Monday 23 March 2020

T sTands for bunnies and buTTerflies

Hi Everybody!

Hope your weekend was as good as possible under the circumstances.
We had very cold weather here, but with a lot of sunshine, and the trees are getting greener every day. I still hate being at home all day, but as there is no way around it, I have to accept it.  And I still have lots of things I could do, like dusting and tidying.....But I have spent my time reading, and am happy I have an endless supply of  books thanks to well filled shelves and Kindle. The Corona rules have been redefined again. The big message is of course, stay home and only go out when it is necessary. Walks - alone - are allowed, but not more than 2 people may be together in public, except for families. And the powers that be are controlling and will heavily fine those who still think it's fine to party or play group games/sports outside. I have to stay home, but this, too, will pass! 

At Tag Tuesday we are starting a new challenge, and this time our lovely Michele is hosting. She has chosen the springlike theme of bunnies and butterflies. As always, tags of all formats are welcome, real, hybrid or digital, and you have 2 weeks to join us. Michele has three wonderful and inspirational tags on our TT blog, and you can view them when the post goes live on Monday evening. My tag was made with elements from me and Serif. The raven on the branch is a digitally cut-out photo of the tree I can see from my window:

I am also linking to Craftlandia challenge / pink - blue

Hope to see YOU joining in!

It's also time from this evening on for Elizabeth's T sTands for Tuesday link party, so here a warm welcome to all of the nice ladies of the T Gang who visit. I hope Elizabeth will be able to post as she has lots of problems with her internet again.

The art pieces were made some time back:

 These 2 photos were from last week before the lockdown came.

The cafes are all closed now, so I have to drink my coffee here in my 'ivory tower':

This huge bar of dark chocolate was a present from a neighbour last week - and it's still in one piece:

 I have a great view from my balcony when the sun rises:

Last week I bought tulips to bring home, I love to watch them opening up, here in a space-age vase from the 1960s:

And here I have used an old but lovely vase:


And I love the metallic glaze on it:

This sign is almost hidden in the bushes by the lake:

Some neighbours' gardens:

Have a great week, take care, and stay safe and healthy.
And thanks, as always, for coming by!


  1. Lovely bunnies and butterflies tag, brings joy along with the coffee and fabulous photos of nature, living breathing and making us feel wonderful.xx

    1. Thanks Annie, nature is so beautiful just now. Stay safe!

  2. The modern vase contrasts quite starkly with the African sculptures seen in the same picture, and the other vase with the metallic sheen is quite lovely. This is going to be a difficult time, Valerie, and I am sure that we are all going to feel a little imprisoned before it is all over. At least we can still get out and walk but it would be nice once in a while to walk with a friend, visit a café, have coffee together. I suspect that blogging may be an even more pleasant diversion than usual. Stay well and take care of your fingers! Big hugs from Canada. David

    1. Thanks David, much appreciated! I am so happy that at least I have a lovely view from my balcony, that#s worth a lot just now. And the good days will come again!

  3. Oh Valerie, I know this must be very hard on someone as active as you. The Corona Virus is so scary. Thankfully you have your books and your gorgeous art to help keep you busy.
    Keep getting that fresh air whenever possible and those mini-walks, too.
    Whenever I visit here I always leave feeling a little lighter and filled with the beauty of your talented eyes and hands...thank you 💮

    1. Thanks Jan. Staying home is not my thing, but we all have to do what's wise just now, and not what we want. Take care and stay safe!

  4. The bunny tags are just precious.I haven't seen the bunnies in my yard, yet. Maybe it's a little early or I maybe I don't get up early enough to see them. 😺 Tea and cake is a wonderful combination. Still too early to sit outside and have a cup. Beautiful sky views and glimpses of your neighbors' gardens. Take care and stay safe

    1. Thanks CJ! I saw some bunnies playing outside in the garden this morning. It's always lovely to watch them!

  5. I love the new tag Tuesday theme and hope today I get some play time to make a tag. And I can't get over the spring look off your balcony Valerie. Wow. I am jealous. Hardly any signs here-just bigger buds but I will take it. Although tonight we could get 5-8 inches of new snow, but back to the 50's tomorrow so hopefully a good melt. It just means starting that process over again. And nice to see in your house. I have done a few little cleanings but even more so the hubby has done a few which is a big deal for him. Stay sane and enjoy your books. Thank goodness for reading. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika. I'm looking forward to seeing your tag, you always have good ideas. Once spring starts at your place it will green up very quickly. It's freezing cold here, but sunny. Glad your hubby did some cleaning, wow! Where would we be without books? I would be lost!

