Monday 9 March 2020

T sTands for a new challenge at Tag Tuesday

Hi Everybody!

Hope you all enjoyed your weekend. We had a dry day on Saturday, so it was good to see some blue skies. The Rhine is still rising in its bed, and yesterday we had plenty of rain, too. A lot of water there comes from other rivers and streams further south which flow through here to get to the sea, so I am thinking it will be very full today.

Today we are beginning a new challenge at Tag Tuesday, and our host is Pinky.
She has chosen 'Women / Mother's Day / Feminine' as her theme, so this time we are celebrating all the strong women in our lives. The challenge goes live Monday evening. Hope to see YOU joining in. My tag shows a strong and happy lady drinking a coffee and reading a book. The coffee links to my next theme, too, as it's time again for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, where we share our drinks. So here a warm welcome to all of the ladies of the T Gang!

As some of you know, reading and coffee drinking are among my hobbies, too!

I love looking into the windows of this shop in Düsseldorf, lots of beautiful objects, including cups, mugs, and Nanas that I love so much. I can't buy there, but I can and do look:

The 'clinic' where broken china is repaired is on the other side of the road:

These mugs etc were outside another shop, nicely arranged on a tea-chest:

And this is in the thrift shop there:

On Tuesdays I like to walk through our little town and look at all the flowers at the market:

 I bought some daffodils, and enjoy watching them open in the vase:

And the water is still rising:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. The level of the water looks precariously high, Valerie. You really do need a few dry days in a row. Enjoy the week coming up. Best regards, David.

    1. It is indeed high, David! Dry weather might help!

  2. Good Morning Val! Oh my, the water really is high, hope it soon stops rising and goes back where it belongs! Love your tag, great theme from Pinky this time. Love all the flowers at the market, what a lot of temptation. Your daffs in the vase look lovely, too. I can imagine how you like the nanas in that shop window! Have a lovely week, hope you are feeling a bit better today, hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sarah! Have a good week, hope the kids are all well.

  3. Lovely tag. Always better to window shop. I love pretty teacups. Your daffodils look beautiful.

    1. Thanks Christine. Pretty teacups make the drinks taste better!

  4. What a so so Gorgeous tag Valerie !! It´s Amazing ! so happy, Happy T-day !!
    I´ve enjoyed your walk in the city, great things they have at the shop, love all :) Your daffodils are so beautiful, fabulous your vase too.
    Hope the river won´t rise more. Your photographs are fantastic, thanks so much for sharing them with us.
    I wish you a very nice day, and send big hugsss

    1. Thanks so much Caty. I, too, hope the river will not rise anymore.

  5. Good morning, you have the beautiful flower vases-loving this yellow one.
    awesome tag! and perfect for woman's day yesterday. Loved looking inside those store windows-you have such fun things to see on your walks.
    we had a gorgeous day on Sunday-today-Monday-we have spring rains. enjoy your week hugs Kathy

    1. Thanks Kathy. The vase is from the 1930s and one of my treasures.

  6. Your tag is perfect for Tuesday and would make a great logo. I love looking in the shops with you. The shopkeepers really dress their windows so pretty. And in the thrift shop, I think I see two coffee pots and cups and saucers that match my china! If you ever go back to take a look the china is by Wedgewood and the pattern is Columbia. Looking at the flowers and the colorful markets made my day. Happy T Day!

    1. Thanks CJ. I will look in the shop when I go there later in the week!

  7. I love that yellow vase, as it matches the flowers. Hope the river doesn't flood the countryside.

  8. Wonderful tag and a great theme. Love all your beautiful photos. Those blue skies are just delightful.

    1. Thanks Anesha. Blue skies are always wonderful!

  9. I'm quite struck by those figures with the long necks. The daffodils are a cheerful sight :) Such high water! I trust the trees won't suffer from standing in the water over this long time being flooded.

    1. Yes, the figures are very striking, it's a nice shop. I don't think the water is really good for the trees!

  10. Wow! Love your beautiful tag...
    What a beautiful and clean thrift store...
    Oh my gosh one after another gorgeous photos... WOW!!!
    Hope the river doesn't leave its bank!

    Have a beautiful week!!!

