Monday 24 August 2020

T sTands for Tag Tuesday and More

 Hi Everybody!
Hope your weekend was good. I am happy to say that things have cooled down here, and for me, it's a great improvement. 
Today - this evening - we are starting a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and this time our lovely Wendy is hosting and has chosen the theme 'ladybirds', or ladybugs as they are called on the other side of the big pond. As always, tags of all formats are welcome, and you have 2 weeks to link to us. The challenge goes live at 9 p.m. 
I made a hybrid tag, using a hand-painted background and images from Serif:

And  we are also  celebrating Elizabeth's TSFT link party, where we share drink related objects / themes. So here a warm welcome to all of the lovely ladies of the T Gang. I have a double page from one of my mixed media journals, which I am linking to AJJ:

Last week after my first walk to the Rhine I stopped at this café for a cappuccino. It's a nice place to sit, and shady,and good for people watching:

But the coffee was not worth the price. Thin and tasteless - I will not stop there again:

The neighbours downstairs are cat lovers:

A neighbour bought me a bag of zoo animals. I will keep them for when I have kids visiting:

Beautiful sunrise scenes:

Crows looking for food on the fields:

The sparrowhawk was not shy. It watched me, but let me take photos:

Driving onto the ferry:

A glimpse through the trees:

As I took this photo a wasp stung my finger:

On Sunday afternoon the parakeets/ green parrots were flying around. There is a large colony of free-living parakeets in Düsseldorf. They live mostly in Nord Park and Hofgarten, and in winter they sleep in the trees along Königsallee, the most exclusive street in the town, and always very well lit with hundreds of lights, which keep the birds warm in winter. You can read more about them here:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, good morning! Hope you are feeling better today, you looked so pale yesterday. We all got home safely. Little S is looking at the jelly animals, she would probably eat them for breakfast. Love the pretty tag, so happy. And the journal spread is just right for you! Lovely pics, too, great shots of the hawk and the parakeets, well done. We used to see them a lot at the playground in Hofgarten. Have a good day, take care and take things easy! Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! I feel a bit better, it's cool and fresh today and that helps me a lot! I was chuffed that the hawk sat there and let itself be photographed. Have a good da, take care!

  2. Hi Val wow your lady beetle is so cute ,love you work ,well done my friend ,and thankyou for sharing your lovely pics with us,staysafe and take care my friend xx

    1. Thanks Sheryl. The image is really pretty, I liked it, too. Stay safe and have a great week!

  3. Superbly done sparrowhawk photos. Hope your finger doesn't throb too badly. Your tags and journal spread are great, you are so talented. I will take tea at three, please. Love how the trees make a foil for the beautiful skies. Have a great day, make lots of art, and look after yourself. Deb

    1. Thanks Deb. The sparrowhawk really posed for me, I loved that! My finger is sore, but I'm glad I don't react allergic to wasp stitches. Okay, tea will be ready at three, I have a good selection here! Have a great day, stay safe!

  4. Wiegoldig das Tag mit dem Marienkäferchen, ich liebe es! Aber auch dein anderes ist toll und irgendiwe interessant wie du das ausgedacht hast!Manchmal frage ich mich auch ob die nicht ihren eigenen Kaffe mal probieren sollten.
    Die Sperberfotos sind dir klasse gelungen, der ist süss so nah habe ich ihn noch nie gesehenund auch die grünen Papageien ist toll.
    Ach herrlich der Spaziergang wieder gewesen.
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönen Wochenstart!
    Lieben Gruss elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke. Der Kaffee war wirlich schlecht, und dafür 3,80 zu verlangen ist raub! Der Sperber hat schön posiert, und mir eine grosse Freude gemacht.. Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  5. This bird on the photos are very interesting ;) Very nice post :) Have a nice day :)

  6. Good morning Valerie: I am very pleased to hear that it has cooled down somewhat. The heat has been unbearable at times this year and yesterday it was still 31 degrees here. Shame on that place for serving you thin, watery coffee, and you a connoisseuse de café and all! It verges on a national disgrace! It was a wonderful opportunity to take photographs of a bird of prey, but what you are calling a Sparrowhawk is in fact a Kestrel, a small falcon. No doubt, besotted by the weird and unusual feathered phenomena of Balconia-by-the-Rhine you have little time for this commonplace trivia! The parrots are delightful. I know that parrots released by pet owners have become a bit of an issue in various places in Europe, but they are undeniably a pleasure to see and I am sure represent a charming highlight for many on their walks. i hope it remains cool for you and that you feel at least a little better day by day. Many hugs from across the ocean. David

    1. Hi David, I hope you liked the photos of the kestrel....The parakeets are always fun to watch, in Hofgarten they are very noisy and seem to lead a merry life. The shopkeepers on Königsallee don't like them, as they make a mess, but that's the way it is.Last time I was in London there were loads flying about in the parks there. Sorry you still have a lot of heat, it's a wonderful 24° here today, so very enjoyable. And thanks, I am feeling a little better, not as quickly as I would like, but we're getting there! Have a wonderful day!

