Thursday 12 March 2020

Luck - Rain's Thursday Art Date / PPF

Hi Everybody!

Now you won't believe this - I actually walked for half an hour this afternoon and it didn't rain....but don't worry the rest of the day was wet enough. In a couple of days it should get better, I so hope they are right!

Rain's theme this Thursday is 'luck'. The dictionary definition of luck is :
'success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions'. Does that mean we should sit and wait for good or bad things to happen? Oh no!

 There are also lots of quotes and sayings about luck. One of my faves is:

You never know what worse luck your bad luck saved you from 
(Cormac McCarthy)

I think it is important to accept the good and bad things that happen in life, and to try to make the best of them. That's my way of finding luck. Luck for me can also be equated with happiness.  People often speak of the 'luck of the Irish', and green, four-leaved clovers are often used as a symbol for luck.

The Chinese  waving cat is also supposed to bring luck:

Does winning a game of cards make us lucky, healthy or happy?

Being together with like minded people does us good:

Snakes and ladders was one of my fave games as a child, and I still play it when I get a chance. Winning isn't important, but having fun is!

Lots of people think rainbows are lucky - they're certainly lovely and always make me happy:

And my lucky moments every day come very often in form of coffee and cappuccino:

I made this painting back in 1990s. I was sitting in a tram on my way home one evening and a group of  tramps, all rather drunk, got in and started to annoy me. They tried to pull my scarf away, pulled my hair, tried to take things out of my shopping bag etc. There were lots of 'normal' people in the tram, who just moved further away and watched from a distance - nobody tried to help. Then I swung a punch with my left arm, it hit one of the men on the nose and he fell back into the group of his colleagues, hardly able to believe what had happened to him. I got off at the next stop, but not without telling the cowards who had just watched and not helped exactly what I thought of them. I painted the picture as soon as I got home, and still love the satisfaction I got from that punch to defend myself. The Latin text means 'No one provokes me with impunity': 

And other things which make me feel lucky and happy?

Birthday cake baked by friends:

Strong women:

Having friends to spend time with:

Freedom to travel and explore:

Street Art:

Being able to lift my face and feel the warmth of the sun:

The freedom to create art as I want to:

And home made apple pie:

And I have another tag for Tag Tuesday - this theme makes me happy, too:

I am also linking to Paint Party Friday

And these wonderful creatures are really enjoying the abundance of flood water just now:

Every field has become a lake:

Have a great day, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Well, I know you said Thursday post but here in the UK it's Wednesday evening … and just for a change it's raining!!!

    But what a great post this is, a wonderful collection of pictures/photographs.
    I enjoyed it from start to finish.

    Take Care

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. The post goes live at midnight here, so it's Thursday, but in England it's still Wednesday!

  2. Gorgeous post full of wow and interesdt.xx

  3. Just a wonderful happy post on luck today Valerie. So scary your story on the tram was, glad you came out of that ok on your own, I might add.

    1. THanks Christine. Sometimes we need to defend ourselves.

  4. OH my, how awful that you had to take matters into your own hands with such force, they sounded really rude! Glad you made it off the tram safely and I had to chuckle that you scolded 'the watchers'. Great painting and a wonderful story to go with! My inner ornithophile loves your line up of gorgeous birdie photos!

  5. I love your choice of both images and items you used to display luck this week, Valerie. I'll be by later to share my Luck post. I forgot about things like the lucky cats, but I was thinking about a few superstitions. You came up with far more lovely luck art than I. It is all wonderful. I especially like your tram story. You go, girl.

    Lots of water fowl shots today. Lovely indeed. See you later at Rain's.

  6. Luck sure has some directions to come from and go to but WHAT?????

    No one helped???? And, wee... great move you did!

    Ach, und schon wieder!!! LOL. Ich kann nix dafür, ich vermixe das und bin dann zu faul, es nochmal auf Deutsch zu schreiben. Ist ja auch egal! :-)
    Sehr schöner Post. Ich hoffe auf ein Glück heute: Dass meine Zahnärztin nix findet. Ich war so "blöd", mich freiwillig zur Kontrolle anzumelden.

    Nass hier.

