Thursday 27 August 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - Still life

 Hi Everybody!

Yesterday I had the OP at the Dentist's. The dental surgeon is a very pleasant and capable young lady. She and her assistant were dressed in protective clothing and looked like they were ready for a moon landing! I got lots of injections beforehand - not one, not two, not three - but a grand total of  13 altogether! That was the worst part! After the OP was finished I had to rest there for a bit before I came home, and then I spent the afternoon in bed listening to an audio book.  In 2 weeks I have to go back for a control visit. I'm happy it's over and done with. Thanks for all who sent good wishes!

We've had a wild storm here - Kirsten - and have been experiencing gales up to 120 kilometres an hour, but it seems to be quieting down now. Some places got lots of rain, too, but we had almost nothing again.

Rain's theme this week is still life. At school I wasn't a great fan of this theme, it was always so dry and uninteresting, but in the meantime I have learned to like it. The photos and artwork I am showing this week were made at various times and in various places.

This is a piece made with coloured pencils when I was a student, I wouldn't be able to do it as good as this any more:

A postcard:

An ink and water colour piece:

I don't remember when I made these:

I love this photo, it reminds me of harvest festival at school:

I made this a few years back using my fave boots, which in the meantime have unfortunately gone to the big home for old and worn-out boots up in the sky. I was inspired by several paintings of Vincent van Gogh, one of which I am showing underneath:

Various tags:

A magazine advert:

Some of my home baked things:

I like visiting coffee shops, too:

And this picture, a sort of tableau,  reminds me of a still life, too:

I always like to take pics of the flowers I get given or buy:

And this is a still life with plastic butts, made for a group exhibition some years back:

Clocks also make good still life objects:

And my fave still life is always my coffee:

Have a great day, take care
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Valerie it really sounds like you deserved that afternoon off to put your feet up and listen to your book. Poor you, what an ordeal i'm glad it's all over for you now too. This was one theme of Rain's I really wanted to play along with but time has not been on my side this week. A favourite subject of mine @ college as i'd be able to just sit in my corner and just get on with it. Lovely how you have past artworks to share, beautiful blooms. Fruit would always be a good choice for me as i'd eat it when finished hee hee. Really love those shoes, at least you have your painting to remember them by. Glad you included the coffee, it's what keeps us artists going.
    Sending get well soon wishes your way.. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thaks Tracey. Yes, I deserved that afternoon off, and today I'll be taking it easy again, too! At school the teacher sometimes made still life set-ups with fruit, and it kept changing because people kept eating bits of it, too funny! Sorry you had another busy week. And coffee is for me really an art form! Have a great day, hugs, Valerie

  2. Beautiful still life work, you are an amazing artist

    1. And glad the surgery is over, was thinking about you but I guess your early still life took my attention away!

    2. Thanks, I'm happy it's over. Just feel tired now.

  3. So pleased you got on ok at the dentist, you were very brave.
    I am sending lots of healing thoughts and recovery wishes to you.

    Your art is just F A B U L O U S, your post full of good things.

    Take care, look after yourself.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan, your comment does me good! Have a wonderful day!

  4. That's a whole lot of shots. More than I got when I donated the kidney. (Although 16 vials of blood draw was a record for me right before that surgery). When I had my teeth cleaned my dentist did the same. Luckily I've known her for decades so it wasn't too frightening. And I am loving all your still life art. Your student work is amazing and I love those boots and seeing them again. Hope you have a nice Thursday without any mouth issues. hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika! Yes, it was a record number, but no pain, which is good. It'd good to have a dentist you know and trust, I always feel safe there, too, and that makes a big difference.

  5. Absolutely stunningly gorgeous art!!! WOW!!!
    Your photos are fantastic, too!
    You have been through so much ...feel better soon dear talented lady ❤

    1. Thanks Jan, much appreciated! Have a great day!

  6. That's a record number of shots. Sounds like they wanted your whole body numb, not just your mouth. So glad it's over.

    You have come up with some fabulous art for Rain's Still Life. I'm having a bit of trouble deciding what is still life and what isn't. I absolutely LOVE your art and that first piece done with pencils is out of this world. So glad you guided me on the right path. Feel better soon, dear.

    1. Yes, it was a lot of shots, but I had no pain. My mouth and jaws were numb till in the evening! Glad I led you on the right path, at school I was always accused of leading people astray! Have a nice day, mine will be a quiet one again.