    2. At least you are going in the right direction.

    3. Yes - but soooooooooooooooooooooo slowly!!

  7. Wow,love the photo of the bird! Great tag and journal pages as well. Have a great week. x

  8. How lovely is this selection of photos, gorgeous journals with stunning beautiful colours and result. xx

  9. Exquisite Lady Bird beautiful!
    Your photos always calm me with their beauty. You live in a gorgeous place.
    Sorry about that coffee being so disappointing.

    Hugs and have a beautiful week.
    Stay Safe 🌷☕

    1. Thanks Jan, take care and have a wonderful week!

  10. So glad it cooled off for you, but sorry you got stung by a wasp. Hope your fingers are okay. I'll be there at 3 for tea. Too bad the coffee at the cafe wasn't up to snuff. At least you had a lovely place to sit and people watch. I loved your neighbor's sign, and I wouldn't wait for children to come by for the candies. The sparrowhawk is gorgeous, and I enjoyed reading about the green parakeets. Take care and Happy T Day

    1. Wasps are such pests! Okay, tea at three for you, I will have it ready! The parakeets are fun.

  11. That sparrowhawk is so handsome and your photos are marvelous. And how fun to see the parakeets -- very pretty. I love all the art here, and your walk. Pity about the coffee, though!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I was lucky it posed for me. The parakeets are fun to see - and hear, they are always noisy! Have a great week!

  12. I love parakeets. I bought two of them years ago, but they were stolen, cage and all. My fault for leaving them outside near my porch.

    1. How sad that they were stolen, that was mean. Have a great week!

  13. Lovely art. I am sorry the coffee was not that great. It looks like a nice setting though. Your photos of the birds are excellent. Have a nice Monday, Or is it Tuesday there? LOL

    1. Thanks Nicole. It's still Monday Here! Have a good week!

  14. Wow! That sparrowhawk is gorgeous, great photos Valerie!
    Wonderful artwork too, I love your teatime page.
    Alison xx

  15. i love those photos of pure nature:)

  16. Lovely summer tag and beautiful pages. Enjoyed your photos today Valerie.

  17. Awww what a sweet tag Valerie, I love the cute ladybug! Fabulous AJP, gorgeous textured cup! Beautiful photos, that sparrowhawk is amazing, I love the yellow eyes, stunning bird! Have a great week.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! Ladybugs are fun! That bird is really gorgeous, I loved the yellow eyes and legs! Have a great week!

  18. Lovely tags.
    Your photographs, especially the sparrow hawk are lovely.
    Sorry about the wasp sting ... ouch!

    Take care.

    All the best Jan

  19. Hi Valerie, Loved you art piece with the tea, I love crows they must live everywhere. and cool the sparrowhawk did not fly away. and ouch to getting stung no fun at all.
    enjoyed the photos-sorry the coffee was not good as it should be when paying for it. Happy T hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. Crows are really nearly everywhere! Happy T Day!

  20. Looks like a good day with a sparrow hawk to photograph, a walk to the Rhine, and even a watery cappuccino looks pretty good to me, since I was just reminded that I miss being able to go to a cafe. Just not safe here!

    be well... mae at

    1. It was a good day indeed. Let's hope things get back to normal sooner or later! Happy T Day!

  21. Not very nice of the wasp to sting you!! Love your ladybugs, interesting how we have different names for the same thing depending on where we come from. The sparrow hawk was very cooperative 😁 The birds must be getting lots to eat from the plowed field. Nice too to see the parakeets.

    1. No, it wasn't! I always wonder how different names evolve....Have a great day!

  22. Oh I love you cute ladybug on your tag Valerie. I am going to have to come up with a tag for this challenge. Ladybugs are fun and playful. And you tea and coffee page is lots of fun. The cup makes a great pocket (are you going to link up to AJJ-if so, thanks in advance) for the teabag and the sugar packet. And great falcon photo and wow. I wondered what the green bird was and who would guess you have some wild ones living around you. That is cool and a fascinating story. Hope you have a wonderful T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Oooops, I forget to put a link to AJJ....It was nice meeting the falcon, and the parakeets are always fun to see, have a great day!

