Saturday 30 October 2021

Weekend Post

Hi Everybody!

It's weekend, enjoy! It's got much colder here in the past few days, so I need to get my winter clothes out again. I have been having a lot of health problems this week, and to top it all my knee is still very painful where I fell on it,  so I'm hoping it will soon get better. Ah, the joys of getting old! At least it gave me lots of time for painting, and a great excuse not to do any housew*rk!

I have 2 more pieces in autumn colours for Tracey's challenge at AJJ. The first was made from a left-over piece of painted paper, collaged with a sunflower and with some added dried leaves and some random words:

This is perhaps the spirit of autumn, surrounded by autumn leaves. The clock shows the passing of time. I made a spring one like this many years ago, and I'm busy making another one. I would also like to remind you of the 'all about time' challenge at TIOT:

And some photos from my walk this morning, re-mixed courtesy Blogger!
The leaves are nearly all down, and were dancing around in the wind:

They are doing some building work at the castle-ruins, I don't know why. The building sites seem to follow me just now:

Some funnies /thinkies:

Have a great weekend, take care,
happy haunting!


  1. I'm laughing at all of the funnies at the end of your post, Valerie. We all need a laugh, don't we. I'm sorry you've been having health problems and have a sore knee. A bad knee messes up everything and throws your whole body out of wack. I hope you feel better soon! Your two pieces of art are so different, but both are compelling. I thought I liked the blue and yellow collage the best, but the striking lady is growing on me. I'll have to try collage at some point. The autumn scenes in the photos were lovely. Take care, my friend. Hugs to you!

    1. Hi Louise! We all need something we can laugh at, that's so true! I have a replacement knee, and fell on it 10 days back, and since then it has been very painful! Collage is fun, do try it! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  2. So sorry you are not well Valerie. Beautiful art for the challenges. Thanks for the fun memes, good ones.

    1. Thanks Christine, glad you liked the memes! Hugs and have a great weekend!

  3. Beautiful views from your walk, and I love your art work too. Hoping you feel better soon-hugs

    1. Thanks Kathy, I will rest up over the weekend, that should help! Have a great weekend, hugs!

  4. Your autumn pages are wonderful Valerie. I love the spirit of autumn. She must be you art muse whispering such good ideas in your ear. And I'm sorry to hear its been a bad week and you have a sore knee. I hope it warms up for you a bit too. Have a wonderful start to your weekend. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, I like the idea of a muse whispering good ideas in my ear! It's a cold, dark and wet morning here, wonderful weather for hiding under a blanket and reading and watching Halloween films! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. I did laugh out loud at the jokes/memes.

    Great autumn pages! I hope you feel better this weekend and your knee goes back to feeling like itself. :)

    1. Glad you liked the memes, laughter is good. Have a great weekend, hugs!

  6. Wonderful post and Bella sending puppy hugs. xx

  7. I real like clock one. You did great job on lady.
    Coffee is on and stay safe

    1. Thanks Dora! I'm drinking coffee right now, too! Have a great weekend!

  8. Great post vj. Very creative art works and great autumn clicks

    1. Thanks Ashok. Autumn is a wonderfu time! Have a great weekend!

  9. Nice art pieces. I think the one with the clock is very creative. Good photos from your walk. Hahahaaa... laughing over the nurse at the bank joke. Happy Halloween.

    1. Thanks Nancy. Glad the funnies made you laugh! Hugs!

  10. Two wonderful creations. Love the face, it's fantastic. Hope your knee feels better soon. Keep warm and safe. Hugs Anesha

  11. Hi Val, good morning. Sorry to hear that your knee is playing up again, take care, I hope it doesn't need another operation. Your art is beautiful, and I LOVE that beautiful face, wow!! Little S just said she's a tree fairy. It's a dark and dreary day here, hope it's better where you are. Take care and rest! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks for the good wishes! Litte S has a good understanding! ark and dreary and wet here, too. Good weather to stay home! Hugs to all!