    1. So it es, Alle schauen zu, Niemand hilft. Ich war gestern auch beim Zahnarzt, viel Glück!

  7. i love nature:) your photos are amazing:)

  8. Such lovely things in this post. Shame on the people who did not help on the tram. Great painting you did. Have a lovely day.x

    1. Thanks Anesha. I wonder how those people would feel f they didn't get help when they need it.

  9. Was für ein wundervolles Posting vom Glück, ich bin hin und weg was du alles gesammelt hast. Deine selbst gemachten Bilder sind wieder so schön an zusehen, klasse Valerie.
    Ich wünsche dir viel Glück bei all dem du machst und tust!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

  10. Herons, swans, ducks and geese (CANADA Geese even) so a lucky post for me, to be sure. I am glad to hear that you bopped one of those jerks on the nose, Valerie. And getting back to being lucky, it is often a question of attitude isn't it? A positive person will feel lucky most of the time. Something as simple as raising your face to the sun, as you say, can do it. And we are all lucky to have you as a blogging companion, soldiering on every day, bad finger and all. The weekend will soon be here. Enjoy!

    1. Thanks David. Attitude is so important. We can do a lot for ourselves by staying positive.

  11. Wow - this was a GREAT post. I am so proud of you punching that man and so sickened by te people who did not help you. Lovely creations - all of them. Also love all your great other pictures. Super fun stuff and glad you got some sun!

    1. Thanks Nancy. Some people are so cowardly, I wonder how they would react if nobody helped them? And the sun is shining today in between the clouds!

  12. Valerie,

    How shameful you were hassled by those drunks on the tram! You're quite fortunate the one you hit in the nose didn't retaliate. I guess your blow really stunned the fella. People don't like getting involved anymore. A woman should be safe in her surrounding. What happened to the days of chivalry? Great outlet for your experience, serving to vent your frustrations and to remind you that you won't be walked on.

    1. Thanks Cathy. I am not someone who usually hits others, but I think if it is necessary to defend yourself, you need to pack a good punch first time round!

  13. I had to get a second cup of tea and go through your pictures one more time! so much art and so many feathered friends ~ you've jump started my creative mind this AM. I'm glad you stood up for yourself and also reminded the bystanders that they should be more socially and morally responsible. ~Blessings on your day!

    1. Thanks! People do need to step in and help sometimes.

  14. Well your take on luck images are just amazing Valerie!! Especially the Irish ones lol. Wow I am totally in awe of you standing up for yourself like that!! You are a STRONG WOMAN in my mind. Well done you and shame on those who ignored it all!

  15. Moving away is more my style than punching, but I'm surprised no one helped you :(

    We're getting so much rain! Your bird photos are great. I love that (I assume it's a) heron. Gorgeous! The birthday cake looks delicious. I hope your day is a peaceful one :)

    1. In order to move away you need somewhere to move to....sometimes there are no alternatives, and there was also no help in the offing! Yes, lots of heron photos today, they love the water!

  16. What a wonderful post! I love your tag and the beautiful water birds Valerie. And well done you for defending yourself like that!
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks Alison! The water birds here are always a joy for me.

  17. Beautiful art. And don't mess with Valerie!!! lol

  18. Thanks! Mostly I'm a very peaceable person....

  19. WOW what a great post Valerie, I love all of your photos and art work! Your strong women pages are gorgeous and with beautiful colors. AND the water birds are gorgeous especially the first one!
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! We are so lucky to have so many beautiful water birds here, I love seeing them. Have a great evening!

  20. Ach das sind ja wieder soviel schöne Sachen zum Bestaunen liebe Valerie. Der tolle blaue Reiher ist so schön. Ja es gibt viele Sachen zum Glücklichsein, wenn man nur Augen dafür hat. Deine Kuchen sehen sooo lecker aus, da bekommt man sofort Lust drauf. ;) Wenn nur nicht das Wetter und das Virus so hemmend für viele Aktivitäten wären. Hoffe wir können uns bald endlich mal wieder sehen.
    Ganz liebe Grüsse

    1. Danke Sabine! Ja, das Wetter ist schlecht gewesen, aber irgendwann sehen wir uns wieder und dann backe ich Apfelkuchen!

  21. Your luck art is pretty amazing. And I am really impressed that you hit that bully. Good for you. There are many things that give us luck in life, or make us lucky enough to have a good life, isn't there? I do think so people have bad luck and some have good luck. And wow, what great heron photos. Hope the rain stops so you can walk more than a half an hour. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. It would be great to have a few dry days. Stay safe!