    Hugs 💮

    1. Thanks Jan! The thrift store always looks good.

  11. Strong women are the power of the world, Valerie! I love your tag!!!
    Your photos are always beautiful and I love daffodils! Kisses, my dear friend.

  12. Well, I'm bummed. I thought I had another week to make a Paris inspired tag. Regardless, I will try to finally get caught up and make a woman's tag this fortnight. I think it's a truly worthy cause and believe in women's rights. Your tag is incredibly beautiful and speaks to the essence of this latest challenge. I also LOVE that it includes one of your and my favorite drinks.

    I'm in awe of the Nanas in the shop. I bet they are expensive. I also liked the various teapot and cups and saucers you found in the thrift shop and in the china "clinic." I never tire seeing these store fronts through your camera lens.

    It's raining here right now, and I worry because our water table is quite high right now. I think that's why I can't get on the internet at times. It seems I lose my internet every time we get a bad rain storm. I'm surprised it's lasted as long today as it has. I think your water is even further out of its bank than ours, even though we have two rivers to contend with in my neighborhood. I worry about the animals in the fields, too.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful tag, your trip to the thrift shop and china clinic, your cappuccino, and your photos of the high banks of the Rhine with us for T this Tuesday.

    1. Thanks E! Hope to see you this time round at TT! The Nanas were reduced, but still too expensive for me to buy. But it's fun looking!

  13. What an absolutely lovely post. Your woman power is excellent and all the shops that carry such cute and interesting items. Love the flowers but the vase is awesome. Have a great Monday.

    1. Thanks Nicole! Power to women is always a good thing!

  14. I love your tag Valerie, the world definitely needs strong women (and coffee)! I'm a little bit envious of your blue skies, we have grey with the odd bit of darker grey.Hope you manage to keep walking this week, take care, Sue xx

    1. My wellies are still necessary, and I walk in between downpours!

  15. Strong women are definitely needed! Yay!

    Love the blue in the sky photos. Beautiful! Hope the nice weather is continuing. So exciting to see spring flowers at the market. :)

  16. what a great tag Valerie! Will work something in for my next post:) A good cuppa is just the best, and how I love the smell of coffee too.
    Love all your window shop photos, and the flower market- well, I can't wait to be able to start planting outdoors! Hope the very high flowing river doesn't cause issues for everyone. Happy T day!

    1. Thanks Linda. have a fun week and enjoy your coffee!

  17. Ja, es hat mich bis letztes Jahr gebraucht, "mutig" genug zu sein, allein einzukehren!
    Und es hat niemanden interessiert, keiner hat "geglotzt", kein "hach, guck mal, die ist ja ganz alleine!".
    Leider hatte ich kein Buch dabei - es hat einen spontanen Streit gebraucht, damit ich das durchziehe, wie kindisch!

    Als wir als Zulieferer noch im VW-Werk direkt gearbeitet hatten, sind wir jeden Tag an zwei riesigen Nanas vorbeigegangen, immer eine schöne Sicht.

    Ach herrjeh, da also ist der Elefant! LOL. Kein Porzellan hier...

    Schöne Osterglocken!
    Hier dröppelts auch, aber nur ein bisschen, GlG und happy T-day, Iris

    1. Ja Nanas sind immer grossartig. Und Kaffee schmeckt genauso gut allein oder zu zweit!

  18. Was für ein wunderschöner Tag mit einer starken Frau!Ein wichtiges Thema das immer noch erkämpft werden muss für uns Frauen. Wenn ich da manche Deutsche Bloggerinnen lese die das verpönen den Weltfrauentag und das gleich setzen wie Valentinstag schüttle ich den Kopf, Kämpfen dass wir unsere Rechte bekommen ist so wichtig.
    Toll deine Schaufenster und Marktbummel. Die schönen Narzissen in deiner hübschen Vase, du hats klasse Vasen auch immer.
    Ja, überall ist wieder Hochwasser mehr in den Flüssen, nah da bin ich gespannt wie hoch es ausfällt in den nächsten Tagen bei dir. Das sind wieder wunderbare Fotos von dir.Ich wünsche dir ienen schönen Tag
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Ja, wir müssen stark bleiben, und uns immer wieder feiern!