  6. I love your nature tag and your coffee art. The spring flowers and your gorgeous view would lift my spirits :) We're getting rain and more rain, and everything here is soggy, but it does make it easier to stay in ;) Happy T Day!

  7. Thanks! Even rain can be positive - if it helps to stop the longing to go out. We have perfect walking weather here....But as you say, I have a lovely view!


  8. Our cafes are also closed. I like coffee and I collect cups :) Your works are beautiful and very joyful. I wish you a good week :)

    1. Thanks Lucyna. Have a good week, stay well!

  9. Your tag with the bunnies is adorable as well as the other works, love them all!

  10. Love your new header. Your tag is adorable, love it. Keep safe and well. Thank you for your visits and kind words. I am feeling much better now. x

    1. Thanks Anesha. So glad you are feeling better, stay well and safe!

  11. Thanks Laurie. You be safe and happy, too!

  12. I do like your header and it was great seeing all of your photographs.
    Especially the wonderful sunrises.

    Stay safe, stay well and keep smiling.
    As I enjoy a cup of tea, I will think of you having a nice cup of coffee :)

    My good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thanks Jan. You enjoy your tea and stay healthy!

  13. I love the bunnies in your tags! Truly darling. And I always am so happy when you share photos from your home. YOu have the most wonderful collection of vases and those flowers always look so beautiful in them. Stay well and safe, Valerie. We are in official lockdown in our state now, too.

    1. Thanks. Bunnies are always so lovely. Glad you like my vases, they are pretty. We will all get through this, stay safe and stay positive.

  14. Really nice post. There is hope for us all.

  15. Love your tag - a theme to cheer us up for sure! Your coffee references are great, I will miss our coffee outings too! Lovely views from your balcony and around your area! I have bought flowers that are still opening too - I do love tulips but went for longer lasting flowers this time, the daffodils I bought are still hanging on for a while! We have had to stay in too for the foreseeable future, very frustrating but it is the best way! We have a little exercise routine going......Stay safe, Happy T Day. Hugs, Chris

    1. Thanks. We need happiness and hope in the world just now. And flowers bring us joy, too. Perhaps we will soon enjoy staying home! And exercise is always good!

  16. Mein Nachbar sagte -10C, MINUS!!!
    Oh, Raben sind meine Lieblingsvögel, so clever.
    Schöne Schokaldenpackung!
    Und schöne Aussicht, ich kann nur auf Häuser gucken.
    Ja, Frühling kommt, einen schönen Abend dir, GlG, Iris (Hände OK?)

    1. Ja, es ist kalt, aber sonnig, und das macht es ertraeglich. Bleib gesund!

  17. Valerie, I am glad to see that you are an optimistic person, like me. Yes, my friend, we are all locked up now but this will pass too!
    THANK YOU SO MUCH for joining my Craftlandia challenge, sweetie!
    Your art pieces with the cups and cakes for Elizabeth, are gorgeous!
    I love the photo with your coffee on your balcony. And I am in love with your sunrises photos! I've told you again that you live in paradise! When I come in your country, be sure that we will have a coffee together on your balcony. OK?
    I adore all flowers. Tulips, roses, daisies, everything. Your vintage vases are beautiful with tulips!
    Kisses, my dear friend, and please stay safe.

    1. Thanks, Sweetie! I am sure optimism and hope make everything easier. We need to stay in the light! I drink my coffee on my balcony even in sinter, it's always a great start to the day. Stay safe!

  18. I love your art, your spring bunny tag is especially cute! Beautiful photos too, you are doing great staying in, this too shall pass...

    1. Thanks Lisabela! es, this, too, shall pass! Stay safe!

  19. It's chilly here too, but gloriously sunny, and due to continue all week, so we're going to be planting up a few pots with vegetable seeds... a corona-garden, if you will. We're all locked down now here in the UK - about time, I'd say. Since Cestina, my mother, is in a danger group, we've been pretty much self-isolating already for ten days or so, so not much will change as far as that goes.

    Your springtime tag definitely lifts the spirits, as does the sunshine. I love the bunnies and especially the bluebell. Great teatime artworks, and what an amazing sunrise. Like you, we're lucky to have a good view of neighbours' gardens to enjoy their plants and trees as well as our own outdoor space.
    Stay safe.
    Alison x

    1. Thanks Alison. This is good weather to get some planting done, I've started to tidy up my balcony. Hope you and your mother stay safe!

  20. Beautiful art work Valerie, so nice too to see the spring flowers, the magnolia flowers are beautiful. So good you have your balcony, great for the views and for getting a bit of fresh air. We are in lock down here in Aus too, just starting today.

