Wednesday 1 January 2020

Welcome 2020

Hi Everybody!

Here's wishing us all a happy and healthy 2020.
We are starting a new year and a new decade, which will hopefully be a good one.
This past year has gone by quickly.
I am not doing a review of it just now, or making any resolutions for the new one. I just want to live in the present.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow a mystery, but today is a present, which we need to use wisely.

I am sharing my wish for us all with a tag made for Pinky's challenge, celebrations, at Tag Tuesday

The sun goes down on one year....

And rises on the next:

The words of Ecclesiastes, written so long ago, are still meaningful:

 'For everything there is a season, and a time for every purpose under heaven:  a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; a time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up;  a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;  a time to seek, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;  a time to love, and a time to hate; a time for war, and a time for peace.'

(Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8)

I hope that this year will be more of a time for love, peace and understanding that this last one was.

Have a good start in the new year, take care,
and thanks a lot for coming by!


  1. Hi Val, wonderful post, beautiful art and gorgeous photos, all pulled together so well with wise words and my fave quote. Happy New Year, may it be a good one for you. Hugs, Sarah

    1. Thanks Sweetie This year sure can't get much worse than the last one, so what the heck?!

  2. This is a wonderful post to end one year and begin another. It seems impossible that it is now January again, and a new year is beginning. I hope yours is a fantastic one Valerie, with happiness, good health and many smiles. Hugs-Erika

    1. Thanks Erika, hope yours will be wonderful, too!

  3. Love the banner and the tag fireworks. And nature’s fireworks of sunset 🌇 and sunrise 🌅

    1. Natures sound and light shows are always the very best!

  4. All the very best to you, Valerie. I hope that 2020 will bring you good health, long walks and great coffee.

    1. They are the three things I need to keep me going!

  5. Your tag is amazing. I'm super impressed with it. It's a real beauty.

    Like you, I hope 2020 is better than this past year. I hope you have a joyous, safe, healthy, and productive 2020, dear friend.

  6. BEAUTIFUL....Thanks for the e-card my lovely.....sure doesn't look like winter over your way by those

    1. With minus degrees and a thick frost it certainly feels like it!

  7. Gorgeous tag and wonderful reflections on the new year.

  8. A beautiful celebration tag and a lovely post to read. I hope the coming year will be a good one for you, healthy and happy. To live for the day sounds good to me as well.
    Yvonne xx
    Thank you for the great New Year e card, that song was sung in many places in the UK last night.
    Yvonne xx

  9. SchĂśnes Banner!
    Und im Jetzt leben ist richtig.
    Sehr schĂśne Fotos und weise Worte.
    Ich wĂźnsche dir ein wundervolles Neuer Jahr, GlG, Iris

  10. was fĂźr ein wunderschĂśnes Posting fĂźr den Wechsel ins 20 Jahrhundert, hĂśrt sich an!!!
    Toll dein Bild zum Tag, bewunderstwert deine Kreativtät mal wieder!!!!
    SchĂśne Stimmung hast du wieder mit gebracht!Die weise Worte von diesem Prediger passt immer noch in diesen neuen Jahr!
    Ich wĂźsnche dir alles gute, Gesundheit und Liebe im neuen Jahr!
    Lieben Gruss Elke

    1. Danke Elke. Dir Worte des Predigers sind in der Tat immer aktuell.

  11. Your cityscape with fireworks is just perfect to capture that New Year frenzy! But it's the peace and beauty of your countryside landscapes and skyscapes which bring balm to my soul. I completely agree with your hope for the new year, but I fear it may not be destined to come true. I hope you are right and I'm wrong! I'm still in Christmas hibernation (don't come out fully until after 12th Night on 6th January!), but am trying to do a bit of catching up with people even so. Happy New Year!
    Alison x

    1. The Rhine and the peaceful fields around here and the possibility to be able to walk here every day keep me sane. I loved my childhood and youth in London, but I don't want to go back there now.

  12. Thank you Val for the good advice and inspirational words! Have a great New Year!

  13. What a fabulous and happy tag, and such beautiful photographs. All the best for a wonderful 2020 xx

  14. Happy New Year. Wishing you the very best for this year. Thank you for all of your beautiful posts and lovely photos. Can't wait to see what you create this year.

  15. GORGEOUS tag and LOVELY photos, Valerie! HAPPY NEW YEAR, my dear friend.

  16. I will join you in a commitment to live in the present with peace, love, and understanding. I can only do what I can do, but I can at least try to do that. Happy New Year!

  17. Happy New year 🎉
    May this new decade bring you much happiness great health.
    Such beautiful and cheerful art to begin 2020...and of course your stunningly beautiful photos!

    Hugs ❤

  18. Happy New Year Valerie!! :) Your photos are so beautiful, living in the present is what so many people fail to do! It makes life so much nicer! :)

  19. A wonderful post Valerie, great tag and photos, and I love the text from Ecclesiastes.
    May we all live in the present, and in peace.
    Alison xx

  20. Your post is so beautiful and inspiring. Just what I needed on this cold start of the new year. To say that 2019 was a year of Great Loss of me would be an understatement. Not only the death of my father but the loss of trust in those who were supposed to be my greatest support and comfort. I struggle to come out of the deep despair that s surrounds and consumes me. I'm taking steps ..small baby steps... starting with an appointment with a grief counselor and signing up for a yoga class.
    I didn't mean to unload here....I'm sorry . m

    1. No need to be sorry. I'm sad that you feel so bad and hope that the counceling and yoga will help after the very hard time you had last year.

  21. dear I wish you all the best in 2020:)

  22. Happy New Year! May 2020 be filled with creativity!

  23. Wonderful tag and love the photos. This is a great bit of scripture, thanks for sharing. Happy New Year to you.x

  24. What a beautiful tag and your photographs are lovely! Happy New Year to you as well!

  25. Happy New Year Valerie, what a super tag to bring in the new year it's like the fireworks are bursts of creativity. May yours be as bright and light up the sky just like they do. Beautiful photography you make everyday look as inviting as the next.
    A timeless choice of words from Ecclesiastes there is indeed a time and a place for all and we have to except the rough to appreciate the smooth within our lives.
    Thank you so much Valerie for being such a good friend, always full of support and kindness, I look forward to another year full of shared creativity and past times.
    Sending hugs your way & sorry i'm later than intended today after the clean up from the night before we had visitors turn up to see Freya.. It's like having a new baby haa haa! xx

  26. your celebrate tag us amazing! it looks 3D and alive, well done! wishing you the best of 2020s! xo

  27. Your words are perfect. And yes, Eccl. got it right. Happy New Year, my friend. And so much more.

  28. Beautiful post Valerie, heres hoping for peace and understanding in the world. Happy New Year to you.

  29. Oh wow Valerie your tag is amazing! It just screams CELEBRATION!!


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