  19. Replies
    1. Thanks Kathy, it's always good to see the sun!

  20. Inspired by this post, the daffodils, tag, colours, amazing photos, oh I want to come live with you...looks so nice in your world.xx

    1. Fine, just don't forget to bring your wellies! Monte would enjoy splashing in the Rhine!

  21. The cups in the shop window are so beautiful ... and your daffodils too!
    The Rhine is also too high here ...
    I don't want any more rain! Where is Spring?
    Have a nice day! Hugs!

    1. That's the question Ella - where is spring? It just keeps raining and raining and raining!

  22. I LOVE your vase from the 30's ~ Thank you for taking me to the flower market and shopping this morning, oh and also to the coffee shop and on a beautiful walk! I love your tag and hope to get inspired now and create too ~ Blessings and dry weather wishes

    1. Thanks, the vase is one of my faves, and I treasure it. Hope to see ou joining us at TT again, too!

  23. Happy T day Valerie. Wow, the Rhine looks like it is becoming a lake. You seem to have had lots of rain for months now, at least according to many of your posts. I hope you are not the epicenter of an environmental disaster if this rain keeps up. We have rain coming today. Nice new tag theme too and nice tag. But your daffodils in that beautiful vase and the those spring flowers at the flower shop. Oh spring. Have a wonderful T day. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. We were just saying yesterday that it looks like a hugs lake everywhere. At least the geese and ducks are having fun!

  24. Such a beautiful tag! The spring flowers are so pretty and it was great window shopping too. I also enjoyed walking by the river with the blue skies and sunshine 😁. Wow, the water levels are really high! Enjoy your coffee and wishing you a very happy T Day! Hugs, Jo x

    1. Thanks Jo. Blue skies always make us feel good! The water is still rising!

  25. Hi Valerie, I love reading your post with all the gorgeous shop windows, all that beautiful pottery too.
    The river looks very high so I hope you don't live too close!
    I love daffs as my Mum always called them but recently I've found that as they start to die off I feel as if I am allergic to them, I've never noticed before until our DIL had some, shame as I love them, not that you ever see them here of course.
    I love your tag, wonderful colours and lady drinking coffee-
    Have a great week
    Jan x

    1. Thanks Jan. I am about 800 metres from the river, so far enough to be safe - I hope! My friend is allergic to daffs, I have to put them onto the balcony when she comes.

  26. I love this, Valerie, and how through these beautiful photos we get to know you and your spaces even a bit more. Oh, I love your shops. The china repair shop is such a great idea and your thrift store so much neater than so many I see here. You can actually SEE the stuff. My favorites, though, might be the lovely light in your own home -- a light like you.

    1. Thanks Jeanie, your comment makes me feel happy inside!

  27. I love your tag Valerie, she strikes me as a woman who knows her own mind! Gorgeous shop front photos today. So interesting to watch. Our weather sounds just like yours but we have had moments of sunshine too.

    1. Thanks Pinky. The weather seems to be similar all over Europe.

  28. Delightful tag, Valerie. I never heard of Nanas, but they look charming. And so is the display window of the broken china "clinic." You have more tea and coffee reference images than I can count today - lol. Beautiful daffodils!

    I hope the rain stops for a while now so the river can recede. It's looking pretty scary in spots right now.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. Nanas are the buxom, feminine statues of Nicki de Saint-Phalle.

  29. Your tag is lovely. Great set of photos. I like seeing all of the blooming flowers in pots.

    1. Thanks Anne. Those flowers are indeed pretty.

  30. Beautiful daffodils, and I love your tag art Valerie! xx

  31. Sorry I am late calling in Valerie. I enjoyed reading the post and Wow, those shop windows would have be inside for a closer look especially at the cups and other table wear.
    Lovely photos and it was an awesome tag.
    Yvonne xx

  32. The tag is great. Perfect for Int Women's Day (which we just had).
    I love all those mugs and thingemebobs in the window of a undoubtedly expensive shop.
    The water levels look very high. I hope by now they will be going down.
    Sorry for commenting so late. I'm not up to much at the moment.
    Happy belated T-Day,
    Hugs (from a distance as I have a cold)

    1. Thanks Lisca, hope you soon feel better. And yes, that shop is expensive, even the reduced pieces are expensive! The water levels are still very high!


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