  23. You won't believe this, but my internet has been offline since about 3 pm my time. I'm glad I had my post ready to go, because I couldn't get online. Back now and ready to visit. I'll take coffee, please. No tea for me, thank you, although I love the image of the teacup.

    I love your ladybug tag. She's a cutie and her flowers are great, too. I've never had a ladybug image or stamp, so I doubt I'll be able to play this time, just like I didn't have any Alice stamps or images.

    I enjoyed the hawk because it was not camera shy. I loved the photo of the fields, too. They fascinate me because they remind me of here. That cat is SO cute and so glad you got animal candies to give the kids.

    So sad you got stung. I would have gone into shock, so I'm glad you didn't have that problem. I'm sure your finger is still sore, but hopefully it will get better soon.

    I love the coffee/tea spread in your altered journal. It's a really clever idea. Sorry the REAL cappuccino you had at the outdoor cafe was not worth the money. It was a lovely spot, but you weren't paying for the atmosphere, but the coffee.

    Thanks so much for sharing your tag, your walk, and your coffee with us for T this Tuesday, dear.

    1. Thanks E. Sorry about the Internet, hope it stays with you today!

  24. Beautiful photos, especially of the sparrowhoawk. Need to head over to Tag Tuesday next. I love ladybirds and am sure, I can do something with my linocut ladybird, I made earlier this year. Your tag turned out so cute! Have a nice day.

    1. Thanks a lot, looking forward to seeing you at Tag Tuesday!

  25. Love the tea-page, happy T-day.

  26. I'm glad to hear it's cooler, so you will be feeling a bit better.
    I enjoyed all your photos as always. That sparrowhawk is a beauty. So good of him/her to pose for you.
    The ladybird tag is wonderful. I like the rhyme. I had heard the first part but not the second lines. Interesting. I know nursery rhymes often have a political background and I'm trying to figure out this one.
    I found this:
    "One theory is that it relates to the view and handling of those practicing paganism in Europe. The belief is that the rhyme originated about the time Christianity was peaking. Prior to the emergence, the Ladybug was seen as a symbol of goddess worship. The line, 'ladybug, ladybug, fly away home' is a reference for pagans to go underground. 'Your house is on fire and your children are gone' seems to be referring to destruction of pagan temples and the exodus of followers. The last lines of the rhyme, 'All but one and her name is Ann, and she crept under the pudding pan', are referring to pagans that have gone into hiding."
    I love the Italian cat sign. And the soft sweets are great for children.
    Parakeets are fast on their way to becoming the next urban pest. They have them in all major cities in Europe. There are a lot where my mum lives in Rotterdam. The area she lives in has lots of trees and green and park type landscape. And I often see them flying from one tree to the next. Even here in Spain, in Almeria, there are loads of them. They look much prettier than pigeons but I can see them being a nuisance to the people that live there.
    Happy T-Day,

    1. Thanks for the explanations, Lisca, that was interesting to read. Parakeets seem to be everywhere these days, and the Canadian geese and Nile geese which are everywhere, too. Have a good week, take care!

  27. I had to look up the meaning too like Lisca, I've never heard line 2 before. I love little lady bugs, they are so cute. Weak coffee is such a bummer, you can't do much except ask them to add a shot of cappuccino to it. The sparrow hawk is so beautiful, you got some great photos. I'm sorry you got stung by a wasp, they hurt so much worse then bees. The last time I got stung by a wasp I had to chew two antihistamines as it felt like my throat was swelling ~ very scary! I'm so happy you have cooler weather to enjoy ~ Enjoy the week!

    1. Thanks Karen. I didn't know line 2 either, before I googled it - we live and learn. The coffee was supposed to be cappuccino, and was really not worth drinking. Last visit there! The wasp sting is still hurting, my finger is swollen. I am not a fan of wasps! Loo after yourself, take care!

  28. Your ladybird is so sweet. Thanks for the flowers, Ladybird.
    Happy you dropped by my blog Valerie


  29. I love the yummy splashes of rose on your first tag and those tiny lady bugs. I love the big lady bug too, and the poem. The piece with the tea cup and real tea bag are fabulous too. hugs, Teresa

    1. Thanks Teresa, glad you like it. Ladybirds are pretty. Have a great day!

  30. Darling ladybird tag, Valerie. I love the clever tea and coffee spread and your clever rhyme.

    The gummy animals are delightful and very detailed. Gummy animals in North America (from Canada to Mexico) are crude representations of animals. Each one could be seen as two or three different creatures.