  7. Good morning Val! You have made a wonderful selection of art and photos today, well done. Your art and pics are always terrific, you really have an eye for 'seeing' things, if you know what I mean. Glad you survived the dentist and all of the injections, well done, you are so brave. Glad you rested well afterwards. Take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Glad you liked my things today. I am happy I survived the dentist, too! Have a lovely day!

  8. So glad your operation went well. Poor you all those injections. Love your first paintimg beautiful. Have a good day. x

  9. 13 injections, poor you! Good it is over😉 But wooow, these baked goods look spectacular, so yummy and pretty!

    1. Thanks Natalia, I love baking, but it has been too hot to bake anything here these past weeks. But soon it will be autumn, baking time!

  10. Hallo Valerie, jetzt hast du es gottseidank hinter dir und ich dachte nah bei dem Sturm unterwegs zu sein aber alles ist gut abgelaufen.
    Deine Kunstwerke sind faszinierend wieder und so schön gemalt und gewerkelt auch deine Fotos! Manchmal frage ich mich auch dass ich das mal gezeichnet habe wenns 20 Jahre her ist. Ich sehe da immer diese Veränderung vom Stil und Interesse in eine andere Richtung zu gehen in der Malkunst.
    Backen kannst du auch so gut ja ich werde auch bald wieder was backen so richtig Lust habe ich wieder bekommen.
    Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag und ruhe dich gut aus!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Wir ändern uns im Laufe des Lebens, haben Spaß an anderen Sachen und probieren andere Stilrichtungen aus, und das ist gut so! Ich freue mich schon auf Backzeit! Dir einen schönen Tag, bleib gesund!

  11. Good to know your are back on track VJ. And what an amazing collection of art works on display.

  12. Glad to hear all went well and that you were well taken care of and protected. I once had a dentist who gave absolutely pain free injections, how I don't know, but she was a treasure and I miss her. All good wishes for a speedy healing and return to normal.

    1. Thanks Deb. The lay dentist I go to is the same, I so much appreciate how well she works. Have a great day, stay safe!

  13. 13 injections! I am glad to hear that it's all done. Get well soon! Your still life artwork are lovely and the drawing of the flowers and the vase is amazing.


    1. Thanks Soma. I'm glad it's done, too! Have a great day!

  14. Your art work with coloured pencils is just stunning, love to see you do more now days. Wonderful food for thought, and brilliant photos. 13 injections, did they think you were a human pin cushion.... sending hugs. xx

    1. Thanks Annie! Well, 13 is a lucky number - I didn't have any pain after that!

  15. Thirteen needles pushed into your delicate flesh? My god, you must be like a sieve! I hope, Valerie, that all of this intrusive and painful medical stuff is at an end and that you can recuperate and regain all of your former verve. It is incredible to me, and I am sure to others, that you have been able to blog and remain so upbeat during this entire dreadful ordeal(s). You are made of stern stuff. I enjoyed looking at your creations through the years. Your skill is remarkable. Miriam has made some quilts that have stunned me, so I am exposed to the creative process on a regular basis, and it enhances my life. The weekend is coming up so relax if you can, drink coffee and get out for a walk if you feel up to it. We will be cheering you on from afar. Hugs from us to you. David

    1. Hi David! Yes, 13. And I had no pain while she was working and everything stayed numb for hours. Blogging kept me going during these difficult weeks, a sort of window to the world. Your Miriam does beautiful work, you are lucky to have her. Well, you're lucky to have each other. I went for a nice walk this morning. Now I am going to cook a meal and then feet up for the rest of the day. Keep cheering! Hugs to you both!

  16. Valerie-Jael,

    Your first design is lovely. I wish I felt confident enough to use colored pencils on my designs but I'm not there yet. Meanwhile, I'll use Procreate to continue experimenting with colorizing my art. :) You have many wonderful examples. Making me realize that I have other examples of 'still life' illustrations I've done since getting back into the swing of drawing. Why don't I ever think of these things? *sigh* Oh well...I'm very happy to know your dental procedure is now behind you. I hope your healing is speedy and without complications. Thanks for sharing this week. Have a artastic day, my dear!

    1. Thanks Kathy! Keep going and try things out, you will get there! I often think of things I have missed out later on when it's too late! Have a great day, take care.