  12. I’m sorry to hear that you are having health struggles. Growing older does have its disadvantages for sure, but your blue painting shows that you are all sunny on the inside. And your autumn spirit face is marvellous, intelligent, and whimsical. Enjoy your weekend and I hope those annoying aches and pains will all be turned into blessings. Hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, at the moment things aren't easy, but I'm hopeful that it will get better sooner or later. Glad you like ma autumn spirit, I had fun thinking about that and making the picture. Here's wishing you a weekend filled with blessings!

  13. I am quite sure that all will agree, Valerie, that you did splendidly with your painting and collaging, given that you are not feeling well, on top of which your knee is causing you grief. It is not fair, is it? It has been said that growing old is not for sissies and there was never a truer statement made. But we have no choice in the matter, do we? I am very fortunate in that my body still responds quite well and I can walk long distances without issues. I am sure that will change at some point, but in the meantime, I intend to take full advantage of it. Tomorrow I will be leading another walk for our local nature club. I have issued strict instructions for all the birds to put in an appearance, but whether those orders will be obeyed is another matter entirely. Birds, like women, can be fickle! Men on the other hand are entirely sensible, resolute, determined and sage. We have the shining example of Donald Trump to prove the point and on that I rest my case. At least he is already equipped with a pumpkin atop his shoulders so he will save money at Halloween, and we all know he loves to do that. The work on the ancient castle is perhaps to shore it up in places to prevent further disintegration. Too bad they couldn't work on humans in the same manner. Have a good weekend as best you can and catch the hugs and kisses floating over from Canada for you. As always, David.

    1. Hi David! No, it's not fair, and getting old sucks, but I'm still hoping I will soon be feeling better again and can get out more. Today is a www day - wild, wet and windy, so good weather for staying home and playing! I am gad you are keeping well and still able to lead your dauntless rambles through the woods with your acolytes sucking in every word and enjoying the birds and other wild life you see. I wish I could be with you! Where ever did you get that notion that women are fickle? I think you have been falsely informed there! As you say, you can follow DT's glowing pumpkin head example, but I would not advise it! Thanks for the hugs and kisses which I have thankfully caught. Have a happy weekend, hugs!

  14. Lovely art pieces especially the brilliant blue sky. Looks a bit chilly out and about on your walk. The memes are funny especially the ghosts and duvet covers. Take care and feel better.

    1. Thanks. And I always thought i was the only one who regularly fights with duvet covers!

  15. Thanks Laurie, have a great weekend, stay safe! Great to see you again!

  16. I'm so very sorry you aren't feeling well this weekend and hurting from the fall. I send all good wishes for a speedy recovery. Yes, those things do provide some "downtime" which is often quite welcome, even if we'd rather have it without the hurting part! Have a good weekend, laying low.

  17. I am sorry to read about your knee, Valerie. It sounds painful. I am having back pains right now. I can't sit to type and standing is hard. All I want to do is lie on my back. It's the only comfort I get.

    I love both your entries to Art Journal Journey. They are both wonderful, but of course I love your passing of time beauty. It's great for both TioT and AJJ and I love the colors you chose as they go so well with Tracey's theme.

    You can't seem to get away from repair work, can you? I sure laughed at the witch, though. Take time to heal that knee, dear friend.

    1. Thanks Elizabeth. Sorry your back is bad, Hope you can get rid of the pains, too. Yes, there are building sites which are following me....

  18. Love those funnies Valerie, the ghost one made us both laugh out loud.
    Your art is really beautiful, I love your autumn spirit especially.
    Take care of yourself, and hope your knee is better soon. I seem to have strained my hand, probably all the stamping I did yesterday. Luckily I had hubby here to chop vegetables for our lunch.

    1. Thanks Alison, sometimes I need funnies! Sorry your hand is hurting, glad your hubby chopped the veggies! Send hin over here! Enjoy your weekend!