    1. Thanks! The world has to stay home just now! Now we have time for crafting, sewing etc. Stay well, look after yourself!

  21. Oh your tag is so sweet and beautiful Valerie, I love the bunnies and I love your new blog header, adorable spring scene!! Gorgeous B&W piece, the stitching is a perfect touch. Beautiful photos too, the yellow tulips look awesome in the space-age vase! Take care and stay safe.
    Hugs, Tammy

    1. Thanks Tammy! I think spring scenes are always so positive, and we all need things like this just now. Look after yourself!

  22. I'm back FINALLY. I just hope it stays for awhile and I can visit my T Tuesday friends.

    I absolutely adore your lovely tags. The bunnies and butterflies are incredible and I simply adore this showing how grand mother nature is.

    I love the tags you created for T Tuesday, too. The fact you even were able to share ONE final walk through town is fabulous. Of course, I think your coffee from your balcony looks a LOT better than mine would. This is a fantastic post and I'm delighted you were able to share it with us for T this Tuesday.

    I also LOVE your other shots from your balcony. Simply stunning photos and those tulips are incredible. I also like the way you displayed the modern vase next to the African figures. This was lovely, as was the other vase of tulips. I'm sure these are a great comfort to you at the moment.

    1. Thanks E!Good to see you back again! Your internet must be VERY frustrating!

  23. Hi Valerie :) Sorry you're stuck in your Ivory tower...that chocolate bar would have been long gone in my house lol...the orange and white vase is really cool, I like it a lot! I love the bunny tags!!!

    1. Hi Rain! Good to see you around! I love that vase, too. The chocolate is still whole, but once I open it it will disappear very quickly!

  24. Adorable tag art! Sorry you can't frequent your café stops right now but oh the photos are all just gorgeous. Happy T day!

  25. Lovely spring scenes on your tags! And I love the tea themed art.
    Your glass vases are gorgeous!!! I love the bright colors and the tulips. And that magnolia tree reminds me of one we had growing up. It was one of my favorite trees in our yard. I am glad that you are still able to get out for your walks. I don't really mind this social distancing thing. Alone time isn't so bad.
    Happy Tea Day,

    1. Unfortunately, I am NOT allowed out for walks, but never mind, it will pass! Stay safe!

  26. Beautiful art and photos Valerie, I love your sunrise photos!
    We now have the same restrictions as you, I'm glad we can still have one daily walk if we want to. We have been doing some much needed gardening though.
    Best wishes,
    Alison xx

    1. Thanks. It seems to be the same everywhere just now. Enjoy your gardening! Stay safe.

  27. You made some beautiful artwork. I like your blog header image. Great photos. Here in Connecticut, I'm now in a Lock Down state in the US. Stay healthy and safe!

  28. Valerie yet again some superb tags, just so cute. I love the views from your balcony, how lucky to see them every day. I like the second vase, it’s beautiful and so are the flowers, I love daffodils and tulips but they don’t grow over here sadly.
    Funnily now I have lots of time it’s not cleaning that I really want to do although I have to some times, ha,ha, but I have been crafting and reading too, lots of kindle books so I’m good to go!
    Keep safe, Jan x

    1. My flat is old and shabby and cold and drafty in winter, but I have this wonderful view, so I stay here!

  29. Maalesef bizde işe gidiyoruz. Tedirginiz. Ne olacak bilmiyoruz.

  30. Sweet bunnies ~ sunshine and tulips! so glad you got to have coffee out before the big shutdown, it looks so inviting I think I could have sat there all morning into the afternoon. Blessings on your day and your art

    1. Thanks Karen! I often sit in the cafe for quite some time, people-watching and reading, it's fun! Stay safe!

  31. The tags are beautiful and uplifting to see the sweet images and scene you created for Spring. I also loved the tea related pieces and that great cuppa you had beside you on the balcony. The vases for the tulips looked so pretty as well.
    I am thinking of cleaning but that is as far as it gets, I will stick to the thought of crafting when I can and like you reading a good book. This situation isn't going to go away soon
    Stay safe and well Valerie and happy T day wishes.
    Yvonne xx

    1. Thanks. We all need happy things just now. I think we will have lots of time for cleaning, reading and arting are much more fun! Stay safe!