    Beautiful hawk pictures. Free living parakeets - how wonderful!

    A wasp stung your finger and you still held your camera steady?!

    Happy T-Day! Hugs, Eileen

    1. Thanks Eileen, I had fun making something with tea and coffee. The animals are really pretty, nice colours, too. My motto is never drop the camera! But it did hurt. Happy T Day!

  31. Fabulous tag, the little ladybird is super cute! I'll have tea at three please and I know you'll be having coffee at four 😀. The sunrises looks amazing and wow, your photos of the sparrow hawk are so beautiful! Wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo! How did you know that? That bird was really cool! Have a great week!

  32. I love your ladybugs :) That rhyme suits me. That's such a lovely spot for coffee; it's a shame the coffee isn't also lovely :( That sparrowhawk is a striking bird. Great photo.

    I'm curious about the wild parakeet population. Did they start out as escaped pets and breed in the wild? Does anybody ever try to tame one? I'll follow the link you provide to find out :) Thx!

    Happy T Tuesday

    1. So cool! Thanks for the link :)

    2. Thanks. It's fascinating that so many tropical birds live in European towns. Have a nice evening!

  33. your photos transport me to a better place than we're in at the moment

  34. Beautiful art pieces. Love the mugs on your banner!! Gorgeous photos of that hawk...
    Happy T day!!

  35. Its a real cure ladybug tag. its ages since I heard the rhyme you included, the kids at school used to say that when they saw a ladybird.
    A fabulous journal page and I'll take the tea option please.
    Lovely photos you were lucky to get so close to the sparrow hawk.
    Hope you had a good T day.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Yes, we used to chant it at school, too. I'll put the kettle on for tea, that would be sooooo nice! Stay safe!

  36. I love this happy ladybird tag! It's coffee at 4 for me too! Sorry you had a bad cup that lovely looking cafe! I love your photos, especially the hawk and those fantastic sunrises! Hugs, Chrisx

  37. Your ladybird tag is so pretty and colorful! I am loving your art journal page. The tea cup is my favorite. Lovely photos of your walk and especially that bird.
    Happy Tea Day,

  38. Lovely assortment of artwork and photos. I love that rhinoceros zoo animal. Happy Belated T-Day!

    1. Thanks Anne. The sweet animals are really fun. Have a great week.

  39. Fabulous tag, I just love the ladybird. Love the photo of the sparrow hawk, we used to have one visit the garden when we lived in Wales, but haven't seen one here.
    Hugs Wendy

  40. Awww this ladybird tag is wonderful, so sweet! I'm with you on the tea thing, yuk, coffee all the way! Have a great week, Sue xx

    1. Thanks Sue. Coffee is the thing, hope it stays that way! Have a great day!

  41. Lovely ladybird tag Valerie, another sweet theme, i'll have to try and incorporate one into a journal page i've had waiting to be finished this past fortnight. I can feel the frustration about the Coffee I bet they thought the view may take peoples mind off the lack of it's strength in your cup, they should have known better.
    Fun journal page, It's Tea at 6am for me with a spot of milk to help my meds go down..
    Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. The world is divided - tea lovers and coffee lovers! Have a great day, take care!

  42. So glad I came on here to look at your ladybird tag - it is super cute. I have a thing about ladybirds, they are so pretty. You have certainly done justice to the challenges and made a great piece of art as a result.
    Same goes for your beverage pages, great fun - unfortunately not the same when you visited the little cafe which looks so pretty but serves awful drinks.
    Very impressive photos, especially of the sparrowhawk, how wonderful to get him in such a closeup as that, or should I say those!
    Mind you it was the parakeets that took my interest. In all the times I visited Dusseldorf I never knew about them or saw a single one. I followed your link and read all about them so if ever I get to visit my favourite place in Germany I will definitely go to the Hofgarten and look for them.
    Thanks for such a lovely blog post with so much interesting information for me.
    Hugs, Neet xx

    1. Thanks Neet! Ladybirds are such pretty creatures. It's unusual to get such close ups, mostly I have to zoom my victims in! If you're coming to Düsseldorf again, give me a call, and I'll go with you to see the parakeets in Hofgarten! Stay well!

  43. i love what you've done with the ladybird! i guess i need to get on it, how did a week already pass in the tag tuesday challenge? take care! xo

    1. Thanks Michele, there's a saying that time and time wait for no man! Time flies by so quickly!


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