.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, it was indeed good just to relax and have fun! Have a great day!

    2. One of the best decision i ever made was contacting Dr Otonokpo to help me get my lover back, I was life filled with happiness after i contacted Dr Otonokpo because he didn't just bring my lover back to me he also made our love for each other more unique and superb. If you need to spice your relationship with more love and attention contact Dr Otonokpo on his Email Address, call/whatsapp him via his contact +2348114129781 and be happy just like i am, thanks Dr Otonokpo for your great work

  2. I wonder what that couple will find behind the door. They were obviously brave enough to knock, as the door is open.And your frustration page looks great. It feels good to let lose on a page with some paint or pen or marker, doesn't it? I love the streaks of color. Your funnies/thinkies are great today too. Glad you had a nice relaxing day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I hope they will find what they are looking for behind the door, who knows? And I had a long sleep again, so feel relaxed today with no 'must do's' on the agenda. I'm sure you are very busy baking, have fun! Hugs!

  3. Enjoyed your art and the memes! The swiss army one lol.

    1. Thanks Christine. Cats often curl up into almost impossible positions! Hugs!

  4. Love the door piece and I hope your frustration piece was just what you needed, it looks amazing. Enjoyed the memes too. Good to hear you had a relaxing day.

    1. Thanks Sue, sometimes it really is good just to scribble away and let it all out on the paper! Have a great day!

  5. Für schlechte Laune hast du das wunderabr bunt und lustig gestaltet, ich find so happy und das Türbild gefällt mir auch es ist so eine Spannung drin was bringt uns die Zukunft. Deine witzigen anderen sind auch klasse ausgesucht.
    Schön zu lesen dass du dir es gut und ruhig an gehen gelassen hast den freien Tag, muss auch mal sein .
    Ich wünsche dir eine schönes Weihnachtsfest!
    Pass auf dich auf und eine liebe Umarmung von mir, Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Ja, was bringt uns die Zukunft? Wir wissen es nicht, und können nur vorwärts gehen mit Hoffnung uns Zuversicht. Dir auch ein schönes Weihnachtsfest, pass auf dich auf, alles Liebe!

  6. Hi Val, good morning! Love your page today, and the fun frustration piece, I love it. You managed to turn your bad and sad mood into something very strong, determined and positive. Great! Good funnies, too, love the Swiss army cat! Have a good day, take care, and even though you have a lot to do, don't do it all at once! Hugs from us all, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, good morning. I woke up very late today, but it's okay as I have no appointments. Next week it will be different! Have a great day, hugs to all!

  7. Love your door page. I think that couple are on holiday and are contemplating should they or shouldn't they go through that door. It's a lovely composition that I could read several stories into but for now they ARE a couple who are on holiday, rather than at the point in their journey of life where they have to make a decision. That was my other interpretation.
    Your portrait today shows strong use of, mainly, primary colours, and the way you have painted her face shows anger and frustration (re your fingers?) all rolled into one. I am sure my old art teacher could explain, quite well how you were feeling at the time of painting. He summed me up so many times in my work.
    To finish, on a much lighter note your funnies were funny your thinkies well thought out (and so true about the ten easy phrases).
    I hope you enjoyed the apple crumble, a favourite of mine, and you will have another day off when you feel like it and recharge. Happy Christmas Valerie.
    Sending lots of Christmas Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet, your interpretations are similar to my thoughts - I imagined them as newly weds going towards their future. Yes, I was frustrated because of my fingers which kept making shaky lines! Apple crumble and lemon cake are always my faves and go to recipes. The crumble was great, I have one more slice to eat this afternoon! Have a wonderful Christmas, take care, hugs!

  8. Lovely page. I feel like I’m walking through that door right now. Your frustrated painting is marvellous. Your style with these faces seems to be evolving. It’s exciting to see.

    1. Thanks Teresa! I think I will have some doors to go through next week. I'm enjoying making faces and trying out new ticks, new styles. Hugs!

  9. I hope you enjoyed your Birthday Valerie and your day relaxing. Fabulous art pages and I realy loved the last one with the couple waiting and looking, I do hope they step though it together.
    Stay safe
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks so much Yvonne. I had a great birthday and enjoyed my day off. Sometimes it's good to do nothing! I think thatvcouple will go through he door together! Stay safe, hugs, Valerie

  10. A rescue human. Defnitely. I hope you had a great birthday, Valerie and that in every day and way your hands are improving. I wish I had a magic bullet for you! Fun art and memes today. Have a lovely rest of the week.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. A magic bullet sounds good, no more pains! Hugs

  11. Well, Valerie, I can see that even when you are frustrated and bed-tempered (I don't believe it) you are still able to create wonderful women, even if in a bit of a rage! When she settles down a little I have no doubt she will look angelic - just like you. Of course, angels are in keeping with the season, aren't they, but maybe they're off talking to shepherds somewhere. I bet the apple crumble you made for your birthday was good to the last crumb. Miriam makes an apple cake based on an old Mennonite recipe and we cut it up into little squares and freeze it so that we can bring out a couple to have with morning coffee. It is quite delicious. As for the couple going through the door, I hope they find what they are hoping for. A bed springs to mind! I sent you a birthday card, airmailed on 9 December which I thought allowed lots of time. I suspect it is lost somewhere, perhaps never to see the light of day! Nothing to be done. This morning we will meet up with Heather and Lily to go for a walk. Heather plans to go back to work in January, which is only a week away, so I suspect that we may not be seeing much of them soon. Hugs and kisses, David