  32. Such a pretty springtime tag and those spring blooms and views look so pretty too 😀. We are much the same here having to now stay at home too, like you I find myself cleaning (not much though 😉), reading and crafting too! It's better to be safe than sorry and staying positive is key. Your balcony must be a lovely haven for you and those sunrises look gorgeous! Take care and sending Happy T Day wishes! Hugs, Jo x

  33. Liebe Valerie
    wie goldig dein Tags sind mit den Hasen darauf, herrlich Frühlingshaft!
    Die Vasen sind ja fabelhaft anzusehen diese Formen und Farben *wow* die Figuren genauso.
    Nachbarsgarten sehen auch so frühlingshaft aus und all die anderen Fotos!!!
    Ich bin froh das sich noch raus darf und Fahrrad fahrne kann, wir fahren immer wenn fast oder kein Mensch unterwegs ist. Hier geht das gut wenn keine Uruaber da sind.
    Alles gute in deinem Elfenturm und beim lesen und Kaffee trinken, bleib gesund und pass auf dich auf!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke! Viel Spaß beim Fahrradfahren, ich hoffe das Wetter bleibt gut. Bleib gesund und fit!

  34. I love the stacked cups, Valerie. Of course, the darling bunny tags too - who doesn't love cute bunnies? I'm glad you're finding ways to stay active and sane. I am too. I hope also that your fingers have continued to improve.

    Happy T-day! Eileen xx

    1. Thanks Eileen. The change of weather doesn't do my fingers good, but I can't alter it! Stay safe!

  35. Hi Val, sorry I am so late visiting, we've had chaos. We had to bring my MUm here again as she was very restless at the home, and she is being even more difficult than usual. This, too, shall pass! Love your beautiful art and photos, Little S loves the bunnies especially, she's sitting on my lap 'helping' me to type! Great photos, too. Take care of yourself, hugs, Sarah

    1. Sorry to hear about your mum, I know how difficult she can be....But as you say - it will pass. Stay safe!

  36. Fabulous tags Valerie, such cute bunnies again! Your flat looks lovely with the beautiful flowers and vases, and it's great to see Spring bursting into life outside. Take care, Sue xx

  37. Lovely tags and tulips! That orange and white vase was super!! We are trying to flatten the curve here as well. Although I did leave the house today to pick up a few essentials but severely limited my interactions with others. I'm usually a chatty sort, laughing, and surely getting into peoples 6 ft social distance....not today. I think we may be in store for a 2 week "shelter in place" order.

    1. Thanks Halle! Yes, social distancing is not really my things, and I hate being alone all day, but - it has to be! Stay safe!

  38. Sorry, my comment doesn't seem to have arrived.
    I was commiserating as I know you like to go for your long walks. It's good you are staying positive. We're all in the same boat.
    Your art is lovely as usual. I love those black and white cups. They look like they are embroidered.
    That sun is amazing! And the magnolia too.
    I love the tulips too. It is something I miss outside my country. The fact that in Holland you get a bunch of flowers with your daily shopping, and there are always flowers in the house, according to the season. So seeing your tulips lifts my spirits. The vases are beautiful, especially the glass one with the metallic glaze.
    Stay safe dear friend,
    Happy (belated) T-Day,

    1. Thanks Lisca! I do indeed miss my walks I hate being cooped up inside on my own 24/7. But sooner or later things will hopefully get back to normal again, whatever that might be! Glad you like the vases, I treasure them.

  39. Great tag, love it. Lovely to see the view from your balcony and the gorgeous magnolia trees, ours aren't out yet. All mine still in very tight bud.

  40. those bunnies look real -- stunning tag! keep well. xo

  41. Your tag is Wonderful dear Valerie! Love all your Art pieces too. Wish you had a lovely T-day, Sorry I´m late coming by.
    I love the vases, and the yellow onefrom the 60s is beautiful. The views from your house are wonderful, and the gardens of your neighbors full of flowers.
    I hope your fingers are better, and above all stay at home and take good care of yourself. We also stay at home here, from March 15th, but I hope that sooner rather than later, all this will happen.
    Biiiig hugs,

  42. Lovely post, your photos are beautiful.

  43. Hi Valerie!

    Your card with the bunny motifs is very sweet. All the photos you have shown, both yours and your neighbors, are a joy for the eyes and the soul, for all of us who cannot leave.
    Thank you for participating in Craftandia Challenge 2.
    Kisses and stay safe

  44. What a lovely blog post and so much to delight the reader! I love the tag - such a gorgeous, zingy background colour, it really sets off the little bunnies and butterflies. I also love your beautiful vases - especially the older one with the metallic glaze, it looks Art Nouveau in style. The sunrise photos are stunning - what a view to have from your balcony.
    Stay safe and keep well,
    Diana x

    1. Thanks Diana. It is an art nouveau vase, I love it, too. Stay safe and well!


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