  17. So many wonderful visuals ~ I love the boots ~ I took a picture of my favorite jacket and an old leather suitcase I loved so I could finally let them go too. I'm glad your appointment went well. That was a lot of injections you had to endure. Enjoy a nice cup of coffee and the rest of the week

    1. Thanks Karen. Funny how some clothes and accessories grow on us. I was so sad when my boots fell apart....Yes, it was a lot of shots, but it helped. I'm off to the kitchen for a coffee now, thanks for the reminder! Have a wonderful day!

  18. With all that amazing baking, I don't know how bakeries or shops could do any better. It looks so good! Glad things are going OK with your dental work. I'm glad it is done!

    The weather seems to be wreaking havoc all over the world. I hope there wasn't too much damage from your storm. And all your still life examples are splendid.

    1. Thanks Jeanie. I'm looking forward to baking again now that it's cooled down! Have a great day!

  19. Your coffee looks delicious. I didn't know you went to school to study art. No wonder your drawings are so beautiful. Lovely still life pictures. I could not do what you do.

  20. Oh my gracious. 13 shots????? You have my sincere sympathy. I'm glad your surgery is in the rearview mirror.
    These pieces are outstanding, especially the first two. You are very talented.

  21. Really wonderful art however, the baked goods have me. I am craving something sweet like that pineapple cake. Have a great day.

    1. Thanks Nicole I wouldn't mind a slice of that cake right now either!

  22. I used to break out in a sweat when I had to go to the dentist ... I not only hated it, but I was terrified. Then, as I got older, I had babies and learned what real pain was like. All of a sudden, I could tolerate a little pain in the dentist chair better than ever before :) But, that said, 13 shots of Novocaine, yikes. And that's not bad enough, but the process of getting your feeling back can be ugh ... like having an itch that you can scratch, but it doesn't go away. My heart goes out to you dear Valerie. I hope you are feeling better today. Now, for someone who didn't like Still Life you sure did a 180 :) So many and each as good as the last. I have to say I love your boots and butts the best, but all were good, especially all of the delicious dishes you prepared that made me go to the pantry looking for something comparable ... not there and I am still craving, Hmmmm! Great post as usual, Valerie. Stay well and hope your mouth starts feeling better soon. I do know that mouth wounds heal more quickly than others because they are so vascular, so that is a good thing, right? Have a great week and stay safe!

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  23. Thanks Andrea. The shots were not nice, but better than pain, and my doc is fantastic. I feel better today, Just a bit tired. It's Strange that seeing something nice to eat gives us appetite! Have a great week, stay Safe!

  24. Blimey 13 injections, stay away from water or you will spring a leak! I hope you are feeling better today, but if your weather is anything like ours it's definitely a day to be indoors. Lots of fabulous artwook here, and my new favourite saying is 'say it with carbohydrates' lol. Take care and look after yourself, Sue xx

    1. Yes, I'm being careful with water! Here the weather wasn't too Bad. I love that saying, too!

  25. Ouch! I'm glad it's over and seems to have turned out ok.

    This is a beautiful and varied selection. I enjoyed them, thx :)

  26. Wow! 13 injections! Glad to hear it went well.
    A wonderful array of art Valerie, I love the boots!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! The boots are my fave, too. Have a great evening, stay safe!

  27. Oh my, 13 shots- that sounds awful Valerie, I'm glad it's all over. Gorgeous art work today, I love the first piece, stunning coloring with pencils! Fabulous baked goods, the braided bread looks sooo yummy!! Love your new blog header too, so cute!
    Take care, Tammy

    1. It was certainly strange, but stopped the pains. Now it's getting cooler I will be baking again! Have a great day!

  28. Wow, 13 injections sounds very uncomfortable, but good to hear it all went well. Lovely art work and all your baking is making me feel hungry !!

    1. Thanks. Baking always inspires us to want food! Stay safe!

  29. Some really gorgeous paintings here and I love your tags. Hugs, Teresa

  30. Hi Valerie :) So nice to read that your surgery is DONE...I hope you don't have too much pain. Those needles make the gums sore. I'm not a big fan of still life myself! I love your flowers though, very nicely done! My favourites are your Van Gogh inspired shoes! Oooh cakes and coffee!!! I have such a sweet tooth! Laughed at the plastic butts! Those are great!!! :)

  31. Oh my, I hope that you are doing ok now and have been recovering well 😀. Your artworks are amazing, I love your first painting the way you captured all light and all the details is stunning. The little teacups also made me smile - love it! Take care and wishing you well! Hugs, Jo x

  32. All so fun to view! You are very talented and I see it was always so. I have to say my fave pictures are the food and the coffee! Fun stuff here! Hugz


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