    1. Hi David! I can get very bad tempered with myself sometimes! Your birthday card came today, thanks very much, love the woodpecker. 13 other letters arrived at the same time, some posted in Düsseldorf 10 days ago! I have the feeling that our Postie collects the letters und only gets of his bike to deliver them when he feel like it! Anyway, I was happy to get post, I thought the world had forgotten me! The apple crumble was indeed good down to the last crumb which I liked from my blue fingers. I'd been painting! I like the thought of freezing little squares, but I just have a very small compartment for frozen things, so no chance! Have a fun day with Lily and Heather, take lots of pics. You will be sad when you don't see them so much! I had to laugh when you said the couple were looking for a bed. I thought they looked like newly wedded, so the bed might be true! Have a great day, give Lily a big kiss from me. Hugs, Valerie

    2. I am glad the card arrived. You may remember a few week ago I blogged about the photographer Adrienne Zoe; well, this is one of her cards, the first one of hers that I have ever sent. A special card for a special person!

    3. Thanks David, I will treasure it!

  12. I always love your hybrid pieces Valerie, and the faces that you are doing are just wonderful! Take care and have a very happy week, Sue xx

  13. Theay look hopeful, don't they, as they pause in front of the door. The new year has much to look forward to. I love the "real woman" quote :)

    1. Thanks, Hope the new year brings ist some relief from Covid!

  14. your paint party piece is amazing. lots of feelings. beautifully done. xo

  15. Loved everything, especially the rescue;) Heartfelt Belated B-Day wishes.

  16. Your art is amazing Valerie!

  17. I like your hybrid piece and the sentiment that goes with it. Your painting is a fiery piece - I love it! It's interesting how different we paint/create with different emotions we experience. Was it liberating to create this painting? Did you feel better afterwards? I really hope so. I found that being creative can help me with a lot of feelings, just working through the emotions. So therapeutic.
    Valerie, have a wonderful Christmas!

    1. Thanks Carola! I was mad at myself because I'd blobbed some paint on the face, and then just coloured and scribbled and it was fun, and I felt better after it. I was going to tear the picture up, but then I decided to keep it. Being creative is very therapeutic. At the art group I go to once a week there's a wall where you can throw colours at, that's also fun! You have a wonderful Christmas, too, take care!

  18. Oh love the artwork ~ both are delightful and my favorite photo is the Swiss Army Knife ~ kitty ~ Xo

    Merry Christmas to you,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

    1. Thanks Carol. That Kitty is really cute! Merry Christmas, take care! Hugs!

  19. I think it was great you had a chance to take your birthday off. I'm sure you needed it, too. Your first piece reminded me of two young lovers in Europe deciding which door they would go through. I love their young love feel to this hybrid entry.

    Your angry lady is a bit like how I feel at times. I love it.

    Your funnies are great, especially the 10 things to say to an artist. Could you do it for free? I think that is a shame on someone's part. And the one that got me the most was when I think someone cares about me the way I care about them and yet they don't. Sad, but it has happened to me! Hope you are feeling better today, dear.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Yes, I saw that couple as newly weds gong through the door to their new lives- And yes, we often care about people and then discover that they don't care at all, sad! I'm not feeling really good, I may have to go back into the clinic again.

  20. That's a fabulous first quote Valerie, gives lots of food for thought followed by another amazing piece, love that vibrant face. Glad you took time out to rest Valerie, I could do with a little myself. Lots of prep going on here taking every precaution so I can have both Mom's here for Christmas day and spoil them and the family.
    Merry Christmas Valerie and Thank you again for your ecard.
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks so much Tracey! Have a wonderful Christmas with all of the family, I hope someone spoils you, too! Hope you get some me time, too. Hugs!

  21. Sounds like a perfect way to recharge batteries. Apple crumble helps, too. Hope you feel better.

    1. Thanks CJ. Apple crumble always helps! Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  22. Luv the "bad tempered art"
    Art is about thst too


  23. Both art pieces are lovely. I love the Swiss Army Cat. Ha ha....

  24. I love the first painting, it's so pretty. I like the way they look out. Also I love the second's colors.

    Happy Holidays,

  25. Lovely art, my favourite being the door piece. Happy holidays.

    1. Thanks Lin, Happy Holidays to you and. your Family. Hugs!

  26. Always good to take a day off. Wonderful door page, and I think your portrait is great- so colorful, full of energy for sure, and tribal looking too. Happy, happy belated birthday to you! And a happy PPF and Merry Christmas too XO

  27. it sounds good to be able to take a day off. But, for me that is retired it is just another day. :) I like your frustrated lady. I feel like taht many times but I´m not that colorful. :) :)
    Have a great last days of Christmas. Take care!

  28. Love the door page and I really love the angry day painting. Wondering where the door might lead too! Love the funnies, thinkies, - the Swiss knife cat is so funny, Hugs, Chrisx

  29. One of the best decision i ever made was contacting Dr Otonokpo to help me get my lover back, I was life filled with happiness after i contacted Dr Otonokpo because he didn't just bring my lover back to me he also made our love for each other more unique and superb. If you need to spice your relationship with more love and attention contact Dr Otonokpo on his Email Address, call/whatsapp him via his contact +2348114129781 and be happy just like i am, thanks Dr Otonokpo for your great work


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