Thursday 20 August 2020

Rain's Thursday Art Date - Night Scene

Hi Everybody!

Rain's theme today is 'night scene'. I'm starting with some images from wonderful Vincent van Gogh:

And this is one of my van Gogh knock offs. Yes, Vincent was better!

Some night photos:

And some of my dark art(s) pieces:

Halloween is also a good night-scene time:

And night is the time for the beautiful moon to show it's face:

One of my great delights is to watch the sun go down over the Rhine:

And then to view the beautiful moon:

This is the street where I live:

Looking towards the Altstadt in Düsseldorf:

The night sky:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Wonderful light and dark, Valerie. And I like your Van Gogh's as well as Vinnie's! These pieces fascinate me -- all very diverse and unique. And I adore seeing the street where you live!

    1. Thanks Jeanie. Light and dark is a fascinating theme! Have a great day!

  2. Hi Valerie, I was really hoping someone would cover Vincent's magnificent night scene's I adore your knock off hee hee.. I'd have done the same but been plagued with migraine since Sunday. Amazing dark art creations too and wonderful full moon lighting the way to finish the post off beautifully. Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. Sorry you have had migraine. that's always plain horrible. Hope you feel better now. Look after yourself!

  3. Fabulous night scenes. It's great to see Van Gogh and also all your art. New Halloween art isn't so far off, is it? I like seeing your street too. Happy Thursday. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I'm already looking forward to autumn and Halloween, always my fave season!

  4. I really enjoyed your light sayings, great night photos Valerie and moon photos. I like the sunset over the Rhine too.

    1. Thanks a lot. Sunset over the Rhine is always magnificent. Have a safe day!

  5. This is the BEST art gallery I have ever been to. Valerie, page of wonders, art, beauty and love that sunset over the Rhine, it's a work of nature and so beautifully romantic. xx

    1. Thanks Annie, glad you enjoyed your visit. Sunset at the Rhine is always fabulous! Have a lovely day!

  6. So many wonderful night scenes, glad to see you back at the art date.

    1. Thanks Christine, this is one of my fave themes- Have a lovely day.

  7. Wonderful images...loved those moon pics

    1. Thanks Ashok, the moon is always beautiful. Have a great day!

  8. Good morning Val! This is a wonderful post, so many gorgeous art pieces and photos to see, I love everything. Just beautiful. Have a great day, take care, hugs, Sarah

    1. Hi Sarah, thanks a lot, I now this is a theme that you love, too. Hugs to all, have a lovely day!

  9. Wunderschön ich bestaune all diese Kunstwerke von dir und die Fotos von der Nacht und mit dem Vollmond!
    Wunderbar zu Rains Thema das Posting!
    Ich wünsche dir ein schönen Tag, lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke, liebe Elke, dir auch einen schönen und nicht zu heissen Tag!

  10. Your night scenes put mine to shame. I had trouble with this one, but I failed to think it through, because I have some moon shots, too. I love all your art, especially the Desmond Tutu. And I own both Starry Night and The Starry Night on canvas. If only I had thought like you. You rocked this one, dear.

    1. You picked some great pieces for the theme, so don't berate yourself. The night/day/light/dark themes are my faves, so I have thousands of pics/photos to choose from. I have that quote of Tutu hanging in my kitchen it's good to think about on dark days, like now! Have a great day!

  11. Wow, so many beautiful photos and pieces of art! Love the quote "Light is to darkness..." The photos of the moon phases are great. Have a nice day. Mine starts with a bit of rain (HUGE drops), but it didn't really cool down during the night.

    1. Thanks. It's cloudy here, but no rain yet. But VERY humid, I will be happy when this heat passes through!

  12. Ha, forgot to write, that I googled Vincent's night scenes, too, as I love the colors in these paintings so much. Thought about painting my own Van Gogh, too. *LOL*

    1. Vincent's night scenes are just wonderful. I have painted lots of his pictures, and it's great fun - try it!

  13. Wonderful creations. Have a great day.

  14. Well, your Van Gogh knock off is instantly recognisable. I love the photo of the jar catching stars, and the photos of sunset over the Rhine are spectacular. Keep staying safe!