  22. What a strong woman you are Valerie, such a scary experience back in the 90's, isn't is funny how the years make us look back on experiences differently, cowards and bullies shame on you!! A poignant post today with fabulous tales alongside so many things to see, what appears to be one person's Luck can be another's misfortune.
    Friday the 13th I always found to be a lucky day where some hide away. With all the crazy things happening in the world right now i'm hoping a little Luck is on my side.
    You take care of yourself & I hope the rain shows you many rainbows, we all need those days where we can just wander and refresh our minds and take in the beauty around us.
    Wishing you a happy & creative weekend Hugs Tracey xx

    1. Thanks Tracey. We all need a bit of luck just now. Take care of yourself and stay safe!

  23. Lovely thoughts about luck - and what an amazing story about your SuperWoman punch-throwing, and even more powerful - telling off those who had failed to come to your aid earlier. A great collection of pages, paintings and tags - that final tag with the seated woman is simply glorious. Wonderful photos too... the blue heron is magical. I hope the rain lets up soon, and that lots of luck is coming your way. In fact, as you just replied to Tracey - the whole planet could do with some luck right now.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. And yes, we all need some luck just now. Stay safe and well!

  24. great post dear long and with good pictures, nature, journal and all. Do have a great weekend

  25. Beautiful works, photos and food of course, yummy!

  26. My favorite quote about luck is along the lines of, "The harder I work, the luckier I get."

    Your post is especially uplifting today. Good for you for standing up for yourself against those bullies on the tram, and shame on those bystanders who did absolutely nothing to defend you. (Not that you NEEDED any help. You're a bad ass! HA)

    It's interesting to see the swans and mallards so close together, rather than segregated into their own areas.

    Take care, dear lady, and have a super weekend. Maybe we'll both see the sun this weekend? If not, I reckon we'll have to make our own. (So to speak...)

  27. You are, indeed, lucky, and by extension of being here reading so am I. I enjoyed the story of you standing up for yourself and reprimanding those that could have helped, but did not. Good for you. I also love the Gummibären banner. Made me smile. Be safe and have a good day.

    1. Thanks! I think I need Gummibärchen today! You stay safe, too!

  28. You are my kind of person, Valerie. You not only take the time to appreciate all the good things in your life, you cope well with some of the bad and you take care of the unacceptable ... with a punch or whatever, you go girl!!! We are living in scary times and our tolerance will be tested ... I hope all of us make it through this Pandemic and survive the era of hate and anger that seems to have evolved through greed and self aggrandizement. It is good people like you that help me keep my eye on the ball of hope and promise. Thank you kindly for that ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  29. Replies
    1. Thanks Andrea. We are all facing lots of problems just now, I hope we come through it well. Stay safe!

  30. amazing! Thank you for sharing!!
    Have a great week! 😍😍😍

  31. I'm new to PPF, so this is my first visit to your blog. Your art made me happy and so do the birds! Thank you!!!

    1. Thanks Debra, welcome to the part and great to meet you. Birds always make me happy, too!

  32. great post on luck and lucky traditions Valerie! Gorgeous pics of all the water birds too- they must be in heaven with all the extra water although they're probably the only ones;) Happy PPF!

  33. Wow, so much to see on your post! All the lucky images made me smile and all your artwork is so beautiful 😁. The blue heron reminds me on the ones nesting at the lake at Lytham Hall, we saw them on our walk yesterday. Happy and creative wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  34. Happy PPF enjoyed your art and photos


  35. Valerie this is a fantastic post. I really love your powerful woman piece. stay dry. We have rain too.

  36. Hi Valerie :)) I LOVE the heron photos, that is a spectacular bird, I always think it looks so prehistoric! Great eye! :) I love your take on Luck. And what a story, good for you for socking to one of those idiots and also for telling the cowards what they truly were. I remember one time when I was working. It was winter and everyone was running from the bus to the train. I slipped on the ice and fell. I hurt my knee pretty badly and I was crying. NOBODY stopped to help e and one a**hole actually STEPPED OVER ME so he wouldn't miss the precious train. I think that's when I started my quest to become a hermit!! Your art is lovely and I agree, I love the freedom of creating any kind of art I enjoy! The Chinese waving cat is so cute! Oh Snakes and Ladders...I remember that game, all of those old games were so much fun! Great post!! :)

    1. Thanks Rain. I wonder what makes people so callous and so unwilling to help others? I'm sorry you had such a nasty experience. Let's hope we will only meet good people in the future!

  37. wow, yea for defending yourself and telling the cowards what you thought! Yea for strong women of any size and color, and age by the way. Love your work, and your attitude. Always a pleasure.

  38. I love all the beautiful thoughts here but the story of the tramps on the train and your punch and after speech made me smile big! Well done! Your work, as always is fun and happy and I love the water birds today!

  39. Thankyou for this moving and touching post! I love everything you wrote! Good for you sticking up for yourself and telling the other people, what you thought! Bravo my friend!! Thank you for your gorgeous pictures and beautiful art!! Big Hugs!


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