  19. Your journal pages are always so good! Love the backgrounds and the details! THe autumn spirit one is so meaningful! Happy PPF!

    1. Thanks Jean, glad you like it! Have a great weekend!

  20. I hope your knee is much better soon Valerie. Wonderful art work. The leaves seemed to have gone quickly.

    1. Thanks Sue, The leaves seemed to have disappeared in a couple of days. Have a great week!

  21. There's such a contrast in these pages, The spirit of Autumn is my favourite as time certainly is passing so quickly. I loved seeing the photos of your walk. Hope your knee eases soon, hugs, Chrisx

    1. Thanks Chris. Time is racing by, and that#s why I wanted to hold it tight in thst painting. Have a great week! Hugs!

  22. The second piece is perky and fun. Love those vibrant colors in the first one. I love 'leaves dancing in the wind.' Those memes are a hoot.
    Wish you felt better.

    1. Thanks Sandra. I love crunching through the leaves, such a lovely feeling! Hugs!

  23. Lovely creations, I hope you feel better soon V xx

    1. Thanks Vee, have a great weekend, take care! Hugs!

  24. Great post. Very nice photos 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  25. A fabulous post and pages Valerie, its good that you are able to escape to creating art especially when you are not feeling so well.
    Stay safe and look after yourself.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks Yvonne. Art and reading are my way to escape from pain and frustration. Have a lovely Sunday, hugs!

  26. It certainly has got colder here too, wet and windy.. You need some long woollen socks Valerie to keep your poorly knee warm. Two fabulous journal pages, i'm almost sad to end my October reign @ AJJ. Beautiful bright yellow sunflowers against that deep blue sky but my eyes are very draw to your painted girl with her amazing green eye and trailing Autumn leaves.. Beautifully painted my friend. Thank you for being a great inspiration and art buddy during October.
    Happy Halloween Hugs Tracey xx Take care and rest x

    1. Thanks Tracey, I loved your theme and it was a pleasure to have you with us at AJJ. Hugs!

  27. OK you have me cracking up with the nurse. Your face art is simply lovely. I am busy busy busy today but wanted to stop by and say hi. Have a great day today.

    1. Thanks Nicole. That's a great funny indeed. Have a great day!

  28. Beautiful pages! Loving the texture from the brushsrokes on the blue background with those pretty butterflies and flowers, and your time piece is fabulous too 😁. I hope you're feeling much better soon. Take care and wishing you a happy new week! Hugs Jo x

  29. Love both pages Valerie, that blue was just like the sky this afternoon, and the lady with the clock is gorgeous. Hope your knee gets better soon. Happy Halloween! Elle/EOTC xx

  30. I love your art pages, they are beautiful. The photos and funnies are also wonderful.

    1. Thanks Lisa, nice to see you around again! Have a great week!

  31. Valerie, your art is wonderful, but I can't get over the witch rear-ending that guy lol lol lol....Happy Halloween!!! 🎃🎃🎃

    1. Thanks Rain, that made me laugh, too. Such a witty idea! So beware of witches flying low! Have a great week, hugs!

  32. Wow, the flowers in the painting just popped. Such beautiful artwork. And I loved the photos from your walk. Thanks for taking us along your walk.

  33. The thermometer and duvet ghost still have me rolling around laughing, so I'll be brief before I get a headache..STUNNING projects, just beauiful..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

    1. Thanks so much Chrissy, hugs! Glad it gave you a laugh!

  34. I'm sorry that you had some health problems this past week and I hope that you will feel better soon. Darn those falls! At least it keeps you from doing housework, not the worst result I guess. But I do hope that the pain in the knee will lessen and you can hop around again. I always enjoy your pictures from your walks.

    1. Thanks Carola, I love being outside, too. Have a great week! Hugs!

  35. November is bringing you bare trees. That's an entirely different silhouette for the trees on your walks.


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