    1. Thanks Deb. Hope you are keeping well and safe, too. Have a good day.

  15. It is staggering to contemplate the sums now commanded by a Van Gogh and to reflect that the poor fellow died in misery and in poverty, barely able to maintain a firm hold on his sanity. This is a wonderful series of night shots, Valerie, and your artwork covering the dark hours is impressive. It was interesting to see the street where you live. Somehow, I had imagined it quite differently, a quiet little cul de sac, perhaps. I hope that you are feeling better each day. You have certainly been through a difficult period and it saddens me to think that you had to face all this alone. Big hugs from Miriam and me to you. David

    1. Hi David! I often think about van Gogh and other impoverished artists who unfortunately only found fame when it was too late....I live on a street that is very ordinary, but it's the last built-on street, as all the ground at the back has to be kept free because of the airport, so it gives me a lovely view onto green fields under the beautiful skies. Life is hard just now, but I keep telling myself it will get better - no darkness lasts for ever! Enjoy your remaining time with your daughter and have a safe journey home! Hugs to you all!

  16. So many terrific examples of the night and the moon ~ Enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks Karen! Have a great day, too and stay safe!

  17. So many wonders today. You outdid yourself.

  18. Valerie,

    Your van Gogh version is fabulous! I almost went that way be changed my mind. Your night sky photographs are wonderful. Shooting the heavens after sunset is a hard thing to do. If you get the exposure off then you have only a bright white spot hanging in the sky. That happens usually when I try to capture the moon with my iPhone. To get a descent picture you have to have a camera that can be adjusted. I've managed to get a few shots in recent years that I liked but I need a ton more practice taking night photos. Your sunset over the Rhine is beautiful. I love being outdoors at precise moments as this to capture the day's glory slip over the horizon. Thanks for sharing, my friend. Stay safe and be well! ;)

    Curious as a Cathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. It is more difficult to get night views than day ones, and is best done with a 'real' camera. I tried with my phone camera but the pics are always very grainy. Sunset at the Rhine is always a tonic for me! Have a good and safe day, take care!

  19. Fabulous interpretations of the night. Vincent's Starry Night is one of my favorite paintings, but you had me with the black cat. Take care and enjoy your day!

    1. Thanks CJ. I always have people who love black cats, so it's good to smuggle one in here and there! Have a great day!

  20. Wonderful and gorgeous post!!!
    I loved it all!
    Light and dark is definitely a subject you are excellent at creating.
    I loved your painting.


    1. Thanks Jan. Light and dark is an important theme for me and one I always enjoy. Have a great day, stay safe!

  21. I think everyone loves VanGogh's art, so this was a wonderful start on our Night Scenes. As I go through your pictures I can see that you love nature as I do and you certainly have an eye for the beauty in the night and the sunsets. My favorite, maybe because it is so unique, is the capturing of the Milky Way in a jar. It just jumps off the page ... so beautiful. You have outdone yourself, Valerie, as you seem to do each week. What a joy it is to come to your place ... Stay safe, my friend and keep moving forward. The end of your hard times may well be in sight ...

    Andrea @ From the Sol

    1. Van Gogh was my first Idea when I saw the theme. I hope the hard times are soon over, too! Stay Safe!

  22. Van Gogh was brilliant, wasn't he! I like your piece with the Desmond Tutu quote. They are so well-paired. The Gandhi and candle piece also. It's wonderful to see some Halloween art. Your night-time photos are atmospheric. The moon and cloud images and your streetscapes make me want to take a glass of something and spend some time outside at night. Nice!

    1. Thanks. I love being out at night, but with a camera, not a glass!

  23. Fabulous Valerie. You art and sentiments. Happy Thursday


  24. Beautiful images of the night sky. I like your van Gogh knock offs. Quite clever of you.

  25. All of these are fantastic. However the one that reads "there is nothing to see here" I love this shot. The angles, the lighting and the clouds. So much to see, so much to imagine.

  26. There's so much amazing artwork here Valerie, and the photographs are stunning! Take care xx

  27. You can't go wrong with Van Gogh's night paintings! Beautiful collection, specially love the catching starlight in a bottle and definitely the halloween themed ones!


  28. Wow! Beautiful night skies and stunning art Valerie! xx

  29. Hi Valerie :) Your Van Gogh "knock off" is great! You got the swirls right! :) I love your "dark" art, the messages are always so motivating. Your Halloween art makes me excited for fall! :) Your night sky photos are lovely, I especially like the one with the crescent moon hiding a bit behind the clouds! Great shot!

    1. Thanks Rain, I love trying to paint like him. I am looking forward to Halloween and autumn, it's my fave season, and I have already started on autumnal art. Have a great week!

  30. What a busy lady. You have some fabulous paintings here. I especially admire the scenes with buildings, probably because that is not something I'm good at doing.



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